━━━ ii. raised from hell.
「 chapter two. 」
There's a slight chance he might've made the biggest mistake of his life. Scott McCall realises, clutching his throbbing and gushing crimson side from a freakin' wolf bite━━ which should not be possible but that fact isn't his main priority, the fact that all trees surrounding him all look the same is making him wonder if he'll ever get out of here. He'd rather wonder alone all night then tell his mom he snuck out at night to see half a dead body.
Why did he think this would be a good idea? And how come Stiles got to go home when he was the one who actually wanted to come? Though he refuses to let getting trampled by a hoard of deers nor the trauma of almost kissing a corpse will stop him from making his grand shift from bench warmer to first line in Lacrosse tryouts tomorrow!
Wait a damn minute, he recognises that chopped down tree. He's passed it twice already, has he been going in circles this entire time? The moon shun bright this night, guiding him to a single petit lavender flower growing out of a lumpy ground, he wouldn't have spotted it without the light.
Scott didn't know why he was doing it; he just needed to touch the flower whether his brain realised it or not. He couldn't explain it, he could walk pass it but his mind will be muddled with dissatisfaction for not touching it. It felt soft on his fingertips, the flower head tilts like it were leaning into his touch.
Scott was about to pluck the flower when a head grew out of the ground. A scream buckled past his mouth, his entire body falling back. She screams gripping her face caked in dirt, wondering, where the hell is she.
The stranger before her has some strong lungs to be screaming for that long, she waits for him to get a grip. Her chest was tight, she brushes it off her chest feeling lighter the more she removes. He had stopped screaming but hadn't moved a single bone, compelled by the zombie in front of him.
"Well," Her voice came out croaky making his shoulders flinched, scratching the muck on her bare arms. Her first words on earth needed to be out there. "Hell was boring." Wasn't the best but it'll do.
What could you reply in a situation like this? You find a girl who appears the same age as you buried alive and instead of being freaked out in anyway, she talks about hell being boring. Is this the part where he start screaming again?
Scott struggles to swallow tilting his head up. Some people deal with trauma differently, he knows that because his mom thought him that. He just has to remain calm. "Are you... are you hurt?"
"By dirt?" She questions, her head tilted at him, confused by how dirt could harm a demon like herself.
"Yeah." He bobs his head then blinks shaking his head. "No. No, like is your body hurt? Do you need help standing up? What's your name?"
"I am not hurt. I think I can stand by myself." She raises a finger with each question she answers. The earth felt warm on her bottom half, like it holding onto her for a few more seconds before letting her lift her horns like a bird would flap their wings for the first time. "Lastly, my name is... Beck."
Scott hesitates, taking little steps to not startle her and holds his hands out for her to hold letting him lift her out of her grave. He studied her dust herself off, there was something familiar about her━━ he doesn't know what it is right now, maybe with help from a hospital she'll get proper treatment and be taken care of whilst the police find the bastards that did that to her.
"I can take you to the hospital, it's not far, or the station or wherever you want to go." Scott suggested. There was something about her being unfazed about the ordeal that made him feel indecisive about leaving her alone or making sure she gets somewhere safe.
Her nose wrinkled like she could smell something he couldn't. "But you're the one bleeding." She points out, gesturing to his side. He winced, catching himself before he touched his side, she was lucky it was staining through his hoodie or he would've thought she was more of a freak.
"I'll be fine. A wolf attacked me out of nowhere."
"We could hunt it down..?" She suggests, gripping her hands behind her back, her head tilting around to land on her shoulder pointing in his direction.
His face scrunched, attempting to take a peek at the bite. "No, it was probably scared or something."
She pursed her lips to the side at the rejection. Meeting Scott McCall, check. Now, she has to follow the tugging in her chest to another destination; Demons' Motel.
"Hey, I don't think you should ━━ " Scott tried to stop her when she turned around walking opposite him.
"I'll be fine." Beck waved him off. She doesn't know the way out but maybe following the moon like it led Scott to her, will do the same for her. Somehow. "It's not my first time in the woods." That was a terrible joke because that experience, was not the greatest.
Maybe something did come out of making the biggest mistake in his life; he brought someone back to life. Literally.
∘˚˳°∘˚˳° ∘˚˳°∘˚˳°
Demon Motel.
The motel was situated near the outskirts of Beacon Hills. Shaped like an L, the building colored in a light shade of brown, some parts dripping moss green. The building name stood on top in a red neon with horns on the letters e. Creative, she thought sarcastically. The bell rings above her head. The reception area is decorated in a wooden desert theme.
"How do you do, Beck." A woman chirped at the desk, eyes glued on her phone playing a colourful game.
Her eyes squinted at her, stating the obvious, "You know my name."
"Ofcourse, I know all the guardian demons in the county." She switches off her phone, glimpsing at her with a lopsided smile leaning on the desk. "Did you meet you protégée?"
"Yes, I did." Beck quipped, her eyes glued on the snow globe shaking in her hands and catches sight of the receptionist name on her name tag over her heart. The minute she began breathing, she has felt like a fish out of water and she's trying her best to appear normal so they don't notice but it's starting to get harder to breath. "He found me buried alive. I'm still coughing up dirt."
"Oh, that's got to leave a mark. You should check that out." Jude chimed, unhooking a key behind a glass on the wall, then walks out from behind the desk. "Later though, We've got some minor details to discuss."
"About what?" Beck inquired, standing besides her rather than behind like the clueless duck she was, arms crossed. She still couldn't feel the wind blowing on her bare arms.
"The rules." Jude answered shortly, climbing up the steps. Beck's head dipped left at the sound of banging. "Come on, Helios! You break it, you pay for it!"
A boy with wild curly drew his lips back in a snarl, shaking the blue candy machine. "Then tell this shitty machine to give me my milky bar!" He drew his hand over his curls like he can't see past them, his left eye squinted. "Who's the new demon?"
"Beck, she's a rookie demon and took her time to be found." The raven haired reception recalled, her mouth curved into a smile glancing at Beck besides.
"I'm Helios, room ten!" Helios waved. Beck gives him a two finger salute, thinking back to what Jude meant by her taking her time to be found, found where? "Stop by anytime except after ten, I like my sleep."
"He does." Jude agreed giggling and continued up the stairs, waving at the others lingering out their rooms.
"What did you mean by 'I took my time to be found'?" Beck inquired. The dreams she had when she woke up were fading except for the emotions she felt, the fear she felt clung to her.
"Oh, uh," Jude turns a corner and pauses outside the room door twenty four, rubbing her lips. "How do I explain this... before you came back to life, you were in a limbo where Death and Lucifer were racing to catch you. The first one you to bring you peace gets to keep your soul do whatever they want with you, that why you came out of the ground because...."
Beck realises, clicking her fingers. "Because I was brought back to life." So that fear she feels is from trying to run away from Death or Lucifer?
"Exactly!" Jude chirped. Then how did she die? Would anyone recognise her from before she died? Was her body taken out of her casket? And why did Lucifer want her? Her head is starting to pound from all the questions. "Welcome to your new palace."
The outside was nothing like the inside; it was grand, summer colors. Sitting room and kitchen are built in the same space, separated by three counters in the shape of an L, a bathroom next door, with white spaced out stairs curving to the bedroom, the entire top floor was her bedroom with a wooden block preventing peeping toms from watching her sleep. It wasn't luxurious, but it's gorgeous.
"All the demons in Beacon Hills are accommodated in one motel home. It's not a rule to live here, it's more of a safe house for whatever reasons we need." Jude explained, situating herself on the swallowing sea blue couch. "I'm your demon guide on earth. Did you know I helped Bonnie make history?"
"No. But I am not surprised." Beck replied, brushing the crisp smooth marble counters. Why did Lucifer want her? What was so special about her that she raced against Death to snatch her? It shouldn't matter because she's back on earth to repay Her.
"Thanks, your first person to say that." Jude marvelled. She gestures to the seat besides her, Beck takes it feeling the couch attempting to swallow her. "So, there are three simple rules to being on earth." She nods for her to continue. "One, do not let anyone but your target find out what you really are. Two, " she lifts another finger. "Under no circumstances are you allowed to return to Hell before your mission is over. And Three, do not, I repeat; do not fall in love with your target."
Beck pursed her lips, not budging when her face came closer to hers trying to enforce how serious the last rule was. She bops her nose. "Yes, sir."
Jude jerked back, fixing her jean jacket. "Stop that. Your passport, credit cards, birth certificate and other documents are on the counter." She places her keys in her hands. "Don't stay up too late reading, you've got school in the morning."
"Wait, what? I thought I left Hell."
∘˚˳°∘˚˳° ∘˚˳°∘˚˳°
( ━━ notes ) Because I forget to explain who
the monster chasing her was from the last chapter
I thought to include it here! Her meeting with Scott
wasn't planned but I am glad it came out this way!
This story is so exciting for me!
gorgeous banner made by binbarnes
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