VI. A Selfless Lust
This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. It is a story of ancient times. Countless conflicts have been repeated throughout Britannia's history. No longer is there anyone who knows how it all began and how to bring everything to a stop. However, there is one man who does know and the order of knights that man commands is...
...The Legendary Seven Deadly Sins!
Chapter VI
A Selfless Lust
"Elizabeth? But how?" the princess exclaimed in shock, surprised. She knew that Meliodas had loved Liz back when he was in Danafor, but she never thought there had been one before that. The very thought of it shook her.
"I don't exactly know how this is possible, but my theory is that a certain few people with regrets are allowed to reincarnate in order to fulfil them. That or you're just coincidentally the same person, with the same name who coincidentally met Meliodas. It remains a mystery to me," Victoria explained, thinking deeply.
"Oh so you don't know either then," she noticed.
"Quite so."
The brunette glanced at the individual carefully, "Knowing all of this now... Can you really find it in your heart to believe in me, Elizabeth? I betrayed your kind for essentially nothing and still didn't even find my father's killer. I'm even one of the Ten Commandments. Can you really find it in your heart to forgive me?" she looked back down at the floor, noticing an ant crawling away on it.
"At first, I wasn't sure if I really could follow through with what I said... But when you told me how you were tricked by the Demon King... I could see that you genuinely were unhappy with the way that things had turned out and felt horrible about it. Once I realized this, I knew I had to trust you. I believe you, Victoria. I wouldn't dare think otherwise," she said, reaching over to rest her hand on hers. "I'm glad that you told me and I'm sure that Lord Meliodas would think so too," she smiled reassuringly.
"I doubt that. I can tell that he loves you Elizabeth, I have no real place being in his life again. I doubt he even remembers me well anyway," she smiled begrudgingly.
"Nuh uh," Elizabeth shook her head, "I'm sure that somewhere deep down, he really loves you, Victoria. I'm just a reminder of all that he has lost. You didn't see his reaction when you left- he was furious with himself."
"Really, don't you dare you touch my woman? You were a child, Elizabeth. Nobody says something like that unintentionally," she stated skeptically.
"Well..." the princess blushed, "Wait how did you-?"
"I know a lot of things," the goddess smiled secretively, "I've been watching over him all this time. You mean a lot to him, Elizabeth. I know you do."
"Really?" she was surprised, "You know, I've been wondering... Does this make us friends? You've trusted me with your past and I've trusted you. I wouldn't mind being friends with you, Victoria," she revealed.
"Well, you are the first person I've told this. I guess this does make us friends. I'd like that too actually. You'd be my first female one," Victoria thought.
"Friends, then?" she raised her hand.
"Friends," she nodded, shaking it. The fire flickered slightly, the new lack of wood to burn affecting it finally. Victoria glanced at it in surprise, "Looks like it needs more wood."
Elizabeth nodded, "Yes, it seems so."
"I'm going to go look for some. Are you sure you really want to stay here? I can't protect you, you know," she said, standing up.
"Yes. I'll be fine. If anything happens, I'll yell. Okay?" the princess explained confidently.
"Alright..." she said unsurely, "Remember, I don't need my new friend to die on me now. Meliodas would never forgive me," she put her hand on her waist.
"Right," she nodded.
"I'll leave a barrier here to protect you, alright?" she stated, not sure if this was a good idea.
"Alright. Be careful," the silverette wished.
"You too," Victoria said, venturing off into the darkness.
The forest was quiet except for the faint sounds of hooting coming from an owl in the distance. Crickets chirped as grasshoppers jumped out of the way, evading her footsteps. Happily, Victoria smiled to herself, "It seems I'll finally get to know you after all, huh, Elizabeth?" she murmured softly, glancing up at the night sky.
Hopping giddily into the small valley, she glanced around the area, wondering where the rest of the fallen branches she had piled up had disappeared. "That's odd... They should be around here... Ah! There they are," she noticed them off to the side.
Shaking off her suspicions, she bent down, picking them slowly off of the ground. A branch fell out of her bundle, clattering to the ground. A hand stretched it out as she took it, thanking the person. Suddenly, she stumbled back in shock.
"Hello~ Gowther, the goat's sin of lust has arrived!" the doll said blankly, sparkling as he put up a peace sign, "Did I surprise you?"
"Oh, it's you... You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Victoria yelled angrily. She couldn't help but think that the boy was familiar from somewhere.
May as well put him to use, she thought, pointing at the scattered sticks on the ground. "While you're here, do me a favour and carry those back for me. I need to get back to Elizabeth."
"Okay," he nodded limply, picking them up. Victoria stood impatiently, waiting for him to take them up. She was getting anxious at the thought of Elizabeth alone by the fire, waiting for her to return.
When he had finally finished, she turned her back to him. "Now, let's go," she ordered, marching off towards the campsite. Gowther headed in the opposite direction.
Realizing no one was following her, she turned around. "Where do you think you're going?" she yelled incredulously.
"Where?" he glanced back, glasses slipping, "When you said to carry those back... did you not mean to the bar?" he questioned.
"Of course not," she folded her arms exasperatedly, "I meant back to the firelight. I thought you would know this. Now let's go," she turned back around.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," Gowther turned around fully.
"And why not?" Victoria narrowed her eyes suspiciously. She brought out her scythes.
"Because as of this moment my demon should be over there," the sin dropped his load, summoning his dual weapons. A shrill yell pierced the air.
"Elizabeth!" Victoria realized in horror, running towards the camp before dodging the twin arrows aimed from behind her.
"Oi, Cap'n. It's me," Ban knocked finally, outside the blonde's door. Patiently, he waited for an answer.
"...Come in. Ban," the muffled response was heard as he swung the door open.
Entering the room, Ban was surprised to see things strewn all over the place- almost as if they had been thrown in a fit of rage. His eyes finally landed on the captain, seated on the bed, arm resting on the ledge as he stared out the window calmly, lost in thought.
"So what makes you stop by?" Meliodas asked nonchalantly, not looking at him.
"Come on, Cap'n. Don't give me that shit- you know why I'm here," Ban rolled his eyes, shutting the door behind him.
"...Leave it, Ban," the blonde finally spoke up, still not glancing at his best friend, "This doesn't concern you."
"Doesn't concern me, my ass. The only time I've seen you get so worked up is with the Ten Commandments and the Princess," the light blue haired man pointed out.
"Don't make me get angry, Ban."
"Heh~ So it's that important, huh?" the bandit realized, smirking.
"..." Meliodas noticed his plan.
"Now don't be like that, Cap'n. I've gotta find out sometime, don't I? I know I've avoided asking, but you haven't told me anything about you, huh Cap'n," he threw out there, "Don't you think it's unfair that you know about me?"
Finally, Meliodas moved. Turning, he folded his legs, sitting Indian style on the bed. "...You know what? You're right, Ban," he agreed, poker-faced, "What do you wanna know?"
"Keh~ Thanks for finally seeing it my way," Ban smirked, sitting down on a chair, "For starters, who's the chick? You seemed to know her pretty well."
"Just an old friend of mine from way back," he shrugged.
"Traitor of holy war?" Ban asked sarcastically.
"Way, way back," Meliodas corrected, seeing his point.
"Thanks for the enlightenment, Cap'n."
"A member of the Ten Commandments, Ban," he stated.
Ban whistled, "I see. How exactly are there eleven, Ten Commandments?"
"How exactly are there eight, Seven Deadly Sins?" Meliodas fired back at him, "She was an unofficial member... just like now, I suppose."
"Enemy or ally?"
"I'm not fully sure... Ally, I think."
"Why the hell did you get so mad, then?" Ban wondered.
"It's not her I'm angry at, Ban. I'm angry with myself. Victoria believed in me and I failed her. There's nothing I can do to fix that," Meliodas clenched his fist in fury.
"I'm not gonna ask for any details, but just to make it clear... You gonna have her join the Seven Deadly Sins?" Ban glanced at him, standing up once more.
Meliodas sat in deep thought, holding his chin as he frowned, "...If she agrees with me- then... Yes... I would," he finally answered, looking up at him.
Ban acknowledged his answer, "Nice having this talk with ya, Cap'n," he opened the door.
"Thanks, Ban," Meliodas nodded, standing up also.
Before he could go out the door, however, a scream pierced the air in the distance. Alarmed, the captain realized in shock, "Ban, where is Elizabeth?" he asked tensely.
"She went out some time ago to find that goddess chick. Why?" he thought back.
Wasting no time, Meliodas shot out the window, flying in the sky. "What's going on, Cap'n?" Ban yelled through the window at the demon.
"I heard a scream just now like Elizabeth's. I'm going to see what's going on- you tell the others," he yelled in response.
"Alright!" Ban nodded, running downstairs as Meliodas took off swiftly.
Wait for me, Elizabeth, Meliodas thought to himself as he neared the source of the scream. Suddenly, a purple light blinded him as he was forced to look away.
Opening his eyes, he saw a terrible sight.
Before him, stood Victoria, twin scythes in hand and a gravely injured Elizabeth a few feet away.
The sin of treachery strikes again!
Has Victoria finally betrayed them? What could it be that Gowther has up his sleeve? Did she really kill Elizabeth?
Remember to comment and tell me what you think!
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