Holla guys, I am back with the update of this story almost after an year. It took my every single effort to resume it as I have almost lost the track of it. But due to constant request and messages for it compelled me to write it again. And I am blessed to have such readers of mine. Thank you soo much guys🥰🥰
And thank you for your wishes. I am recovering well from Covid-19. Stay safe everyone!!!
For those, who lost the track of the story, here is the flashback.
Vedika, a cute bubbly next door girl. Her life came to a halt when she lost her parents in an accident. She left india and came to Italy to live with her father's brother's family who loves her dearly.
She joined Parker's Corporation with the help of her classmate back then in india.
She then met, the CEO, Alvaro Parker, who was quite different character according to her. When Alvaro saw her for the first time, he unknowingly made up his mind to make her his. Though he didn't took any step yet but he left no stone unturned to get some time alone with her.
Recently, she went to her newly made friend Elena's birthday party where she got tangled into the mess of which she has no memory. She just know that she woke up in the bed of Alvaro's next morning.
Thinking this, she accused him and slapped him in the heated argument. After leaving from there, she got to know that he saved her that night.
Let's see what happens next
One week later...
"You won't believe that son of a bastard was there in my party..." El yelled in anger sipping her cappuccino...
"Who bastard?" I asked her with a frown while sipping mine..
"That fucker playboy..." She used colourful words referring to some guy.
And it clicked me instantly whom she is referring.
"Who invited him?" I asked her.
"My dad, who else...i was hell angry that i was about to kick him out but at last moment restricted myself as he was the guest of my father" She complained...
"Ohh... But why is he mattering you that much?" I asked her.
"He doesn't matter to me. Okay!!! It's just that... Leave it. Why are we even talking about some useless piece of a shit..." She grumbled.
I chuckled as she was the one to start discussing about him but I kept quiet.
I also didn't share with her what happened with me on that day as I am not sure what exactly happened except the fact that Mr Parker saved me but did he really saved me?
I also didn't had any kind of interaction thankfully, with him since that day back in office.
"El, why would a man help a girl whom he doesn't like?" I asked her out of the blue...
"Huh???" El frowns...
"Would he do that out of humanity, which is least expected from him, or, maybe..." I continued thinking of the reason.
But what I have heard, he is not good with the female population in the office.
"Maybe he likes that girl" El declared bursting the bubble of thoughts emerging in my head.
"What???" I screamed with a shock written on my face looking at her with big eyes.
"Be quiet" She hushed me as everyone started looking at our table.
"What are you saying, Elena?" I asked her.
"Who is that girl? Most importantly, who is the man?" She enquired back.
"No one in particular. I was just asking. But what theory you're putting together?" I enquired again.
She narrowed her eyes at me, not buying my lie.
"Anyone can help someone if they have helping nature but going extreme to save someone is not everyone cup of tea. So, maybe he likes the girl" El suggests
"No, it cannot be possible" I declared.
"How are you pretty sure? And btw whom are you talking about?" She again asked.
"As I said before, no one in particular. I was just reading one novel and this question came out in my head..." I twisted the whole story.
"Ohkay, as you say. I have to leave now. Byee" Elena said getting up from her seat.
We departed and I went straight to home.
"But how this could be possible when I myself prepared the documents?" I heard Papa saying this to mom when I entered the house.
"Is everything alright, Papa?" I asked him sensing the tension on their faces.
"Yes Vedika, just some office issues." He said while I nod not being noisy.
"How was your day out with your friend? What is her name again?" Mom enquired me...
"It was good and her name is Elena" I said.
"I am glad that you're moving on in your life" Papa said.
If living your life in a monotonous way without any goal is called moving on,then yes I have moved on.
But that void can never be filled, that bubbly nature, those laughing sessions with dad will never back in my life.
I put up the smiling face to hide the pain in the deepest corner of my heart.
Next Day...
I walked in the office citing the same prayer since last week that not to cross paths with Mr Parker again.
Not that I am afraid of anything. I have done nothing wrong by hitting him but it was him who started those demeaning words. But still I don't want to face him.
I entered my cabin and started working on my current project.
At the lunchtime, when I entered the canteen, I feel everyone was quite excited about something.
"Wow, this will be super fun" one of the chick in Stella's gang said.
"Yeah, but would be better if he joins us" Stella huffed in annoyance.
"What is this excitement going on?" I asked to Sara sitting beside Liam.
"Don't you know about the camping trip?" Sara asked me.
"What trip? When and who is organising?" I shoot the questions.
"Why are you like this Vedu? Where are you lost these days? Don't tell me, you have got a boyfriend and didn't shared it with me" Sara started enquiring.
Yeah, I am lost these days due to certain someone.
"Oh god Sara!!! You and your imagination. Vedika and boyfriend" Liam started laughing as if she cracked a joke.
Ofcourse it's a joke only to think you have a boyfriend. My sense mocked me.
"Will you tell me?" I asked annoyingly.
"Actually, company has organised a small trip to the lakeside this weekend." Sara started...
"It will be a fun. Bonafire, games, dance and music..." Liam said dreamily.
"Ohh. That's why all are excited" I said looking around.
"Yeah. Who would not like to attend such trips" sara enquired.
"Hmm" I said.
After lunch, we got back to our workstations.
On the weekend...
"Where are you Vedika?" Sara asked over the phone.
"Reaching in 10 minutes" I said.
"Be quick. We're leaving in 15 minutes" she said.
"Ok" I said and hang up the call.
"Be quick please" I said to the cab driver.
I am glad that papa give me permission to go. I was hesitant to ask him for the night out but surprisingly, he was ok with it.
So, here I am going for the trip. This would be my first night out and I am kind of excited for the same.
Back in India my parents never allowed me to have night out and i have no regrets for it because it was their concern for me.
I walk out of the cab after paying him and looked around for the familiar faces.
"Vedika, here..." I heard Sara's voice and turn around to see her waving at me.
I walked towards her where other colleagues were also gathered. I gave my greetings to everyone.
"I am glad you came. I was having a thought that you may ditch us at the end" Sara said and I laughed at her assumption.
"I was planning to but then remembered your scary face..." I said making a face...
"You" Sara was about to hit me but another voice stopped her.
"Let's go girl. We are ready to leave" Mr. Evan Mills, our manager called us.
"Yeah" we said and moved towards the bus.
Actually, company arranged a tourist bus for the trip.
We were the last one to enter. Liam waved towards me to have a seat beside him. I was about to sit there but sara beat me and took the seat instead.
I looked around and found the only empty seat which was with Stella.
I glared towards sara and she apologized through her eyes.
Having no other choice I walked towards Stella and sat beside her.
She gave me a look but soon involved in her phone which I really appreciated.
I bring out my novel and got engrossed in it as it was much better than roaming my eyes around.
"Don't even think to snatch him" Stella's voice brought me out from my novel land.
"Excuse me" I said not getting her words.
"Just because he called you in his cabin, it doesn't mean you can interest him." She said making me now aware what she was implying.
Me and snatching him!!! Lol!!! I rolled my eyes at her statement.
"I have no interest in him. So, be relaxed you can have him or for a matter any guy in our office" I said without hesitation.
"Good for you" She said.
I stood up from the seat as I am done with her.
"Liam, can you please exchange the seat with me" I asked him and he agreed thankfully.
"What was that bitch telling you?" Sara asked me in a hushed office.
"Nonsense. Nothing to worry" I assured her not willing to share as it was irrelevant.
"Still. Keep you eyes open around her. She is danger" she warned.
"Still you ditched me at the first place" I whispered in annoyance.
"Sorry yr but I cannot stand her for even a minute" she said.
Soon we reached our destination. It was a one-hour drive which went smooth thankfully except that Stella words.
I looked around after getting down and was mesmerized with the view. The clear sky with the sound of running water giving me a peace which I was craving for long.
"It will be super fun" Liam exclaimed and I cannot agree for more.
"Guys, let's freshen up and meet in half an hour. Everyone have been alloted separate tents." Mr. Evan said and everyone nodded their head.
We walked towards our alloted tents and I thought to change into something comfortable for the night.
Another gasp released from my mouth once I saw the interior of the tent. I never expected it to be that lavish. It was like a mini room with all the facilities available there. One can spend their whole live in this kind of environment. I soon relaxed myself on the bed and thought to take a nap for ten minutes.
After taking a nap, I changed into a denim shorts with a transparent white crop top.
I walked outside and went back side of the tent.
It was about to sunset. I freed my hair from a clip and ran my hands into my hair to let cold breeze soothen my body.
"Woho, someone is looking hot" I got conscious of my actions after hearing Liam's voice.
"Liam, you here" I awkwardly asked. As this was the back side of the tent, I thought nobody would be here.
"Yeah, I thought to see an enticing view" he said looking at me.
"Isn't it amazing?" He asked still staring at me.
I felt awkward but anyway nodded my head.
"Let's go to the camping side. Sara must be looking for me" I said.
He nodded and we walked together.
"Let's join the group" Liam said and I walked towards Sara who was chatting with another colleague of ours.
Soon it was night time and soon atmosphere changed into party mode. Drinks and dance around the fire.
"Attention everyone" Mr. Evans draw our attention towards him.
"This party is a token of appreciation from the company to it's employees for all the efforts you guys have putted in last month. We have successfully completed this project and I hope to for many more successes in future as well. Enjoy and party hard." He completed and everyone hooted.
"Vedika, let's go" Sara pulled me towards a group who were sitting and enjoying banters.
Stella and her gang was also part of that.
"Let's play truth and dare" one person said and almost everyone in the group agreed.
"I am not in" I announced as I have no interest in the game plus there are some unpleasant people. Not that I have an issue with anyone but this girl always stares me.
"Oh Vedika, don't be a spoilsport" Joe said and everyone persist me to agree.
Atlast, I agreed.
"Rules are very simple. We'll spin the bottle and person would have to pick truth or dare in front of whom bottle would stop. And you cannot deny after choosing the option." Mary dictated the rules.
Soon bottled spinned and stopped in front of Joe who opted truth.
"Tell us with how many girl you have slept till date?" My eyes popped out at the bluntness of the question that too coming from a girl.
"Umm..I guess 6...or 7 maybe" Joe said and I was shocked as I always thought him to be sincere type of a guy not a playboy.
But sleeping with many woman counts as playboy? In my eyes, yes.
Everyone laughed and teased him for not recalling the exact number.
Soon bottle spin again and there were more embarrassing question coming in the way in case of truth. I would never dare to answer them.
There were many intimate questions and the group in which we were sitting were not a close friends group in which we could discuss it. But maybe I am introvert person that's why the hesitation.
Next turn was of Sara and she choose dare in which she had to drink the glass of alcohol.
It was fun as well as awkward to be a part of the game. Soon, bottle stopped in front of me.
"So, Vedika truth or dare" this time Stella asked me with a evil smile.
And I choose dare which she was least expecting I guessed looking at her dropped smile.
Soon she recovered and told me the dare.
"You will have to kiss a person who will come from that side" she said pointing to the left side which was a pathway towards our tent.
"I abort this" I said as I will not do it in any circumstance.
"You cannot do this" someone reminded me the rule.
"Give me another task. I cannot kiss som-" I was interrupted in between.
"Oh comeon Vedika, it's just a kiss that too on the cheek" Ethan said while I relaxed as it was not the kiss on lips.
"And it may be a girl who would come from that side" he continued.
I looked around for sara for a help but then I realised that she went to her tent as she forgot her phone there.
It has been 5 minutes and she must be coming back in a minute or two. And everyone is already here...
"Complete the dare vedika" Stella said.
"Yeah" I stood up from the ground and waited for someone, basically Sara to complete the dare .
I just hope it would be sara only.
"Look someone is coming" Joe said in excitement.
I looked towards the direction and my eyes popped out of the socket.
No way!!!
"Shit!!!" I heard Stella saying along with a gasp.
"Go Vedika, you have to do it" Ethan said pushing me forward.
"Bu...but how can I?" I asked in utter shock.
The person was approaching us however his eyes were on his phone typing furiously.
I stepped forward to do the task and he eruptly stopped once I stepped in front of him.
He looked up from his phone with a visible frown on his forehead.
The encouragement I found earlier drained immediately looking at the eagle eyes which attracts me the most.
"I am sorry" I apologized and bend forward to kiss him.
I lightly peck his cheek without touching any part of his body.
When my lips came in contact with the cold skin, I shuddered inwardly.
I immediately withdraw from him and his eagle eyes were glaring me with a known accusation.
I turned towards the audience and everyone were having their mouth dropping on the ground.
"We are sorry Mr. Parker. It was just a dare. Please forgive us" Evan immediately apologized and explained the situation.
I did that act impulsively but now I wanted the ground to shallow me inside.
I actually kissed Mr. Devil aka Alvaro Parker. What he must be thinking of me? I was the one who last time accused him but now I just turned down towards him. Oh god!!! It's embarrassing.
But the million dollar question is what is he doing here?
Wasn't it clear he won't be joining this trip? Then why he is here?
"That's okay. But it was a very surprising act. I would have fired the girl if you didn't explained" I turned hearing Mr. Parker's voice who was looking at me with a smirk.
I hate this smirk of his. It gives me a feeling that he is plotting something.
I walked back towards the group and Sara also joined at the same time.
"Can't you come little early?" I asked accussing her.
"I got a call. But what's this face for? And what is Mr. Parker doing here?" She asked.
"How I would know?" I said in annoyance.
The lively atmosphere came to a halt after his arrival. It was awkward to have him here.
"You guys can enjoy as earlier. I just happen to pass nearby, that's why visited you all" Mr Parker said with a small smile on his face which was like a eighth wonder for me.
Soon everyone realxed and started dancing.
"Vedika, let's rock the dance floor" sara said in a slurred voice. But didn't she only had a glass alcohol.
I think her alcohol tolerance is not high. When she took one more glass to drink, I immediately stopped her.
She pouted but then pulled me towards the dance floor while I was denying for it.
She pulled me and started moving her body. Soon, I also relaxed and moved my hands and legs with the tune of the music.
"Can I have a pleasure dancing with the beautiful girl" Liam interrupted us.
Before I could reply, sara pushed me towards him.
"Why not" she replied.
I was annoyed at her but nonetheless joined Liam for the dance.
He put his hand on my waist suddenly pulling me towards him. Though there was enough distance between us but I was hesitated with this closeness.
"Vedika I need your help" he said after I put my hands on his shoulder.
"What kind of help?" I asked with a frown.
"Can you please finalise the outlining of Marg Project?" He asked
"But isn't it your project?" I asked him.
"It is...I have to submit it on the very next day but i have to pick my girlfriend from the airport" Liam said
Am I looking like a social worker to him?
"I won't" I denied.
"Please Vedika. If I won't pick her this time, there would be a breakup" He said with a sad face
I felt pity looking at his sad face.
"Fine. But this time only" I said agreeing to him.
"Oh god. You are such a sweetheart. Thank you Vedika!!!" Liam exclaimed in happiness and engulfed me in a tight hug suddenly.
I pushed him lightly to release myself from this awkward hug.
"I will look for Sara" I said excusing myself.
I found Sara having a drink. Not again!!!
"Sara, you already have enough. Let's go" I said pulling her with me.
"Veduuu, myyy frienddd" She slurred in loud voice gaining attention
I pulled her towards the tent side. I think we had enough for the night.
After pushing her into the bed, I took a deep breath.
She slept after saying some incoherent words.
And I thought to go back to my tent. But I changed my mind at the last moment and walked behind the tents to enjoy the scenery.
I closed my eyes to enjoy the peaceful night. Cold wind on my face gave me a moment of silence. Happy moments with my parents started flowing in my mind. And I felt my eyes damp looking at my parents with the close eyes.
I wish you were here with me mumma papa!!!
My thoughts interrupted when I feel the tug at my arms.
My feet stumbled with the pull. I was dreading to fall into the lake.
How was the chapter?
Please give an honest review as it is after a long time I have written something. Give me your suggestions, if any.
Who do you think came at the last moment?
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It encourages me to write me more❤️
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Will try to update next chapter soon
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