DD 5 : Red Bull
✩→★ (VOTE PLEASE!!! ♡)
Do listen to the track that I have attached while reading this chapter. It will give you the feels. :P
And do read the author's note at the end of this chapter!
Chapter 5: Red Bull
Shock or horrify (someone) by a real or imagined violation of propriety or morality.
To say that the use of such perverted, sexually abnormal and totally unacceptable language scandalized me completely would be an understatement. It was difficult to believe my ears.
Provided the fact that my job was to serve such perverts on a daily basis, it was not something that I had heard for the first time. But the fact that he had said that to me in such a mocking way, considering me more inferior than he, had agitated me.
I gaped at him flabbergasted, my mouth hanging open and my jaw nearly touching the ground. I opened and closed my mouth a few times but no words came out.
Had I heard him right?
This man, this big hulk of a handsome man, this amazingly sexy man with looks like that of a Greek god, the same man who had choked me a few moments ago, the man who had threatened to kill me, the man who had called me weak, the very same man sitting ahead of me with that sexy smirk settled on his face, had he just asked me for a 'lap dance'?
"You are giving me some ideas by opening your mouth that wide." He stood up from his chair and with a push of his finger against my chin, closed my mouth shut.
His finger trailed down to my throat and then back up to my chin. A fire lit up inside me and I shivered as his fingers trailed sensuously up and down my skin. Then suddenly, he retraced his fingers back and my eyes shot up to meet his dark ones.
He smiled at me knowingly, one curve of the side of his mouth lifting up to reveal a dimple on his left cheek. I stared at him and then my mouth turned into a frown.
"I am waiting." He patted his lap. But as he did that, a part inside me, a caged lioness rattled its bars and wanted out. I was not a pet. He was treating me like one would treat his dog. I immediately scowled at him and his smirk only grew wider.
"I am not on duty," I spoke lowly, gritting my teeth. But then again, I remembered that it was my boss I was talking to and then in a low tone added, "Sir".
His mouth spread into a wide grin and clearing his throat, he got up from his throne. It wasn't actually a throne but the way he sat on it sure made the grand chair look like a throne.
"That's not for you to decide. Don't forget that I am the boss here and I can definitely decide when you are on or off duty." He smiled at me as my face fell.
"And besides, even if I wasn't the boss, you were still in no position to deny me. Or are you really testing me here? Do you want to challenge me perrita?" He stretched his arms towards me.
I pushed myself back as his arms came closer and then I spoke up. "Will you let me go if I give you a show?" I needed to know this. I wasn't about to give people free shows for nothing.
But the thing was that whatever he said was actually true. And if I really considered my options, I didn't even have much to start with.
If I wanted to escape those speaking paintings and that dreadful mermaid, I needed his help. I wasn't sure that he could do much but the fact that he was at least aware of them said a lot. He knew his way in and out obviously. Secondly, even if he couldn't help, I still had to escape this place and I could do that only if he would have let me leave alive.
Thirdly, there was a dead girl lying there behind the brown wooden oak door on my right and if I wished that I didn't end up there, then I had no option left than to give him a lap dance. And fourthly, he was my boss. If I didn't do what he asked, he could easily fire me.
Considering all my options carefully, I came to two conclusions.
Either I could have given him a lap dance and still had some hope to stay alive or I could have not given him a lap dance and be murdered by either him or that blood-thirsty mermaid.
I wasn't in the position to doubt my choice.
"Depends, perrita," He spoke in a low tone, scratching his black-bearded chin. That snapped me out of my thoughts and I stood up too, brushing my skirt so that it didn't rise too much.
"Depends on what?" I put my hands on my waist, not quite satisfied with his answer.
"Depends..." He turned towards me and in a flash was in front of me. He bent down to my level and his eyes stared directly into mine. "..on your performance." He breathed out on my lips and I shivered.
I saw the challenge in his eyes and I was not the one to back down. I was incredibly trained in this field and if he thought for even one second that I couldn't please him in that way, he was terribly wrong.
Using my left hand, I pushed him down on the chair right behind him by pressing my palm on his solidly built abs. This time, he fell back easily without hesitation.
His eyes bored into mine and my eyes didn't leave his gaze once as I raised myself back up and positioned myself ahead of him. "No music?" I raised my eyebrows at him, a seductive smile splitting on my face.
He nodded once, twice and then as if he got out of some trance, he nodded once more. Taking his cell phone out from his phone, he played a fast track. That was enough for me to get my body moving.
I trailed my hands up my body, slowly and sensuously, feeling my curves. My arms went down from my hips to my sides and then to the side of my breasts but my gaze didn't leave him even for a second.
I crossed my legs and walked to him, my eyes set on him as a hawk would have on its prey. My moves were practised to perfection and the thing was that I knew it.
With confidence, I strolled over to him and then raised my left leg and kept it on his knee. I slid my hands from my feet to my bare knees and thighs up to the corner of my ridiculously short skirt.
I watched his expression as his lips rose just a little bit as if he was trying to control his emotions. I pushed myself towards him, sliding on his lap perfectly.
Throwing both my hands back and using him as support against my lower region, I did a back somersault and landed on my feet perfectly. His eyebrows rose the tiniest bit and I winked at him.
He had summoned me for the wrong game, I was not about to be defeated in this.
"That's all you got?"
"I didn't even start and you are already breaking a sweat." I snickered. He didn't look amused but suddenly had a smug smile on his face.
"Who hired you perrita? You can't even make a man want you. What good is a woman who can't handle a man?" He sniggered and opened his legs wider, inviting me.
And I did accept his invitation. I moved towards him and glided myself down the floor, till my face was in between his legs. I trailed my arms from his thighs as I slowly got up and slightly touched his erection, not once leaving eye contact.
And then I rose up completely and watched with satisfaction as his jaw twitched slightly. It looked like he was trying to control himself and I bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing out loud.
"A little excited, are we?" I couldn't smile but snicker at his expression. He gritted his teeth and his jaw clenched. For just a second, he closed his eyes and then when he opened them again, they were void of any emotion.
The lust that clouded his eyes was gone, disappeared in his black eyes. And all he wore was a blank expression blocking me out from any of his thoughts.
It was truly commendable, the fact that he had controlled himself perfectly. I knew the moment I saw him that he liked to exercise control and when things got out of his hand, he didn't like it one bit. He didn't just want to exercise it, he demanded it.
And as I saw the whip of control slipping from my hands, I only wanted to hold it longer. So I did the unthinkable.
Usually, I wasn't that impulsive. I didn't give into my needs or my desires and was a very calm and controlled person but something about him made me want to be aggressive, more dominant than he was. He challenged me in ways unexplainable.
His eyes held that glint that made me want to give in to those dark, tempting desires.
I slid into his lap again but this time I rubbed my core against him.
I was wet.
So wet. It wasn't humanly possible to get excited to such an extent but I didn't know how he managed to turn me on that way.
"You don't want to do that..." His eyes clouded over with lust yet again and I found myself getting a better hold at that chain of control, power.
"Oh, but I want to." I smiled at him and only rubbed myself against him harder this time, grabbing a hold on his shoulders with both my hands. He sucked in a breath and I felt his length hardening against my core.
I had no idea where this confidence was coming from but I did love the surge of power that flowed in my veins. I had never treated, nor reacted to any of my customers or even my real-life partners in such a way. A stranger, a beautiful handsome stranger who was capable of killing and who could snap my neck in an instant made me feel more alive than I had felt with anyone else.
"You are playing with fire." He murmured as he closed his eyes and only gritted his teeth harder at my insisting movements. Suddenly, his lips were on my throat and he inhaled deeply making me gasp.
His tongue sneaked out of his mouth and licked its path from the base of my throat to my lower jaw and I gasped as uncontrollable pleasure ran throughout my veins.
"Maybe, I want to," I muttered, my eyes closed and my head thrown back as waves of pleasure ran through my entire body.
He hissed as if what I had said had affected him somehow and his hands took a hold of my waist in a grip so hard, that it pained and a shriek cry escaped from my lips.
"Usted es un poco seductora tentador, ¿no es así ?" He snarled at me in that different language yet again as I fought to release myself from his tight hold.
His fingers dug into the skin of my waist and I slapped against his arm trying my best to release myself. The only thought roaming in my head was that he was definitely bipolar or else a completely psychotic human, that is if he was a human at all.
"Please! You are hurting me." I whimpered and his fingers went loose around my waist and as the pain subsided, I gawked at him open-mouthed, unable to form any words.
He turned his head to the side and smirked at me. "You are trapped." He roared and laughed loudly, throwing his head back as if he had heard the most hilarious joke ever.
Fear and anxiety settled in my brain as I looked at him, my hands on my waist covering my now bruised sides. "Y-you promised. You will let me go, wouldn't you?" My words came out low and I didn't think that e had even heard them.
"I would let you go from here." He smiled at me and although that statement should have made me feel safe, I shivered at his words. I knew they held some other meaning and his next statement just confirmed my suspicion.
"But you are trapped. I wouldn't let you go." A grin stretched across his face as he whispered those words in my ears.
My eyes widened and I was about to say something when a sharp pain registered in my head and I felt myself slipping into a world of oblivion.
"Sleep now, tomorrow would be a new day." He whispered in that low hypnotising tone of his. His words held that promise that I was in no position to comprehend at that moment.
Just before, I could have slipped into an endless sleep, I saw him opening some can and my eyes bulged as he brought that drink closer to my mouth.
"W-what's that?" I muttered as I fought to keep my eyes open.
"Drink it." He ordered.
"What is it?" I fought against my drowsiness, my hands slapping away his hands that held the can close to my mouth.
He sighed defeated and then whispered, "Haven't you heard about Red Bull? It's an energy drink." He whispered in that low tone and my eyes did register the can to be somewhat similar to that particular drink.
Sip by sip, I took it in as much as possible and he held me in my arms as I started slipping into unconsciousness.
As he removed the can from my lips, he brought me closer to his chest and then whispered almost in a mocking tone. "It will give you wings..." I think I heard him laugh and the last thing I saw was large black beautiful wings arising from his shoulder blades.
Hey babe!
So here is a new update for all of my beautiful readers and supporters. If you want the next update soon, do not forget to vote, comment and FOLLOW FastAndDeep.
Also, I have been thinking that I need to update more fucking often, shouldn't leave you hanging like that!
King Ethan
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