Part : 21
Inside a lavish room, beside the big window a woman is standing by looking towards outside. In the dim light of the setting sun, her face is not clearly seen but the silhouette is giving us a sign that it belongs to some young woman cladding in a saree as her pallu is flowing in air along with her open hair. She is standing by holding the railing of the window. But anyone can say she is not in her senses. Because the outside storm is also not affecting her, may be her inner turmoil is much more violent than this outside one. The intensity of outside storm is evident in the flowing of window curtain along with her pallu too but she is lost in her thoughts :
Swara started to cry by hugging her love tightly. She couldn't even think that her love had gone through so much in her absence. She looked at him minutely to find his state which was somewhat giving her a clue that he was not having his meals rightly in her absence. His grown beard and lean figure was a tight slap on her face. How could she forget that her Sanskar ji couldn't even eat without having a glance of her. was her fault! As a wife, she could have seen what was he facing. Rather she had just left him in his bad time ....
Kaki had been noticing Swara very attentively..she knew it..that knowing about her husband, Swara would forget her own plight. But she couldn't forget it.. moreover, she knew it also Sanskar Maheswari was nothing but a man of trust....he would be always that same guy who used to humiliate his own wife before all. And now he was not doing drama, what guarantee was of it? must have to find it out before it got too late..even his words were not believable to her..if he was aware of his parents' evilness then he could have chosen a way to overcome it..but no he was silently following their footsteps..and now after three long years, he was accepting his faults..something was not giving her good vibes..her inner feelings were alerting her to be aware of the coming danger..she knew Swara was very naive to this outer world that was why she again chose to believe this man after getting betrayed so many times too....she felt sorry for Swara because from childhood her only wish was to get a lovely husband and when she got a devil in the form of husband, her innocent heart couldn't but loved this selfish man immensely..but now she would be the shield to Swara to save her from this cruel man....she wished to Durga Maa in her mind to show her way to save her innocent daughter and little grandkids.
Other hand, Sanskar was back hugging Swara feeling her in his arms after long three years..his love, his jaan..and now the mother of his kids..he was too happy to express in words..he just wished to stop this time so that any storm would not be able to break his family this much pain and hurt, he had caused to her, he just wanted to heal it with time..he knew it that he was not any innocent soul,rather a devil one..but this time he wanted to keep his happiness - his family to save it from every outer world problems..he would do ANYTHING to be with his LOVE..this time everything would be happening with his insistence..and he will make sure of it.
Soon they had to break their passionate hug when they heard the chirpy voice of their kids..soon they broke the hug to find kids were running towards them smilingly while Aman and Lakshya were coming with shouting - "go slowly, don't run kids". But the kids were been away from their parents from so long time that they were running without paying any attention to others.
Seeing them running recklessly, Sanskar quickly went to them and took them in his bear hug. After kissing on their face a numerous times, Sanskar stopped while kids were happy to get their Papa's attention for the first time in their life. Soon all the kids hugged their Papa tightly and very cutely requested to their momma - "momma, we..walth(want) papa..with uls(us)." Listening the kids' innocent wish, SwaSan had tears in their eyes..Sanskar looked at Swara with a longing while Swara smiles at them and nodded her head in yes..that made Kaki hell shocked because she didn't want Swara to be victim of this man's lies again this time..but she couldn't snatch the kids' happiness from them..then what she should do now?
Soon Sanskar made her problem easy by saying the next words : " Babies, now we all will live with each other, you don't have to be sad from now on..papa is sorry, babies..for work he couldn't come to you but now no more other works..okay?" Kids smiled happily and Swara also smiled seeing at them..soon turning towards Swara, Sanskar told in high yet requesting tone : "Swara, I want you to shift in OUR HOUSE and I don't want a no as answer.. I've already lost two precious years of my kids' life, I don't want to loss more". Seeing his desperation and longing, Swara nodded smilingly while Kaki for the first time today felt doubt that if she was doing right by making Sanskar a villain again..but no she again made her mind strong against this devil because without being satisfied she wouldn't stop..once she had done wrong by handing over her daughter to this man for marriage without a second thought, but now her daughter's life was being attached with three innocent kids too. So she wouldn't take any chance..yes, with them she too will shift in their house so that she could think of any other plan to deactivate this devil's any evil game.
Sanskar turned towards Uttara and asked her to take the kids with her and gave them their desired dish as it had been a long time, the kids must be feeling hungry..Uttara who had been looking at her elder brother with an intense gaze to make him aware of her inner turmoil, got shocked of her Bhai's words.. because she knew her bhai was aware of her questioning spirit, then why he was asking her? However, she went with the kids because she could ask him later and now the kids were more important..and Sanskar? He intentionally sent his sister with his kids because now he wanted to settle some scores..Swara questioningly looked at her husband, even everyone had the same look on their face seeing the devil in his own form ..
Till now the elder Maheswari couple had been looking everything with a bored look but somewhere in their eyes, Kaki felt some other emotions..what the thing was? Did it look like guilt, pain or longing? Or she was mistaking it because all were seeing different from her and why she was thinking it from other perspective? No..her mind was signalling her something .. whatever will happen today she would go to the bottom of this she thought to follow everything silently.
Sanskar broke the unwanted silence with his dominating voice that echoed in the whole hall : "So tell me, Mr and Mrs Maheswari, what punishment I should give to you? As I don't want to forgive and forget the cheaters and the cheat respectively..the hurt you have caused could never be healed because I'll never get back those three years back in my life..I've missed my Swara's first pregnancy with my kids, I've missed my kids' first step, first word and everything related with them in their life's two damn tell me, in which way you people want to fulfill that emptiness in my heart..for your selfishness, I've to live without my love and my kids..but now it's enough..I can't even want to see those faces which are responsible for my misery..and I've decided that you will be kept under legal jurisdiction."
As he finished to speak, his parents just pronounced in pain- SANSKAR! They couldn't believe what they have listened now..their elder son for whom they had done the SIN was thinking to send them to prison. But they smiled sadly thinking it was their karma that they were getting back. Meanwhile, all were having an unbelievable expression in their face..they couldn't believe that S.M. will send his parents to cell..whatever her in laws had done to her, Swara was sad but seeing them getting punished by their own son was making her sympathetic towards them. She knew that they were guilty of their own acts but Sanskar was also right in his part..she tried once to gain Sanskar's attention, seeing their guilt ridden face but Sanskar had stopped everyone with his ever dominating tone. Lakshya and Aman got surprised to see his anger. But thinking of his suffering, they thought to be silent for now.
In order of his boss, Aman called the police and within half an hour they reached at Maheswari Mansion and took the elderly couple with them. But what surprised Kaki was that before going Sujata Maheswari tried to say something to Swara, desperately..but Sanskar didn't give her a chance and all took it as his attempt to save his innocent wife from this vile woman who was unfortunately his mother.
After their departure, Sanskar turned towards Swara and hold her delicate figure in his tight embrace. All tried to give them privacy but couldn't due to their utter intention of knowing what Sanskar was going to do then only Sanskar cleared his voice and ordered Aman to go with Kaki in their apartment to help her in packing and then to settle everything in THEIR MANSION .. and he also added to take more helpers with him because now he won't let go Swara with the kids from him for a minute also..and moreover, Kaki had been old enough to work so he didn't want her getting tired from all those packings..Swara felt fortunate enough to get this man in her life because for a single time also, he hadn't thought to leave Kaki behind..Sanskar knew Kaki was the one to hold his family strongly and support them in his he was indebted to Kaki.
Kaki silently nodded her head and went with Aman thinking it was the only way to safeguard Swara and her kids. While Lakshya asked being confused : "But Bhai, why you're saying about shifting in your mansion.. leaving our old house .. I mean now our parents are also not here to harm bhabhi or the kids..then? Don't you believe us, me and Uttara?"
Smiling a little, Sanskar went towards him and said in soft voice : "It's not about trust but I want to go back to our mansion where our house MUMBAI.."
Swara got shivered in the name of Mumbai because all had started in Mumbai only. However, she tried to forget everything because now her Sanskar ji was not the old one but a changed man..for her kids and for her own happiness, she will give a chance to this pure relationship which was bound with every rituals of she knows their GATHBANDHAN will save this marriage from any evilness.
Turning towards Swara, Sanskar asked her to take rest for sometime in his room with their kids..till then he will manage everything for their returning back ..
Almost after two hours, SwaSan were sitting inside a black Lamborghini with the kids while the other family members were going in another car.. reaching to airport they came out and the guards gave them the required safety from public and paparazzi .. Few hours later they entered into SWASAN MANSION in Mumbai..while Lakshya and Uttara had also come with all because they had decided to stay with their family. After entering inside, all decided to call it night because it was already too late while they were tired also..they had already finished their dinner before getting into the plane..SwaSan with their kids slept on their bed .. Sanskar with a smile slept by hugging his kids because he was getting a peaceful sleep after a long time..and the kids were more than happy to be with their papa .. Swara had tears in her eyes because she could remember the last day memory where Sanskar had denied to accept their kids and now they were here again with each other after a long heartbreak.. though Swara tried to conceal it from Sanskar but he had already noticed it .. so he nodded his head in no and wiped the tears from her eyes. Swara smiled softly at his attempt towards their they concentrated on sleeping..Sanskar tried to sleep by taking his little daughter in his protective embrace but his little daughter hadn't given a chance to him because in sleeping she couldn't leave her momma. Sanskar felt bad but later seeing his little girl to sleep by taking Swara's nipple in her mouth, he understood it must be her every night routine and by getting Swara's approval, he knew he thought right.. however, he took his sons in his both side and slept smilingly. Really, it looked like a happy family.
Soon their days started to go in a happy way while all were happy. But Kaki had noticed Uttara in some another zone like there was a mixture of sadness, pain and guilt in her eyes. Whenever she came before Sanskar she used to be very indifferent. And her this behaviour made Kaki doubtful, he tried so many times to know about it..but Uttara was quick enough to cover her mood .. while asking about where Ram and Sujata were kept, she couldn't get any perfect answer.
But in these days, one thing had been going good and that was SwaSan's relationship with each other. Swara had again accepted him fully in her life and once again Sanskar had marked her as his. And they had been happy to be with each other. While the kids were happy too. Even Lakshya and Aman were unaware of anything so they were genuinely happy to see the change behaviour of Mr Playboy while the homely atmosphere made them to forget the past incidents.
Like this , one day Kaki was passing by SwaSan's room when Swara was downstairs busy in feeding her kids, Sanskar was alone in their room. Kaki listened Sanskar talking someone in phone. And listening about Delhi, she had a doubt in her mind so she thought to listen his talk by hiding there only. And getting no one was there, she hid behind the door curtain. She listened clearly what Sanskar was speaking or rather say ordering on phone : "Yes, do what I'm saying..keep them in Central Jail of Delhi and one more thing Commissioner, I don't want anyone to know about their location..I'm agreed to give you as much money you need..but MY MYSTERY OR SIN SHOULDN'T COME BEFORE ALL, SPECIALLY MY WIFE..I KNOW I'VE CHEATED UPON HER A MANY TIMES IN HER ABSENCE IN MY LIFE..BUT THOSE THINGS I'VE DONE WHEN THERE WAS NO SWARA IN MY LIFE..IN THESE THREE YEARS I'VE ONLY THOUGHT ABOUT HER..YES, YES, I KNOW ALL QUESTION ABOUT MY LOYALTY..BUT KEEP THAT PERIOD AS MYSTERY..BECAUSE IT IS ALSO TRUE I CAN'T LEAVE HER AS SHE IS MY OBSESSION..EVEN I HAVE THREE LITTLE KIDS it's better you keep your mouth shut or you know who Mr Sanskar Maheswari is!"
Saying these, he cut the call in frustration, without knowing his carelessness would bring him to his end soon. Here Kaki grimaced her mouth in hate for this man and prayed to God to show her a way to reach to this devil's parents.. because now it was the only way to solve this mystery..and she vowed to solve this mystery soon..if it costed her life too ....
And like these one month passed by from the day they had reached to name of her cousin's death, Kaki fooled all and told them that for two days, she would go to Rajasthan and then after that she would be back and they gulped her lie without any doubt..kaki lied about the place because she couldn't take risk about this devil. Soon she left Mumbai and without other's knowing, she reached to Delhi and right after two days, she returned back to Mumbai with all solid proof..her face was having only disgust and hatred..but when she reached before SwaSan Mansion, she got confused to see the media..pushing the crowd, she went before to find a pale looking Swara with a blank face, being side hugged by Uttara while Aman and Lakshya were looking towards Sanskar with only disgust..and Sanskar? Well, he was angrily looking towards one point..or rather say to some person who was none other than..MS RAGINI .. but what Ragini uttered next left her stunned at her spot ..
Ragini(with fake tears):- I know Sanskar, You're a family man now but what could I do..may be before you I used to spend my nights with any random man but after you there has been nobody in my life..and from the time we have come into relationship, you're the only person and now I can't do injustice with the one who is the result of our union..yes Sanskar, IM PREGNANT AND THIS IS YOUR CHILD, BABY..if you want you can do check up too..and to give justice to my baby, I've sought help from this media .. then what wrong I've done, say? Because when we have been in relationship, nobody was aware of your status of being married..while I thought that I would change your mind by my love and yes, I Love You, Sanskar in that sense, this is our symbol of love and I know you too love me but you're getting afraid to loss your family..don't worry baby, they will leave you when they will know about our love ..
Listening her, all got silent while Swara stumbled back and all rushed towards her, getting worried.. Sanskar was going to hold her in his arms but before he could do, kaki turned him towards her and slapped him hard on his cheeks leaving everyone surprised..Meanwhile Lakshya, Aman and Uttara ran to hold unconscious Swara..Lakshya and Uttara went inside with an unconscious swara while Aman called doctor to come in Sanskar's Mansion immediately ....
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