II. Devil's Sin of Treachery
This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. It is a story of ancient times. Countless conflicts have been repeated throughout Britannia's history. No longer is there anyone who knows how it all began and how to bring everything to a stop. However, there is one man who does know and the order of knights that man commands is...
...The Legendary Seven Deadly Sins!
Chapter II
Devil's Sin of Treachery
The girl seemed to be around Elizabeth's height towering over the miniscule blonde. Surprised at her appearance, the bar froze, noting the clear resemblance between the two. Raising an eyebrow, the purple haired mage approached, sacred treasure in hand.
"The hell is going on here?" Ban drawled in blatant shock, resting head on his hand by the counter, sitting on a stool.
"It would appear that those two seem to bear a heavy resemblance to each other," Gowther acknowledged, tilting his head.
"Thanks, Captain Obvious," Hawk retorted, turning to the goat's sin and snorting.
"You're welcome," he answered.
"Yep, definitely the same," Meliodas stated, massaging the two pairs of boobs before him.
"W- what do you think you're doing?!" 'Elizabeth' yelled in embarrassment, punching the pervert in the face. The poker-faced boy flew through the air, landing upside down, his arms folded in thought.
"You can't just do that, Captain," King reprimanded, a fifth form Chastiefol aiming itself at the sin of wrath in midair. The serpent's sin of envy, punched him on his head as Hawk tied him up.
"Great, now he's an even bigger pervert," Hawk commented, tying the rope to a stool. Meliodas seemed unremorseful.
"I'm sorry about the Captain. It would seem that your similar appearance to our friend Elizabeth here, likely awakened something in him," Merlin apologized, smiling slightly.
"I- it's fine, I guess.... I guess..." the girl trailed off awkwardly, unsure if this really was so.
"You do look awfully familiar though..." Merlin thought aloud, trying to remember where she had seen her.
"That's what I was thinking," Meliodas contributed, speaking up.
"Who the hell could tell that?!" Hawk pointed out bluntly.
"Say, is it possible that we have met before?" he ignored the boar's outburst, looking at the girl.
"Doubtful. If we'd met before then I would be able to recognize you," the girl pointed out.
"Hmm, I wonder about that..."
"Oi, kid," Ban raised his voice, turning their attention to him, "Mind telling us why exactly you look like the Princess here?"
"I'm not a kid," she stated calmly.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever- just answer the question," he waved his hand uncaringly.
"How should I know?" the blue-tinted brunette expressed in exasperation, "I just came here for a drink."
"If it's alright with you, could I possibly get your name, miss? I'm Elizabeth," Elizabeth asked politely, interested to see someone who looked like her.
"...Victoria," the girl hesitantly said, turning away from the group.
"Nice to meet you, Lady Victoria," the silverette greeted, happy that she got her response.
"Nice to meet you too, I think," Victoria held out a hand as Elizabeth took it, shaking it.
"You think? What makes you say that?" Diane asked in curiosity.
"They say that, if you ever meet someone who looks like you, you'll be cursed with misfortune," Victoria explained, "At least, so I've heard."
"C- cursed?" Elizabeth echoed in shock.
Victoria nodded solemnly, "Yes- it could just be a myth though."
"You'll be cursing if you stay around Meliodas too long," Hawk remarked smartly, puffing out his chest.
"You'll be roasted if you keep this up, swine," Meliodas threatened stoically.
"Victoria! Tell me you see this too!" Hawk cried, hiding behind the lookalike.
"...A talking pig?" the girl realized belatedly, grabbing Elizabeth's arm in shock, "Is that an actual talking pig?"
"Yes, this is Hawk-chan. Surprising, isn't it?" the princess agreed.
"Nice to meet you then, Hawk. I'm Victoria," the girl bowed in respect.
"Finally, someone who recognizes my position in here as the Knight of Scraps Disposal!" Hawk said proudly.
"Don't bow to him, you'll ruin the taste," the blonde explained.
"Oh alright," she said standing immediately.
"That was fast!" the pig yelled in betrayal.
"Anyway, I'm Meliodas. The one next to me is Ban, that's King and Diane, this is Gowther and the one standing in front of you is Merlin," Meliodas introduced, still tied up with rope.
"N- nice to meet you. You wouldn't happen to be Meliodas as in the Seven Deadly Sins' Dragon Sin of Wrath, would you?" the girl inquired, bowing in respect.
"The same one. These guys are all my teammates and Elizabeth's the third princess of Liones. Apart from Hawk, we're all friends here," he greeted the girl.
"I thought we were friends!" Hawk cried.
"Nobody asked you, pig."
"Waah, Elizabeth!" he hid behind the silverette.
"Cheer up, Hawk-chan. I'm sure that Lord Meliodas was just joking," she stroked the pig soothingly.
"...So you found a new team, huh?" the girl muttered under her breath.
"Lady Victoria?"
"It's nothing," she smiled reassuringly, shaking her head. Backing away, she turned towards the door, "It was nice meeting you guys, but I have to leave now," she said, covering her face with her hood again.
"Wait, what about your drink?" Elizabeth asked worriedly.
"It's fine, keep the change," the hooded girl waved, nearly exiting the building. The Seven Deadly Sins, huh? She couldn't be around them any longer.
"Victoria..." Meliodas trailed off, unsure of what to say.
Almost to the door, the bell rang once more, a middle-aged man entering the room. Surprised, she bumped into him by accident, stumbling backwards as her hood fell off as a result.
Elizabeth rushed over to help. "Lady Victoria, are you alright?" she asked, helping the girl stand up.
"Yeah. Thanks," Victoria smiled in gratitude.
A nervous yell pierced the air, throwing the jubilant noise of the bar into a tense silence. Now standing on his feet, the redhead's eyes widened, pointing accusingly at the two figures. "You... What are you doing here?" Escanor trembled in fear, backing away slightly from the duo.
"Lord Escanor, what's wrong?" Elizabeth asked, surprised at his unusual reaction.
"Elizabeth, get away from her!" he warned suddenly, before swiftly grabbing a beer bottle and aiming it at them.
"Get down!" Victoria tackled the girl to the floor, the bottle hitting right on her ankle. A surge of pain made its way up her leg, wincing at the feeling.
Terrified, the customers panicked, running out of the bar to save themselves. "Tch," Victoria cursed, her bangs shading her eyes.
"Elizabeth/Princess!" the group yelled in worry, relieved that she was unhurt.
Ignoring them, the girl turned to her saviour, "Lady Victoria, are you alright?" she asked in concern.
"I'm fine," the brunette gritted her teeth, attempting to move her foot cautiously.
"Ah! Your ankle-!"
"-It's fine."
"Let me heal it for you-"
"I said it's fine!" Victoria yelled, snapping at the girl.
Elizabeth flinched.
Quickly, she clarified herself, "You should save your power for when you really need it," she advised, forcing herself to stand. Pain shot up her leg. "After all, it wouldn't do you any good to help a bad person."
"What- what do you mean? I'm sure you're not that bad of a person, Lady Victoria," she shook her head stubbornly.
Victoria remained silent.
"Lady Victoria?" Elizabeth pressed.
"Escanor, what do you think you're doing?" Meliodas questioned angrily, still tied to the seat.
"Forgive me, captain, but it has to be done," Escanor said, aiming a bottle again. This time it crashed into the floor, shattering as Victoria shielded Elizabeth from any flying shards.
"Oi, old man just what do you think you're doing to the princess?" Ban asked, clicking his tongue angrily, nunchaku at the ready over his shoulder.
"Perhaps, he's finally betrayed us. He would indeed make a fearsome enemy," Gowther pondered blankly.
"Don't give him any ideas!" Hawk yelled in terror at the thought.
"You idiot! What has Elizabeth ever done to you?" Diane yelled in anger, clenching her fist.
Harlequin's eyes went wide. "It can't be..." King realized in shock, "Captain, I don't think Escanor is attacking the Princess at all."
"You believe... he's aiming for Victoria then," Merlin glanced back at him.
Meliodas' eyes widened, unwrapping himself from his bindings.
"Why are you doing this?" Elizabeth pleaded in tears, "Lord Escanor, please stop!" she begged.
"I'm going to have to refuse you on that, Princess Elizabeth," the former bartender shook his head, a new bottle in hand. He had thrown a few more and by this time Victoria's face seemed bloody with cuts.
"Can I ask why then?" she persisted.
"Elizabeth..." Victoria trailed off.
"That woman next to you is no ordinary person. She is the most despicable of evils, a fallen goddess and the Devil's Sin of Treachery, Delizah Samael," Escanor explained, hiding his trembling with a facade. He was terrified yes, but if he didn't do this, who would? After all, even the Captain had fallen for her charm. He was surprised she didn't dodge yet.
"Devil's Sin of Treachery? What's with that name?" Hawk asked in surprise. Slowly, Victoria inched towards the door.
"One of the worst sins of existence, it's just about the vilest thing you could ever commit. I'm surprised old Baltra ever decided to give someone that title," Meliodas revealed.
"My father did?" Elizabeth commented in surprise. She hadn't known that he was the one who assigned the sins.
"Even so, I still don't think Lady Victoria's that bad of a person! Maybe if we just ask her-!" Elizabeth started.
"Perfect Cube," a voice said, entrapping the death row sin inside of a purple rectangular prism.
"L- Lady Merlin!" Elizabeth voiced her disapproval.
"Sorry princess, but I'm intrigued now," the mage smirked, walking forward, "By duty, I am obligated to hand you over to the kingdom. But since the princess is so adamant... how about I offer you a deal?" she said, turning to the other girl.
Victoria glared intensely at the triumphant magician. It couldn't be over just like that. All she had wanted was to have a quick drink before she died. Instead, she had run straight into the Seven Deadly Sins. Turning around, she tried to search for a way out of the prison.
"I suggest you don't bother attempting to escape. Once you have been enclosed in my Perfect Cube, only I may break it," she smirked, "You can either do this the easy way or the hard way. You can tell me the circumstances of your sentence and I talk to Baltra about setting you free, or you fight back and get dragged kicking and screaming right into the grave. Your choice," the sin said calmly, staring expectantly at the criminal.
The group was so silent one could have heard a pin drop.
...What kind of choice was that? They all thought.
To die or to maybe not die? That is the question.
Elizabeth seems to trust Victoria but can Meliodas and others do the same? Especially with a certain past haunting the two of them? Read on and see.
Remember to tell me what you think!
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