-; prologue
After everything that had happened on that weekend, the tension between Ryan and Luke was becoming very distorted in an awkward way.
It was a Monday, and Ryan came to work at 7AM after once in a while due to the lack of sleep from the previous day. He couldn't stop thinking of what to say as he planned on apologizing to his boss today. In the present, he remains sat on his office chair, hand through his hair like if he just found out the world was gonna end tomorrow.
"Ohm? You look pretty bothered."
Ryan looked to where the voice came from, and saw Evan who was out of his mask. "Oof. What's with the exposed face today?" The bunny asked, "Just a typical hangover that's lasting days. The mask makes it worse so I decided that I stay out of it for today. Maybe even tomorrow if the migraine hasn't gone away," The owl sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "That must be painful.. Hope you get better soon." Ryan smiled softly, which the other took more dramatically and placed his hand on his chest,
What an adorable human being.
"Oh, you should probably go to work though. Sir Cartoonz is arriving soon,"
"Oh nah, you arrived later than you usual do, right? He already signed in a while ago." Evan chuckled at Ryan's mistake, thinking he must've been still off of it. "Oh! Oh yes, sorry. B-but uhm, I have to go do my documents, since I'm back as the head..."
"Ah, I understand. I'll go ahead then, enjoy your time." The owl waved a small goodbye before sitting back in his cubicle. Ryan sighed, "Let's just hope Sir forgets about it.."
Minutes only passed by and the bunny spotted his boss roaming around once again to scan everyone's work. It didn't take much time for the devil to stop at Ryan's cubicle in which the younger started cringing.
"So... Ryan."
Hearing Luke utter Ryan's name itself brings a shudder down his spine. He feels extremely awkward, while Luke kinda wanted to start laughing about what happened. "About what happened, let's leave it behind our backs, yeah..?"
The bunny took a deep breath before looking back at the devil, "Y-yeah..." He whispered.
"As long as we stay friends. You okay with that?" The bunny nodded in agreement, curving his lips as the burden on his back was just taken off.
But Luke...
With Luke, it.. It felt like his heart were stabbed a hundred times, seeing the one he had feelings with, agree with the fact that they stay as friends.
Like the pained dumbass he was, he stayed under his shell, covering the truth that lies within his eyes. "That's all for today. Oh, and Malika told me that you'd be ge--"
"What the actual fuck?" Luke muttered under his breath after jumping a little from where he was standing now. That sound came from the entrance of the office, it sounded like the glass doors would've been shattered from the blunt force it just took. "Guess who's back? Who missed me?"
A voice rang through the whole room. A voice that Ryan dreaded most,
"Were you given permission to enter this building?" Luke asked in a loud volume, clearly irritated by his existence itself being on the same floor he was on. "Of course! Aren't former employees allowed to visit?" Hans said, grinning wickedly as he walked towards the boss.
"You," The man darted his finger on the devil's chest, looking directly at the other's eye. "You will regret firing me. You will regret dicking me down in front of everyone in this entire room, you hear that? You fucking disgrace." As Ryan watched this unfold, he was paranoid that Hans would start spitting out names at the devil and it scared him for some reason.
"And YOU!" Hans turned to Ryan, the bunny's eyes grew wide. "YOU, RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE."
The man screamed at the bunny, as if his words were being thrown at him like a bunch of tomatoes. "You will pay, you will FUCKING PAY!" Hans threw a punch, but hit Luke instead.
The devil grunted, spitting at his face as he blocked the man's way.
He pursed his lips, his anger would be boiling.
"Security!" Malika shouted, as two muscular men in police outfits grabbed Hans and dragged him away before he could do anything else.
Everyone got back to work except for Ryan and Luke.
"Hey, are you okay?" Luke turned to the other, who had an expression that said 'seriously?'
"I should be the one asking that! He punched you right in the cheek!" Ryan squeaked, feeling regretful of what just happened.
Cartoonz got hurt again.
"Nah, I'm okay. I'll just get myself patched up, it's just one more bandaid to the face. What could go wrong?" He grinned reassuringly, calming the bunny down. "Okay, fine.. But go ahead already. I can't bear seeing you hurt again." The bunny's ears pressed down, pushing Luke softly which gestured him to start walking.
"Okay, okay."
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