IV. A Goddess' Plight
This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. It is a story of ancient times. Countless conflicts have been repeated throughout Britannia's history. No longer is there anyone who knows how it all began and how to bring everything to a stop. However, there is one man who does know and the order of knights that man commands is...
...The Legendary Seven Deadly Sins!
Chapter IV
A Goddess' Plight
Clatter! The firewood clanged together as it landed on the dirty ground floor. Rubbing two sticks together, sparks flew, the orange blaze slowly coming to fruition. Sitting down, Victoria watched as the wood burst into flames, lightening up the dark forest. It wasn't like she had a place to stay. Returning to the bar would just disturb the atmosphere between Meliodas and his friends- she had burdened him enough already. She couldn't go back to her dungeon, all that awaited her was her swift and tortuous execution. For now, she would stay in the forest nearby the bar- after all, she had given her word not to escape and once she did that she would keep it. Leaning back on her makeshift wooden pillow, she glanced up at the starry night sky, millions of questions flying through her brain.
How could things have changed so quickly for her? It felt like just yesterday when she had witnessed the messy blonde haired male sacrifice himself before their eyes. Now here he was alive and well, off on a new adventure with a different team- as if nothing had happened. Not only that but it seemed as if he looked exactly the same as he did before, his outfit the only real difference. He had restarted his life anew and she wasn't a part of it.
Even so, how was he alive? The brunette wondered to herself. It didn't make sense, she was sure that he had died during the war... yet there he was, running a bar of all things. They had seen him be killed- a casualty of holy war. So how was he alive? She didn't know.
Cringing, she thought back to the insults she had thrown upon confirming that it truly was the former captain himself. She had said some unpleasant things to his face back there, feelings she had never intended to say aloud ever again. They had been locked up inside of her heart for three millennia now and had to be released sometime, boiling over.
Bitterly smiling, she watched as a star twinkled in the darkness above, returning her expression. Victoria wondered what she would have done in her place. She definitely would not have blown up at him, that's for sure. In fact, she was surprised to see her there too, standing right by his side. She would always be late to join in, it seemed, she always had been.
Shivering, a cool breeze gently caressed her as she turned over, blocking its advance. It felt comforting, just like the smile of her father had been that day. Just like what it had been when she found his dead body, lying in a pool of his godly blood. She never had found out just what happened that day, only a vague response that a certain person hadn't been the one to kill him. Victoria didn't know whether to believe it or not.
Crunch! The sound echoed throughout the quiet forest, the crack of a twig heard above all crickets. Raising her guard, the blue haired girl shot up without hesitation, scythes at the ready by her sides. Scrutinizing her surroundings, she watched out for any kind of movement against the forest shadows. More broken branches and crushed leaves could be heard, all signs of a living creature staggering towards her campsite. She took a step back in anticipation, clenching the twin weapons tighter, ensuring that she still had them.
Suddenly, the noises ceased, an eerie silence left in its stead. "...Who's there?" she asked suspiciously, gripping the handles hard.
Nothing. An owl hooted slowly in the near distance, twitching at the sound anxiously. Slowly, she turned in a circle, stopping as a shadow darted through the darkness before her. "Fine then," she muttered, smoothly sailing one of her weapons into the darkness.
The movement stopped.
"Ahhh!" a voice exclaimed in surprise and fear to her left. She knew that voice.
"E-Elizabeth!" she realized in horror, taking a piece of wood from the fire and carelessly lighting it so that she could see. Hurriedly, she ran towards the source of the shout, praying desperately that what she was thinking would not have happened. Soon, she burst into a small clearing in the dark forest, breathing a sigh of relief.
Before her, sat Elizabeth on the ground, her arms held protectively over her head as a large scythe was stabbed into a tree above. Speeding towards the figure, she towered over her, "What do you think you're doing?" she started angrily, arms akimbo on her waist.
The young princess looked up in surprise. Slowly she removed her hands from their position, resting them at her sides, "L-Lady Victoria," she noticed, stunned.
Sighing in exasperation, she stuck out her hand as she took it, pulling her up. "Do you know how worried I was when I heard you shout? Don't do that again!" she fussed worriedly, checking to see if she was alright.
"I-I'm sorry," she bowed her head in apology.
"Honestly, I could have killed you! What were you thinking?" she huffed, folding her arms.
"I didn't think that-"
Victoria raised a hand for silence, "It's fine- just don't do it again, okay? It's really my fault for not realizing anyways," she shook her head. Glancing up, she stared at the scythe planted in the tree above. "How to get that down, I wonder?"
"I'm sorry about your scythe. If I hadn't surprised you, it wouldn't have gotten stuck up there," the princess apologized once more.
"Look, don't worry about it, Princess. It's not like you knew this would happen. Plus, I bet I can get it down easily. You should probably stand over there for a second," the goddess suggested before climbing swiftly up the tree and trying to pull out the scythe.
Backing up, Elizabeth watched worriedly as she attempted to pry it from its position in the bark. "I got it!" Victoria yelled in triumph, reaching back to grab the branch behind her. Lowering herself onto the branch, her foot slipped, plummeting her straight to the ground.
"Lady Victoria!" the silverette yelled in horror, running to catch the falling girl. The two crashed into the ground, the scythe clattering a foot away.
The two girls groaned, Victoria rolling off of Elizabeth as their eyes met for a moment. Noticing the dirt and leaves in the other's hair, they burst into laughter, smiling at the funny sight. Standing on her feet, Victoria made her way to the fallen scythe, Elizabeth following soon after. Dusting it off, Victoria retracted it, the princess awestruck by the sight.
"Now that that's over with... Why were you out here anyway?" Victoria asked, raising an eyebrow as she turned to the younger girl.
"Ah, that's-!" Elizabeth remembered, "You seemed to have a lot on your mind, so I thought I'd see if you were alright."
"Why? You don't know me."
"Well, that's true..."
"So why care?" she asked, not understanding.
"T- That's-!" she tried to answer.
"You don't have to answer if you can't. Ignore me- I was just rambling," she turned, walking back to the fire.
"W- wait!" Elizabeth called.
Victoria stopped, "What?"
"Why don't you come back to the bar? I'm sure sleeping outside is uncomfortable," she asked.
"...And then what?" she turned around.
"What... what do you mean?" Elizabeth hadn't expected more.
"Should I just forget about the conversation that just took place? Should I just knowingly cause a rift of secrecy between Meliodas and the rest? Well, answer. What do you suggest?" the electric blue eye stared coldly at the girl, piercing her soul.
So intimidating... Was this what a goddess was like? And she wasn't even a full one... Elizabeth realized, speechless. "W- well..." she tried.
"...Forgive me, what I meant was that I don't want to impose on your friends. That would just be a burden, wouldn't it?" Victoria elaborated, smiling slightly.
It was almost like, two conflicting personalities existed within the same body- the goddess, Delizah Samael and the human, Victoria Midnight. Up until now, Elizabeth had a feeling that she had only just started talking to Delizah- the rest had all been Victoria. Swallowing nervously, she answered, "I'm sure none of them would think that! Lord Meliodas and the others aren't like that! They'd welcome you here!" she expressed.
"Like they have already?" Delizah stared coldly at the princess.
"I doubt that," Victoria smiled apologetically.
"I'm sure if you explain yourself, they would agree!" she clenched her fists in determination. She was going to get through the defensive walls of Delizah and talk to the fragile Victoria hidden underneath.
"Heh, if I explain myself," Delizah scoffed, "If I explain myself, they'll hand me over to their King just the same."
This... would take a while. "Didn't you hear what Lady Merlin said? If you tell her, she would let you go!"
"Didn't you hear what Merlin said? She would talk to Baltra for me. I'd still be brought before the King anyway," Victoria narrowed her eyes.
"Look, Princess-"
"What?" Victoria was taken aback.
"I want you to call me Elizabeth," the silver-haired girl declared.
"...Elizabeth. I honestly appreciate what you're trying to do here, but it won't work. I'm sorry, but I won't follow you," Victoria turned her back, continuing on.
"Then why don't you tell me instead?" she offered finally.
"W- what?" she glanced back in shock.
"Tell me what happened. That way, you won't have to tell Lady Merlin about your past... and I can firmly say that I trust you to the fullest. I promise you that I won't tell anyone," Elizabeth stated sincerely, determination in her eyes.
Victoria stared at the girl for a full minute before sighing quietly, "Honestly, you're just like her..."
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing," she turned back to the light of the fire, "Fine. I'll take you up on your offer," she relented, continuing once more.
"Lady Victoria," she exclaimed happily that she could help the girl.
"Just Victoria. Well, aren't you coming?" she glanced back at her, barely smiling.
"Yes!" the princess nodded, running after her.
Having finally broken through Victoria's shell, Elizabeth ventures on with the girl, a story to be told. But just what exactly are the details of the goddess' past and can Elizabeth truly forgive them? Let's find out.
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