"oh, darling, all of the city lights never shine as bright as your eyes"
james arthur — "car's outside"
Seeing Lucifer lift the chicken award with a huge smile on his face isn't something that I ever thought I'd see in this town. Everything's strange in Forwell, how people dress as a hotdog on a daily basis, teenagers leaving drawings of a human shape as if it were a crime scene just to pull a prank, or even the fact that three strange man that were high discovered this town, it's cursed to be weird, but me experiencing Lucifer Donovan having the chicken award between his hands as he walks towards me, the biggest smile on his face, ready to kiss my lips, it's the strangest thing that has happened around here.
"Wooooo!" Teddy claps excited as Lucifer arrives by our side and the crowd starts fading away to return to the games in the fair.
"Not gonna lie," I feel Lucifer's hand on my lower back... it's more like three hands, since he still has his costume on "it feel pretty good."
"It's the people!" Mom yells as she grabs Teddy by the shoulder. "Nothing really interesting happens here so they make winning a chicken award that kids decide who's the winner, the most amazing thing in the world."
Teddy chuckles. "That and the fact that if you stay here for the week, you'll have like a thousand of people congratulating you like you just won an Oscar."
"To be fair," I add "Lucifer's acting as a chicken was pretty amazing, so, I can already smell the Oscar nominations coming through. Leonardo DiCaprio, he better watch out.." When Lucifer leaves a gentle kiss on the side of my head, I can't help but look at him and stare at his green eyes. He seems like he can't erase the smile on his face, it's not big right now, just a tiny one on the corner of his mouth that pulls through like water in every crevice, you can't prevent it. And, to be honest, mine doesn't seem like it's gonna disappear any time soon.
The memory of us an hour ago comes back to me. My words and his reaction, our embrace of the other and our happy cries. It's real. It's fucking real. I love him. Just like expected, it's all still new to me, and my heart at the thought of it jumps a beat.
"You two seem happy..." Mom's words breaks our eye contact. She's staring at us as if she's trying to deduce what happened when we talked, and for the way she smirks and slowly shakes her head happily, it makes me wonder how is she so great at reading people.
"Yeah." Teddy nods, crossing his arms around his chest and looking at us proudly. "Don't want to brag but this is thanks to me, you know."
What is he on about? "Teddy, how much soda did you had?"
"I was the one that insisted on you two getting together. Movie nights? Why do you have think I suggested so many?"
"They're your favourite things to do, dumbass."
"No— I mean, yes, but, c'mon, movies.... all the lights are off.... setting the mood.... touching... kissing.... making out—" Mom grabs Teddy's head.
"That's where you stop, little boy."
"And I was the one that closed the door that night! The one where you two got locked in the patio— wait, "little boy"?"
I stop my thought processing my little brother's confession.
Lucifer tilts his body a bit forward. "Was that you?" He asks, beating my own words to let out my surprise.
"I thought that was mom!"
Teddy chuckles. "C'mon, mom isn't that fast." Which gains him a slap on the back of his head.
"Watch your mouth, little boy, I may not be as fast as you but this body created you and your soul, so, you can't beat me."
Knowing that mom definitely earns that point, Teddy takes a step backwards and slides his way out the conversation to join back his friends who are paint shooting each other... yeah, don't ask, that's not a part of the fair and I for sure gonna keep my mouth shut.
Mom's smile hasn't disappeared. "I think Teddy and I will stay for a bit longer. Why don't you two go back to the house so Lucifer can clean this night off?" My eyes wonder, if the smile in her lips is what I think it is.
"Sure..." I slowly reply, holding Lucifer's arm.
"We'll be home in like... an hour, maybe a bit later than that?"
"Why are you giving me a time? You're the mother here... mother."
"I just want to make sure you know when we're coming home so if you don't see us at that time you can start worrying, before that, it's all good."
"Yeah, sure, "worrying", like a lot of crime happens in this town. The first and last time we called the cops since I can remember it was because Mrs. Poppy got stuck in her apartment and we couldn't get her out—"
"Mrs. Poppy?" I hear Lucifer softly ask by my side.
When mom points at me with a warning stare, I can't help but let out a little chuckle. "I'm the mother here and I set the rules." She shifts her eyes from me to Lucifer, repeatedly. "I'll be back in hour and a half, is that understood?"
"Wasn't it an hour—?"
"Hour and a half!" She holds her stare to Lucifer. "Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am." Lucifer doesn't wait a second to reply, it was almost immediately. Again, I have to prevent myself from laughing at this weird yet common situation with mom, where we both know what we're talking about even if the exact words don't come out of our mouths.
Finally, mom, relaxing her stare, she grows a genuine smile on her lips as she turns around and joins the basketball stand without me.
"What was that all about?" I face Lucifer, who holds a confused stare in his eyes.
"She knows we may fuck—"
"Yeah— c'mon, pretty boy, let's go."
When my arm goes locked on his, he has no other option than to follow me away from the fair. The music slowly fades away, just like the kids still playing around and the hundreds of lights become the moonlight above us. It indeed is a lovely night. And one of the million of things I like about Forwell is that me walking home at night with a man wearing a chicken costume is the most normal thing in the world.
"Can I take the costume off now?" I hear Lucifer whisper next to me.
"Why are you whispering?" I copy his tone.
"Because the kids may take me as a traitor if I reveal that I'm not actually a chicken, and them attacking me with their sticky little hands is a possibility."
He's a boxing champing but he's also afraid of little kids attacking him. I'm not surprised, though, sometimes kids can be the definition of evil.
"You can take it off, Lucifer, it's alright." I turn around facing the fair behind us as Lucifer slowly removes the costume from his body. My eyes shift down to his shirt pulling up just a bit when he lifts his arms, and for the way that he gently moves, my attention holds in place admiring his body. He's removing a chicken costume, for Christ sake, he can't have me like this.
"Wait—" Lucifer suddenly stops, still wearing the chicken feet "let's go back, we have to return it."
I chuckle at his innocence. "No." Lifting both of my hands in between my mouth, I focus on the group of teenagers trying to sneak a beer from the food stand "Who wants to take the chicken costume back to the pit for a dollar?!"
Immediately, I have the whole group of kids walking my way.
When they take the costume between them all and I hand a dollar to one of them, I turn to Lucifer glued on his place as his eyes follow the kids getting further and further away.
"Teenagers will do anything for money." I say to gain his attention. "Even more if it gives him the option to buy beer."
Once Lucifer finally looks back at me and places his hand on my lower back to regain our walk, his eyes don't shift away from mine. "What are you looking at?"
"I love this town."
I keep my mouth shut surprise at his confession. It's not strange that people love this town, after a while, you get to find the love that it has and appreciate the weirdness, but for someone who's been there only a couple of times, it is strange that they find themselves loving it.
I furrow my eyebrows. "Really?"
"It's you." He says sweetly.
"What do you mean?"
"If I had to imagine a place where Lilith Avery is from, this town would be what I imagined. Someone as amazing as you had to come from a place like this."
I chuckle. "Weird as people dressing like chickens?"
There it is again. Lucifer smiles at me like he's sinking the moment in, wanting to hold on to us in this second. His eyes, somehow, manage to blend in under the moonlight and shine with tiny sparkles that I find myself staring at for as long as I can.
"I had a fun time tonight." He murmurs, snapping me back to reality. My mouth opens to let out for the tenth time the words thank you to him, when he lets go of my waist and takes a step back with his eyes still glued on mine. "Stay there." Giving a quick look to something behind me, he takes his hand inside his pocket.
"Why?" I ask giving my surroundings a look, maybe find something that could answer me why is Lucifer stopping, but there's nothing much than the typical houses in Forwell.
"Just do it." He simply replies, which leads to me staring back at him with an arched eyebrow.
"Do you know me at all? When have I done what men told me?"
Lucifer suddenly takes off his phone out of his pocket. "I'll buy you cereal."
Confused on what he's doing on his phone while I stand in my place, when he lifts the tiny electronic in front of his face and the cheeky smile on his mouth appears, the immediate realisation of what's about to happen rushes over me. "Are you gonna take a picture? No, no, no..."
"Yes, yes, yes." He removes his phone away from his face. "You look beautiful. And this house is lovely, so, the perfect place for a picture."
"Lucifer—" but he ignores my complaint, his phone is back to where it was a second ago. I flip him off.
"Perfect." I hear him say behind the phone. "I'm sure the neighbours of this house are gonna love you flipping off in front of their house..." I don't stop to catch and notice if his words are sarcasm or not, when a familiar fence catches my eyes, my attention shifts to the house that Lucifer is talking about.
With a pink door that I recognise immediately, a tall grass covered in orange flowers, and a mail box that I almost knocked over while riding my bike at the age of twelve, the cottage house of the one and only Mrs. Poppy is the one that's behind me.
Oh, shit.
"Wait..." I brusquely turn to Lucifer, hoping that what my brain is having on mind isn't truly gonna happen.
"What?" Lucifer leaves the picture of his phone and erases the smile on his face once he notices the concern in my eyes.
"What time is it?"
"Past ten, why—"
It's too late. I don't have the time to grab Lucifer's arm and push him away, or even yell the words "step back!" to him. The clock hits 10:14 and the sound of the automatic sprinklers from Mrs. Poppy showers us both.
The water soaks my clothes and skin, the chilly wind gets noticed a bit more by my body and my hair sticks to me. It's like I just jumped in a pool full clothed.
Yeah, just like every night with Mrs. Poppy's sprinklers. Kids play with it, teenagers fear it, and adults try to avoid it. And, hate to admit this, but this has happened to me more times that I could count. Trust me, it's no fun when you're coming home from a night out in winter and you find yourself under the surprise of this sprinklers. They get you, somehow, every time.
"This is why!" I yell, defeated, getting closer to Lucifer and his wet body. "You and your need for pictures..."
But Lucifer doesn't seem to mind, the biggest of smiles is on his face while he's facing my way. My eyes wonder around his wet body, his shirt sticking to his abdomen showing his fit body, his tattooed arms and now straight hair gluing itself to his forehead and side of his head. His green eyes, though, are what steals my attention the longest. Lashes that could work as an umbrella for us, and little sparkles of light that hold me locked in Lucifer like he's grabbing me tightly, even if no part of him is touching mine. I stare and I stare, and there's no part of him that I hate. Or maybe there is, and it's the fact that no matter what he does, my heart flutters at the sight of him and his beautiful self.
When I notice his eyes shifting down to my body, slowly admiring it, he doesn't hold them long there, instead, he goes back to my eyes like it's what interests him the most. Butterflies run wild inside my stomach the moment Lucifer takes a step closer to my body and his hand grabs my waist to pull me in as if it were an automatic click, and his touch opened the gate to where the annoying butterflies are being locked in.
Lucifer holds me tightly, left hand on my waist while his right one caresses my chin with his thumb. It slowly traces my skin towards my cheek, then, ready to unite our lips together, his hand pulls me in giving me a sweet kiss. It's wet from our bodies being that way. He manages to transform the coldness of the water into warmth, as if fire burned inside of his lungs and by touching me he transports it to mine.
Our lips move slowly and gently, letting us both enjoy the touch of the other and the moment of water still raining above us. It feels like this moment could last forever if we wanted to, minutes feel like seconds as we get lost in each other.
When the sprinklers are done doing their job, they turn off and break our kiss apart, interrupting the silence with our breathing and a couple of laughs coming from our mouths.
Lucifer closes his eyes and tilts his head back, letting me see a tiny dimple on the corner of his mouth when he smiles again. "Fuck..." I can't help but chuckle at the sight of him, defeated on his likeness to our kiss and our bodies close to the other, and to be honest, I feel it too, there's no other person that I've ever kissed that can compare to him. When he goes back to me, his dark stare is joined by a cheeky smirk. "I just remembered you love me. How embarrassing." He jokes with a sarcastic tone.
"You loved me first, idiot." I don't waste a second on responding it. "You're the embarrassing one." His mouth doesn't open, it's just his eyes giving a quick look to my lips and the smile still on his face. "Why is it taking you a lot of time to give me an answer? Your tiny brain can't comprehend another comeback?"
"No, it just takes me a while to understand stupidity."
I open my mouth pretending to be offended even if on the inside, I have to give him that one. It was good. But there's no way that's gonna come out of my mouth to admit it. "So how do you understand your own brain, then?"
"Yours is like a level I've never seen. Bigger than I could ever imagine."
Our tiny banter pulls me back to the past. Liking it, I find myself smiling even if my words don't have intention to express it. "Yeah, I figured. Your brain is that stupid it can't work properly, it has trouble imagining someone better than you."
Lucifer arches an eyebrow. "You think you're better than me?"
"I know I'm better than you, Donovan."
Both of his hands rush to my waist and slightly pull up the end of my shirt, just to have the enough space for his fingertips to play around against my skin. "That easy for you to say?" His tone is flirty, almost teasingly.
"So fucking easy."
"What else is easy for you?"
Bringing my lips to the edge of his, I let my breathing hit his skin. And catching the shine in his eyes as they can't part away from my lips, I let my arm wrap around Lucifer's neck ready to breath out my words. "Think ways to lead you to my room." I start, watching him slowly sink in my tone. "Tell you to take off your clothes and lay on my bed. Kiss you and watch you unfold, weak on the knees and wild hands." Tilting my head a bit to the side for our noses to not bump into each other, the tip of my lips brush Lucifer's. This doesn't seem to pass unnoticed by him, the way his fingertips press strongly against my skin allows me to catch his affect, quicker breathing and slightly opened mouth forming a tiny smirk, hearing my voice like his life depended on it. "Touch every inch of your body, softly and gently, until there's no more space to touch. See your eyes look at my body like I'm the only one you want." I almost kiss him, but stop to admire Lucifer and his inability to be in control after my words. His wet hair still sticks to his forehead, his eyes shine under the moonlight allowing me see the desire he has inside, darkly and deeply, he stares at me with no intention to talk after me. It's like he's waiting for me to open my hand and let him be on the palm of it. I smile to myself, loving this look in him. "It's easy for me because, deep down, you know, no matter what I do, what I say," I breath out against his lips "you, Lucifer Donovan, you're mine..."
Lucifer slowly tilts his head back as he murmurs: "Shiiiiiiit..."
A laugh escapes me. "What?"
"You're good, damn, you're good." When he goes back to me, he doesn't waste a second to kneel down just enough to grab my legs and throw me like a potato bag on his left shoulder. My eyes only see his ass in front of me. "We need to go."
"Lucifer!" I try to complaint, but honestly, the view of his ass isn't so bad right now. "You don't know the way to my house—"
"I'll find it..."
My eyes, somehow, catch an upside down tree that I recognise from the complete opposite way to my house. "You're going the wrong way!"
"Shhhh! You're gonna wake the neighbours, let's leave that for later—"
"Left, left, go left!"
Finally, a tree a recognise from being the right one, steals a relief breath out of my mouth. "If you didn't have a beautiful ass, I'd be kicking it right now for picking me up like this."
"I was willing to take the risk."
A house. A door. A plant. A dog barking. All things I see and hear when I make my way towards my house from the main road. Once my eyes locate the drawing Teddy and I made with markers on the street, two dogs (they don't look like dogs, they seem like dinosaurs now that I stare at them from another perspective), eating popsicles, I know there's only a couple of steps away from my front door.
Yep, that's the sound the front porch does when you step on it. This is my lovely house. We're here.
Even if I do want to ask how's Lucifer managing to go up the stairs while I'm on his shoulder, my mouth doesn't open since he drops me off on the floor. He stands by the door with crossing arms and a flirtatious smirk, his shoulder slowly leans over the frame for him to rest his body weight on it. Intrigued on what could possible be his next words, I stand there following his eyes give a slow look to my body.
"Something's wrong." He finally says, going back to my eyes.
"Your shirt is still on." His tone is dark, matching the poor light of the outside. The raspiness of his voice acts like an earthquake on my heart, and speeds it inside my chest.
Lucifer has his eyes glued on mine when he leaves the door frame and holds my waist to pull me closer. Doing as he says, my body moves and touches his, the space between us almost invisible. His lips gain my attention when a smirk appears, tiny, but noticeable for me to stare at it for a second straight.
"Love?" I hear his voice call me, making my ears beg to hear him say that word again. "Do you hear it?"
"Hear what?" I manage to ask, almost in a whisper.
Lucifer doesn't reply. Instead, with his left hand, he grabs mine and leaves it against his chest. Soon later, the feeling of his heart beating becomes all my brain thinks about. It's quick, quicker than mine, deep and roughly, like a drum being used.
"My heart beating for you, Lilith." He whispers, yet, sounding firm against the wind blowing around us. "This is what you do to me."
As an automatic thing to do, my hand grabs his free one and does what Lucifer did a minute ago. Leaving it on my chest, his touch steals a tiny breath from my mouth. "Why does is it beat so fast?" I ask, softly, going back to his eyes already on mine. They shine with lust, breaking my ability to be in control into a million pieces.
"I don't know..." leaving my hand free, Lucifer touches my cheek to caress my lower lip with his thumb. A second later, his lips are against mine in a slow motion.
We don't take time to get into it. My body gives in to him like his does with mine, ready to become one and enjoy the other as if this was the last time we could ever be in the other's presence.
My mouth goes slightly opened for his tongue to slip inside. Playing with mine, in a slow movement, the hotness in my body suddenly overcoming me rushes the need for him to my veins. His hand traces down to my neck for his thumb to wrap around my neck, holding me in place. It's strong, but enough, where it's not something that bothers me, the complete opposite, fills me with a lovely feeling inside my chest where a part of me begs for him to do it with more strength.
Lucifer's hand on my chest leaves it. Soon later, the sound of the front door opening surrounds my ears. Without breaking the kiss, Lucifer slightly bends his knees while his hand leaves my neck to grab the back part of my thighs. Pulling me up in a quick movement, they wrap around his waist to not fall, just like my arms hold his neck tightly.
Like he knows the place as if it were his own house, Lucifer turns around and walks inside of it with eyes closed. Once my body recognises the warmth of the living room, my hand moves automatically and closes the door behind us.
My wet back touches the fabric of the couch as Lucifer leaves my body on it. He kneels down in front of me, still with my legs around his body. Our eyes connect, filled with lust and need waiting to be cured, my heart is enable to slow down as the tingling feeling surrounds my chest. Lucifer Donovan, the man that I met months ago, found myself hating him and fighting until my lungs begged for air, is now looking at me with love, admiring my soul on it's all as I do the same, enable to stare away from his green mesmerising eyes liking the idea of me being his and him being mine. Only us and no one else. Lucifer and I together. Is that so strange to think? That things, could change that drastically?
"I still can't believe it." He breaths out. "If weeks ago someone would've old me you, Lilith Avery was gonna fall for me, I would've stare at them like they're the most crazy person ever."
I chuckle placing my hand on the side of his face to bring him closer. "I'm the crazy one, falling for the dude I hate? What's this? A romantic movie?"
His laugh surrounds the room, and I love it. My ears want to hear it again.
"If I proceed to take your clothes off, are you gonna punch me in the ribs?"
I pretend to think about it. "Yes."
Lucifer touches our noses together. "Jokes on you, I'm a boxer, I'm into that shit."
My laugh gets cut off by him crashing our lips together. This time, it's quick and rough, leading our giant need for the other out in the open. Our breathings mixing, the warmth in my skin rushes to me like a wave of fire hits me, and the kiss, somehow, becomes quicker and needier. With quick hands, Lucifer removes both of my shoes and tosses them on the floor.
His tongue caresses mine the moment he places both of his hands on each side of my waist, slightly lifting me up to remove the jeans on my body. Faster that I could notice, Lucifer pulls it down with the help of my own and the jeans are soon on the floor. The coldness in the room touching my skin gets thrown away when Lucifer joins my thighs and with his big hands, traces down until the end of my knees when he breaks our kiss. His eyes locked on mine, strong hands glued to my skin, and a smirk on the corner of his mouth, Lucifer gives my body a slow look while his quick breathing is the only thing my ears can hear in the room. His needy stare makes my heart melt and my body beg for him, eyes loving the sight of this man waiting to have me right then and there.
"It'll never get old." He breaths out as he goes back to my eyes.
"The look you have while you wait for me to fuck you."
With only his words, he manages for my heart to skip a beat.
When he crushes our lips again it prevents me from thinking something to reply, but my hands rushing to his cheek to hold him in place is the confirm that he needs; I can't wait for him.
A tiny breath of surprise soon leaves my mouth when Lucifer's thumb touches my underwear. My folds' pleasure is something sudden that my chest can't help but feel those tingles once again. He traces them up and down slowly and gently without breaking our lips apart.
Needing to get rid of my clothes, both of my hands grab the end of my shirt to pull it up and out from my body. Lucifer noticing this, leaves my lips to help me and then toss it aside on the couch. Finally, the wetness of my clothes on my skin isn't bothering me anymore, and the warmth of the room and Lucifer's touch allows me to feel the comfort of the couch.
Like he doesn't want to waste any seconds more, Lucifer joins our lips together once again to then regain his touch with his thumb against my folds. This time, doing a couple of circles around my clit, the tension in my chest grows and the depth of his body on mine steals a tiny yet almost silent moan from the back of my throat.
Breaking the kiss, and opening my eyes, I find Lucifer smirking at the sound that just came out of me. He liked it. He loves it. He can't wait to make me moan again. And that proves on the way he immediately bends his head and places himself in between my thighs.
Kiss after kiss, gentler as ever, Lucifer touches my skin with his lips and traces down until my underwear still on my body. I wait for him to remove it and get on with it, but he doesn't, he moves upwards to my stomach and does the same as before; kiss after kiss. Soon enough, he's against my lips, breathing mixing with mine, and eyes locked on each other as if a million of words could be said by doing this, hoping that, somehow, everything we have to say or even feel about the other, is talked in this tiny stare between us.
When he smiles again and does a quick look to my lips, I find myself feeling like I could stare at him forever. "Do you want to do this?" He breaths out.
Automatically, feelings and desire jumping out of my body, I nod without even hesitating. "Yes, Lucifer."
His smile becomes bigger. "Say it again."
"Say what again?"
"How much you want me to fuck you. How much do you want me to make you cum."
I touch his cheek bringing him closer. My eyes don't let go of his while my breathing tries to take control of the air coming in and out. Words and words fly around in my head waiting to stop and find the perfect ones... and they do. "Lucifer?" I call his name.
"I love you."
He immediately closes his eyes and rests his head on my chest. "Fuck, Avery." I can't help but laugh at his reaction and at how cute he is. "It's like you know when to say it."
"I do know when to say it." I add, teasingly. "Are you gonna go at it or not? Because this feeling may pass—"
Lucifer swinging his head up cuts me off. "I'm on it, I'm on it." I laugh again.
With his chuckle being cut short when his lips kiss my bare stomach, Lucifer leads down towards the top of my underwear and stops right on the edge. Placing both of his hands on my waist, I understand what he wants to do, and to help him like I did with the jeans, I lift my waist. As quick as he can, he removes my underwear leaving me completely naked while sitting on the couch.
I have to let out a long breath out to prepare myself on feeling him against me, even then, when his touch becomes real between my legs, no matter how many breaths I could've let out, nothing would've make me not react to his tongue slowly tracing my folds. The pleasure is so sudden, hitting me in a warm feeling around my thighs that my eyes go close to sink in the moment and give in to his tongue. The tip of it teases my clit for a second, but then it entirely starts upwards and then downwards while I, rest my head back on the couch.
Lucifer's slow movements allow me to feel him deeply, get my body ready and fully wrapped my head around what's gonna happen. It isn't just us having sex, we've done it already, but this time, it's the first time we're gonna have sex while we love each other. Let us be intimate with the other involving feelings, nothing but care, and desiring the other in a more deeper way than just wanting to fuck. Suddenly, it's like my body becomes nervous to experience this for the first time, but when Lucifer's tongue leaves my folds for a moment and looks up at me, those shining green eyes act like a wave of safety to my chest, and transforms every little thing that's bothering me into dust. Nothing that could steal me from this moment, where him and I, love each other and we're ready to take this into a whole new level. Him and I, nothing more.
Soon again, Lucifer's way of working on my clit makes me understand that he's gonna stay there for as long as it takes. His tongue moving side to side steals a breath out of me. Then, downwards to my entrance. Teasing it with just the tip, he goes back to my clit for his tongue to work again. It's like a combination of it all that he's trying to do, taking his time to get me to that wanted point and making it all worth it in the end.
Once Lucifer speeds his tongue on my clit, the desire for him to stay there becomes bigger than I ever expected it to. Seems like me not having him all these weeks did affect me, and finally getting it, makes me lose control of my body and actions quicker than normal.
My back sinks into the couch a bit more. My legs go wider around his head for him to be more comfortable, and that works, his head swings deeper allowing me to feel his tongue against my clit with much definition.
The breathing that my lungs ask for becomes quicker, making the movement my stomach does be more noticeable. Not knowing what to do with my hands for a moment, they act on themselves and fly down to Lucifer's still wet hair, and tangle around with it just to lay there and feel his presence even more.
Changing the rhythm to a slower one but joining in with his whole tongue instead of just the tip, Lucifer moves a bit closer and opens his mouth to have a wider space against my folds. That allows him to work on them for a while but not leave my clit with no less attention. The combination still goes on, just like he likes it, taking his sweet fucking time like he's enjoying the hell out of it.
Wanting to have a bit of control as well, my hips start moving in a slow motion in front of him, following his rhythm with no problem at all. This doesn't seem to pass unnoticed by Lucifer, better, he loves it, and makes the grip on my waist stronger just to help me move them against him.
Quickly, as if my body was waiting to feel the familiar wave of fire on my thighs and pelvis, I get hit me with it as soon as Lucifer speeds just a bit more on my clit. This time, he doesn't leave to trace down my folds, instead, he stays there without changing his rhythm on me. This immediately makes me slightly tense up, allowing me to breath the thicker air that seems to be around the room with a heavier body.
My chest tenses up as well the moment that Lucifer, somehow, manages to make himself deeper against me with his tongue. This, steals a low moan out from my mouth. I can tell that Lucifer liked this reaction on me, he moves his tongue down to my folds for a quick trace down and then back to my clit, regaining an even quicker speed and shaking, yet, another moan.
"Fuck, fuck—" I breath out with troubled words.
Moving his chin just a bit away from my body, Lucifer's index finger finds its way to slip inside of me with a slow yet strong thrust. Like expected, a shakily moan comes out of me. The combination of it all tenses my legs more, as well as the wave of fire becomes stronger inside of me.
Like he did before, his tongue traces my folds to then go back to my clit. And this time, just by the way he's playing around with it with the entirety of his tongue, makes me feel exactly what he wants me to, the distant orgasm peeking through.
His finger is joined by his middle one to start moving in and out, quicker than before, and that breaks me inside and the result of it is a moan out from my mouth, shakily thighs and a tense chest.
No air comes in for my lungs to be comfortable, instead, all the tension surrounding my body keeps my mouth opened, but nothing in or our of it.
The fire in my blood rushes to my pelvis to combine itself with the already existing warmth. It's all right. Lucifer does it right, and no control is left on my body to help me make it better. Even if, to be honest, there's no way I could think ways to make it better than it already is.
"Shit, shit, that's it." I manage to say. Don't know how, but my words make their way out of me. "You're doing so— so good, baby."
That phrase gave Lucifer the ultimate way to make me finish. With his tongue working on my clit and his fingers slipping in and out me, the orgasm finally hits me out of as it tenses my muscles all at once.
My moan shakes the walls around us. Louder than I intended to, it soon fades away even if my mouth is still opened. Lucifer slowly changes the rhythm of his tongue while removing his fingers out of me. Soon later, my quick breathing is all that can be heard.
It takes me a while to gain the control of my body. My eyes are still closed as I wait to slow down my breathing. With a dizzy head, I manage to move my head away from the back of the couch to then feel how Lucifer leaves the space between my legs and moves upwards towards my face.
Finally, my eyes go slowly open. And finding Lucifer's tired eyes and quick breathing, matching mine with perfection, the smile on his mouth sends one to mine, enable to think any words that could possibly be flirty of me to say.
"Fuck." Yep, that's something.
"Fuck what?" Lucifer breaths out. "Fuck me? Yeah, you'll get to that, love. Don't worry."
This asshole. Even in this situation he finds himself being cheeky and stealing a laugh out of me. "You're an idiot."
"I sure am." Lucifer gives me a quick kiss before going back to my eyes. "An idiot who almost giggled like a little boy when you called me baby."
I arch an eyebrow. "You liked it?"
He nods. "But to be fair you do call me an asshole and I like it also, so, I think it's just when it comes from you."
My eyes wonder on themselves and lead down to Lucifer's body when he moves away from my own. His wet clothes are still sticking to his fit body, allowing me to see a part of him and for my eyes to ask for more.
"My eyes are up here, Avery."
I smirk at him, still, with my eyes wondering around his body. "It's not your eyes I want now, Donovan."
Lucifer chuckles. "Only wanting me for my body?" He jokes. "I'm offended."
When he places his hand on his chest to play dramatic, this time, I do land my eyes on him to find nothing but jokiness in his face. Rolling my eyes, I leave the back of the couch to lean over to him, and bring our faces against each other. "You're telling me you don't want to lift me up and take me to my bed? Watch me naked ready for you to fuck me?"
He doesn't open his mouth. Instead, his smirk becomes bigger as he tilts his head to the side. His eyes shine with desire as they move down to my lips, begging him to kiss me even if no words are coming out of my mouth.
"You want to fuck me so bad, Donovan." I whisper. "So fucking bad." I want to shake my head and keep playing the part, when Lucifer places his hand under my thighs and the other one on my back, lifting me up with no problem at all. His quickness makes me laugh, allowing me to see how needy he truly is.
"Yes, I do want to fuck you, Avery." He makes his way towards my room. While I, kick my feet playfully enjoying him like this. "This fucking wound didn't allow me to do it before and I spent weeks without having you. But now... " he drops me on the bed as he stands on the edge of it.
I arch an eyebrow, teasingly. "Now what?"
He bends down on the bed, both hands on the side of my head to hold his body above mine. Touching his nose with mine, he mixes our breathings together like a tornado. "You told me I'm yours no matter what you do, love, so, I'm gonna show you what that truly means.."
My heart skips a beat at the excitement of it. There's no much I can do after that, Lucifer crashes our lips together in a rough movement. Brushing the edges of his clothes against my skin, it makes me realise that he's still fully clothed, while there's no left clothes on my body. So, wanting to change that, my legs wrap themselves around Lucifer waist and with the strength that my upper body has (not much, but I still try), manage to swing Lucifer around and end his back on the bed instead, with my body sitting on top of him.
The quickness of my actions surprise Lucifer, I can tell by the way he doesn't say anything right away and just stares at our new position with slow eyes.
"Maybe I have to show you something first." I say leaning closer to his lips, but before I kiss him, my eyes get to see a smirk forming on his lips.
Our kiss doesn't last long, though, Lucifer grabbing the both sides of my waist and pulling apart to strengthen my back on top of him, his eyes lean down my naked body. "Let me admire you for a second, love."
"You are an observant, aren't you?"
Lucifer locks our eyes together, stealing a beat from my heart. "Only to you." He murmurs.
The way his eyes slowly wonder around my body feels completely different from anything I've experienced before. It's not like those guys that stare when I walk pass, or when they find themselves locked on me while we're on the bus, or prior sex partners of mine, no, nothing like that, this feeling isn't something that I find the words to describe. But it does feel like those art pieces of the museum, where sometimes, I find myself staring at the people around me instead of the art, wondering and admiring the looks on their faces. Intrigued eyes, looking for words inside their heads, trying to see every little detail possible that the artists left for the most observant people to find. That is the look that Lucifer has on, with his shining green eyes yet dark stare, relaxed mouth and soft hands on my skin, he finds himself staring at me like I'm one of those art pieces, full of ideas and thoughts behind it, even if there's no muscle of me moving.
"You're so beautiful, Avery." He murmurs out. "It's like you get more beautiful each time I look at you, how's that possible?"
I slowly shake my head, smiling at him. "Don't know..." My whispered words are followed by the silence in the room.
Lucifer sits down on the bed, and almost brushing our noses, his right hand caresses my cheek. "I'm so in love with you..."
"Then you're crazy." I manage to say, even if my heart is starting to beat insanely at his touch and closeness.
"No." Lucifer shakes his head as he tilts his head slightly to the side, getting our lips almost touching. "Crazy is to think that once I met you, I'd never fallen for you, Lilith." His tone is so soft that it feels like it's caring my ears and skin, slowly allowing me to process his words with no trouble.
I don't get to reply to his words, Lucifer unites our lips together in a deep motion, wanting us to become one. His hands are placed on my lower back, gently brushing his fingertips against my naked skin. Clothes still being on his body, I lead mine down to the end of his shirt ready to pull it off and finally get that warmth he manages to make me feel. He notices this, and breaks the kiss allowing me to slip the shirt off. Soon later, and (obviously) inevitably, my eyes fly down to stare at his tattoos. They're perfect, filling each other in such a similarly way that no space is left to wish something else could blend it. The snake surrounds it all, every little piece that holds a meaning behind it, family, loved activities, and other pieces that Lucifer found himself liking at that time.
Going upwards to his neck, the memory of my tattoo idea rushes to my mind.
"I'm gonna get it." Lucifer's soft words breaks me from my mesmerised eyes towards his, already looking my way.
"Get what?"
"Your tattoo. The red lightning."
Something about Lucifer getting a tattoo that was my idea makes me melt in sweetness, and to be honest, it grows the hotness that I already found in him ten times bigger.
"Badass." I say, slowly nodding, gaining a little laugh from his part.
"Or would you rather just your face on my ass?"
"Yes, that's better." No jokiness on my voice. "My face on your face is the bare minimum I ask for if we're gonna do this."
He arches an eyebrow, teasingly. "Do what?"
His question makes me stay in silence realising what my words truly meant.
Us. Together. As in...
"Fine." Lucifer says. "I'll get your beautiful face on my ass, anything for you, my love."
My love.
"You have my naked body on top of yours and you're talking about tattoos?" I tease. "What a way to get a girl into it, Donovan."
He chuckles, and it's the most beautiful sound ever. "Bet."
—what an ass.
Brushing my lips with his, almost into a kiss, Lucifer smirks his way into it. And just like that, he has me, beating heart and robbed breaths, his lips on mine like we're only gonna do this once and this is the time to make the fucking best out of it.
Automatically, wanting more the second his lips land on mine, my hands fly down to the edge of his pants. Unbuttoning it and grabbing his zipper, with my free hand, placing it on his chest I push Lucifer down for his back to rest on the bed. Soon later, my body is standing outside the bed ready to pull his pants off his body.
His eyes locked on mine, my hands running through his skin, and smiles that could speak a million of words, I sit back on his waist feeling his underwear against my skin. Fills me with pleasure, that my waist automatically moves forward and backwards, making me close my eyes enjoying it fully.
"That's it, baby." I hear Lucifer say, softly. "Make yourself feel good with me."
I bring my body downwards more, allowing me to feel him deeper. Relaxed under his touch, both of his hands move slowly forward and backwards on my waist, helping me with the rhythm and make the pleasure a bit bigger. Mine, feel themselves free and with my fingertips caress Lucifer's bare chest.
"Fuck, baby..." He breaths out.
Stealing a tiny moan from the back of my throat as soon as my folds surround themselves with Lucifer's new boner, a smile appears on my lips as my eyes go opened, finding the same type of smile on his face. But there's nothing else for me to do when Lucifer places his hand on the back of my neck while the other hand lifts my body, ending with my back facing the bed as he stands and removes his underwear off his body. Soon later, above me again, elbows resting on each side of my head and the touch of his skin against mine, Lucifer brushes our noses together as the air coming out of us mix.
The need for him between my legs is unbearable. My legs wrap around his waist for Lucifer to finally thrust inside me, but he doesn't move, instead, he caresses with his erect dick my wet folds. A long breath escapes my mouth, and Lucifer liking this, smiles at me with a deep stare that makes my desire for him even bigger, almost breakable at the slightest of touch.
And I was right.
When Lucifer kneels in front of me as his hand grabs his boner, placing it on my entrance, I force a breath in to prepare myself for him. My desire it's soon filled, Lucifer slowly thrusting like he's letting us both enjoy the other after not being able to for a long time. The more he moves inside, the more I enjoy the tension around my pelvis.
His tiny moan and long breath full of pleasure is like music to my ears. He's half in, I can feel it, and the deeper he goes, the closer he gets to my face. Now back with his elbows resting on the side of my head, giving a sweet kiss is when he finally thrust his whole inside of me a quicker motion. My moan trapped in his lips isn't heard from a distance, still, it shakes my throat in a pleasuring way.
Hitting that special spot, Lucifer stays there for a moment after he breaks our kiss. He rests his forehead on the side of my neck gently biting my skin, finally letting sink the moment in of us being connected with each other. When his teeth let go, his breathing surrounds me instead.
"I missed you so fucking much, Lilith..." He breaths out as he starts to slip in and out in a slow motion "you feel so good."
"I know." I tease. Wrapping my legs a bit tighter around him, it closes my pelvis leading for my insides to feel him in a complete deeper way. It seems that Lucifer notices the change too, another moan escapes his mouth and his eyes connect with mine.
"Fuck." A laugh troubles his words.
When Lucifer looks down to his waist he moves a bit quicker in an out, hitting that perfect spot each time and stealing low moans from my mouth.
Another laugh comes from Lucifer as he goes back to me, smirk formed on his mouth from hearing my moans. "Yeah, I know I feel good too, thank you." His tone is cocky, almost making me want to punch him in the face.
Still, he manages to slip out a laugh. But it's soon trapped in between another shakily moan the moment Lucifer thrust in a rough movement that not even in the brightest of moments I could've seen it coming. He regains his place on the side of my neck, forehead resting on me and quick breathing hitting my skin.
Lucifer doesn't stop, quicker each second, I have to close my eyes to fully feel him and the pleasure it's suddenly becoming bigger and bigger. Feeling his hands tangle with my hair, mine act on themselves, and leave the sheets of my bed to press on Lucifer's skin from his back.
Each time he slips inside, it's like a wave of heat and pressure hitting my pelvis, filling me inside with nothing but lust and desire, begging for him even more.
Our bodies connecting, skin against skin, breathing mixing, and sounds coming out of our mouths surrounds the room. Lucifer changes his motion and grinds his waist on mine, still inside me. The combination of it all causes for my heart to skip a beat and my breath shakily fill my lungs. It's like when you combine your favourite meal and dessert at dinner.
He moves and moves, while I, manage to not lose control of my actions as he doesn't stop slipping in and out. Without erasing his quickness, Lucifer, as he puts pressure from his shoulders on mine to hold himself above me, enough, just to not crash me in the process, he then places both of his hands on each side of my ass to help his movements and not lose strength. He doesn't, Lucifer manages to hit the perfect spot like he knows it as if it were the palm of his hand.
Moan after moan from my part, once I hear one coming from him, not afraid of letting himself be heard, it acts as a switch on me and makes it all better; the pleasure, the lust and need for Lucifer. One louder afterwards and I have to prevent myself from not finishing right on this moment. A rough thrust follows us just like our moans joining together, another one after another one, until Lucifer tiredly regains his prior position with both elbows on each side of my head and rests his body above mine, letting us both catch a breath.
"I'm gonna..." he breaths out as he faces me "I'm gonna get your moans as a sound on my phone and put it as an alarm. Wanna wake up listening to that shit everyday."
I chuckle. "You wouldn't."
Lucifer smirks at me, teasingly. "Is that a bet?"
Managing to lift my head a bit upwards, my lips brush against his. "Why hear them as a sound on your phone when you can have it on real life every day?"
Lucifer's smirk goes bigger, leading his eyes to my lips. "You're a bright woman, Lilith."
"So," I shrug my shoulders "what's it like to wear the chicken costume?"
He doesn't answer, instead, he just looks down to his waist and goes back at me, slowly, like he's trying to process something. "I'm literally still inside you."
He chuckles. "Lilith Avery, you never stop surprising me."
"Welcome to being in my life, Lucifer Donovan."
Almost crushing our lips together, he teases the edge of them and increases my need to kiss him. But he doesn't. He smiles at me, cheekily. "Thank you."
He's an idiot.
She's the most amazing woman I've ever met, there's no doubt in that. As we both lay in there, full boner inside of her, Lilith asks me about the chicken costume. It's like she goes from point A to point Z in a single jump, and there's no clue in me how she does that.
When she chuckles at my words, my ears beg for more. Kneeling in front of her as my dick slips out, I take my time to admire her. Legs opened, wrapped around mine, naked body, messy curls, and eyes that I could stare for as long as I can, Lilith lays there with something on her mind. There's no one that I've ever found myself wanting more, and it's not only her body, God no, I want all of her. Her words speaking to me, her ideas, non sense moments, fingertips touching me, breathing mixing with mine, mouth smiling, laugh making my ears feel cold, missing it when it's silent, and everything about her. Listen to her talk like it's the last thing I do, strange as it is that something like this could feel so powerful, with her, it's not, it's the most good I've felt in a while.
I'm about to open my mouth, when her eyes go wide open. "Fuck!" Lilith moves her arms back as well as her head.
"What?" I ask to gain an answer from her, since there's no way my head is gonna come out with one on its own.
But she doesn't open her mouth. Instead, she grabs the duck lamp on her nightstand and turns it around in a careful motion, leaving the duck's eyes facing the wall behind it.
"There." She goes back to her prior position like nothing happened. "We don't want Carlos to lose his innocence."
Is she... talking to the duck lamp? And did she just called it "Carlos"?
There's no words that come for me to say, so, a chuckle is the only thing that leaves my mouth.
"Are you laughing at Carlos?" Lilith points at the duck. "He's very innocent."
Automatically, my eyes lead down to my erect dick. "I think it's too late, love."
"Oh, he was asleep. It's fine." Noticing that no words are soon to be said by me, she shrugs her shoulders. "This duck is from my childhood, this may ruin it. Now," she waves her hand around "get on with it."
I don't stop to think about what could this mean of her not wanting to ruin her duck lamp and its innocence, even if I want to, because her eyes shining and waiting for me to fuck her again erase any possibility of me focusing on something else than her right now.
Yes, I'm an idiot in love, shut up.
"Come here." I say as she laughs flirtatiously at me bringing my body down and uniting our lips together in a rough movement.
Placing both of my hands on her waist, I easily swing her body for her left shoulder to lay on the bed instead of her back. I, face the same way but put my body behind her. Lilith understands immediately and rests her right leg above my thigh, opening her legs just enough for me. My left arm acts as a pillow for her head, while the other one places my dick on her entrance, ready to thrust inside if my waist moves.
The smile she gives me sends one to my mouth, and when my hands flies to her cheeks to holds her tightly on my eyes, it's the opportunity I take to finally slip inside of Lilith is a slow motion.
The moan we both let out surrounds the room. Hearing her slow breathe and eyes filled with lust, gives the strength and the need to move my waist a bit quicker, thrusting inside her in a more deep way than before.
"Fuck.." I breath out.
Lilith is so wet for me. I can feel the moment my full dick is inside her, pounding at her surroundings and needing her on her fullest. Hearing a moan coming from her as I hit her spot, I find myself smiling once again. It's like fucking music to my ears, so, I do it again. Slowly slipping out, I make my dick thrust inside her in a rough movement. Like expected, Lilith moans again as she closes her eyes and holds my arm with strength.
"Look at me, baby." I whisper to her.
Lilith's stare is filled with lust. Shining under the tiny light of the room, she begs me to move faster as her chest moves a bit quicker than before. I listen, and don't stop my speeding movement in and out of her.
My mouth swings opened letting a moan out as the tension suddenly surrounds my pelvis. Lilith presses her lips together as tiny moans can be heard from the back of her throat. I don't like that, I want her to go louder. Moving my hips roughly against her, it leads for my dick to hit her spot each time I thrust. And finally, Lilith's mouth goes open as more noises come out of her.
"There it is.." I breath out, teasingly. "That's a good girl."
Her eyebrows go furrowed. Her hand grips my arm tighter. And her breathing becomes quicker. It's all the combinations I like on her, barely keeping it together. But still, it's not enough. Taking all the years of training I have, my hips move faster and rougher, and my hand lets go of her cheeks to her clit to work on it with my middle and index finger.
"Shit, shit—" Lilith's manages to say with troubled air filling her lungs.
The rhythm my hips have are shared with my fingers. Another moan escapes me just as my dick feels that sudden hot wave of pleasure from Lilith's wet insides. It's soon followed by one of hers, giving me the hint of not stopping until I can tell she has finished.
For a moment, I notice how Lilith tries to help me by moving her hips backwards into me, but troubles with it for a second. Tense legs and a shakily moan, she tries again, and this time, it shakes one out of me once she works it perfectly and we're both managing to make the other feel the wanted pleasure.
My fingers don't stop, and for the way her hand grips me almost to the point of her fingertips going pale, I can tell she's almost there. I want the combination of it all to make it batter, so, my hips don't stop either.
"Baby, don't stop, please—" she begs me. While I, after her needy words, have to try my hardest to not finish right on this second.
I find myself smiling once the loudest of moans comes out of Lilith. She suddenly goes silent even if her mouth is still open, and her legs want to press against each other in a quick movement. Her head swings back just as her eyes roll a tiny bit to the back of her head. My fingers and hips slow down on her, and when a long breath coming from her surrounds the room instead of our bodies, it's when I fully stop stealing a low moan from my mouth in the process.
I don't waste any seconds later. Going back to kneeling in front of her, before she opens her eyes, I land a kiss on her lips as she catches a breath and then trace down to her neck and chest, until I land on her stomach and leave a couple of kisses there. I want her to feel loved, cared for and safe. So, as she tries to gain control again, I'll always take this as an opportunity.
Once she opens her eyes, I make my way back to her face and even if a smile escapes us both, my lips crush into hers. Hearing a tiny laugh coming from Lilith, all the feelings inside my stomach and chest start mixing together like a tornado going wild, making me realise all of the things that lead up to this moment. It's real, it's fucking real, Lilith is in love with me.
I feel like the happiest man alive.
If this feeling couldn't get any bigger than it already is, when I strengthen my back to stare at Lilith and she gives those eyes that make my heart melt, ready to feel me again, it's like it all becomes like a bomb and my love for her increases to the point of feeling as if it's about to explode with the minimum touch. If that's possible.
Doing what her eyes ask me to, once again, I grab my dick to place it on her entrance.
"Fuck." Lilith mumbles.
I find myself smiling. "What?"
She stares at me with an accusing stare. "I'm not begging."
"Don't worry." I lean to the edge of her lips. "You're eyes are doing all the begging for you."
Not letting her give me an answer, I unite our lips together in a slow kiss as I make my dick slip inside her one more time. She troubles to follow the kiss when I'm fully in, making her breathe a bit thicker and longer than it was before. I too have trouble to keep my mouth closed, a tiny moan fights to jump out of me when I make my hips move faster. So, we both keep our places against each other's lips but no moving is happening, just our sudden pleasure and tenseness in our bodies rushing to us.
It's stronger and deeper than times prior. The need for her manages to give me strength and keep my rhythm without trouble. Hitting her spot each time, Lilith can't help but fill the room with her moaning and loud breaths, and having that as my background noise, the wonder if she can go even louder than this comes over me. It's like an automatic click, making my hips thrust into quicker than any times before.
"Fuck— Lucifer, yes.."
The smile doesn't hold back and it's plastered all over my mouth after hearing Lilith like this. Our eyes connect after she had them on our hips for a bit. I do look down for a second too, filling me with pleasure at the sight of my dick being all over Lilith's insides, thrusting in and out a fast as it can.
A moan this time escapes me, joining hers in a rhythmical way that not even I can control my actions at the point. All I can feel is my pelvis getting tenser and that familiar wave of heat rushing to my skin.
My ears beg to hear Lilith for a long time, more than my hips can handle. But somehow, her noises manage to give just enough strength to keep it up when Lilith leaves the bed and places both of her hands on the each side of my stomach. She wants to bring herself closer to me, so, I grab her hands and place them around my neck for her to hold herself up. Once she's secured, lifting her up by her thighs I regain the speed on my hips and thrust inside of her as fast as I can. With our foreheads resting on each other and breathings mixing, it's only my knees holding us two in the air, still, all the strength my body has is put into this. Into making Lilith feel good, enable her from letting anything out from her mouth except loud noises from all the pleasure surrounding her body.
Thrust after thrust, my body slightly shakes from the combination of the tension and pleasure. Lilith, it's known by me that she notices this, she brings her legs towards the bed leading mine to do the same. Sitting down, with her on top, my legs filled with relief of finally being able to rest, her hips grinding without giving any of us two a break is what steals a moan from my mouth.
Her eyes locked on mine, shining with lust, our tired breaths mixing with each other, moans that speak a hundred of words, bodies connecting like nothing else is a type of intimacy that no one else could make me feel like this. Full of pleasure and fire within, it's like an explosion of every feeling inside my stomach and chest, enabling me to keep my composure and fill the room with moans.
Instead of grinding, a tired Lilith moves her knees up and down for my dick to slip in and out of her multiple times.
"Fuck, f—fuck." Lilith breaths out against my skin.
"That's it, baby, that's it." I breath out with a troubled chest. "You're doing so good."
She rests her forehead on my shoulder as her knees moves a bit faster than before. To help her, both of my hands grab her ass to lead her way in and out of me and let her strength rest.
Lilith bites my shoulder with her teeth preventing herself from moaning out loud. Still, from being close to my ear I can catch the ones that slip out from the back of her throat.
Tired arms, tense pelvis and fire rushing to my skin, I gently drop Lilith on the bed for both of my elbows to rest on each side of her head. Eyes locked on each other, the distant orgasm peeks in my body, allowing me to keep my rhythm and deep thrust into Lilith, hitting her spot each time for as long as I last. She moves her hands and places them both of my waist, helping me on moving like I did with her a moment ago. Soon later, she's controlling every movement.
"Just like that, love." There's no clue in me how I'm managing to let out these words, Lilith's eyes on me and having her full body for me troubles any normal air coming in and filling my lungs. Still, they're a need, a want for her since it's a known fact she likes them.
Knowing I'm not gonna be able to last long after this, I take control again and bring my lips on the edge of her hers losing sight of her shining eyes. My breathing mixes with hers, our tired bodies can't seem to control themselves with the fulfilling pleasure, and there's no left part of each other that we haven't touched, so, I lean towards her a bit more, almost dropping my lips on her.
"I'm yours..." I whisper into her mouth as I don't stop moving my hips. "I'm fucking yours, Lilith Avery..."
A moan from my part is cut short when I crush my lips with hers, feeling how the orgasm finally reaches its edge and tenses my pelvis and thighs right away.
I drop my forehead on the side of Lilith's neck, touching her skin with the quick air coming in and out of my mouth. Her hands start caressing my hair as I try to catch my breath, when a little laugh can be heard from her part.
"That's a good boy, Donovan." I can notice her cheeky tone even if she's tired.
Leaving her neck, I face her when, inevitably, a laugh escapes me liking those words coming out of Lilith's tired mouth. "Do you want me to cum again, Avery?"
Her laugh surrounds the room as well as our quick breathings. "Maybe..."
Giving her a quick kiss since there's still air that my lungs beg for, afterwards, I drop my body next to her to leave my arm under Lilith's head for her to be comfortable. But she doesn't stay still. Instead, she stands up and heads out the room. Soon later, the door from the bathroom is closed.
"Want a cookie?!" I hear her yell from the opposite side of the house.
"Do you have a secret stash of cookies in the bathroom?!" I reply, holding a laugh in.
"With a little bother that eats everything, you need to have a secret stash! But no, I'll get them from the kitchen afterwards, dumbass!"
"Tell me where they are and I'll get them!" I sit down on the bed waiting for her to answer me. The door is soon opened again followed by her quick steps getting closer.
"No! I don't trust you enough to tell you where the cookies are!" Lilith's voice comes from the kitchen now, where she opens a cabinet and the sound of a bag being moved follows it.
I slowly shake my head, and this time, a laugh does escape me. "We literally just had sex! And already confessed our feelings for each other, baby!"
"Not enough!"
"What is enough, then?!"
"A million dollars!"
Lilith walks inside the room with two cookies in her hand. Handing one to me, she doesn't look at my eyes as she does it, instead, she has them glued on her nightstand as she has her "I'm remembering something" face on.
"What?" I asked, intrigued.
"Eat the cookie, Donovan." Opening the drawer from the nightstand, she starts to look for something inside of it. "They have to be h— AHA!" With a smile on her lips, Lilith lifts two cigarettes and a lighter between her fingers. "Bingo."
I can't help but stare at her and then to the tiny white cigarette with confused eyes, as if she has done magic and made those things appear out of nowhere. "Since when did you have them in there?"
Giving one to me, Lilith shrugs her shoulders without importance and places her body next to mine, resting her back on the headboard. "Once Ada and I were having one but mom came home, so, I hid them there. Come on," she takes the one in my hand and places it in between my lips "cigarettes after sex, Donovan."
I look at the cookie on my free hand, tilting my head to the side as Lilith lights my cigarette. Once on, my free hands removes it. "I thought cigarettes after sex were only with cigarettes, not a cookie on the side."
"Rules are meant to be broken, man, live with it."
I stare at her, lifted eyebrows. "Did you just call me "man"?"
Lilith, with her pretended innocent look, faces me as smoke comes out of her mouth. "You prefer woman?" My brain doesn't know what to reply, even in this circumstances, Lilith manages to joke around and make my love grow for her even bigger. "I'm just saying, I'm cool with both. Whatever makes you happy."
I finally chuckle. "You can call me whatever you want, I'm sure I'll still smile like an dumbass just because it comes from you." Taking the cigarette to my mouth to take a breath in, the smoke fills my lungs followed by a roll of the eyes from Lilith.
"You're such an idiot."
"Yeah, I know. But you fell for the idiot so, that makes you an idiot too."
Lilith's accusing stare is like I just ate her whole box of cereal. "No..."
"Yes, it does. Sorry." I have to prevent myself from smiling a her cute self, when she takes the cookie out from my hand offended.
"Give me my cookie back. Now you'll never know where the cookies are."
"I heard you opening the cabinet."
"But what cabinet?"
"Doesn't matter, I'll open them all until I find them."
This time, she doesn't reply. Her eyes shine with thoughts, just like when she's trying to make a decision and her options are playing around in her head. "Fine," she hands me the cookie again "you can have it."
Taking it while the smoke from our cigarette surround the room, the sweetness of the chocolate cookie soon erases the thickness and roughness still in my mouth. "What made you change your mind?"
"You made me finish two times, you deserve at least a cookie."
Taking the opportunity of her mouth being free from the cigarette and the cookie, I bring my lips close to hers, almost touching her edges. Soon, there's a smirk appearing on my mouth, followed by her smile waiting for my words. "You moaning my name is enough, Avery."
Uniting our lips together, my body acts on itself, and brings Lilith's body closer to mine while it moves as if it's gonna lay on top of hers.
"Oh?" I hear Lilith ask with raised eyebrows.
"Round two?"
I kiss her again, sweet and wet from our prior one, the smile that comes through tingles my stomach— fuck! I step back in pain after Lilith's pinches my nipple.
Did I feel that right?
"Shit! What happened?"
But Lilith isn't staring at me, her focused eyes are glued on the window by the right side of the room. "My mom's here." She whispers, as it her mom could listen to her wherever she is.
That's when I hear the front door of the house opening.
"Oh, shit."
We both automatically leave the bed to find our clothes and put them on. Receiving Lilith's mom while naked isn't on my plans for this weekend. Or any weekend at all.
Don't know why I said it like that, my bad.
"Hi, guys! I'm here! I'm here!"
Underwear on, jeans, shirt, everything I find I place it on my body as fast as my body manages. My eyes don't even check if I'm doing it right.
"Knock knock! Teddy went to have ice cream with his friends, but I'm here! Hello hello!"
Once Lilith notices I'm fully clothed, messy curls and even messier red pijamas (oh, fuck), I reply to the thumbs up she gives me with one myself. Soon later, the door swings opened by Lilith, letting us both see Celia in the kitchen with the cookie bag between her hands and an unbothered look on her face.
"We're here." Lilith tries to sound normal, like she didn't just put on clothes at the speed of light.
I also try to look normal and discreetly brush my curls, falling on my face as if I shook my head like a metalhead at a concert.
Even if Celia's far from where I'm standing, right behind Lilith, my own eyes catch a little smile on the corner of her lips. "Had a fun time?"
"Yes." Lilith replies to her mother, quickly.
"We're good."
"Staying the night?"
"He is."
Celia's eyes shift like a switch to mine, faster than I could catch it change and prepare my brain for her probable words to me. "Lucifer?"
"Your shirt is backwards."
I look down and, yes, indeed, the back of my shirt is on the front.
"Goodnight, you two..." Celia's little chuckle is soon faded away as she heads back to the living room and then up the stairs, leaving silence surround Lilith and I as our heads try to process what just happened.
I don't even bother to correct my shirt at this point, it's too late. Lilith turns around and stares at me with the same exact look in her as if she's having the same thought as me. "She knows."
I nod, slowly. "Yep."
Immediately covering her eyes with her hands, Lilith drops her body on the bed and buries her face against the pillow. "I'm gonna hope this pillow eats me now! Goodbye!"
Even if me trying my hardest to not let the fact of Celia probably knowing what happened in that bed minutes ago consume all of my strength, it soon doesn't matter, my eyes can't seem to want to focus on anything else than Lilith. Her body laying on the bed, her dramatic covered of the eyes and head against the pillow, I stand there, smiling like an idiot (it's turning into an usual thing), wondering and wondering, as if my head is now slowly processing it all become real... how the fuck did I get this lucky?
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