XXIII. A Talk With the King
A/n: Unfortunately, since school opens for me on the 4th, updates shall probably take longer as I'm in my probably final year; Grade Eleven, meaning I'll have assignments on top of assignments, along with both mock and national exams to prepare hardcore for.
However, I'll try to update in my free time (if that exists).
PS: I just finished watching (yes, watching) the Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 231-232 and man is it sick. Since I'm already hyped enough, I'm going to update this first thing in the morning.
So without further ado, the next chapter.
This is a world in which humans and beings have yet to be divided. A tale of ancient times. Before the battle of Liones, the Kingdom of Camelot was soundly beaten and conquered. However, a spark of hope remains in the heroes that soon draw near. Hooray, the sins are here...
...The Eight Deadly Sins are here!
Chapter XXIII
A Talk With the King
Walking down the large hallway, Victoria shuffled slowly, electric blue and black strands hanging limply over her face.
She could feel the bloodlust in the air as each demonic entity within the kingdom of Camelot instantly latched onto her presence, the thought of a tasty meal sitting enticingly on the tip of their tongues.
There was one problem with the possibility of a new diet; the demon king representative, or rather the demon king, Tyrannus, himself.
While it was a known fact that the Infinity Commandment, boasted a particularly high power level among the members of the Ten Commandments, this didn't stop them from still wanting to rip their natural enemy to shreds upon sight, no matter how cursed she was.
It was because of past events that had brought them to offer some degree of personal freedom to the goddess with black wings. None of them wanted to end up targeted by their demonic prince's swift judgment, passed down as what they assumed to be protective measures against the King Tyrannus' pawn.
Glaring darkly at the tiled ground with cold heterochromatic eyes, the Commandment of Subservience drifted along the corridor, still in denial of her current predicament.
Black boots kicked spitefully at the solid floor, as the same color brushed against her arms and legs, her outfit having changed to remind herself of the darker atmosphere she had finally returned to. The only splash of color being a pale green shirt she now wore underneath the leather jacket.
Her hands clenched tightly at her sides as she sped up her dreary pace into a temper-filled thought, her latent hatred now rising once again.
Why here? Why am I back now of all times? Didn't that give them enough of a warning?! She raged internally, marching down the path that would reel her back into her life of eternal servitude.
Golden walls closed in around her, the intricate designs laughing at her as she walked. The corridor itself seemed never-ending, lengthening in its entirety as she struggled to reach the end, her voice caught in her throat as she fought to survive.
It may have been a different location, but that didn't allow her the joy of not realizing what the reality of her situation truly was.
It was a prison, and she and Elizabeth were definitely not the wardens.
The Eight Deadly Sins... A moment of brief respite in which Meliodas had seamlessly allowed her to play hero, thoughts of the Demon King a mere figment of her imagination.
Meeting up with Meliodas- making up with him, she was even allowed to fulfil her major regret, left over from her demon days. She had become well acquainted with Elizabeth, finding her first female friend in a span of three thousand years.
Only to have it all snatched away with the flick of a finger.
Victoria felt like a lowly dog, with her owner dangling a bone just barely too far away. They'd throw it; only for her to learn that the toy had never moved from its position in the first place.
It was all a sick joke, and the goddesses were the spectators of the miserable event.
Bumping into someone, Victoria stumbled back slightly, surprised by the sudden contact jerking her mind.
Keeping her eyes shaded, she moved with a destination in mind, attempting to erase her presence from sight and memory.
What I would give in order not to run into any of the rest... She thought somberly, attempting to quickly shuffle away from the vicinity.
A hand on the shoulder halted her movement, keeping her in place so that the interaction would continue.
"I believe she has something she'd like to say to you," the mouth-less man spoke, glancing away from the stoic female to his companion beside him.
Following his gaze, her eyes landed on orange hair, cut short, a series of injuries still healing from an attack.
"I'll say it from the ass, you are still dead," the demon stated bluntly, slight irritation seen in her eyes.
Victoria blinked in confusion.
Monspeet stroked his moustache leisurely, looking aside into the distance.
"I believe what she means is: we thought you didn't get revived," he translated, seemingly thinking the same thing.
"Huh, well I wish I didn't," Victoria commented emotionlessly, "At least, I wouldn't have to see you guys again."
"From the ass, with the Demon King?" she folded her arms, watching her critically.
"You mean to tell me that you of all people, would rather be trapped with the Demon King?" he obliged, waiting on her response.
"No, of course not," Victoria scoffed, noticing their injuries, "What happened to you two anyway? Not that I care."
Derieri glared sharply.
Noticing that she wouldn't continue, Monspeet explained the situation to the extra commandment.
"We were attacked by Meliodas sometime ago when fighting off that goddess girl," he informed her, "It seems we have become rather unfortunate victims of his Full Counter technique."
"Ah..." Victoria observed, noting they'd lived to tell the tale, "Makes sense."
"However, I do have a question for you, Midnight."
"I'm listening," she turned sideways to face them.
"How are you back here with us? Did you not get attacked by Meliodas' new team?" he raised an eyebrow.
Did Zeldris not tell them...? Victoria was surprised as she fought to keep her face straight.
To tell them then would mean that I'd disobeyed an indirect decision of the Demon King- not that I would, I guess.
"Um..." she thought back as if remembering.
A truth that's not a lie...
"Oh yeah, that crazy pride one; Escanor, attacked me," she told a half-truth, sweat dropping slightly.
If you could call throwing wine bottles an attack within reason, she rolled her eyes mentally at the memory, the sarcasm evident deep within.
Derieri narrowed her eyes suspiciously as if considering something, but then again, she never had trusted Victoria, to begin with, fallen goddess as she was.
Victoria returned the favour one hundred thousandfold.
"Let's go from the ass," she finally ordered, marching off in another direction for Monspeet to follow.
"Alright..." he nodded, glancing back at Victoria with an unreadable face.
Victoria simply waved in fake amiability.
Once they had turned the corner, the smile dropped, making way for the stone cold gaze she normally wore as she wished for her own swift death.
Pushing these thoughts aside, she continued her way down the corridor, now twice as sure as to not make the same mistake in being unaware of her surroundings.
Forcing the door to the throne room open, Victoria entered the expanse, bypassing Estarossa as he was leaving. Completely ignoring each other, their paths crossed, the doors shutting behind her as she made her way up to the representative of the demon king.
"You said you wanted to talk?" she got to the point, slightly uncomfortable with the male's intimidating aura as his eyes landed agonizingly slowly on her, setting her on edge.
He was in his job mode right now, and that only meant one thing.
She'd practically be speaking to the Demon King, rather than her friend, Zeldris.
Something he was probably worried about deep within.
A smirk planted itself onto his face as he leaned on his armrest, his head planted comfortably in his hand.
"That's right," he agreed with a smug grin, "Now then... Let's begin discussing your punishment, shall we?"
A confrontation is soon to begin!
What exactly does the Demon King have in mind for Victoria's punishment and how bad is it actually?
A/n: I find it weird how we don't actually know if Derieri and Monspeet are dead. I mean sure it was Meliodas, but even Melascula appears and I thought she was dead when Ban did that. Who knows what happens to Estarossa after not high noon Escanor XD?
Fun fact: I use awesome OSTs to get in the mood for my updates.
┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
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