Halloween Special
It was October 31st in the town of Kuoh, the people who lived in this town were getting themselves ready to celebrate the Holiday, wheather it would be trick-or-treating, parties, or simply sitting in their homes and watching Horror Movies.
However, for a certain pair of Devil Hunters, this night was going to be a busy night, in the newly rebuilt Devil May Cry office Luna was watching the Halloween Special for Invader Zim, where Monsters from an alternate world wanted to use Dib's big head to get into the normal world, as Luna watched the TV, (Y/N) came out of the shower, washing away the sweat of the day, Halloween was usually one of their busier nights.
At the Devil may Cry Office, (Y/N) was just walking out of the bathroom after having a shower, he was drying his hair with a towel, not noticing Luna look back at him and blush as she looked at his half dressed body, then the phone rang, breaking Luna out of her daydream and making her quickly turn her head back towards the TV, while (Y/N) picked up the phone.
"Devil May Cry... alright, give me the details" (Y/N) said as he wrote down something on a piece of paper.
"Alright, no sweat, consider the job done!" (Y/N) said before he hung up the phone, then walked over to tell Luna about their new job.
"Hey Luna, we just got a Job, what're you watching?" (Y/N) asked as he walked over and leaned on the back of the sofa Luna was sat on, looking at the TV screen to see what show she was watching.
On the screen, the ending to the Men in Black animated series was playing, it was the episode where J accidentally killed a Scraldian, and ended up with lots of them trying to kill him.
"Ah, a classic! These shows are the best, don't you think?" (Y/N) said as he hopped over the back of the sofa, landing on the comfy seat next to Luna.
"Mhm... what are the details...?" Luna asked, (Y/N) explained the details of the job, when the intro for another episode played on the TV.
"Hey Luna..." (Y/N) said as he smiled, an idea coming to his mind, to add some fun to the job.
"Hm?" Luna asked as she turned her head to (Y/N), she saw the look on his face, and wondered what he was planning.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" (Y/N) responded, pointing to the TV screen, Luna looked at it and saw Agent L and Zed at the Alien Line up, then she grew a smile on her face.
"Let's do it!" she said excitedly, making (Y/N) chuckle as they got up to go out and buy themselves their costumes.
Meanwhile, over at the residence of Issei Hyoudou, Asia was getting herself ready to go out with Issei and get herself a Halloween Costume, followed up with some trick-or-treating, something she hadn't had the chance to do in her childhood since she lived isolated in the Church, and the Priests and Nuns always told her it was an evil day that was forbidden in the Church.
"Issei! Are you ready to go help me get a Halloween Costume?" Asia asked as she smiled at Issei, though, she did wish she could hang out with (Y/N) and Luna too.
"Oh, Asia, yeah, let's go and find you a sexy costume to show off your-" Issei said, as he gave a perverted smile, imagining having Asia wear something very revealing.
"Oh, Issei~" came a sultry voice, Issei and Asia looked around and their eyes went wide in surprise, Rias was standing there, wearing a very revealing Devil costume, it seemed like her assets were ready to bust out of her top!
"What do you think of my costume?" Rias asked with a smirk, as she made her boobs bounce in her top.
"It's perfect! Wow!" Issei said as he got a big nose bleed, and started drooling over Rias's costume.
"I-Issei, come on we've got to go and get my costume!" Asia said, looking between the two, feeling jealous of the fact that Issei seemed to be ignoring because of Rias again.
"Yeah, in a minute" Issei said as he stared at Rias's boobs, drooling as she intentionally pushed them up slightly.
"Why don't you come over and get a closer look~" Rias said in a sultry voice, making a motion with her hand for him to come closer.
"Absolutely! Right away buchou!" Issei said as he took off his coat and rushed to Rias, leaving Asia standing there looking upset that she was being neglected.
"Issei..." Asia said, trying to be patient and not let her jealousy show.
"Just a minute Asia, we'll go in a little while" Issei said as he waved his hand at her dismissively, his eyes glued to Rias's breasts, Rias giggled at Issei's attention, before she looked up at Asia and gave her a smirk saying "I win".
Asia huffed as she pouted and blew up her cheeks, she whined before she spun around and left the room, walking to the front door of the house, she then opened it and shut it, Rias just giggled as Issei fawned over her body, thinking that she had won in getting Issei's attention, and getting one over on her competition.
"I can't believe this... well, I don't need Issei! I can go pick out a costume all by myself! But... where is a good costume shop?" Asia said, angry about being blown off again because of Rias, and her big boobs.
Asia walked into town, feeling both angry and sad at being neglected like that, she wandered around without paying much attention to where she was going, when she came back to her senses, she just found herself on a street, not knowing where she was.
"Oh no... I'm lost!" Asia said to herself, as she looked around worriedly, thinking that perhaps going out on her own wasn't such a good idea after all.
"Asia?" came a familiar voice, Asia looked around and saw her other two friends, (Y/N) and Luna standing there looking at her.
"(Y/N)? Luna?" Asia said, sounding surprised to see the two Devil Hunters out and about.
"Well now, what're you doing out here babe?" (Y/N) asked curiously, turning fully to look at Asia, along with Luna.
"I-I was getting myself a Halloween costume, Issei was supposed to come with me, but..." Asia said, feeling angry and sad again as she remembered Issei just ignoring her again.
"Let me guess, he back at his house perving over Rias's costume, which is probably really slutty?" (Y/N) said with a blank face, as if he wasn't surprised about the situation at all, while Luna got a pissed off look in her eyes.
"(Y-Y/N), you can't say that about Rias, it's not nice!" Asia scolded, pouting at her friend.
"Whoever said I was nice all the time?" (Y/N) said, completely unfazed by Asia's attempt at scolding him.
"Besides... he is probably right, I bet her top's almost ripping open..." Luna said in annoyance, she also disliked Female perverts just as much as Male ones.
"Well... you're not completely wrong, Luna..." Asia said, looking down and feeling guilty that she was feeling jealous about Rias and her bust size, oddly enough, she wasn't too worried about Issei now that (Y/N) was here.
"You alright there, babe?" (Y/N) asked, looking at her with a raised brow.
"Oh, um, s-sorry! So, um... wh-what are you two doing?" Asia asked, as she pushed her sadness back, and smiled at the two in front of her.
"We've got a job today, but, we decided to get something to make it more fun!" (Y/N) said, sounding very happy.
"Oh really? What are you getting?" Asia asked curiously.
"We're getting our Halloween costumes..." Luna said with a small smile on her pale lips.
"Your wearing your Halloween costumes to a fight, b-but, aren't you worried they might get ruined?!" Asia asked in surprise.
"Nah, Luna and me are just that good!" (Y/N) said, his voice full of cockiness and confidence as he slung his arm around Luna's shoulders.
"We're professionals... we can handle it..." Luna said as she looked to the ground, her cheeks flushing a light shade of pink, (Y/N) then leaned down and whispered something to Luna, and whatever it was, she seemed a little hesitant about it.
"(Y/N)..." Luna said, looking at him as if to say that whatever he suggested might be a bad idea.
"What, it's a good idea" (Y/N) said, sounding a little defensive over his suggestion.
"What? What's a good idea?" Asia asked curiously, wondering what the two Devil Hunters were talking about.
"How would you like to come on the job with us?" (Y/N) asked.
"What?! B-But- um uh, I-I don't know if I'm-" Asia said nervously, she was very surprised that (Y/N) would invite her to go on one of their jobs with him and Luna, especially since she couldn't really fight.
"Asia, calm down, we just want you there in case anyone is injured... you don't have to fight if you don't want to..." Luna said as she smiled at Asia.
"So, what do you say babe? Up for a little excitement?" (Y/N) asked, as he wrapped his arm around Asia's slender shoulders, making the blonde girl blush from the action.
"Well.... o-okay, I'll go with you two and do my best!" Asia said, as she closed her fists in determination, this made (Y/N) laugh at how cute she was acting.
"Alright then, let's go, we need to get our measurements" (Y/N) said as he walked Asia along with him and Luna, with Asia curious to see what they had to be measured for.
In the streets of Kuoh, children were running along with their parents, knocking on doors and getting treats from their neighbours and other friendly people, the sound of children laughing and some bragging about what kind of candy they got, and some parents talking while keeping a close watch on their children.
Then three sets of footsteps came down the street, some of the trick-or-treaters and their parents looked and watched the three as they walked, it was (Y/N), Luna and Asia, they all wore similar costumes for this job.
(Y/N) wore a black suit, with a white undershirt and black tie, Luna and Asia also wore black suits, with Asia wearing a black skirt, while Luna decided to wear pants, all three of them also wore black sunglasses over their eyes, (Y/N) and Luna were walking just like how Jay and Kay did in the intro for the show, showing a lot of swagger, Asia however...
"Uwaaah! Oof!" Asia yelped as she tripped and fell over yet again, landing on the pavement with a thump.
"You okay, Asia...?" Luna asked as she and (Y/N) stopped and went back to make sure she hadn't hurt herself.
"Oh, how embarrassing! I'm such a klutz!" Asia said, as she went to pick herself up off the ground.
"Here, let me help you up" (Y/N) said as he stood in front of Asia, offering her a hand up.
"Th-Thank you..." Asia said, blushing slightly as she took his hand and let him pull her back up onto her feet again.
"No problem, you okay to keep going?" (Y/N) asked, as he watched Asia pat the dust and such from her suit.
"Y-Yes, sorry I guess I'm just not used to walking in heels..." Asia said as she rubbed her arm, feeling embarrassed.
"Don't worry, it's just for tonight" (Y/N) said, patting Asia's back gently.
"Walk between us, we'll catch you if you fall..." Luna offered, motioning to the space between her and (Y/N).
"Thank you, Luna..." Asia said shyly, her cheeks pink again as she walked between (Y/N) and Luna.
(My heart is racing! They both make me feel so nervous, but... also, so happy too!) Asia thought to herself, following the two Devil Hunters, and trying to move like they did to while they walked, soon enough they stopped at an abandoned house at the edge of town, the building looked like it had been done up for the holiday, with inviting Halloween decorations hung up.
"Here we are... this is where the Stray is supposed to be" (Y/N) said as he took Dragon's Breath from his back, loading in the ammo.
"This place looks scary..." Asia said nervously, as she held onto (Y/N)'s suit jacket.
"Apparently this Stray plans to trick kids into going inside, making this place look like a Haunted House, before eating the kids that wander inside" (Y/N) said, sounding unhappy, he didn't like the idea of Demons or other Supernaturals trying to hurt kids, his dad instilled this in him.
"H-How awful!" Asia said, shocked at just how low these Strays can fall.
"Yes... which is why we're going to kill it... immediately" Luna said as she unfurled her two Death Scythes, suddenly, there was a scream from inside the house!
"Uh oh..." Luna said, her eyes widened in shock, some kids have already gone in!
"We better hurry, Asia, take this!" (Y/N) said in a hurry as he pulled out a Handgun and passed it to Asia, her eyes widened and she looked at the gun hesitantly.
"Wh-What, b-but I don't know how to-" Asia said, before (Y/N) grabbed her hand and placed the gun in her hand.
"Just point and pull the trigger, trust me, you might need it!" (Y/N) said, giving her a serious look, Asia still looked unsure, but another scream from inside of the house wiped away any doubt, (Y/N) and Luna rushed into the house, with Asia following them, when Asia got inside however, she found herself alone!
"(Y-Y/N)? L-Luna? Where are you? Guys...?" Asia said, as she nervously walked on ahead, she was holding the gun in her hand as she walked, looking for (Y/N) or Luna, perhaps this was some sort of Magic the Stray was using?
"Hello? Guys? Where did you all go?" came a scared sounding voice from around the corner, Asia rounded the corner nervously, and saw a girl with long brown hair, and was dressed as a magi-girl, with the skirt and the wand too.
"Hey! Are you alright?" Asia said as she slowly approached the girl, hiding the gun away to not scare the little girl, the kid spun around and gasped, looking at Asia fearfully.
"I-I can't find my friends! We got separated..." the girl said, looking like she was going to cry any second, Asia gently hugged the girl, placing the gun on the ground to hold the frightened girl.
"It's okay, don't be scared, what''s your name?" Asia asked as she gently rubbed the girl's back, comforting her as the girl hugged Asia back.
"K-Konoka, Konoka Konoe" the girl said, as she sniffled, clutching onto Asia fearfully.
"That's a nice name, my name's Asia Argento, just stay with me until we find my friends, we'll keep you safe, I promise!" Asia said, sounding determined to keep this girl safe.
"Th-Thank you, Asia" Konoka said as she clutched onto her wand, still looking a little nervous about the situation she was currently in, and also worried for her three friends.
Asia then picked up the gun and started to lead Konoka along with her, holding onto the girl's hand as they walked, through the house, which seemed to be a lot bigger than it's supposed to be, definitely magic of some kind... They soon reached what looked like a demented living room, Asia was gripping the Handgun (Y/N) gave her tight, feeling scared of the situation she and this girl were in.
"Aaahhh!!" Konoka suddenly screamed loudly, Asia whipped around, bringing Konoka behind her, her eyes widening at the Stray in front of her, he was like a demonic clown!
"Hello children~" the Stray purred as he started to get closer to the two girls, Konoka was whimpering and crying as she hid behind Asia, who was also trembling badly, she was on her own with a Stray, who might kill her, or worse!
"Hahahahaha! Another little Fishie, and I caught a tasty mermaid too!!" the Stray said, giggling to himself, slowly turning into a full blown evil laugh, Asia then raised a shaky hand, pointing the gun (Y/N) gave her towards the Stray, who stopped and looked at Asia, still smiling so wide it seemed like his cheeks would tear.
"St-Stay back!" Asia said, as she held the gun in both hands, trying to give the Stray a hard look, but her whole body was still trembling, her legs feeling like they wanted to give out, or make a run for it.
"Ooh, a Gun! How scary~" the Stray said, followed by a crazed laugh, Asia's heart was racing in fear as adrenaline flooded her system, the Stray then jumped and went to attack her and Konoka!
(Oh God, please! OUCH! I-I don't want to see this girl die! I... I have to keep her safe until (Y/N) and Luna get here!) Asia thought to herself as she suddenly pulled the trigger, the gun fired loudly, making Asia yelp from the loud bang and the recoil, the bullet flew and hit the Clown, destroying one of his eyes!
"Gah! Grr, you little bitch!" the Stray growled, before he roared and lunged towards Asia, who was frozen in fear, she dropped the gun and spun around, wrapping her arms around Konoka to protect her from the attack, Asia closed her eyes and braced herself to feel a lot of pain, when suddenly Asia heard the sound of flesh being sliced, followed by the Stray screaming in pain.
"Got you..." came a familiar voice from behind, Asia opened her eyes and looked back, she saw Luna had managed to cut off the Stray's arm and was standing in front of Asia and Konoka with her Death Scythes held ready.
"Luna!" Asia cried out, feeling very relieved that the Shinigami girl had come to save her!
"You did excellent babe, good job protecting the girl!" (Y/N) said as he jumped up next to Luna, facing the Stray with a frown on his face.
"Damn you! Who are you?!" the Stray growled in anger, as he flashed his claws at Luna threateningly.
"Luna Nisshoku... Shinigami..." Luna said as she suddenly made a deathly aura around herself, almost forming the shape of a leering skull behind her, the Stray's eyes widened in fear when she said what she was.
"Sh-Shinigami! Stay away from me!" the Stray said as he started to scramble back fearfully.
"What's wrong, your good with chasing little kids and girls, but your scared of us?" (Y/N) said, the disgust and annoyance very clear on his face, he hated people like this, that had so much power and used it to bully those who couldn't fight back.
"Cowardly creatures like you... deserve to be cast into oblivion!" Luna said as her eyes glowed from her power, seeing that he was in trouble, the stray looked at (Y/N), thinking he was a Human he lunged!
"You bastaaaard!" the Stray Devil Clown yelled as he rushed at the Hybrid, pulling back his remaining claw and swinging it at (Y/N), who just pointed Dragon's Breath towards him, the barrel of the Desert Eagle aimed towards the enraged Stray Devil's face.
"Jackpot" (Y/N) said, before he pulled the trigger and blew the Stray's head apart with a single bullet from Dragon's breath, the Stray's body fell to the ground, twitching a few times before it went still.
"Is-Is it over?" Asia asked nervously, while the girl was still hiding behind her, peeking out from behind her.
"Yeah, it's dead, no more Monster" (Y/N) said as he put his gun-sword on his back.
"You saved me, thank you so much!" Konoka said as she bowed her head at (Y/N), Luna and Asia, to show her gratitude for them saving her life, when suddenly she gasped.
"M-My friends! Where are they?!" she said in a fearful voice, she hoped that they hadn't been killed by the Stray when they were separated!
"Miss Konoka!" came a voice, the group turned and saw a young girl with black hair, dressed like a samurai, holding what looked like a sword run to Konoka, followed by a girl with long, orange hair tied into twin-tails and one blue and green eye, she was dressed like a Knight, and a very young boy, who was carrying a staff and dressed like a Wizard.
"Setsuna! Asuna! Negi, thank goodness your all okay!" Konoka said as she hugged her friends tight, crying slightly as Asuna patted her back, then it seemed her friend Setsuna noticed Asia, Luna and (Y/N), she quickjly gripped the sheath of her sword and stood ready to attack.
"Who are you!?" she demanded, giving the three a hard glare.
"Set-chan, no! They saved me!" Konoka said as she quickly got between Setsuna and the three older kids, (Y/N) and Luna looking completely unfazed, while Asia seemed a little nervous.
"They are? How did you three save Konoka?" the girl with the twin tails asked, looking at the three suspiciously.
"Sorry, can't say..." Luna said, her face blank and stoic, making the four kids sweat drop at her, the kids introduced themselves, the samurai girl was called Setsuna Sakurazaki, the Knight was Asuna Kagurazaka, and the Wizard was called Negi Springfield, and surprisingly, he was the three girl's teacher!
They all soon went back outside of the Haunted House, and when they all got outside they saw that the house was a wreck, it seems that when the Stray was killed it's magical trickery was also undone.
"Thank you for protecting my student, I don't really know how to repay you though..." Negi said, as he bowed his head at (Y/N), Luna and Asia.
"It's fine, we'll be paid by the client soon enough, just glad we got there before anything could happen" (Y/N) said as he smiled at the group of kids, standing with his hands in his pockets, Luna standing to his right, looking at the kids blankly, and Asia also giving them a friendly smile.
"Thank you for protecting me Asia, I hope we can be friends" Konoka said as she smiled at Asia.
"Sure! I'd love to be friends!" Asia said with a wide, beaming smile on her face, then Konoka went over and gave Asia a hug, making the blonde girl giggle happily.
"Professor, I think it would be best we return to the hotel, we'll be going back to Mahora tomorrow" Setsuna said, her voice sounding serious and professional.
"Oh right, of course! let's go girls, the other are waiting for us" Negi said, still holding his Staff in his hand, while adjusting his glasses and trying to sound like a teacher.
"Yeah, we don't want to keep Ayaka waiting" Asuna said, sounding annoyed at mentioning this Ayaka girl.
"Thank you again for helping us!" Konoka called back, waving as the three girls, and their kid-teacher walked away back into town together.
"No problem kid!" (Y/N) called back, holding up his hand to the group with a smile.
"Have a nice night..." Luna said, keeping up her stoic appearance with the group.
"Happy Halloween!" Asia added, waving goodbye to the group as they walked ahead back to the rets of their class.
"A ten year old teacher... now I've seen everything..." (Y/N) said with a smirk, before he turned and walked a few steps away, taking out a phone and calling the client that had hired them for this job.
"Hello, yeah, job's done, alright, thanks, bye" (Y/N) said, before he seemed to hang up the phone, he then watched the screen intently, aiting for something, until.
"Payment's come through, we'll give you your share a little later Asia..." (Y/N) said with a smile, along with Luna.
"Wh-Wha? Share?! B-But I-I didn't do much!" Asia said in surprise, feeling bad that they were going to give her a cut of their pay, when she did so little to help.
"You did very well Asia... you were very brave, protecting that girl from that stray" Luna said as she patted Asia's shoulder, giving her a small smile.
"Th-Thank you Luna, But... I didn't really do much" Asia said as she rubbed the back of her head, feeling a little embarrassed about how little she had done in the situation.
"You kept her safe, and stopped that Stray from eating those kids..." Luna said, giving her a firm look, while (Y/N) gave her a thumbs up.
"I-I suppose your right... thank you, so, what are you going to do now?" Asia asked, as she smiled happily at the two Devil Hunters, feeling glad she came out with them tonight instead of waiting around or Issei.
"Hmm, go back to Devil May Cry, and watch some movies maybe?" (Y/N) said, they could perhaps have a marathon of Halloween, Friday the 13th, or something.
"I want to watch Final Destination..." Luna said, looking at (Y/N) intently.
"You love watching movies about your dad, don't you Luna?" (Y/N) said, Luna nodded at what he said, she loved her father and liked to see how the Humans would portray him.
"Okay, well um, I guess I'll go back to Issei's house" Asia said, though she was a little sad about having to go home so soon.
"You alright there Asia? You seem a little down" (Y/N) asked, Luna also turned to look at Asia, and noticed the downcast look on her face.
"It's nothing, really" Asia said, not wanting to be a bother to her two friends after the job they just did.
"Asia..." Luna said pointedly, looking at the blonde former-Nun with a raised brow, Asia sweat-dropped at Luna's look, and knew she should just tell them what it was.
"W-Well, I was supposed to go out trick-or-treating, but Issei..." she said, looking down sadly as she remembered him being an idiot and ignoring her in favour if Rias, and her revealing costume.
"Oh yeah, you've never been trick-or-treating before, haven't you?" (Y/N) asked, tilting his head at Asia, she nodded her head in response, it was honestly surprising just how isolated those damn priests kept her as she grew up, even Saints need friends!
Luna looked at (Y/N) and pulled on the sleeve of his black suit jacket, getting his attention, (Y/N) looked at her and they both seemed to reach the same train of thought.
"Hey Asia, how about if you go trick-or-treating with us tonight?" (Y/N) and Luna both asked her.
"R-Really?" Asia asked, worried that it might be too late to go trick-or-treating now.
"Yeah, nothing wrong with that, right Luna?" (Y/N) asked, smiling down at his partner and teammate, who now had a barely noticeable blush on her cold, pale cheeks.
"I don't mind... it means sweets for the movies..." Luna said, sounding happy with the thought of having some sweets for a movie with (Y/N).
"Then yes! I-I'd love to go trick-or-treating with you two, thank you!" Asia said with a smile as she bowed slightly, happy that she might still get to experience Halloween, with her two best friends.
"Alright, let's go!" (Y/N) said, before he and Luna turned and walked off, walking with swagger in their steps and their shoulders moving too.
(They're so nice... I wonder...) Asia thought to herself as she imagined herself with the two Devil Hunters, if Issei kept ignoring her for Rias, then perhaps...
"Asia, you coming babe?" (Y/N) called back, snapping Asia out of her thoughts.
"Oh! R-Right, I'm coming!" Asia said, her cheeks turning red as she rushed over to (Y/N) and Luna, walking away with them to see if they could get her some candy.
Meanwhile, back at the Hyoudou household, issei was laying on the sofa, with his head resting in Rias's lap, his head on her thighs, a perverted look on his face at how soft her thighs felt on his head, his eyes also glued to her large breasts which were right above his head, while Rias was smiling down at her cute servant, while Issei was lost in his fantasy with Rias, his mother walked into the room and noticed Issei was still in the house.
"Oh, Issei? What are you doing here? I thought you and Asia were going out to get her a Halloween costume?" Issei's mother said, sounding confused, it would take them a while to get to the town and pick something out.
"Huh? Sorry mum, what did you say?" Issei said, briefly taking his eyes away from the bouncing boobs above his head to look at his mum.
"I said, I thought you were taking Asia out to get her a Halloween costume, did you not take her?" Issei's mum asked again, it was quiet for a few seconds, before Issei shot up into a sitting position, almost headbutting Rias in the process.
"Oh no! I totally forgot about that!" he said, sounding shocked that he'd forgotten the plans he made with Asia.
"Issei! You can't just forget about a girl like that, that's bad manners!" his father scolded him as he appeared in the doorway of the kitchen.
"Is she still here?" Issei asked as he stood up with Rias, who looked annoyed that her cute servant was no longer going to pay attention to her.
"No, I haven't seen her around, she must have left on her own" Issei's father said, sounding very disappointed with Issei for neglecting Asia like this.
"Oh no, there's finally a girl that can stand our son's perverted behaviour and he's pushing her away! Were did we go wrong?!" his mother cried out dramatically as she clung to her husband, and Issei's father.
"And what's worse, Asia's out there all on her own!" Issei's dad said, sounding worried about her being out there, in the dark and the cold, all by herself.
"I'm sure she's fine Mr and Miss Hyoudou" Rias said, trying to use her hypnosis to make them calm down, after they calmed down, there was a knock on the door.
"Oh, my more kids?" Issei's mother said as she went to answer the door, she opened the door and smiled at who was on the other side.
"Oh, Asia! I'm so glad your alright! My, you look very smart in that suit!" she said, sounding relieved that Asia wasn't hurt, and impressed at how her costume made her look so smart.
"Hello Mam! I was just out trick-or-treating with my friends!" Asia said happily, as she showed the bag she had, which had a lot of candy inside, and a big smile on her face.
"Your... f-friends?" Issei's mother said, before she saw (Y/N) and Luna walk out, a little shocked at the sight of them both.
"Hey there, nice to meet you" (Y/N) greeted, giving the woman a small wave.
"Hello..." Luna said, giving the woman a blank stare.
"I-I see... so you made new friends? I thought you were supposed to be going out with Issei today?" Issei's mother asked, a little wary about Asia's new friends, they looked like they could be Yakuza or Mafia or something!
"Well... Rias asked him for help with her costume, so, I asked them to take me instead" Asia said with a small smile, still upset about being forgotten, Luna then patted her back to ease her upset.
"I see... I'm sorry that our son neglected to go with you like he said he would, please do come in" Issei's mother said, opening the door all the way and inviting the three inside, they took off their shoes and walked into the living room, surprising both Issei and Rias, along with Issei's father.
"Gah! Wh-What're you two doing here?!" Issei asked in shock, pointing his finger at (Y/N) and Luna.
"Just hanging out with Asia, you know, since you were too busy with "something else"?" (Y/N) said as he and Luna looked over at Rias, just as Luna thought, Issei decided to forget about Asia because Rias was practically naked in her costume.
"Umm, I ah..." Issei said, looking awkward as his parents walked into the room.
"Issei, we'll talk later on about neglecting a girl like Asia, in the meantime, why don't we go and sit, Asia can see what she got, and introduce us to her friends?" Issei's mother said, still looking a little worried, since (Y/N) looked like a stud, and ity might not take much for him to steal Asia away, especially if Issei screw up again like tonight.
"That sounds lovely!" Asia said happily as she carried her bag of candy to the table to see what she got, Issei followed her while Rias approached the two Devil Hunters, who didn't look to impressed with her.
"It's nice tyo see you two again, I thank you for looking after my servant, while your here, why don't we talk about-" Rias said, only to stop when she felt the hostile intent coming from both Luna and (Y/N).
"You even try to ask us again, Gremory... we'll have problems" (Y/N) said, frowning at the red headed heiress, and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Serious, problems..." Luna said, giving her a slight glare, Rias sweat-dropped and nodded, backing away slowly.
"(Y/N)! Luna! Are you coming?" Asia called out from the living room, while she emptied her bag out into the table, making everyone impressed at how much she managed to get.
"Be right there babe!" (Y/N) said, as his and Luna's mood shifted back to normal/good, both (Y/N) and Luna walked into the room and sat either side of Asia.
"I'll get those two in my peerage, one way, or another..." Rias said to herself, before she walked into the room and sat beside Issei, the rest of the night was mostly Issei's parents asking (Y/N) and Luna questions, and Issei and Rias giving them both dirty looks, but they just ignored Issei and Rias, instead focusing on their friend.
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