Chapter 7
Asia, (Y/N) and Luna were now sat together in the park in Kuoh, with Luna eating some Onigiri, while (Y/N) was munching down on a Croissant, and Asia was eating a small bag of cookies, they were sat together, since Asia wanted to talk to them both.
"I like these rice balls..." Luna said with a small smile on her face as she took another bite out of her snack, looking happy and content.
"Well, they are your favourite food Luna" (Y/N) said as he looked at Luna with some of his (H/C) hair covering his eyes, and a smile on his face as he took a drink from a can of (F/D).
"(Y/N), Luna, thank you for agreeing to talk with me" Asia said, smiling nervously as she sat across from them, fidgeting with her nun's robes.
"It's fine, how are you doing? I can tell your not a Human anymore" (Y/N) said as he looked at Asia, who flinched slightly from what he said, starting to worry that they might not see her as the same any longer.
"Y-Yes... I was revived as a Devil..." Asia said, looking down at the table.
"Man, that must suck for you, since you believe in God and all" (Y/N) said, feeling bad for Asia, since she'd been raised in the Church, and to believe in God, only to have it all taken away, in more ways than one.
"Asia..." Luna said, as she looked down at her onigiri with guilt in her eyes, Asia looked at Luna curiously.
"We're sorry..." Luna said as she bowed her head at Asia, her long, black hair covering her face.
"Huh?" Asia said, surprised at what Luna had just said.
"We're sorry, that we didn't get to you faster, stop that Raynare chick from doing what she did to you" (Y/N) said, his face now holding a sad frown, he had guilt and regret in his eyes at being too late to stop her from dying.
"Oh! No it's fine really! You two came to save me!" Asia said as she quickly waved her hands, not wanting her two friends to feel bad about what had happened.
"I'm alive now, and maybe... I can finally make lots of friends" Asia said with a warm smile on her face.
(Probably shouldn't say anything about thinking she's being used...) (Y/N) thought to himself, not wanting to upset her, or make her feel suspicious of her new friends.
The three stayed together and talked more, eating until they started to walk around together, however, Asia suddenly stopped walking, she stood still looking down to the ground with her hair casting a shadow over her eyes.
"(Y/N), Luna...?" Asia said, catching the two Devil Hunter's attention, they looked back and saw Asia trembling as tears build up in her eyes.
"Do... do you two hate me... now that I'm a Devil?" Asia asked as she trembled, Luna walked to her and stopped right in front of her, before she raised up her hand and chopped Asia on the head.
"OW!" Asia yelped, as she clutched her head with both hands from the pain of being hit on the head.
"Stupid..." Luna said simply as she puled Asia into a hug, confusing the blond haired former nun, she then felt a hand on her lower back and saw (Y/N) beside her.
"We can tell your not like the Devils we've met, or killed, your still our friend, alright?" (Y/N) said, giving her a small smile, Asia sniffled and hugged Luna back tight, and pulled (Y/N) in too, when he hugged them too Luna's cheeks went slightly pink before she pushed it down.
"Thank you both so much! I hope we can stay friends forever..." Asia said as she embraced her two friends, hoping against everything that despite everything, she would get to keep her two best friends.
"How long do you think it'll be before they finish rebuilding the office...?" Luna asked as they were sitting in their hotel room, Luna was sitting in a chair reading a manga.
"I don't know, I just hope it'll be soon, I'm tired of not having our channels, or watching our shows" (Y/N) said, as he was laying on one of the two beds in the room, without a shirt on.
"We're missing our cartoons..." Luna huffed in annoyance, upset that she's missing the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and other shows.
"Yeah, let's just go out and walk around the town, and give dad a call to see how long it will be" (Y/N) said in annoyance as he sat up on the bed, he got off the bed and went to get himself dressed when there was a knock on the door.
"Who could that be?" (Y/N) asked himself as he walked to the door and opened it, he didn't see anyone outside, he then looked and saw an envelope stuck to the door, he took the letter off of the door and shut it, before walking into the room.
"What is it (Y/N)?" Luna asked curiously as she looked up from her manga book.
"A letter, and it's got a fancy crest on it" (Y/N) said as he flipped the envelope over, checking it out, he then ripped it open and removed the letter inside, he unfolded it to see what was written inside.
"Dear (Y/N) Sparda and Luna Nisshoku, you are invited to attend Kuoh Academy-" (Y/N) read out loud, letting Luna hear him too, before he made a dead pan expression, then he screwed up the letter and tossed it in the trash.
"Those Devils..." Luna said in annoyance, closing her book.
"They probably want to try and get involved with our business, no chance, besides school would just interfere with our work" (Y/N) said, as he picked up his coat and put it on, putting his arms through the sleeves and settling it on his body.
"True, besides... I don't want to deal with all those perverts in that school..." Luna said, as her eyes took a darker tone to them, her hatred for perverts showing through.
"Yeah, you'd probably chop their balls off, then we're agreed we aren't accepting?" (Y/N) asked as he combed his fingers through his hair, looking at himself in a mirror, he looked to Luna and saw her nodding her head to him.
"Alright, let's go out, maybe see a movie or something?" (Y/N) suggested, Luna stood up and walked to the door with him, (Y/N) opened the door and let Luna walk out first, he then walked out and closed the door, locking it before the two walked to the steps to go to town.
The two Devil Hunters left the hotel and started to walk to town together,
"Hmm? Asia?" (Y/N) said as he saw Asia running somewhere, she was wearing her Nun's robes and looked like she was in a hurry.
"Oh, good morning (Y/N), Luna, woa waaah!" Asia said as she turned and ran towards then, only to trip and fall flat on her face.
"Hahaha, I knew she'd fall for me" (Y/N) said with a chuckle.
"Boo..." Luna said as she gave a thumbs down for his pun.
"Man your harsh, here Asia let me help you" (Y/N) said as he knelt down to Asia and offered her his hand.
"Th-Thank you (Y/N), what are you two doing?" Asia asked as she took his hand and he helped her get back up onto her feet, brushing any dirt or dust off of her robes.
"We we're on our way to go see a movie, what about you?" (Y/N) asked as he stood with his arms behind his head, smiling at the golden haired maiden.
"Rias asked me to come help Issei with his training, she said to bring him something to drink" Asia said as she showed them the thermos and the cups that were in the small basket she was carrying.
"Oh alright, well have fun" (Y/N) said as he gave her a smile, making the girl blush pink.
"Watch his hands..." Luna warned her, giving her a seriousl look, the two then turned to walk off and go see their movie.
"W-Wait, hold on, please!" Asia said as she grabbed onto the sleeve of (Y/N)'s coat, making the Male stop and look back to her, Luna also stopped and turned to see what Asia wanted.
"Rias wanted to talk to you two, could you please... come with me?" Asia asked, Rias did want to talk to them, but Asia also hoped to have them around her a little longer, and perhaps talk with them a little more.
"Fiiine, but we're not spending all day talking with her, we have our own things we want to do today" (Y/N) said, sounding annoyed that he and Luna would have to take time out of their day to deal with Rias and her entitlement.
"Do you two... not like Rias?" Asia asked as the two walked to the park together.
"We're just cautious..." Luna said, as she checked that she could whip out her Death-Scythe if the pervert tried to get too close.
"We don't know what her game might be, plus we're not really into being ordered around by a girl like her" (Y/N) said, Asia nodded her head and quickly changed the topic, the three walked along together to the park where they saw Rias sitting on Issei's back.
"Ah, there they are, hey you guys, I'm here! So sorry that I'm late! Hwah! Oof!" Asia said as she started to hurry on towards the two Devils, however, she tripped and fell yet again.
"Your such a klutz Asia... you need to be more careful..." Luna said as we both walked to Asia, who was still on the ground.
"Sorry Luna... I'm no good at running and talking at the same time" Asia said, Luna then offered Asia her hand.
"Asia? What are you doing here? And with those two?!" the Perv asked, sounding shocked and scared to see us, Luna pulled Asia up off the floor and helped her dust off her robes.
"Just a happy accident, we were on our way to see a movie when we ran into her" (Y/N) said as Asia walked over to them and sat on the bench, pouring Issei some Tea for him to drink.
"She said you wanted to talk with us, so, what do you want?" (Y/N) asked, as he looked to Rias, who was stood by a bike rack, her arms crossed under her breasts as she smiled at the two.
"Yes, I did want to speak to you two, could you come by the ORC Clubhouse later?" Rias asked, as she tried pushing her breasts up, only to get no response from either of them.
"Why?" Luna asked bluntly.
"I would like to make you an offer, but I would prefer we talked about it in private" Rias said as she shifted her position, watching the two closely, Issei looked at (Y/N)'s abs in jealousy, while Asia looked at the two with a smile.
"The answer's not gonna change Gremory, we don't want to join your peerage, full stop" (Y/N) said, immediately shutting her down on offering them to join her peerage, Rias got an annoyed look on her face before she turned her eyes to Luna.
"Do you also speak for your partner? Perhaps she feels differently" Rias said, as she looked at Luna, who stared back at the girl blankly.
"No, I don't..." Luna said bluntly, shocking Rias from her immediate response.
"May I ask why?" Rias asked, hoping to persuade at least Luna to join them.
"I refuse to be anywhere near that pervert..." Luna said as she pointed at Issei, who was staring at her chest with a perverted face, which caused Luna to glare at him.
"See? Now then, we're gonna go and see our movie, see ya later Asia" (Y/N) said, picking up Luna and sitting her on his shoulder, making the Shinigami blush as he walked away from the three Devils.
"Bye guys! I'll see you soon!" Asia called out to them happily, Rias was mad they bluntly refused her, and started thinking of more ways to try and get them to work for her.
"Lucky bastard..." Issei growled as he saw Luna sitting on (Y/N)'s shoulder, wishing it was him she was sat on, this got Asia upset since she had feeling for Issei, and it made Rias mad too, so she made his training harder as a punishment.
(Y/N) and Luna were walking along together, with Luna still eating her popcorn from the cinema, and (Y/N) drinking his cola from the cup, the two of them had gone to see the movie Paul.
"Well that was a good movie, always good to see movies with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in them" (Y/N0 said as he took another gulp of his drink with the straw.
"Paul was funny, but I like Zim better..." Luna said as she ate another handful of popcorn.
"Yeah, Zim's funnier, when the shop's fixed up maybe we can have a marathon?" (Y/N) suggested as he slurped up the last of his drink and tossed the empty paper cup into a trash can.
"That sounds good..." Luna said as she ate the last few mouthfuls of popcorn, before she tossed the empty cardboard bucked into the trash, the two then walked into the Hotel lobby, and went to go upstairs to their shared room.
"Excuse me! Mr. (L/N)?" a voice called out to them, (Y/N) turned his head and saw the receptionist waving him over, she was a young woman with black hair tied back above her neck, blue eyes, wearing a white blouse and black skirt with a name badge hanging from her neck, he shrugged his shoulder and walked to the desk.
"Yes?" he asked as he stopped at the desk, the receptionist blushing as she saw his toned abs, before she coughed and tried to be professional.
"Somebody left a letter for you at the desk" the lady said as she opened a drawer in her desk, reaching inside to take out the letter.
"Oh? Whose it from?" (Y/N) asked with a raised brow, having an inkling on who it might be, but waiting to see for himself.
"I'm not too sure sir, it was a girl with long black hair and blue glasses, with a violet and brown eye, wearing the Kuoh Academy Uniform" the girl said as she took out an envelope similar to the one they got this morning.
"Right... thanks for taking this for us" (Y/N) said as he took the envelope from her hand, his fingers brushing her hand and making the girl blush again.
"No problem sir, have a nice day!" the receptionist said, as she started fidgeting in her chair, (Y/N) winked at the girl and walked away.
"Looks like I might need the earplugs tonight... damn it" Luna muttered angrily, it was one thing to deal with her partner sleeping with girls in his own room, but if he did it in the room they were sharing? She'd kick him out!
"You think it's the Devils? The ones we faced in the Gym...?" Luna asked as she hurried over and started walking alongside him.
"Probably, wonder what they want?" (Y/N) wondered as he handed the letter to Luna, who carefully opened the envelope, taking out and unfolding the letter.
"Dear sir and ma'm, you are invited to attend Kuoh Academy..." Luna said as she read the letter, it was the same one they had gotten before!
"Oh, what the Hell?" (Y/N) said in annoyance.
"It seems the Devils really want us to have us attend their school..." Luna said, as she folded the letter back up.
"Probably so they can watch us better, or try to keep us from doing our job, what do you want to do partner?" (Y/N) said, asking for Luna's opinion on the matter.
"We should go to the school, and tell them we refuse..." Luna said, looking her partner in the eye, and smiling.
"Yeah, last thing we need to do try juggling school along with our work, besides, we already know what we need thanks to Lady, and your father" (Y/N) said, they two then went into their room and got themselves ready for bed, with Luna getting herself comfy, putting in her earplugs and going to sleep.
(Y/N) laid in his bed and was starting to wind down, when there was a knock on the door, he got out of bed, wearing just his boxers and opened the door, to see that same Secretary from downstairs at the door, her face blushing heavily as she gave him a lustful smile, he smiled back and left the room with the girl, after all, he didn't want to get Luna pissed off when she's trying to sleep.
The next day at Kuoh, Sona stood at the gates of the school, waiting for the two Devil Hunters to arrive, waiting for their answer to her summons, she had been planning since her defeat in the school's Gym, and hoped that she could convince the two to join her peerage, becoming her second Knight and Rook, to help her accomplish her dream.
"Mistress Sona, are you sure it's wise to bring those two back here? What if they start another fight?" Sona's Queen, Tsubaki Shinra asked, as they stood at the gates of the school, waiting for the arrival of the two Devil Hunters.
"We won't, all we will do is sit and talk with them, those two are obviously strong, if we could convince them to join us it would be beneficial, otherwise, we could make a powerful ally for future conflicts" Sona answered,pushing her glasses back up her nose.
"I see, though... I'm still wary, after all, they caused a lot of damage to us when we confronted them" Tsubaki said, remembering how they already had trouble facing just the boy, and how easily both she and Sona were taken down by their power and teamwork.
"That is also why I wished to meet them, I wish to ease the tensions and establish good ties" Sona said, even if they didn't agree to join her peerage, she would want them to work alongside her for difficult missions, or possibly training her peerage.
"What shall we do about the others, especially Saji and Ruruko? If they see those two, they might make assumptions and attack them" Tsubaki said, she was very aware that they would start a fight and get badly hurt, or worse... killed.
"Which is why only you and I will speak to them, since I trust you to maintain your temper" Sona said, then she looked down the road, sensing the powerful Devilish energy and Deathly aura approaching the academy.
"They're here..." Sona said as she and Tsubaki looked down the road, they saw (Y/N) and Luna walking towards the gates, (Y/N) had his arms behind his head as he walked, and Luna walked beside him with her usual stoic face.
"Hello there, you sent us this message?" (Y/N) asked as he crossed his arms over his chest, while Luna took out the letter that Sona had sent to them, twice.
"Yes, I did, now would you like a tour of the school before we get you two your uniforms?" Sona asked, giving them both a blank look, thinking they would accept the offer easily.
"We're not going to attend..." Luna said as she handed the letter back to the girls.
"Excuse me?" Sona said, sounding surprised though she kept her poker face.
"We came here to tell you we aren't interested in going to school here, we've got too much going on to be going through school, again" (Y/N) said, sweatdropping as he remembered how it was being taught by his dad, Trish and Lady, while Luna had been taught by her father and the other loyal Reapers.
"But you have to! The law states that you must attend school" Sona argued, she was worried that they would really not attend school, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to force them.
"We already attended school before we moved here, besides, we're far too busy with our jobs to be attending this place" (Y/N) explained, their jobs as Devil Hunters came first, and they didn't need to come to this school.
"Especially with the pervy students here, both boys and girls..." Luna muttered as she glared at a group of boys and girls that were staring at her and (Y/N).
"I see... well perhaps there is a way to solve this issue?" Sona said, smiling to herself as Tsubaki watched the two carefully, knowing what her Mistress was planning to do.
"What did you have in mind?" (Y/N) asked, raising a brow at her.
"Would you two please follow us to the Student Council room? We would like to talk in private" Sona said, as she motioned to the main school building.
"Fine, but just so you know, if you try any tricks we'll kick your ass again" (Y/N) warned, patting the guitar case he was carrying, letting them both know that he wasn't unarmed, and Luna raised her magic.
"Noted, please, follow us" Sona said, before she and Tsubaki walked into the school grounds, (Y/N) and Luna looked at each other and shrugged before they followed the two into the school, as they walked though, the other students took notice of them and started talking about the two new people that were on their school.
"Woah, who are those two?"
"Look at that hunk's abs!"
"I just wanna rub myself against his body~"
"Woah, look at that goth chick!"
"She's cute!"
"But whose the bastard with her!?"
""What did you say, loser?" (Y/N) asked as he stopped walking and glared at the boy in question, making him turn pale and run for it, the two then kept following after Sona and Tsubaki, until they reached the Student Council room, the two Devil Hunters entered the room and Tsubaki closed the large wooden doors.
"Now then, would you please both have a seat?" Sona asked as she walked to her desk, (Y/N) and Luna walked in and sat down on one of the couches in the room, Tsubaki then brought them both some tea to drink, as well as some for Sona.
"Do either of you play chess?" Sona asked as she opened a drawer and took something out of it.
"Nah, been too busy to play, but, Luna over here's good at it, why?" (Y/N) asked as Sona sat on the couch opposite to the two Devil Hunters and place down a Chess board.
"I propose a challenge, a game of chess, if I win, you two must attend Kuoh, no arguments" Sona said as she set up the pieces on the board.
"And if I win...?" Luna asked as she moved to sit in front of the board, while (Y/N) sat on the end of the sofa.
"You'll get a favour from myself and my peerage, to use when you want" Sona said as she placed the last piece on the board, and then sat back, waiting for their response.
"What do you think partner?" (Y/N) asked, looking to his Shinigami friend.
"I'll do it... no magic though..." Luna said, as she gave Sona a glare, she knew most Devils were very tricky and manipulative, often cheating to try and gain an advantage.
"I wouldn't dream of it, white or black?" Sona asked, as she smiled, chess was her game, she'd never been defeated.
"Black..." Luna said, Sona nodded and moved the board so she was White and Luna was black, and so the two Supernatural beings began their game.
Meanwhile, outside of the Student Council Room, the students were talking about the two people that came to the campus, with the girls talking about the hot (H/C) haired guy with the hot body, and the pale girl who seemed like the school Mascot in some ways.
"Did you hear? Sona and Tsubaki brought two people into the student Council room?" one of the female students said.
"Are they new students?" one of the others asked, Rias was sat close to the girls as they gossiped.
"I don't know, but it was a boy and a girl, I think they were those two from before" the first girl said, before her friends gasped.
"Wait, you mean that stud who was showing his abs and that girl in the dress?!" the second girl said, this caught the attention of Rias and Akeno, they knew about the fight that happened between Sona and her Peerage and the two Devil Hunters.
"Yeah, those two, do you think they might enrol here?" another girl asked, sounding hopeful that they would be here.
"I hope so, that guy's hot!" the second girl said, as she blushed and had a lustful look on her face, Rias was concentrating and soon, she sensed Sona and her Queen were in the Student Council Chamber, as well as two more that she recognised, her eyes went wide as the thoughts of having two powerful pieces stolen from under her crossed her mind.
"Rias?" Akeno asked, wondering what was wrong, though she also sensed the powers of both (Y/N) and Luna with Sona and Tsubaki.
"We need to go to see Sona, now!" Rias said urgently as she quickly raised her hand.
"Excuse me, we need to go and see Sona, it's rather urgent" Rias said, hiding her outrage at what she felt was her fellow ruler of Kuoh trying to undercut her.
"Very well Miss Gremory, you and Miss Himejima may be excused" the Teacher said, excusing both Rias and Akeno, who got up and hurriedly walked out of the classroom, and started going to the Student Council Chamber.
(I won't let her take them! Not before I can try and get them!) Rias thought to herself as she stomped her way to the Student Council Room, with her Queen Akeno following her, what they didn't know was that the rest of Sona's Peerage had also heard about her meeting the two Devil Hunters and were rushing to her as well.
"Check!" Sona said as she placed her Bishop in position to take Luna's King, she then smiled thinking she had the game in the bag, it was a hard game though, Luna was far more skilled than she imagined.
"Good move... checkmate..." Luna said as she took Sona's King, winning the game!
"Wh-What?!" Tsubaki said in shock, she looked at the board and saw that indeed, Luna had won!
"I... I lost?" Sona said in shock, her eyes widened as she saw the results and saw that she'd been outplayed.
"Looks like you lost, good job Luna" (Y/N) said, smiling as he patted Luna's head, making the Shinigami blush.
"Th-Thanks..." Luna said, smiling slightly as she accepted her partner's praise.
"Well, I suppose that means we won't be coming to school" (Y/N) said, smiling at the shocked Devil Heiress and her Queen.
"Very well... as promised, you will be owed one favour from me, and if it is within my power, I shall honour it" Sona said, accepting her defeat with grace, smiling that she'd met someone who could play her as good, luckily for her she wasn't playing for her hand this game.
"Awesome, now then, why don't we-" (Y/N) said before the doors were slammed open.
"SONA! Don't you dare try to- huh?" Rias said before she noticed that nothing was going on with them, she and Akeno saw (Y/N) and Luna were sat across from Sona, all four of them looking annoyed at the intrusion, when suddenly a group rushed into the room, four girls stood around Sona and Tsubaki, while Saji and another girl with long brown hair, tied into twin tails stood protectively in front of Sona.
"Stay away from our king!" Saji demanded, while the girl growled and got ready to attack the two.
"Saji! Ruruko, stand down right this second!" Sona said firmly, making her peerage look at her confused, before Luna and (Y/N) stood up from their seats.
"Well... it was a pleasure meeting you, Sona, but, Luna and I gotta motor" (Y/N) said as he took out a card and flicked it towards Sona, Tsubaki caught it and examined the card, it was a Devil may cry business card, and a number.
"See ya Devils" (Y/N) said as he and Luna then hopped out of an open window into the school yard, the two then ran across the open space before they both jumped the fence and escaped into the city.
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