Chapter 5
I was walking back to the office with Luna by my side, she had demanded I put her down on the way back because people were staring and whispering, she had a hell of a blush on her face, we reached the office and walked into the shop to load up on bullets and weapons, that and I had to pick up a special something Dad had given to me as a goodbye present.
"Do you think Asia will be okay (Y/N)?" Luna asked as she sharpened the blade of her Death Scythe, she had bandages wrapped around her stomach to cover the large cut from the Rogue Reaper's Scythe as her supernatural energies haled the wound.
"I'm sure she'll be fine Luna, all we gotta do is get her back" I said as I slipped the gift onto my back, I loaded more bullets into Dragon's Breath and took a case out from under the counter of the bar, I opened the case to reveal a custom made, Browning Citori CXS 12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun I had made but didn't name yet, I loaded some shells into the gun before pumping a shell into the chamber of the gun ready to blow some Fallen Angel away.
"Yeah, we're pulling out all the stops to get her back..." Luna said with determination in her voice as she twirled her Death Scythe in her hands, running her finger along the blade to test how sharp it was.
"You really like having her around don't you Luna?" I asked as I placed Dragon's Breath on my back and put my Shotgun under my coat, in a holster on my hip.
"B-Baka! I just like watching cartoons with her, your the one who has a thing for her!" Luna exclaimed with an embarrassed blush on her face, I could have sworn I saw her frowning before she went back to her usual blank look.
"Ha... maybe I do, all the more reason to go get her right?" I said as I walked to the doors, with Luna joining me outside.
"Maybe we can have her stay with us when the office is fixed?" I said as we walked away from the office and went to go to the church on the hill, however it was still quite a bit away.
"I don't know, I'm kind of used to it only being us two, but I guess I could use someone to watch cartoons with in the mornings..." Luna said as she banished her Death scythe back to the void, before pulling out a handgun that was painted black with silver skulls painted into the grip and an skull with an open mouth on the end of the barrel, she like to call that pistol Death's Head.
"Right then, let's get going! Don't wanna miss the party after all!" I said excitedly as we both ran off towards the Church, however since it was Japan the streets were crowded so it'd be a pain in the ass to get to the church quickly.
"Rooftops?" I asked as I looked up.
"Let's go..." Luna said as she teleported herself up onto the rooftop.
"Show off..." I mumbled to myself annoyed, I looked and saw that there was a narrow alley and ran towards it before kicking off the wall, I kicked off the wall jumping upwards until finally I managed to reach the rooftop, when I arrived Luna and I ran across the rooftops towards the church.
after a few hours we reached the woods that were around the church, Luna and I were running through the forest when we noticed the sounds of a fight coming from nearby, as we ran I saw that girl Rias and her Queen Akeno fighting not only three Fallen Angels but that Rogue Reaper, the Hell's Vanguard.
"You wanna take him Luna?" I asked as we stopped quickly.
"Yeah... you go get Asia, this is my fight..." Luna said as her crimson eyes glowed with power, she summoned her Death Scythe and dashed towards the fight.
"Good luck, partner..." I said as I turned and ran the rest of the way to the church.
I saw that traitorous Reaper doing battle along side those Fallen Angels that worked with that bitch Raynare, I summoned my Death Scythe and jumped from the trees towards the Reaper, he quickly spun around and our Death Scythe's locked together as we tried to overpower one another.
"Where the hell did she come from?!" I heard a woman yell angrily, however I didn't bother turning to look at them since I was too busy dealing with this disgrace to the Reaper name.
"Why is she dressed in such ridiculous clothes?" came a very young sounding voice.
"It's that Reaper that gave me these wounds! Kill her!" came the familiar voice of the Fallen Angel Dohnaseek, however they seemed to have been stopped by another voice.
"Ara, Ara~ We can't have that now can we? Your all trapped in my barrier now, so let's have some fun~" came the voice of Akeno, Rias's Queen piece if I remember right, Hell's Vanguard pushed me back and I slid to a stop beside the two Gremory girls.
"Why hello there, miss Grim Reaper..." Rias said in a superior voice, I so badly wished I could wipe that smug smile off of her face, however I had more important things to do.
"Gremory..." I responded coldly.
"While I am flattered you decided to assist us against these Fallen ones, I must insist you remove yourself from our fight" she said in a demanding tone, I simply held my Death Scythe to her neck while glaring at her.
"You can shut your mouth and have those pathetic Angels... I just want him!" I said as I pointed a finger at the Hell's Vanguard, who responded with a hysterical laugh as it's eyes blazed bright blue.
"Well, I'm afraid since your trapped in this barrier as well, you have no choice but to-" I quickly made her shut up by slashing the barrier with my Death Scythe, pouring necrotic rot into the blade and making the barrier break, the Gremory girls looked shocked as well as the Fallen Angels.
"As I said..." I said as my hair shadowed my eyes and a Held my Death Scythe in a battle stance.
"I just want him!" I yelled as I rushed forwards twirling my scythe in a deadly dance of death, the Vanguard managed to block most of the attacks, but I was succeeding in driving him away from the Fallen Angels, who had recovered from their shock and went back to fighting with the Gremory girl and her Queen.
The Hell's Vanguard shrieked and laughed as we fought in the trees surrounding the church, occasionally either mine or the vanguard's scythe will slice through a tree, making the trees fall as we cleared away some of the forest in our battle, we locked scythes again and I glared at the Reaper in anger.
"You twisted creature, you dare to betray your master, the very being of death itself!? For that you deserve worse than oblivion!" I said through my teeth as I pushed against the Vanguard's Death Scythe, the Vanguard simply laughed manically at my words before we broke apart and started to clash blades once again.
I fought with the Rogue Reaper as I heard the Gremory girls fight with the Fallen Angels, this battle would be quite tought, after all it's a Reaper that was quite old, and strong, but I was fully intent on overcoming this traitor and banishing him to the void where he belonged!
I was moving through the forest towards the Church when I noticed that the doors to the church were already opened, I guess I've got some company...
I walked to the church doors and looked inside as I stood in the doorway, inside I saw that pervert Issei, along with Koneko and Kiba, as well as that crazy priest, Koneko seemed to be throwing a whole lot of the wooden pews inside the church at the guy while he fought back, then the blonde boy Kiba started fighting him with a sword managing to avoid getting shot, wanting to announce my presence I pulled out Dragon's Breath and shot at the crazy exorcist, hitting him in the shoulder.
"Agh, what the fuck!?" he yelled angrily as he looked at me, Issei and the others looked and saw me standing in the doorway with Dragon's breath resting on my shoulder, the gun barrel smoking slightly from the bullet I fired.
"You! What the hell are you doing here!?" the Exorcist yelled angrily as he pointed his sword at me.
"Simple really, I came here to save Asia, now if you don't mind, go back to the looney bin you jumped out of, and let us pass!" I said as I pulled my 12 gauge out of it's holster and aimed both it and Dragon's Breath at him.
"Hey! Asia's my friend, I'll be the one to save her!" Issei yelled with his Sacred Gear equipped onto his left arm.
"Issei, I really don't think it matters who saves her, as long as she's safe right?" Kiba said as he tried to keep him from starting a fight, Koneko switched her gaze between me and the daffy Exorcist, trying to see if I was an enemy as well.
"If your here to save that nun as well, then I guess this makes us allies, for now..." Koneko said as she turned her full attention to the Exorcist.
"Yeah, let's get this party started!" I said as I unleashed a hail of bullets towards the Fallen Priest, he quickly jumped out of the way as he shot back at me with his own pistol, however he was a very lousy shot!
"Jeez, you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with that aim, jackass!" I yelled as I shot at him with my shotgun, while getting closer as I deflected his bullets by spinning Dragon's Breath quickly.
"Fuck you, Devil boy!" he yelled as he drew one of his light swords and attacked me.
"Yeah, no thanks, I'm not into dudes!" I said as I counter attacked the bastard, our swords clashed against one another before I shot the guy in the foot, making him yell in pain before I slashed him with my blade, making him stumble back allowing the blonde knight to attack with with a black bladed sword, that seemed to devour the light from the priest's own blade.
I went to attack again when suddenly Issei rushed past me and punched the freak in the face, sending them lunatic Exorcist to the ground and into some pews.
"That's for what you did to Asia! Ah, that felt good" Issei declared angrily as he tried to catch his breath.
"Dude, I had that under control" I yelled out, however the Exorcist stood back up.
"Don't fuck with me. Don't fuck with me, jackass!" the crazy guy screamed as he rushed towards Issei and me holding two light swords, I just raised both of my guns and shot him just as Koneko threw a pew at him, sending him flying again.
"There's no way I'm letting myself get killed by a bunch of lowly Devils, so for now, I say goodbye!" the maniac yelled before throwing down a flash bomb and escaping.
"Damn! He got away!" I said angrily.
"This is your fault, if you'd stayed out of this we'd have caught him!" Issei yelled at me angrily, having had enough of him bitching I shot at the ground in front of his feet with Dragon's Breath, making him dance a little to avoid the bullets.
"Are you going to shut up and focus now, or do you wanna keep on dancing?" I asked as he jumped around yelling and begging for me to stop.
"I think he's had enough now (Y/N), please stop so we can move on" Kiba said as he stood beside me, I stopped shooting and Issei stood still with his hands on his knees, panting from the sudden and funny movement I forced him into.
"Over here" Koneko said as she kicked a wooden bookshelf into oblivion, revealing a set of stairs going downwards into an underground crypt.
"Alright, let's go!" I said as I rushed down the steps, followed by the three Devils, we rushed through the darkened catacombs until we reached a room that was lit by several candles, I saw Asia chained onto what looked like a massive cross in a white dress shirt, standing in front of her was that slutty Fallen Angel Raynare and at the bottom of the steps was a large gathering of Fallen Angels and Priests all wearing black clothes.
"Welcome Devils, you came later than I expected" Raynare said.
"Asia!" Issei and I called out when we saw the state she was in.
"Issei... (Y/N)..." she said weakly as she looked at us both.
"Don't worry babe, we'r e here to save you!" I yelled as I went forwards, Issei went to follow but he was pulled back by Kiba, as I neared the cross the other Fallen Angels and Priests drew their weapons and went to fight me, I pulled out my shotgun and shot at the group knocking down a few from the force, while the Fallen Angels threw their light spears at me.
"My how gallant, however, I'm afraid your too late, the ceremony is already complete" Raynare said as the cross started to glow bright green and Asia started screaming in pain.
"What the hell are you doing to Asia?" Issei asked as he and Kiba stood back up, I smashed another priest with the flat of my blade before slicing a Fallen Angel in the stomach, then I finished him with a bullet to the brain, making him explode in a cloud of black feathers.
"I know what she's trying to do!" Kiba said.
"They're trying to steal her Sacred Gear, use it to make herself stronger or some crap like that!" I called out as I sparta kicked a Priest into another man, sending them sprawling to the ground.
"Steal her Sacred Gear? But what'll happen to Asia?" Issei asked, a look of realisation crossing his panicked face.
"She'll die!" I said as I reached the bottom of the steps, only to see her Sacred Gear leave her body, I watched in despair as the light in her eyes started to fade away as her head fell forwards, her hair covering her face as tears fell from her eyes.
"No... I was too late..." I said as I looked up at her, seeing her hang from that cross as Raynare took her Sacred Gear into her hands.
"Twilight Healing... at long last, it's finally mine!" she said in a greedy voice before she pressed the Sacred Gear into her chest, making her gasp as the power was passed into her, then a sudden bright flash of green light filled the room making the Priests gasp in awe while I shielded my eyes from the light.
"With this, I'll become a Fallen Angel of unmatched power! I'll finally get revenge on the fools that mocked and looked down at me!" Raynare said as a malevolent green aura surrounded her.
"Give me a fucking break, you demon!" Issei yelled as he rushed into the fight along with me, I saw him punching away some of the Priests while Kiba and Koneko supported him, I turned my eyes back to Asia and ran up the steps towards her, keeping my gun trained on Raynare as I came nearer.
"Don't worry babe, I'll get ya down!" I said as I swung Dragon's Breath and shattered the chains holding her up, Asia's body fell from the cross and into my waiting arms, as she landed Issei ran up the steps and stopped beside me.
"Asia! Asia... are you okay?" he asked as he stood next to me, Asia weakly opened her eyes and looked at us both.
"I-Issei... (Y/N)..." she said in a weak voice.
"We came to save you" Issei said as he looked at Asia sadly.
"Yeah, so just hang in there, okay babe?" I said as I held her close to my chest, she was starting to go cold, this isn't good...
"I'm giving that girl to you, since it's already too late" Raynare said in a casual voice, the fact that she seemed so unaffected by this poor girls death, was just sickening!
"Shut the hell up, you overgrown vulture!" I said angrily.
"Give back Asia's Sacred Gear, right now!" Issie demanded, giving Raynare and angry glare.
"Hahahaha! Not a chance in hell! I even had to lie to my superiors to obtain this power, so I'll just have to kill every single one of you!" Raynare said.
"Issei! (Y/N), don't listen to her!" Kiba called out as he slashed one of the Priests.
"You were... my first girlfriend" Issei said as he looked at Raynare sadly, it seems he's still hanging onto how she tricked him.
"Indeed, you were so innocent, a little boy who knows nothing about a woman is always fun to tease" Raynare said, as she summoned a spear of light to her hand.
"I-I really cared about you... I was going to treat you like a queen!" Issei said as tears came to his eyes.
"Hehehe, that just made it so much easier to fool you, every time I even frowned you'd panic and try to make me smile again, even that date you planned for us was so very dull, I even chose the name Yuuma because I was going to kill you at sunset" Raynare said.
"Wow, that's a cold blooded bitch..." I said as I looked to the door out of this tomb, I knew that I wouldn't be able to fight if I was carrying Asia in my arms, it might be better if I ran for now, at least until I could deal with Raynare myself.
Meanwhile outside of the church, Rias and Akeno continued their battle against the Fallen Angels, Dohnaseek, Kalawarner and Miltelt, with all three of them attempting to attack Rias at once, only for Akeno to jump in front of her and block the attack with a barrier.
"You're pretty good, same with that Reaper over there" Miltelt said as she sat in a tree with Kalawarner and Dohnaseek, her gaze going over to the battle between Luna and Hell's Vanguard.
"Though I wonder how much longer those weak defences will hold?" Kalawarner asked mockingly.
"Your barrier is growing weaker" Dohnaseek said.
"Or, are you hoping your barrier does get destroyed so you can escape?" Miltelt asked.
"Ohhh, no, no, we won't let you two escape, after all, we don't want you helping out your pitiful little slave, whose probably dead now anyway" Miltelt said in a cocky voice.
"I wouldn't underestimate Issei if I were you, he is my strongest pawn" Rias said in her own confident voice.
"Oh, so you sent your slaves out to do your dirty work first?" Miltelt asked casually.
"So they are just throw away pieces?" Kalawarner asked.
"My, my, Rias never had any throw away pieces, you see-" Akeno was suddenly interrupted when a loud clash of metal on metal rang through the trees, as well as the shrieking of Luna's Ghosts and the loud laughter of the Hell's Vanguard, several trees were cut down as the two Reapers swung their Death Scythes, Luna had managed to land several deep cuts to the Rogue Reaper as well as getting a few cuts herself, her Ghosts whirled and shrieked as they attacked the Hell's Vanguard, however the magic powers in his Death Scythe made it easy for him to banish them.
As the two Reapers fought one another the fight between Rias, Akeno and the three Fallen Angels continued, with Akeno using a shield to block an attack from all three Fallen Angels, however the force sent her skidding back slightly.
"It seems you've got a rather strong slave working for you, but no matter how strong he is, he is no match for Raynare" Dohnaseek said as he summoned a Spear of Light into his hand.
"After all, he's just a boy! I heard about him from Raynare, it was so hilarious!" Miltelt said as she too summoned a Spear of Light, while Rias glared at her.
"Hahaha! Just the sound of the story makes my want to split my sides!" Dohnaseek said with a crazed grin on his face.
"I've had enough of this farce..." Kalawarner said, then all three of the Fallen Angels hurled their Spears towards Rias, Akeno grew worried about her friend and master but suddenly all three Spears were blown away by Rias's power rising, a red circle appeared at her feet and her hair blew around wildly as her power grew.
"Did she repel out attack?!" Kalawarner asked in shock, as the three Fallen Angels stared in shock.
"You laughed... you dare laugh at my servant..." Rias growled out, her power still rising.
"My, my... it seems you've really pissed her off, you poor fools" Akeno said with her usual grin still on her face, Rias raised her hands and unleashed a wave of crimson magic towards the three Fallen Angels, they all screamed in fear as the energy consumed them, the only thing left was black feathers drifting down to the ground.
"Well, that was certainly satisfying, now I'll go and assist the others, please clean up these feathers Akeno" Rias said, however her plans were disrupted by Luna and the Hell's Vanguard rushing into the scene, clashing Scythes and the Ghosts that Luna controlled flying through the air.
"You damned traitor! You misused those powers during the war, when we are supposed to remain neutral, and now you try to help that Fallen Angel gain power at the cost of that girl's life, your actions are unforgivable, for that I, Luna Nisshoku, shall return your corrupt soul to the void..." Luna said as her voice turned cold and emotionless, her eyes showing her rage towards the Rogue Reaper, the Hell's Vanguard shrieked in laughter once again as he raised his own Death Scythe up above his head, his power surging as he got ready to battle with Luna.
The two Reapers swung their Death Scythes, the blades clashing with one another making sparks fly, suddenly Luna pulled out her pistol Death's Head and shot Hell's Vanguard point blank in the chest, making him jump back, however Luna didn't let him have time to recover and rushed after him twirling her Scythe in a deadly dance of death.
"My, my... she is quite skilled, I've never seen a Reaper fight before~" Akeno said as she watched the two fight one another, Rias glanced towards them before she turned and walked away towards the church, leaving Akeno to watch the fight, and clean up the feathers left behind.
Luna and Hell's Vanguard clashed blades, with Luna shooting at the oversized Reaper with her handgun from time-to-time, Luna had received several cuts from her enemies Death Scythe, however thanks to he rbeing a Reaper herself, she was immune to the deathly energies that such cuts could leave, wounds infected with such energies never heal properly for the other races, even Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels can't withstand the entropic energies a cut from a Death Scythe could leave.
As the Vanguard slashed at Luna she jumped over the swing, then she hooked the blade of her Death Scythe around his legs and pulled, the blade of her Death Scythe sliced theourh the reaper's leg, making him shriek in pain and he fell to the ground, he quickly tried to pull himself back up but his missing leg prevented him from standing up fully, he looked up and shrieked loudly in anger and pain, Luna then held her Death Scythe in both hands and used her strength and momentum to rapidly twirl in place, slicing the Hell's Vanguard several times and making him gasp in shock as his body froze in place, Luna crouched down in front of him with her Scythe held in her right hand, Luna quickly stood up and aimed her gun Death's Head at the Rogue Reaper's head, a cold look on her face.
"I banish you..." she whispered as she pulled the trigger, the gun went off with a loud bang, and suddenly the Rogue Reaper's head exploded as it's body broke apart, sliced into pieces from the twirl Luna performed earlier, then his body turned into a black mist and dispersed into the air, leaving behind a small, purple orb of light which floated towards Luna's outstretched hand.
When the orb made contact with Luna's open palm the forest was enveloped in a bright light, Akeno shielded her eyes from the light with the sleeve of her white, shrine maiden kimono, the light faded away quickly and Akeno looked towards where Luna stood.
Luna stood in the clearing where she fought the Hell's Vanguard, only now Death's Head was holstered on her hip, and she held both her own Death Scythe and a second Death Scythe which had a blade made of flowing purple energies, the energies of Death itself.
Suddenly Luna twirled both Scythes in her hands, the blades moving rapidly through the night air as she tested out her new weapon, she then jumped up into the air and spun rapidly as she swept past a few trees, the trees all fell down, their trunks sliced by the two Death Scythes in the girls possession, she then took both Death Scythes and put them around another Tree trunk before scissoring them together, Luna then held both Scythes in a combat stance with a small smile on her face.
"That's what I'm talking about..." she said with satisfaction in her voice.
"Oh my, my, my, look at the mess we've left..." Akeno said as she swept the black feathers away with a broom, Luna got out of her stance, watching Akeno carefully as she banished both Scythes, suddenly there was a loud crash and bellow from the direction of the church making the Reaper look towards it with a stoic face.
"I should go to the church... I have a feeling it's almost over now..." Luna said as she turned and flew away through the opening she had made in the forest during her battle with Hell's Vanguard, leaving Akeno to sweep up the feathers from the Fallen Angels Rias had destroyed.
(Y/N) ran through the underground tunnel with Issei following behind, Kiba and Koneko stayed behind to deal with the priests and rogue exorcists, the two boys reached the church's main hall with (Y/N) holding Asia in a bridal carry, he waked towards one of the broken pews and gently lay Asia down.
"Just hold on Asia..." Issei said as he knelt down beside her, holding onto her hand as he begged her to stay awake.
"Yeah, just hold on babe, I'll go get your rings back from that thief" (Y/N) said as he got Dragon's Breath ready, loading a fresh clip of bullets into the chamber, however he stopped when he felt a delicate hand on the tail of his (F/C) trench-coat, he looked down to see Asia holding onto him.
"Even if it was a only for a short time,I... I'm so happy that I... made some friends..." Asia said as her breathing became laboured, Issei's eyes dilated as he felt fear that she was going to die, (Y/N) looked down at her sadly, taking her small, delicate hand into his own gloved hands.
"Wh-What are you talking about?" Issei said in a shaky voice, he pulled out a reel of photos that showed Asia, (Y/N), and himself, with Luna in the last one.
"Here, look! I-It's the picture from the other day, why don't we go take some more and have more fun together" Issei said desperately, Asia smiled at the photos while (Y/N) reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the Ratchu doll he had retrieved from the fight.
"Hey babe, I found your Ratchu doll, here" (Y/N) said as he held out the Ratchu doll to her, Asia smiled and took the doll, hugging it to her chest with a weak smile on her face.
"...If I happen to be reborn... would you be my friends once again...? Would you guys... and Luna, spend time with me again?" Asia asked weakly as her life faded away, her breaths weakening as she died.
"Wh-What are you saying, don't talk like that... we'll go to all kinds of cool places! Like, the arcade,karaoke... even bowling!" Issei said as tears started to fall down his cheeks, (Y/N) felt a sharp pain in his chest knowing that he was too late to save the poor girl, he gave a watery smile as he looked at Asia trying to give her something to look forward to as well.
"We could go to the movies together, get some pizza, and you could hang out with me and Luna at our office, watch some movies and have a crazy party!" (Y/N) said with a weak smile on his face, he knew that Asia wouldn't last long, so he tried to make her last moments comfortable.
"...I'm glad... your both here with me... I don't need anything more... thank you..." Asia said as she took her final breath, she laid still and lifeless on the pew, tears still gathered in her eyes with a small, peaceful smile on her face, (Y/N) closed his eyes sadly as anger filled his heart.
(Why? Why did she have to suffer so much? Why did that bitch have to kill her!?) (Y/N) thought to himself as he clenched his fists in anger.
"God! Please! I beg you, don't take her away! Don't take Asia away from me!" Issei cried out, tears streaming down his face as he called out.
"My, my... a Devil and a Half-Breed praying to God in a church? What a distasteful joke" Raynare said as she sat a few feet away from (Y/N) and Issei.
"Raynare!" both boys called out angrily, (Y/N) pulled out Dragon's Breath and aimed it towards the Fallen Angel, who held her hand over a cut she had on her left arm, a green glow coming from her palm as the cut healed.
"Twilight Healing... a truly marvellous gift, especially for us Fallen Angels, who have lost God's blessing, with this, my status as a Fallen Angel will rise to the top" she said in a gloating voice, before she clasped her hands together, interlocking her fingers as if in prayer.
"Ahh, lord Azazel, Shimayza, I will be your faithful servant!" Raynare said with a blissful smile on her face.
"And I'm supposed to care, why?" (Y/N) said in a cold, disinterested voice, Raynare opened her eyes and tsked as she looked at the Half-Devil pointing his weapon at her.
"You can go on and on about causes, good intentions and the greater good, but if that 'greater good' needs you to take the life of an innocent girl, just so you can gain power and keep up this Fallen Angels vs Devils bullshit... then you deserve to get taken out!" he said as he was about to squeeze the trigger of the gun built into his sword, only for a loud roar to shake the church before a section of the roof collapsed, making (Y/N) and Issei have to jump out of the way of the falling debris.
"What the hell's going on?!" Issei yelled as he watched the dust clear, (Y/N) landed a short distance away with Asia's body in his arms, a look of annoyance on his face as the dust finally cleared, showing that Beowulf had returned, his four wings shining in the darkness of the Church as he stood up on his back two legs, (Y/N) also noticed that his left eye was still damaged.
"Awww, look at that, I guess your master didn't think healing that eye of yours was that important, didn't your mom ever teach you to look after your pets?" (Y/N) taunted as he smirked at Beowulf and Raynare, Beowulf growled angrily at the insult.
"Impudent scum! Though my eye may be damaged, I can still destroy you seed of Sparda!" Beowulf roared before he lunged towards the Half-Demon, intending to slash him with his sharp claws, (Y/N) jumped aside and laughed at the Demon who roared angrily, (Y/N) gently laid Asia's body down against the wall as he turned to face Beowulf.
"Heheh, a son cleaning up his dad's mess... now, where have I heard that before?" (Y/N) said as he took out Dragon's Breath and aimed the gun-blade at the elephant-sized beast of a Demon before him.
He shot at Beowulf with the large gun, but the bullets didn't seem to do much as Beowulf lunged forwards swinging his massive paws at the boy, (Y/N) dodges aside before going in slashing at Beowulf's legs with Dragon's Breath, seeing that he still did little damage to the Demon which swiped at the boy again, he jumped upwards to avoid the claws and swung Dragon's Breath in a strong, two handed slash at Beowulf's head slashing into the Demon's face and making him roar in pain as he flailed his claws around in fury.
(So, his head's his weakness, alright then, time to give him a headache!) (Y/N) thought to himself as he landed and jumped back to avoid a stomp from Beowulf's taloned foot, the two fought each other ferociously with (Y/N) landing slashes and shots with Dragon's Breath and ocassionaly his new 12 gauge shotgun, however Beowulf had yet to land a single blow on the Half-Demon since his attacks were so obvious.
"Ragh! I'll smash you!" Beowulf bellowed angrily as light formed in his fist, (Y/N) jumped back as the Demon's Fist crashed into the ground, sending a flash of light through out the church, Issei screamed in pain as the light bathed his body, Raynare laughed at his pain before she threw a light spear into both of his legs, severely wounding him.
"Hahaha, it seems the legends were true, a being who could wield the light despite being a Demon, a most useful tool against you Devils, along with my Twilight Healing, I will be unstoppable!" Raynare said before she devolved into a cackling mess, however she stopped after almost being hit by one of Beowulf's punches, which smashed through a stone pillar.
"Hey! Watch it Demon, you serve me, remember?!" Raynare yelled angrily, Beowulf turned to her fixing her with his single red eye as a snarl came from his mouth.
"Silence you corrupted Angel! I serve no one but myself, I only joined to rid this world of the blood of Sparda, nothing more!" Beowulf bellowed angrily as he spread his four white, angel-like wings and a burst of light erupted from his body, making Issei scream and fall to his knees in pain, Beowulf's eye glowed a deep red as he went on all fours and charged towards the end of the Church with the alter and stomped on the ground hard enough to make chunks of the roof fall, forcing Raynare to move to avoid the falling rock.
"Cursed Demon, I'll have to punish him after we take care of these Devils!" Raynare spat with venom in her voice, while Issei had to ignore the pain and move to avoid the falling rubble, (Y/N) jumped up and kicked some of the rubble towards Beowulf, hitting the Demon in the chest and head while Beowulf threw chunks of the roof and even pews at (Y/N), who kicked several of the pews into a pile before landing in a sitting position with one leg crossed over the other, a look of amusement on his face as he smirked at Beowulf.
"Aww, what's the matter boy, getting tired?" (Y/N) taunted, making the Demon snarl with rage and charge at him with his fist raised, (Y/N) jumped over the Demon's head landing another cut to Beowulf's back as his fist smashed into the pile of pews, turning them into a pile of broken and splintered wood.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to wrap this up then, gotta get the babe's sacred Gear back at least!" (Y/N) said in an uncharacteristically serious voice, Beowulf snarled angrily as he spread his four large wings and sent several razor sharp feathers dancing through the air.
"SPARDA!" the angry Demon bellowed as he flapped his large wings, sending the sharp feathers flying in random directions, (Y/N) aimed at Beowulf's head with Dragon's Breath and shot the massive Demon in the face, making Beowulf cover his face while flailing his claw wildly, while the two fought Issei prayed to the Devil for the power to land just one hit on Raynare, he stood back up grunting from the pain.
"No way! How can you still stand up after taking all that damage from the light!?" Raynare said in disbelief as Issei stumbled to his feet, clenching his fist tightly making his Sacred Gear yell out BOOST, then Raynare went to attack him again, only to miss and have Issei's weapon yell EXPLOSION.
"Beowulf! Use your light and kill this worthless insect!" Raynare called out worriedly as Issei came closer, with his Sacred Gear ready to strike.
"Silence you pathetic woman, nothing will get in the way of my revenge!" Beowulf bellowed as he ignored Raynare's plea in favour of fighting (Y/N), the Demon turned back around just in time to get a huge chunk of the Church's roof smashed into his face, stunning him as (Y/N) panted from the exertion of the fight, suddenly Beowulf recovered and went to punch the boy again, only for (Y/N) to jump upwards above Beowulf's fist which cratered the ground from the force of the punch.
(Y/N) flew upwards right into Beowulf's face as he held Dragon's Breath ready to strike, in a flurry of movement (Y/N) stabbed the Demon multiple times right in the face, the movement of the sword was so fast it became a (F/C) blur as Beowulf roared in pain, then with a final slice the large Demon's head came away from it's body with a splash of blood before the Demon's body hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Play dead" (Y/N) said with a cocky smirk on his face as he slung Dragon's Breath over his shoulder, Raynare was in shock at the defeat of her secret weapon, so shocked that she left herself wide open for Issei to punch her hard in the face an send her crashing through a stained glass window.
"That was for Asia" Issei said before he started to fall down, only to be caught by Kiba who commended him on defeating Raynare, then Rias arrived and complimented her pawn despite the fact he didn't do much.
"My oh my, the church is a real mess, is it really okay to leave it like this?" Akeno asked as she walked into the Church, with Luna walking beside her, she looked over to (Y/N) and calmly walked towards him until she stood with him.
"I take it you managed to get rid of the Rogue Reaper?" (Y/N) asked his partner and best friend, she simply nodded her head with her normal stoic look on her face.
"And I see that you managed to deal with Beowulf..." Luna said as her eyes were drawn to the body of the dead Demon laying in the middle of the Church, then her eyes were drawn to Asia's body making her eyes widen for a split second before they turned sad.
"We were too late..." Luna said with sadness laced into her voice, (Y/N) looked down with his hair covering his eyes, a frown across his face as he turned his head to gaze at Asia too, his fists clenched in anger when he saw Koneko dragging Raynare back into the Church and tossing her in front of Rias, before Akeno dumped water over her head waking her up.
"Hello there, Fallen Angel Raynare" Rias said as she stood above Raynare with a prideful smirk across her face, (Y/N) was tempted to slap the pride from her face for acting as though she had done an impressive deed, but instead he walked to Asia's body along with Luna to say their goodbyes, as they did this Rias showed Raynare the feathers that belonged to Kalawarner, Dohnaseek and Mittelt.
"Do these look familiar?" Rias said as she held up three feathers with different shades of black, Raynare's eyes widened at the sight of the feathers as Rias let go of them and they floated down to the ground, the Rias rubbed salt in the wounds by explaining that Issei held the Boosted Gear, a Longinius that could potentially have the power to kill even a God, she knew that she wasn't getting out of this unless she had some kind of help, she then remembered about (Y/N) and thought that he would help her.
"Please, you must understand right!? You must understand that I did it for a good reason, don't you blood of Sparda?" she said as she looked to (Y/N), as if he could excuse her actions against Rias's peerage and Asia, all she got in return was him giving her a cold glare.
"WHAT DID I DO WRONG!? I even your heroic grandfather Sparda sacrificed a human woman so he could become more that he was under Mundas! I want to be as powerful as Azazel! And I killed one insignificant little human girl to get this power, that's all!" Raynare spat out angrily as she glared at (Y/N), he snarled angrily at her words, remembering how Lady had told him about what her own father had done to her mother for pretty much the same thing, and it was people like this that made him feel truly sick, even Luna seemed enraged at Raynare's explanation.
"There's a big difference between people like you, and my grandfather, he had a heart, one that could love a human, he saw that Human's were more than just expendable trash, he became a legend because he showed compassion and love, and that is what you lack!" (Y/N) said as he pointed his finger first to his own heart, the thrust it towards Raynare's face, the Fallen Angel flinching backwards at the anger in his eyes.
Then in another attempt to save herself Raynare tried to beg Issei for another chance, reminding him of their date, and saying over and over that she loved him, and how they could be together if he spared her life, this just made (Y/N) angry as well as Luna.
"... President, I can't take it anymore... please just do it" Issei said in a voice that sounded drained of all emotions and life, Raynare felt her last hope shatter into a million pieces as Issei turned his back on her.
"Stop tempting my precious servant" Rias said as she stepped in front of the defeated Fallen Angel, holding her hand in front of the Fallen Angel as she gathered power to erase Raynare.
"Now vanish" Rias said as she got ready to blast Raynare out of existence, however before she could launch the attack she was roughly pushed out of the way, she glared at the one who shoved her only to see Luna had pushed her while (Y/N) turned back towards the Fallen Angel with hatred in his eyes.
"Sorry Gremory, but she's mine!" (Y/N) said before a large backpack appeared on his back, the pack had a Demonic looking skull with three red marks on it's forehead, insect-like mouth parts that held a red rose in said jaws, and two mantis-like limbs with three claws extended from it's sides.
"Th-That's-!" Rias stuttered, Akeno, Koneko and Kiba looked at the weapon in shock as (Y/N) conjured three glowing red swords in each hand and threw them at Raynare, the swords flew towards the Fallen Angel before stabbing into her arms, legs and body, making her scream in pain, then (Y/N) tossed six more of the swords at the Fallen Angel, who screamed again as she was impaled by a total of fifteen blades, leaving her whimpering in pain as (Y/N) raised his hands up.
"Game over" he said before he clapped his hands together, making the blades explode violently, blasting Raynare into pieces before those pieces became black feathers which floated down to the floor of the Church.
I glared at the spot where Raynare was sitting moments ago, a scorch mark left on the ground as black feathers floated down to the church floor, my thoughts turned to what she had said about my Grandfather Sparda sacrificing a human woman to gain power, it was very annoying that yet another power hungry lunatic used my Grandfather's legend to try and justify their evil.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" came a voice as I felt a hand rest on my arm, I looked to my left and saw Luna looking at me with concern in her crimson eyes, I went to answer her when I saw a light appear from where Beowulf's body was, I looked to see an orb of light float out of his body and hover above it, the other Devils looked at it warily.
"What the hell is that?" Issei asked in confusion, I knew what it was and held my hand out towards the light, the light flew towards my outstretched hand before a bright flash lit up the Church, when the light faded my hands were covered in a pair of armoured gauntlets that covered my arms up to the elbow, I looked down and saw a pair of armoured boots as well that were modelled like beast's paws, from within the armour shined the same light that Beowulf used in his attacks.
I flexed my fingers to test the gauntlets while I shifted my feet to loosen up the muscles, I looked around and saw Rias and the other Devils were looking at me in surprise, then I pulled back my fist and launched myself towards Beowulf's body and punched it so hard it flew up and hit the ceiling, then I jumped into the air and axe kicked the dead Demon's midsection, I landed on the ground and hopped into a fighting stance as the body fell, splitting in half where I had kicked it a cloud of bright, white feathers coming from the two halves.
"Gotta admit, I got a real 'kick' out of that" I said as I dismissed the Devil Arm, Luna snorted as she covered her mouth, her shoulders shaking slightly as she tried to keep her laughter under control.
"Dude, what the hell just happened!?" Issei exclaimed in shock.
"He just took that Demon's soul, the exact way this happens isn't fully known, but the theory is that certain individuals had the power to take a fallen enemies soul and transform it into a powerful weapon, known as Devil's Arm" Rias said as she looked at me with worry in her eyes, she probably saw Lucifer and seeing me take Beowulf's soul just now must have her on edge, I saw that the other devils in her peerage were also on guard, however I saw a small light appear where Raynare was earlier it floated downwards until I reached out and took it into my hands, the light vanished leaving two silver rings in my hands.
"Aren't those rings Asia's Sacred Gear?" Luna asked as she walked over and looked at the rings, I turned and walked back to Asia's body and gently slipped the rings onto her fingers before I held her hands in mine.
"Sorry we couldn't save you babe, if we'd got here faster we might have gotten you out before that bitch could take your Sacred Gear, we would have filled your lonely soul with light and happiness, goodbye..." I said as I lay her hands on her chest and walked away, I heard Luna follow after me and we were both walking towards the doors to the outside.
"Hold on, your not going any-" I hear Rias say in her usual voice, however I took out Dragon's Breath and shot at her, barely missing her head, her eyes widened in shock and fear while her peerage got into their stances, ready to fight me.
"Unless you can't tell, Gremory, I'm in a very bad mood, so unless you want one of those in your face, I suggest you shut your mouth and leave us alone" I said angrily, in truth I was angry at myself, just as much as I was angry at Rias and her peerage, especially Issei for letting Asia get taken in the first place, all I wanted now was to go and be left alone, away from these stupid, demanding Devils and their petty wants.
"(Y/N)..." came Luna's voice as she put her hand on my arm again, I looked to her and saw her eyes were glassy from unshed tears, I guess that Asia's death was affecting her just as much as it was me, I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against me, letting her cry as we walked to find a hotel to sleep in, we'd collect the money from our job tomorrow, or whenever...
(Y/N) and Luna were walking back to the Devil May Cry Shop, the grief from Asia dying weighing heavily on both of their hearts, his arm wrapped around her shoulders as she held in her tears, not wanting other people to see her like this.
"(Y/N)... where are we going?" Luna asked, following after (Y/N) at a fast pace.
"We're going back to the office of course, where else would we go?" (Y/N) replied in an annoyed voice, he was beating himself up inside for being too late to save Asia, he just didn't feel like being his normal, carefree self.
"But the office is destroyed..." Luna said, a tremble in her voice as tears built up in her eyes, (Y/N) stopped and his shoulders shook as tears built in his own eyes, he grit his teeth together hard as he clenched his fists, he then kicked a metal trash can hard enough to launch it away from him and dent it badly.
"DAMN IT!" (Y/N) yelled angrily, this sudden outburst startled Luna who stepped back slightly.
"All that poor girl wanted was some friends! To live a happy life with people she could cherish, and now she's had it all taken away! And once again my Grandfather's legacy is to blame!!" (Y/N) yelled angrily as he raged over Asia's senseless death.
"D-Do you think the Gremory girl will make her one of her peerage?" Luna asked sadly, looking down to the ground with her hair shadowing her face.
"Probably will, she might even try to use her to get to us now" (Y/N) said as he wiped his eyes, refusing to cry for now.
"(Y/N)..." Luna's voice was very shaky, he looked over to see tears falling down her pale cheeks, she was biting her lip refusing to cry, some from the pain of losing a new friend, and the other for the pain she could clearly see in her partner and best friend.
(Y/N) walked to her and pulled her against his chest, she gasped as she felt herself being held in his arms, her tears still falling down her cheeks.
"Let's go get a hotel for now... we'll deal with the money and everything else tomorrow" (Y/N) said with a sad smile on his face, Luna just nodded as she walked closer and walked with her partner, his arm slung around her shoulders in comfort.
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