XIV. What Pride Should Do
This is a world in which humans and other beings have not yet been divided. This is a story of ancient times. The war between the Kingdom of Liones and the Ten Commandments has temporarily ceased. However, the vanguard continues to renew itself and the ashes of a new war are heating up. But now our heroes are here...
...The Eight Deadly Sins are here!
Chapter XIV
What Pride Should Do
Spinning around suddenly to face the other, the eight deadly sins' captain asked hurriedly, "Merlin, do you think you can use location to find them?" he questioned hopefully.
Merlin frowned slightly at the request, "Had you asked me a second earlier, I could have. Now, however, I can't," she specified.
"Then why didn't you-?" the blonde began frustratedly. "No, that's not it," he stopped himself.
"Rather, what's stopping you from doing so now?" Meliodas corrected, hoping he wasn't right.
"'Location' only covers the extent of a mere city. Or, in this case, the kingdom's capital. Once they have left the spell's range- I can no longer track them," the mage explained, raising her hand at her side.
"So~" Ban started, eyes narrowed on the female, "You're saying..."
Merlin nodded, "Yes," she confirmed grimly, "Both Elizabeth and Victoria... are out of the kingdom."
"No..." Diane gasped, eyes dilating in shock as she covered her mouth with her hands.
"They... they'll be alright, won't they?" King piped up, feeling pity for the captain.
"It's hard to say," the brunette put a hand to her chin, leaning back slightly in thought, "Individually, Elizabeth and Victoria may be able to get by. However, that's where Miss Samael's condition comes into play. Victoria isn't in the right state of mind- or body- to protect both of them sufficiently. Especially, against an opponent of that magnitude; none of us are."
"Then, what do we do?" Diane asked in worry for their companions.
"For now, we gather information," she stated, snatching the air at her side in a fist, "It is imperative that we learn more about who our enemies are and formulate a plan on how to beat them," she said, narrowing her eyes at the floating star before her.
"Merlin," she glanced at the captain, "there's something else bothering you, isn't there?" he stared questioningly at the boar's sin.
"It's nothing," she smiled nervously, not wanting him to worry about it.
"What is it?" he refused to let up.
"It's the direction that they're travelling..." she trailed off in thought.
"Eh?" Diane was confused, "What's wrong with it?"
The mage glanced at the younger girl passingly, "It isn't what's wrong with it... It's what's in the line of it."
"In the line of it?" King repeated.
She nodded, a drop of sweat making its appearance as she tensed her brow in frustration.
"It's one that should be feared alright."
Meliodas' eyes widened in shock, "You don't mean-!" Things couldn't possibly get any worse.
"The Kingdom of Camelot. The place where Arthur is missing- the Ten Commandments' current perch," Merlin finally revealed, suspicious. She hadn't originally planned on saying her deduction while they were still underneath the kingdom.
Where that strange passageway was a mere distance from there.
It had yet to disappear. Lingering behind despite its purpose of delivering a demonic ambush having been fulfilled. Something... Someone was still there. Probably eavesdropping on their conversation whilst the group remained unaware.
"I'm not sure if you heard me," she muttered inaudibly in a different language; an ancient one, "but- I will suggest, however, that you leave."
Meliodas stared at her weirdly.
A smug smile made its way across the demon king representative's face as he watched the conversation through the cursed portal's view. His black hair falling to the side slowly as he leaned on his hand leisurely, seated comfortably on his new throne.
"Hm," he smirked amusedly to himself, "So that one noticed me, huh," he acknowledged, watching as they ascended out of the dungeon before leaving the portal dormant for future use.
"Impressive," he stated, "So Meliodas' new friends do have a use after all."
He had to accept it. After all, it had been that overly prideful one who had sent both him and his older brother packing.
What had been his name? That's right- Escanor; the monstrous sin of pride.
He had a bone to pick with that one. Or rather; his brother did.
Getting up, he walked over to the window, taking in the sight of his great race overwhelming the once pitiful human kingdom- Camelot. Only those animals would come up with such a primitive name as that. Smirking, he turned his attention to the cattle's struggle against five Grey Demons, nearby, in an alleyway.
They were cornered. Just like that traitor must be, faced with the thought of his precious lovers encountering him on their way. As for his new one... well, he'd make sure that Victoria would return back to his race. It was where she belonged; his best friend, safe by his side once again. Far, far away from any traitorous thoughts that he might have planted in her head.
That woman, on the other hand... Oh, she'd pay for the sins she had forced his dear older brother to commit. Those same sins, that had caused he, Zeldris, to be sealed for three thousand years, plotting his vengeance. Enjoying the thought, he spoke aloud, hoping that Meliodas would rue him once more.
"I hope you know what you're in for Meliodas," he murmured sarcastically, "This time, I'll make sure you stay dead."
He smirked at the thought.
"So you're saying..." King Baltra began in disbelief, "that in the short time in which I give you seven a mission- the first in ten years I must say- you manage to completely eradicate the castle dungeon off the map, fail to defeat a mysterious entity- lose said entity, lose the latest Deadly Sin and lose my daughter right from out of my Kingdom? What do you have to say for this?" he repeated incredulously.
"Well, we're kinda out of practice," Meliodas commented, pokerfaced once more.
"He means that we're sorry for allowing this to happen," King elaborated quickly, wary not to offset the king so early.
"What he said~" Ban stared at the ruler of Liones.
"Ban-" he rounded on the immortal, ready to pester him.
"Yeah, yeah," he cleaned out his ear.
Merlin stepped forwards, all attention falling to her at once, "I humbly apologize for the conduct of the Eight Deadly Sins, regarding the mission to assist Avalon with their situation. However, before this can be accomplished, I would like to ask that a new mission is assigned in the meantime, allowing time for us to reclaim the princess and Miss Samael, preferably before they can come into contact with Camelot," she bowed slightly, glancing up at the king.
The King of Liones stroked his beard soothingly, considering the request, "A separate mission, huh?"
He nodded, "Alright, on one condition."
"What is it?" Hawk asked, speaking up.
He glanced down at the pig, "You must reach Avalon within a week's time," he specified, "As I have said, we are pressed for time. A week is all I can spare to complete this venture. Please, bring the two of them back safely," the king pleaded, worrying for his child.
"We will," Meliodas stated seriously, "I promise you, I won't let anything happen to those two."
The king was surprised at his tension, "Yes, I know," he said, reaching into his pocket, "On that note, I have something to give back to one of you..." he revealed, a strange heart-shaped object outstretched in his hand.
"Huh?" King questioned.
"What is that?" Diane asked, confused.
"It took a while to find it," he dusted it off, "but this is something of Gowther's. It's his heart; he left it some time ago," he stated, standing up to give it to him.
Gowther ran out of the room.
"What?" the king blinked.
"Wait! Gowther!" Diane pleaded, running after the goat's sin. King, flying right behind her.
"Well this seems fun~" Ban grinned, speeding after them, "Oi, Cap'n did you know about this?"
Meliodas nodded, "I did," he confirmed, following Ban at once. Merlin floated slightly behind the two.
Explaining what he knew, Ban whistled, surprised by the odd tale. "... I don't know what caused him to lose it... but Gowther's been different ever since."
"I gotta say," the sin of greed began, "I didn't think you knew him from way back then too. More of 'em just keep popping up, don't they?" he smirked as they ran through the town.
"Yeah," Meliodas agreed, "To think, two different people I knew, ended up in the sins with me. Kinda strange if you think about it."
"Keh~ kinda?" Ban laughed, "that's fuckin' coincidental."
"Yeah..." the blonde trailed off sadly, thinking about the various Elizabeths he knew and the crazy meeting between the current Elizabeth and Victoria. Eventually, he knew Elizabeth would ask about it. He wasn't sure if he was ready to give an answer. "Say, Merlin... Where is Escanor anyway?" he changed the subject.
Merlin glanced at him oddly. "...Why do you ask?" she finally replied, meeting his questioning gaze.
In the distance, an orange-haired man sat on the front of a carriage, leading the cart into the south of the kingdom. Peering strangely at the back of the cart, he swiftly looked away from the cold lady's gaze, a white-haired and black-haired individual seated on either side of the woman; sleeping. Nervously, he gulped as his glasses slipped slightly, a burning aura quickly disappearing as he pushed them back up.
Terrified, he prayed to his sun.
Lady Merlin, he thought, what should I do? This woman wants me to take Lady Elizabeth and Lady Victoria straight to Avalon!
Fate of Delizah Samael Arc- End
Escanor has encountered the two while transporting beer to the south!
When the strongest sin gets hijacked straight to Avalon, what does he do? Will the gang manage to catch up with them before its too late?
Remember to vote, comment and tell me what you think!
PS: Finals are MONDAY and I still decided I had to update before I resume my study. Wish me luck guys!
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