"the way that gucci look on you, amazing. but nothing can compare to you when you're naked"
bazzi — "beautiful"
"How long does it takes to upload a grade?!" Is the first thing I hear once the front door of my common dorm is opened by me. The heaviness of my backpack makes it hard to keep it on my shoulder, alongside my tired body from waking up at 7 AM to take a final exam, I drop it on the side of the couch as the sound of my best friend rearranging her room is all I can hear.
"I mean, you open the website, you search for my name, and then you write whatever number you gave my final!"
Boom! She drops a bag full of unknown objects on the floor. I stand still, wondering if I should go over there or not.
Every final season, Ada and her inability to handle the nerves of waiting for her grades, leads to her organising her entire room as she waits and waits.
"Is that so hard?" Her closet door swings opened, followed by the sound of a multiple clothes dropping on the floor. "Fucking— old people!"
Finally, I decide to make my presence known on the room, and the chuckle that escapes me makes it pretty obvious. "You want to fuck old people, Ada?"
Quick as the wind, Ada appears by her door with a stare open like a hawk, eye bags that could hold my own and smile that suddenly appears, making her look even crazier than she already seems to be. "Lilith! Oh thank God! I'm going insane here."
"Really?" I take a peak to her unorganised room, all clothes and books on the floor. "I didn't notice."
Ignoring my sarcasm (or probably her nerves enabled her to catch it), Ada goes to her room to keep throwing everything on the floor. While I, go to mine, ready to welcome my bed with the tightest of hugs.
"How did your last final go?!" Ada's yell is soon followed by another bag of unknown things hitting the floor.
"I don't know!"
Ada's nervous organisation of her things is soon stopped, and her quick steps are heading over to my room making me feel unsure of my past words.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Ada says, confused, as she stands on the edge of my bed.
Removing my shoes, I shrug my shoulders, uninterested. "I mean that the moment I left the final on top of the professor's desks, my mind went blank. I don't even remember if I wrote my name correctly. Who knows? Maybe Liliana Abadacadabra took the final and not me."
For the first time in this conversation, I hear Ada chuckle. "Liliana Abadacadabra?"
"She's my evil twin sister who makes the party decisions for me, like, she's the one who mixes vodka with beer."
"Lilith," Ada walks closer to me, hands holding my shoulders and eyes that spare the craziness in her for a moment "we have to graduate together."
I nod. "I know."
"Like, we've been dreaming of this moment forever."
"I know that too. I even remember our freshman year, we thought about how drunk we wanted to get the night before the ceremony."
Very wasted doesn't even cover it.
"I think I did good on my final," I try to calm Ada, who's nervous breathing is slowly coming back, and eyes that make me wonder how did she manage to walk pass security "we're gonna have to wait."
"Wait?!" Ada snaps (once again). "I can't wait! I'm going insane!" Letting go of my shoulder, when she goes back to the door her phone ringing surrounds the room. Quick like a ninja, Ada takes if out of her pocket with wide eyes, expecting the notification of her grades. I wait impatiently for her to start crying or yell in excitement, but she doesn't, all she does is shake her head disappointment just like me when I'm watching a really good crime movie and the internet isn't on my side, breaking the moment and stopping the movie.
"Fuck you, Ryker!" She leaves her phone back to where it was before. "Now it's not the time!"
Crazy as her, unbelievable coincidence, the moment my phone starts ringing Ada swings her head like an owl towards me. "What?! What?! What is it?!"
I take my phone out from my back pocket to read the word "Mom" shine brightly on my screen. Once I lift it for her to see, Ada slaps herself of the forehead and heads to the door, ready to go back to her insanity.
"Hello?" I say on the phone once I press the speaker option.
"Sweetheart!" Mom's voice comes from the phone. "How did you do?"
"She doesn't know!" Ada replies before I can. "Liliana Abadacadabra took the exam!"
Thanks, Ada. Now I have to dodge the possible explanation of my evil twin sister who likes to mix vodka with beer to my own mother.
Mom chuckles on the other side of the line. "What?"
"Nothing, mom," I reply, quickly "Ada's going insane."
"She didn't get her grade either?"
"Nope. And if she doesn't soon..."
boom! Another bag hits the floor "I believe she will go there and threaten the professor." Or just rearranged our entire dorm in a matter of minutes.
"Tell her to have fun."
"I will."
"So," the sound of mom walking towards the kitchen is soon followed by the left cabinet from under the sink being opened... because mom and I talk on the phone a lot, and my house has a thousand of weird noises, one seems to notice the things the other person is doing without even being there. Call it crime scene investigator, or just plain crazy, I don't care— the point is that mom is in the kitchen. "Liliana Abadacadabra, did you think you did well?"
"I think so. I mean," I sit down on my bed thinking back to the final "where there things that I remembered where I had them written in my notes but not the actual words? Yes. Where there things that I actually remembered and I felt like the most genius person in the world? Absolutely. How did I do? I have no clue. We'll just have wait for the email with my grade."
"How long does to take?"
"Usually," boom! boom! Ada's moving her bed now... "two hours." It better come sooner, my room is next.
"Two hours?!" Ada yells, pushing the bed against the wall "I can't wait any longer!"
Mom chuckles again. "Is Ada actually going insane?"
"Don't worry, I'll take her to breakfast to eat..." I look behind me, making sure that Ada is nowhere near me, ready to whisper my next word carefully "waffles and she'll be alright."
Steps follow my words.
"Did I hear waffles?" Ada's needy tone is heard by the door of my room. A part of me doesn't even want to turn around and see the crazy stare in her eyes, the result of my mouth saying "waffles" during final season.
"Did I hear waffles?" Now Teddy's voice sounds from the phone.
Damn. Why does everyone love waffles?
I have to take a deep breath in for the mess I've made. "I didn't say waffles."
"Yes you did." Ada appears next to me.
"Is Lilith gonna have waffles without me?" Teddy sounds closer on the phone, as if he's right against it.
Ada does the same, and approaches me, big smile on her lips like she didn't accuse me and rearranged the whole dorm in a nervous episode. "Hi, Teddy."
Uh oh...
"Hi, how you doing?" His tone is completely changed, flirting with my best friend like he'd ever get a chance. "You like waffles, huh?"
"My favourite breakfast food."
I don't even know why I'm allowing this to happen.
"Damn! Can you get any more perfect?"
Ada chuckles, sweetly. "I don't know, let me ask my boyfriend."
Even if he tries to be discreet, my ears can still catch Teddy cursing on the low. "Is he still around?"
"Big sister." Now Teddy calls me. I don't even have time to stop and think when did Teddy ever called me "big sister", his low tone speaks again: "How do I get away with murder?"
First step: never ask someone how to get away with murder.
"That's enough," mom intervenes before I can "go do homework."
"Mom!" Teddy complains, now voice further away.
"Homework Teddy, or no waffles!"
I can hear Teddy turning around and walking away from the kitchen. "Homework, here I go!"
Something hitting the wall next to me immediately swings my head towards Ada, but she's not where I last saw her. Her lost presence and another loud noise coming from her room is the proof I need to understand she's back at it again... at this rhythm, we'll have an entire new dorm that we're not gonna even take advantage of if we graduate next weekend.
"I can't believe you're about to graduate, honey." Mom's voice steals my attention from Ada and whatever she's doing now to the couch.
"I didn't get my grade yet, so," I take a deep breath in "we don't know."
"Don't be like that! You're gonna do great!" Her tone is full of proudness, growing an inevitable smile on my lips. "I can't wait to have you home again."
Like a bucket full of water, Italy comes inside my head. The haunted feeling of not being able to decide what to do creeps through my veins, and it's not like I haven't been thinking about it on the back of my head, Joyce's voice whispers are following me behind, asking me over and over again if I'm gonna fall in her trap and take the tickets.
"Have you decided about Italy yet?" Mom asks as if my silence made her understand my thoughts.
"Have you decided if you're gonna turn more into no or yes?"
"I'm right in the middle, where everything doesn't make even a little bit of sense, it's all a mess."
"Maybe if you..." I can feel my anxiety becoming bigger the more mom talks about the topic, so, I decide to stop her.
"First, I'm gonna see if I graduate. Then, I'll think about it. Right now, waiting for my grades is all I care about."
Finally, I hear mom let out a long breath. There's no doubt that she wants to continue talking about it, me not making a decision yet bothers her too, maybe even more than it bothers me, but at this point, if I mix it with the worries that I have right now inside my head, it's all gonna explode.
"OH FUCK," Ada's loud words coming from her room are followed by her quick steps coming to my door "fuck , fuck, fuck, fuck—" Her body is now on my door, phone on her hand and eyes wide open.
"What?" I ask, but it was useless, her phone ringing answers my question immediately. "Did you get the email? Open it! Open it!"
Without ending the call with mom, I head over towards Ada and stand in front of her. Her eyes move quicker than I've ever seen them read, not even when she's reading her romantic novels she reads this fast.
The intrigue in me doesn't cure as Ada's expression doesn't change. No smile, no tears, not a thing that could possibly give me an idea of what her grade is and if she's gonna graduate or not.
Suddenly, her eyes leave the phone. I take my time to read what she's about to say, but it's difficult, all I can notice is the wheels turning inside her brain as she's processing the unknown news.
"I passed." Her tone is a whisper, making me take a second to fully understand her. Out of nowhere, as it the news clicked inside of her, the smile forming on her lips is big as mine, happy for Ada and her soon to be graduate self. "I fucking passed!"
Now it's like a full party, Ada starts jumping up and down from all the excitement and nerves overflowing her inside. I try to grab her shoulders and give her a tight hug, but it's impossible, it's like a little slippery kid who just got the news they're going to an amusement park.
"Congratulations Ada!" I hear mom yell over the phone.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!"
"Oh my God indeed, Ada!" I yell. "You're fucking graduating!"
Ada stops jumping to stare at me, processing my words. "Graduating... fuck!"
Taking the opportunity to grab her shoulders and lock my eyes on her, her surprised and happy face steals a a tiny laugh out of me. "Want to get a waffle now?"
"Fuck that!" Leaving my room, her steps head to the front door. "I'm gonna get a beer for us! I'll be right back!"
And the door is closed.
"One out of two is done." I hear mom speak in my phone, but all I can think about is Italy now.
Me not being able to decide is gonna become a problem the closer graduation gets. The tickets won't last forever, and me having this opportunity will not come again, but, risk falling in Joyce's trap? Get tangled inside her spider webs? Never be able to slip off again, or maybe manage it, but not without creating a whole fight with Joyce and a awful moment for mom, Teddy, and I first. It has happened, is it wrong of me to want to prevent it?
I'm passing on Italy, damn it! Other people dream of something like this. I feel horrible for passing it on. But I can't help it, Joyce's evil smile grows each moment my answer steps more into taking the tickets than letting them go. She's a manipulative being that turns to money when she needs to get things done her way. I hate it, I despise it, and me taking the tickets will mean that she wins. And I rather stay here than let that fucking happen.
"Are you still there?" I call mom as I stare at the time of our call grow bigger and bigger.
"Yes, honey— Teddy! Is that your game I hear?"
"No!" Teddy replies, in the distance. "It's a new update that teachers gave homework. Now it makes noises!"
Mom sighs. "This kid, I swear..."
I can't help but smile at the sound of my family being everything and amazing. How much I miss them can't be put into words.
A notification pops on my screen as well as the sound of a new call coming through. The name "Lucifer" is what my eyes read, and it being followed by an uncontrollable smile makes me slap myself on the inside for doing such a corny thing.
"Mom, I'll call you later when I get the results."
"Please, do— Teddy! Homework!"
"It's the update, mom!"
And just like that, the call ends.
Good luck, Teddy...
Mom's name is replaced by a Lucifer's the moment I answer his call, ending the sound of the ringing coming from my phone and taking it against my ear.
"Hi, Lucifer." I smile again— what have I become?
"Hearing your voice is all I needed to feel better."
"Yeah?" Stupid, stupid, stupid smile... I walk over to my bed, dropping to my stomach and crossing my legs together. Great. All I have left if kick my feet like a teenager in high school.
Inevitably, my hand flies to the neck of my shirt, grabbing the necklace that's now hanging from it. The boxing glove. I grab it tightly, as if keeping it close to me brings Lucifer's touch and closeness.
"My last exam kicked me in the nuts, but, overall," I hear him sigh "I think I did well. It's either thinking that of sink into a deep dark hole that I won't be able to get out until I receive my grade, so... how was your day?"
I take a deep breath in to put together my answer. "I took my final exam an hour ago, changed my name to Liliana Abadacadabra and experienced, probably for the last time, Ada and her nervous breakdowns on final season."
Lucifer doesn't reply for a moment.
"I'm not even gonna ask."
"That's a smart choice." A crowd of people talking close to Lucifer follows my words. "Where are you?"
"On my way to see you."
Butterflies run wild inside my stomach at the thought of seeing him. "Oh?"
"I'm gonna climb your window like the romantic guy I am and bring you something to eat."
"Fun." A sudden need to tease him rushes over me, like a wind of coldness hits me roughly, but it's not cold, just plain evil little laugh that has the desire to hear Lucifer weak on the knees. "Then, when you get here, I'll climb something else that I have in mind."
I hear Lucifer chuckle on the low, long breath come out of his mouth. "I'm in the middle of the street." His tone is lower than his prior one, like he's making sure no one is hearing him.
Yet, another breath comes out. I can't see him, but something tells me he's grinning right now. "Your voice is all it takes, love."
"That's good to hear..."
Call me evil, a tease, or whatever you want, but hearing Lucifer try to gain control of his self right in the middle of campus because of my words is all I want to do right now. And there's no doubt in me I'm gonna get what I want.
"I really wish you were here, baby." I let my words fly out of my mouth, breathlessly, controlled needy tone.
"Oh my god..." Lucifer whispers with the same tone as before, making sure he's not turning himself in to everyone around him.
"How long is gonna take you to get here?"
"I'm going as fast as I can, love."
"Then I'm gonna have to keep talking to you until you do."
"Do you know I'm wearing nothing underneath my clothes?" I don't even let him finish his sentence, already proud of myself from hearing his needy tone slip out. "Like... nothing, completely naked." I chuckle, teasingly. "Easier for you, isn't it?"
"The moment I get there..."
"What? What are you gonna do to me? Touch me? Kiss me? Look at my naked body waiting for you?" The image of Lucifer's body doing all of those things to me affect me too. How the tables have turned indeed, because my chest suddenly feels nervous at the muscle memory of his fingers caressing my skin, and the butterflies continue partying inside my stomach. "Fuck me?" Still, I take control to keep my composure and make my desire to hear him needy fully complete.
"Lilith, I swear..." Lucifer's breathy tone manages to fill the bar, but it's not enough yet.
"Pretty boy Donovan is feeling needy?" I tease. No words come from Lucifer next, allowing me to grab the opportunity of going all in. Dropping my forehead on the pillow, I let the words flow out of my mouth as my need for Lucifer swings inside of me. "Please, come quicker, the more I wait the more I want you to fuck me. It's like, my body only desires for you and no one else... I want you to remove my clothes and kiss every inch of my body. Play with your hair as you slowly fuck me with your fingers... tell you how good you are, moan your name to piss off my neighbours and breath out the pleasure you're giving me inside. You always feel so fucking good, Lucifer, please... I can't wait any longer."
Even I'm turned on by my own words.
A long breath comes out from Lucifer. "I guess buying something to eat isn't necessary, I already have something to eat at your dorm."
"Seems like it." The butterflies don't wait to catch a break, they're still troubling my stomach the more my brain manages to create image after image of Lucifer and I together.
Removing me from my lost thought, I hear a metallic noise coming from my phone. "What are you doing?"
"Saving time and removing my rings, love."
The smile growing in me is bigger than my need for him. But there's no way I'm backing out now, controlling the situation is why I started it and I'm not letting it go. "You sound so needy." I tease again, soon hearing another long breath coming out of Lucifer.
"I'm always needy when it comes to Lilith fucking Avery."
"What can I say? Us fucking me will make the wait for the grades a lot easier... like, you remove your rings and I'll prepare my jaw—"
"You, fuck—" Lucifer's losing it, he even mumbles with his words as he tries to control himself. "I swear, Lilith, do you know what's like to walk campus with a boner?"
"I'll keep talking so you can tell me later." I chuckle at his breathy and out of control tone. "Do you want me to moan your name over the phone? Put it on speaker so everyone can hear me moan, baby."
"Not a fucking chance." He says, determined. "All of these guys would give everyone to hear you moan, I'm not gonna give them the satisfaction."
"A little bit jealous, are we? Days ago you were satisfied my with neighbours hearing me."
"That's different, I was there with you making it happen."
Lifting an eyebrow, I see an opportunity peaking through. "Then you wouldn't like me touching myself as I think about you, then?"
Turning around to rest my back on the bed, I look at my free hand and leave it on my stomach, already feeling the words slipping out of my mouth. "My hand is going down and all that's on my mind is you..."
"Fuck..." His needy tone is mixed with the air coming inside of his mouth. And that's all it takes for me to gain my next words.
"Lucifer... you're so pretty than only with my imagination I can make it work."
"Then..." his voice sounds louder, but not because he placed his phone closer to his mouth, because he seems as if he's right here next to me. "I can't imagine what you would do if I'd be there with you, watching..."
Turning my head towards the window, I find him. He has eyes shining with lust and mouth breathing quickly, the black jacket he's wearing marks his fit arms, stealing my attention as he holds himself up by the sides of the window and climbs to get inside my room.
Resting my back on the wall to be in front of him once he walks to my bed, I can't help but smile, admiring the result of my words in his face.
"How was your walk?" I ask, pretending to be innocent.
Lucifer smirks slightly tilting his head to the side, catching my game from miles away. "The last thing I want to do is talk, love."
As quick as the wind, Lucifer removes his leather jacket and tosses it on the floor, ready to unite our lips together in a desperate movement. His taste is warm and wet, like he licked his lips before getting here. His hands travel from my thighs to my waist, pulling me down for my back to leave the wall and rest on the bed, my legs become wider as they open for him.
Now his weight is put on his hands laying on each side of my head, holding his body above mine without even tearing our lips apart. Seems like my words affected him better than I expected, and Lucifer can't wait a second to be mine.
The hotness in my skin is touched by Lucifer, caressing with his right hand my stomach towards my neck, wrapping it tightly for my head to be locked in place. My arms go behind his back, and dig my nails in him to feel his presence deeper than I already do. It's like each moment that passes, the more Lucifer I want each other, with each touch, each breath, and each thought that involves the other, no matter how long we spend kissing, our bodies beg for us to connect in a way it only feels good when it's between us, and no one else.
Letting go of my lips, Lucifer stands by the edge of the bed and proceeds to remove his shirt. Inevitably, and almost like every damn time he shows me his naked torso, my attention is stolen away to his tattoos. The spider, the snake, the tiny clouds on his arms, the numbers and every little thing that tells a story from his life, is like my eyes can't separate from them and it makes me want him more than I already do. His body is a full story, telling memories with each line that makes a drawing, each number. He's a work of art that belongs in a museum, hundreds of eyes staring as if it were the Mona Lisa, but right now, I'm the entire museum, I'm the crowd admiring what's in front of it waiting for him to fill me with thoughts not even the most deepest of paintings can manage to give me.
His eyes connect with mine. Green like the grown leafs is the trees, and shine that the starts own during the night. The butterflies inside my stomach come back, wanting to escape their cage and fly around Lucifer, touch his skin and have his body against mine, breathing quickly and warming me the more we spend with each other. The way I want him is like nothing I felt before, and not even if I try my hardest I can put it into words, only one comes to me: love, I'm in love with him. But this, it's so much more, that the poems I liked to read as a kid would understand me perfectly even if no explanation for it comes out of me.
Hearing Lucifer remove his belt, my eyes lead down to his waist. Fit, veins in his hands as he moves, my body acts on itself and leaves the bed to remove the shirt on my body. Hitting me with coldness that my room always manages to have, the chilling feeling surrounds my bare chest, uncovered for Lucifer to stare at it the moment he tilts down removing his jeans, ending his face right in front of my stomach.
I follow his eyes slowly admire my naked torso. The smirk he soon forms on his lips grows inside of me a tight nod in my chest, filled with excitement and nerves because of Lucifer's eyes on my body.
"It looks so good on you, baby."
I take my time to process his words.
He's talking about the necklace sometimes I forget I own it now. But, as much as I love wearing it, a part of me doesn't feel like it's the right time to have it around my neck. Slowly reaching to the back of my neck, I remove it, and leave on the my night stand, Lucifer's eyes following my moves.
"Good choice." I hear him say, soon followed by a chuckle.
"Yeah... not the impression I want to give to your dad, to be honest."
His stares soon joins mine, proudness and happiness running wild in his look, slowly leaning in closer for his lips to touch my skin in a gentle kiss. He traces from my stomach to my left boob, swirling my nipple around with his tongue and stealing a tiny breath out of my mouth in the process. Without leaving the right one aside, he does the same as his hand carefully pushes my body towards the bed.
The comfort of the sheets under my back is soon joined by the touch of both Lucifer's hand on my waist, caressing my skin while his tongue still pays attention to my now warm nipples. My fingers feel free to tangle themselves with Lucifer's hair, touching each curl, allowing myself to make the depth of his presence on me even bigger than it already seems to have grown since we started. The tight exciting nod becomes all my body feels on the inside, warming up my skin and letting me sink into the moment we're both sharing.
Leaving my chest, Lucifer's attention goes directly to my hips, ready to undo the buttons on my jean and remove it from my body. Helping him, I slightly lift my body for the clothes to come off easily. Soon, after the sound of it dropping on the floor, my body is completely naked in front of Lucifer's wondering eyes.
"Fuck." I hear him say, breathily. "You weren't wearing any underwear."
I chuckle as Lucifer's eyes lock on mine and he kneels on the floor. Leaving the bed, I sit on the edge to have his body closer to mine. "On my freshman year, the first final I took it was after a party and I accidentally went with no underwear on. I received an 97 as my grade, so, from that moment on not wearing any underwear became my lucky charm."
No answer comes my way. Just Lucifer shining eyes staring at mine with a little smile on his lips. It's difficult for me to read his expression and gain possible words that could possible be said by him. Nothing. He doesn't even seem like he's gonna talk soon, it's all just eyes admiring mine.
There's no doubt that Lucifer has something on his mind, and it kills me that he's filling the noise around us with silence, stare lost in me, not making it able to understand what's this look he has, what's he thinking about it.
Slowly, his eyes wonder down to my lips. He traces down every inch of my face as if he's looking carefully, afraid that he's gonna miss something and lost an opportunity to embrace each detail of me that I can give.
When his eyes stare at mine his look is deep and dark, feeling like a knife full of drugs stabbing me in the chest, he steals a tiny breath out of my mouth. "Lilith?" His raspy and low tone calls my name, growing chills in my skin.
"Yes?" I manage to answer in a whisper, enabled to look away from him.
Leaning closer to my body, since he's still kneeled down on the edge of the bed, his face reaches to my bare chest, breathing coming from his nose touching my skin. "Can I fuck you?" He asks, softly. "Please?"
His beg makes my knees weak. If I could scream my answer I would, but a part of me holds my mouth shut, as if this is gonna keep my control over the situation. Loving the fact that Lucifer is on the palm of my hand, no matter if I turn it around, he's still grabbing tightly, refusing to let go.
I slightly lean forward, touching his nose with mine. "Repeat it." My words come out in a whisper, still, they're determined and firm.
"Lilith." Now his tone is breathy, losing control of his desires the more the time passes. "Please. Let me fuck you."
I slowly smile, feeling my insides get wild at the noise of his needy tone coming in. "That's a good boy."
Leading my hands to his waist as I unite our lips together, the palm of my hands feels free to touch the fabric of his underwear feeling immediately the roughness of his dick against my skin. Proceeding to caress it up and down, my lips don't let go of his, liking the control that Lucifer is letting me have.
My back rests on the wall behind me, Lucifer following me and placing both of his hands on each side of my body to hold his body above mine. The more I caress his dick, the firmer it gets, and it's what I need to keep it going and embrace the fact that Lucifer's liking it, tiny moan coming from the back of his throat as the result of it.
And I can't lie, a tiny smile escapes me as that sounds enters my ears.
Breaking the kiss and pulling his body away from mine, Lucifer leans down to my neck and then stomach, leaving kisses on each part of my skin as if it is the last thing he's ever gonna do. Deep kiss after deep kiss, slightly sucking my skin and warming it up in the process. My stomach feels tingles exploding, liking what's he doing and the attention he's giving me, begging for more. And it's not the only part of me that shares this sentiment, the more lower Lucifer goes, the more I can feel my desire for him between my legs.
Both of his hands travel down to my thighs, pulling them even more apart from each other for him to have the space needed. Lucifer doesn't stop with the kisses on my skin, he sucks and plays with his tongue on my inner thighs as he also brushes me with his breathing. The more seconds that pass, the more my insides ask for him, having to close my eyes to sink the moment and the wait for him become stronger.
Finally, the wait becomes pleasure. Lucifer's tip of his tongue gentle caresses my clit, slowly, wanting to take his sweet time with me like he usually does and steal a tiny pleasured breath out of my mouth.
Up and down, his movements change every second without wanting to give me a chance to breathe, but he does it with such a deep and long move that it doesn't matter, it's enough for me to feel it and fill the lust in me.
Down to my entrance, his tongue teases it for a moment, slipping in and out, growing my need for Lucifer even bigger. He regains his movements on my clit, moving gently side to side, up and down. Each second he moves faster than before, but just enough, where the pleasure grows and allows me to feel it in between my legs.
Breathing becomes thicker, chest and stomach surrounded by butterflies, and relaxed pelvis. All a combination of Lucifer and his tongue fucking me as he likes to do. Soon later, as my pelvis is starting to get used to the pleasure, he makes it deeper, and speeds a tiny more than before.
"Fuck..." I breath out. My legs slightly shake the moment my right hand flies to his head, wanting to wrap around his messy curly hairs.
Wider opened mouth, Lucifer's tongue travels to the entirety of my lips.
"Oh—fuck, that feels good, Lucifer..."
One time, two, three, faster each time that he does it, making it wetter and warmer inside and outside, just for him. And he fucking knows it. I open my eyes to look at him, shining eyes with lust, he's smirking at me. Proud look on his face for being able to make me feel like this and that his name came out of my mouth as pleasure surrounds me.
It's not the first time that I say this, and it's probably not gonna be my last; what a cocky mother fucker.
Eyes locked on each other, his tongue moves towards my clit. Caressing gently for me to get used to it, yet another long breath full of pleasure comes out of my mouth. The sight of his tongue fucking me is all I need, liking it more and more and enabling me to stare away. Lucifer speeds side to side, inevitable growing the tension and burning sensation on my inner thighs and pelvis.
My legs can't help it and slightly shake for a second, making Lucifer understand that he doesn't have to stop. And he listens. He's good at it too, ears wide opened to hear me and listen to my body and its reaction to him, waiting to strike faster and deeper.
"Shit." A low moan slips out of my mouth because of his speed.
I have to close my eyes for my senses to be focused on Lucifer and nothing else. It helps me fully feel him and his tongue. Keeping his rhythm and growing the wave of heat surrounding my skin, he manages to shake another moan out of me, enable to control it.
My eyes don't open, but deep down there's not doubt, Lucifer's smiling again. He's to proud to not do it.
Head resting on the wall, thighs being held down by Lucifer's hands and long breaths coming out of my mouth. His tongue speeds enabling me to form any noise that could possibly come out of me, just the burning controlling my actions and senses, holding me tight in a place that no matter what I do, is all that my brain is focused on.
Keeping his rhythm, it makes my back arch and pelvis move forward to feel him deeper. Hand still wrapped with his hair, my fingers tangle themselves with a couple of curls, moving as Lucifer keeps working on me.
A tiny moan managing to slip out, it's soon trapped on my lungs holding the air in as the burning around my pelvis becomes stronger than before. My silence if a beg for Lucifer to don't stop, keep it for as long as he can.
Him breathing against my skin is what follows another moan from my part. Wave after wave of fire makes a mess of my breathing, holding it tightly then letting go of the air like I've been underwater and it's all I have to do to breath normal again.
Lucifer suddenly stops to give me a break, letting me a catch myself as a long and tired breath comes out of me. I open my eyes when the sudden need to kiss him comes over, and finding his eyes on mine, my hands rush over to his neck to pull him closer and unite our lips together.
I want the control now, and my body knows it. Pushing his shoulders towards the side for his back to rest on the bed, Lucifer listens, and does what my body asks to. Without breaking our lips apart, my hands rush over to his underwear ready to pull it down. First, it teases his now erect dick, firmer than the last time I touched it.
This time, it's my time to smile in the kiss, proud of his desire for my body.
Like I did before, Lucifer lifts his hips and helps me remove his underwear for his naked body to be all my eyes can see. Without wasting any time, once I toss them aside, I unite our lips again in a quick kiss, before bending down to spit on his erection and make it wet for my mouth to be comfortable sucking it.
Opening my mouth wide enough, I let my tongue swirl around his tip gaining a low enjoyable breath out of Lucifer. Taking my time, my tongue does all the work as my hands rest on both sides of his waist holding my body with strength. Being in between his legs allows me to kneel comfortably in front of him, and even bend further down for my mouth to enter half of his dick inside of me.
"Fuck..." Lucifer moans on the low the moment his erection is in.
His taste is warm and rough, wetness from my spit and firmness because of his erection. Helping me with my knees on the bed, I move up and down in a slow motion to slowly thrust his dick in my mouth and touch it with my lips. Feeling it on my throat, I stay there for a moment letting my tongue caress it deeply and suck it like a lollipop.
Once I let it out moving upwards, I spit again so my tongue can swirl around his tip. Doing it all over again without speeding, Lucifer's hand takes the liberty to wrap my hair with it and move it out of the way as I deep thrust him erection once more.
The rhythm I gain is followed by a moan coming my way. His breath is quicker than before and that gives me the hint of speeding just enough for his pleasure to increase. Not much left for me to do, Lucifer's eyes closing and breathing troubled by his tension allows me to keep going, liking the result of my tongue and mouth fucking him.
I relax my throat as much as I can, just like my tongue, moving as it pleases him the moment I deep throat him again. I do it slowly, feeling him fill my insides firmly. Taking a second to adjust myself, my nose takes a deep breath in before my hands and knees help me slip him in and out of me in a quicker rhythm than before.
"Love.." I hear Lucifer say in a whisper. "Keep it like that, baby."
Without slowing down, with my relaxed muscles and controlled breathing, I manage to keep it up and finally be able to slip his entire erection inside my mouth. In and out, up and down, the more I get used to it the more I speed and suck on his dick. Noises of my wet mouth moving is soon joined by Lucifer shaking a moan out of him an resting his elbows on the bed, allowing his eyes to stare at me sucking him off.
To let my mouth break for a moment, I slip him out and let my right hand take control, wrap around his dick and move up and down from the already wetness of it.
Kissing the tip, my tongue does the same as before and regains control by deep thrusting once again, but not without losing grip of my hand in it, joining in with the movement alongside each other.
"That feels great, baby..." moan comes from Lucifer following his words. I try to make his dick more wet by letting saliva run wild inside my mouth, and allowing me to slip and out easily, it makes Lucifer whimper yet another moan.
The hand that's on my hair grips I tightly not letting it have a chance of annoying me in this moment. Mouth wide open sucking him off, hand working with it and throat that feels his dick slipping in and out firmly. All of that is what my concentration is in, not wanting to choke or gag at the length that Lucifer carries and troubles my control from time to time. But his moan, his damn moan, whimpering and louder than it was before, gives the me strength to keep going as I desire to hear him like that over and over again, weak on the knees and unable to keep his pleasure in control.
"Love, please—" He begs. "You look so fucking pretty doing that..."
I manage to keep my rhythm for just a couple more deep thrusts, but hearing his tone becomes weaker the more he talks, and the loud moan that he whimpers after is the opportunity I take to give my jaw a break and let him catch a breath.
Lucifer's body releases all the tension he had been accumulating as well as my hair, soon dropping on my head and each side of my face. Our tired breaths is all we can hear, surrounding the room with the warmth of the room that we built accompanying it.
"Fuck, baby." Lucifer says, out of breath.
Smiling to myself because of the proudness filling my chest, I crawl towards his face to unite our lips in a short kiss.
Lucifer's hand grabs the side of my face to hold me tightly, still tired breaths coming out of our noses. Our foreheads rest against each other to let ourselves rest for a moment, but it seems that Lucifer manages to regain his control quicker than me, placing both of his hands under my thighs he lifts me up and lays my body on the bed, right on the opposite side of where we were a second ago.
My legs open for him to rest between them and be face to face, smirk forming on his lips. His closeness and the darkness of my room doesn't allow me to see much of him, still, my eyes are able to catch those green eyes I like to much. Shining with lust, and desire flowing in him like we're nothing but a couple of seconds before a sunrise, best part of the sky coming through and our bodies can't wait to experience it.
Lucifer kisses me slowly, moving his hips for his dick to tease my folds. Once our lips become apart, both of his eyes lead down to our hips barely touching each other. He moves his waist enough, where his tip is touching my entrance ready to slip inside in a slow movement.
Taking a deep breath in to relax myself, Lucifer's hands caress my hair for us both to calm under the warmth of each other's bodies. Finally, I feel Lucifer slowly thrusting and filling me inside like I've been waiting this whole time. The pleasure is better than I expected, stealing a tiny moan out of me because of it. Lucifer follows it, long breathy moan the more he slips in.
We both enjoy our closeness, now embraced in a much deeper way than before. His erection is fully inside, hitting my spot in a slow yet firm movement that makes my pelvis tense for a second until Lucifer moves backwards and leaves only the tip inside of me.
Uniting our lips together, Lucifer, once again, thrust in a quicker way. Now being used to his erection and him allowing me to breath out the pleasure, he starts slipping in and out with a much quicker yet deep speed.
Lips against mine, breathings swirling around with each other and the combination mixed with pleasure surrounding us both, is what grows the enjoyable tension around my pelvis. Lucifer with every deep thrust, hits my spot and steals each time a low moan out of my mouth.
"Ah, baby..." Lucifer's raspy and needy tone surrounds the room. "You feel so damn good."
My arms wrap themselves around his back, wanting to bring him closer and feel his warmth against my chest and stomach. Hitting his hips with mine as his elbows rest on each side of my head, he fully thrusts and manages to make me wanna press my fingertips against his skin because of the depth of it.
Nails gripping on his back, I close my eyes the moment Lucifer speeds with moving in and out of me.
"Uh— fuck..." a moan gets trapped on my throat. Mouth open but no noise is coming out of me, enabled from my lungs holding the air in and tension overcoming my pelvis and lower stomach.
Moan coming from Lucifer and deep breath out is all that surrounds the room, bed shaking under us and warm feeling touching our skins, the more he moves with this quick rhythm the more our desire for each other grows. It's like we don't want any time to rest, and embracing our bodies connecting this way is all we want the time for.
Thrust after thrust, I can feel tension grabbing tight of my thighs. Air getting stuck on my throat and chest enable to breath properly. Nails sticking to his skin like a cat that a part of me wonders if I'm hurting him, but I can't control it, Lucifer doesn't even stop, he manages to speed faster than I thought he could go.
He hits my spot every single time, don't know how, still, he does it again and again and again. Moan shaking out of my mouth as well as the ones that get stuck, or mix with heavy breathings. Lucifer joins in with low moans and deep breaths out, trying to control his movements even if the pleasure and tension growing in him is troubling enough to let go of the movement. He stays strong for a couple of minutes, thrusting and thrusting until my legs can't hold anymore, tense around his waist leading for them to wrap around it and make the space between less than it was before. Lucifer doesn't seem to mind, and keeps it up for one deep thrust, slipping until my spot is touched by him and stealing yet another low shakily moan from the back of my throat.
Tiredness becomes stronger, and Lucifer slows down to slightly rest his body weight above him. I leave a gentle kiss on his shoulder, allowing him to catch a breath knowing that mine is already gone and enabled to come back normally even if I tried.
"Why are we always pissing my neighbours?" I can't help but ask, jokingly.
Lucifer laughs, breathlessly. "It's a memory they have to take with them." Leaving the bed, Lucifer grabs my waist and pulls me up to sit down, my arms helping him. Our eyes connect and the smirk that he forms allows me to smell his cockiness from a mile away. "You."
Without wasting any more time, Lucifer moves to the front of the bed to rest his back on the headboard. I follow him, and when he places both of his hands on my waist, I understand what's he trying to do. I sit down on his lap, both legs around his waist and arms resting on his shoulders, Lucifer unites our lips together as his hand travels down to my wet folds.
The sudden pleasure makes me let out a breath out into the kiss. His fingertips are firm, allowing me to feel him completely and let my body relax on top of him. He caresses then forward and backwards, thumb joining on my clit swirling side to side.
The moment that Lucifer thrust his index finger inside of me, a long breath mixed with a moan has to come out of my mouth. Breaking the kiss, our foreheads connect with each other to let myself focus on Lucifer and his fingers, nothing else.
"Fuck, baby..." Lucifer breathy tone touches my skin. "You're so wet for me."
He isn't wrong. If the wet noise as his finger slowly fucks me isn't enough to let me know how much I want him, it's all mixed with the combination of tingles and butterflies running wild inside my stomach, pleasure surround my pelvis and relaxed moans slipping from the back of my throat.
As his thumb doesn't stop caressing my clit, and his index finger is soon accompanied with his middle one, the air is hold tight inside my lungs waiting to release the tension the moment that Lucifer stops. But he doesn't. He moves quicker with each movement, stealing a shakily moan from the back of my throat.
"Just keep doing that, baby—" my words come out more like a beg that I intended to.
Lucifer touches our lips together, breathings mixing with the other. "Call me baby again, Lilith."
"Baby." I call out. "Baby—" my word is soon cut short by the air getting stuck inside of me when Lucifer speeds.
Thighs go tense, mouth enables to breath in properly and fingertips gripping Lucifer's back. All that happens in a matter of seconds as my body gives in to the pleasure. My pelvis suddenly reaches that heat of wave, lust coming through my veins and sexual tension that surrounds my skin.
"Baby..." I manage to say one more time.
Opening my eyes I find a smirk on Lucifer, proud of my uncontrollable reaction to his fingers. "You're such a good girl, love."
He controls a bigger speed on my clit, hitting me with that tension and burning sensation on my lower stomach and pelvis. Thighs can't hold themselves anymore and wrap tightly around his waist, cut breathing as the air gets stuck on my lungs and forehand resting on his shoulder, enabled to keep it together waiting for that wanted orgasm.
"C'mon, baby." Lucifer whispers against my ear. "I want you to cum on my fingers."
"Ah—fuck—" the more he moves, the more my body can't keep it together. Trembling at his touch, roughly moving that not even my back can't keep it straight anymore, it goes weak as my chest rests on his, my eyes being the only thing without tension surround it as they let themselves enjoy the darkness and my body fully embrace Lucifer and his touch.
Finally, as the tension it's coming at its peak and nothing else is left to change, the burning sensation in my inner thighs becomes stronger. Tingles and waves of heat rushes over me, begging for Lucifer to let me finish and reach that peak he always manages to give me. I can feel it becoming more noticeable the more the seconds pass, that the moans stop coming out of me, breaths don't slip out and body tenses like it's never been.
My nails grip his back once it hits me, that wanted peak of the orgasm releasing every little tension I've been accumulating in my body. Strong tingles surround my pelvis and lower stomach, mixing with that deep warmth that makes my shoulders slightly tremble.
The air in my lungs finally escape me, coming out in a long breath like I've been running as I hold my breath for the past ten minutes. My forehead doesn't leave Lucifer's shoulder, resting as I try to catch myself and let my body fully relax, sink in to the result of the orgasm in my body.
Lucifer's hands caress my back, his fingertips travel from my neck and downwards. His touch manages for me to regain my control sooner than expected, and letting my hands take action, moving my hips just enough for them to have the space necessary, I grab his erection and start doing it like before. Up and down, not wanting to waste a second more.
"Just like that, baby."
I move my hand as it grips Lucifer's erection. The wetness being almost gone troubles the movement, so, I lick my opposite hand and replace it with the one from before.
Lucifer unites our lips together once I face him, ready to move on like our desire isn't filled yet, and as much time passes, we don't get enough of the other and it's shown on the way we carry, lust controlling each of our quick desired actions.
Placing his election on my entrance, with the help on my knees holding my body with strength, I thrust him inside in a slow movement. Both of our pleasured breaths fill the room as soon as Lucifer's goes more and more in, allowing us together to connect with each other's bodies and embrace our closeness.
Once he hits my spot, I break our kiss since a moan shakes out of me. Lucifer's smirk makes me smile, annoyed, rolling my eyes as well. The cockiness never leaves his body not even for a second. And he loves it.
"I want to hear you again, love." He says, softly. "I want to you hear moan my name."
Leaving the headboard, his back rests on the bed as he grabs my hips to place me where he wants me. I sit on his lap once he's comfortably laid down, and with the strength he puts on my body, it's the opportunity to move him in and out of me.
Each time I thrust him, the tension in my pelvis grows inch by inch. My knees and hips gain all the strength they can with every moment, allowing for the both of us to feel pleasure because of it.
"Fuck—" Lucifer moans, shakily, when I make him deep thrust me. One time, two, three, four times, each one stealing moan after moan, louder than the one before.
Wanting to speed, I lean downwards towards his face to unite our lips together. Placing my hands on each side of his head, the position allows me to slip his erection in and out of me quicker with the help of my knees and thighs moving forwards and backwards repeatedly.
Then more I can thrust him inside, the better. And with what my knees and thighs allow me, the quickness we manage is enough for Lucifer to join me, lifting his hips up and down to follow the rhythm.
My mouth is open but the air getting stuck on my lungs doesn't allow me to slip a sound out of me. My chest goes tense as well as my pelvis, enabled to handle the pressure of Lucifer and our movement together around my pelvis.
"F—fuck—" I manage to whimper before biting my lip.
Lucifer rests his feet on the bed to thrust me deeper than he was before. Making circles with his pelvis, his skin brushes against my folds and grows on me the pleasure of it all. Each movement combined with a thrust, my body doesn't feel like it can handle it anymore, and rests on Lucifer's tiredly, letting out the air that's been stuck inside my lungs.
Lucifer notices my exhausted body, so, placing both of his hands on my thighs, he lifts me up to lay my back on the bed without removing himself out of me.
Kneeling in front of my opened legs, with a slower movement that before, his erection thrusting me is joined by his left thumb moving against my clit.
Our eyes connect the more pleasure we feel. Once we do, Lucifer's smiling at me immediately grows in me the need to do the same.
"You look so fucking gorgeous right now, Avery." Lucifer says, softly, without stopping with his slow movements. "I could stare at you like this all day."
I chuckle, mixed with heavy breathing. "My neighbours are gonna be so glad to hear that."
Speeding with no warning, his thrust shakes a low moan out of me.
Lucifer, cockiness plastered all over his face, smirks at the sounds coming out of me. "Yeah... music to my ears."
Good multitasker that he is, Lucifer manages to keep his movements on my clit as well as his thrusts. Each time he moves, like times before, the burning sensation on my pelvis is mixed with tension surrounding my lower area. Nothing else for my brain to focus on, just Lucifer growing pleasure in both of us.
Thighs slightly shake when my clit grows in tingles. The combination of it all manages to keep the air stuck in my throat, enabled to come out the more the tension flies around my body like electric waves.
Lucifer's breathing matches his movements, each time he slips in is joined by the air coming out of his mouth, giving him a bit more of strength he needs to keep this going. His knees become apart to bring his pelvis closer to mine, and lifting my legs to wrap them around his waist, it makes us both feel the other in a much deeper way.
"Uh—fuck me..." Lucifer's raspy words are follows by a low moan coming from the back of his throat.
I can feel his legs going tense and his movements becoming rougher. Each moan he does it's uncontrollable, and the movements of his thumbs are clumsy, unable to keep it under his control. But that doesn't matter, the pleasure that we're both building doesn't stop, and it grows each second that passes by.
Tingles roughly surround my pelvis. My back arches as the tension shakes my hips and thighs. Eyes go back, breathing stuck on my lungs and stomach locked in place. The peak of the climax rushes over to me without allowing me to catch a breath or even see it coming, it closes my legs around his waist with pressure as well as Lucifer's building the speed he's having against me as roughly yet firm as he can.
"Baby—" I hear his needy words enabled to sound properly.
His arms go tense as well as his thighs. Doing a final thrust, my pelvis and stomach can't handle the pressure of his erection and have to let the air in me go, explosion of tension inside of me like a bomb going off. Lucifer climaxes soon after me, dropping his body on top of mine as his left arm rests under my head. Right hand caressing my tired thigh while my I fingertips do the same but in his back, allowing us both to relax and fully sink in the moment we just had.
Breathing coming out from our mouths is all the noise that surrounds the room. Our bodies connecting and embracing the closeness is all that we want to do, touching and caring for the other as if nothing else matters, just us and enjoying this little moment that we manage to gift each other.
"Fuck, Lilith." Lucifer's laugh is joined by mine, enabled to believe once again the sexual connection that we both find in our bodies. It's like no brain command is needed, and our actions are made by the need and lust that we manage to grow each time we do something like this. It's a type of connecting I've never had with anyone before, and I wonder if this is truly me, giving in to our intimacy and not being uncomfortable by it. Or maybe it's only gonna happen when we have sex, and any other time commitment will manage to keep my feet and brain walking away, ruining it like I always do.
I wonder and I wonder, if I'm ever gonna be able to change.
Lucifer kisses my shoulder as he slips out of me, dropping his body next to mine without removing his arm under my head. My body moves on itself, and cuddles with him to look for warmth he always gives me, like a little kid sitting in front of the fire after a cold day in the snow...
"Baby..." I hear Lucifer call me, fingertips caressing my back. "Are you alright?"
I nod against his chest, no words coming out of me.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You don't have to answer right now, just, think about it, okay?" He sounds nervous, like this question has been inside his brain for a while now.
"Okay..." I whisper.
"Would you ever—"
My phone vibrates cutting him off. No part of me has the need to see what it is, but when his phone vibrates as well, both our intrigues let go of the question he was gonna ask me.
"What the fuck?" Lucifer asks, confused, as he grabs his phone from his jeans on the floor.
I leave his side to grab mine on the nightstand. An email notification is the first that's on my screen, alongside a hundred of messages from Ada just yelling "AHHHH!" because she already passed.
"I got an email—" my words are cut off by be, realising what this email is.
Looking towards Lucifer, he has the same surprised stare, like he received an email as well.
"Grades?" He asks.
I nod. "Grades."
The loading has never felt so long. Lucifer and I wait for the email to load in silence. He sits down next to me, hand behind my back.
"I got in." I hear him say, as mine does the same... "Fuck."
"What?" I look at him, smile growing on his lips.
"Fuck! I passed— Man! I passed!" He cuts his celebration, turning to my phone. "What about you, baby?"
My heart speeds fast like an airplane as my eyes go back to my screen and wonder down on the list, looking for my name.
"L...L, L..." Lucifer whispers, searching as well.
Lilith Avery.
Final grade: 89 out of a 100.
Points to graduate: 0.
Fuck. Fuck indeed.
Triple fuck.
"Baby..." Lucifer calls me. "You're graduating."
No words manage to come to me, not even one thought. My brain is blank in surprise, shook surrounding my body.
"We're graduating..." Lucifer's words snap me out of it.
We're doing it, together.
I don't know if happiness, overwhelm, or just plain freaked feeling come over me, no clue, but the biggest of smiles forms on my lips as well as my arms embrace Lucifer in a tight hug. It seems that it's all my body begs to do.
"We're doing it!" I manage to say, surprised.
"Yes, baby, we are!"
I'm graduating.
With Ada.
With Lucifer.
And it seems right.
It seems fucking amazing.
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