Chapter 1
It was a bright sunny day in the city of Kuoh, people walked and laughed in the city enjoying their day and having fun, within the crowds two individuals walked and enjoyed the peace and quiet.
One was a young man who looked around 18 years old with (H/C/L) hair and (E/C) eyes, he wore a long (F/C) trench coat, under the coat he wore a (S/F/C) shirt the sleeves stopping at his elbows, and a pair of jeans with chains looped through the waistband as a makeshift belt, the chain was held up by a large skull shaped buckle with gemstones in the eye sockets, he also wore a pair of black combat boots, he was carrying a very large briefcase.
The other was a young woman with long black hair that reached down to her lower back, her skin was very fair in colour but her eyes were a striking crimson colour that really made her stand out from normal humans, she wore a black qipao with long sleeves and white accents, black thigh-high leggings and a pair of black high heels that clicked against the concrete ground as she walked.
"So... our first job in Japan, what are the details...?" the girl asked in a monotone voice.
"We've been hired to exterminate a group of Fallen Angels that have been committing a string of murders, apparently they have been going after people with powers" the young man said in a relaxed voice.
"You seem very relaxed about this..." the girl said.
"I'm looking forward to this, it's been boring sitting in that office waiting for a job, I'd much rather be outside fighting some bad guys and making some money" the young man said as he stretched his arms above his head and cracked the bones in his shoulders.
"Perhaps you should try going out more often, if work is slow we could always do something fun to pass the time..." the girl said.
"Well we have a few issues with that, since you hate being in noisy places we can't go to arcades or carnivals, but I suppose we could go to the park at night to look at the stars like we used to back in (C/N)" the young man said with a smile as he put his hand on the girl's shoulder.
"Thank you (Y/N)..." the girl said with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
"Not a problem Luna" (Y/N) said back, the two kept on walking down the street looking for signs of their targets, after hours of endless searching the sun was starting to set and they were walking out of the city, Luna holding small plastic container eating Onigiri Rice Balls with a happy grin on her face, and (Y/N) walked beside her holding a nearly empty box of (F/F).
"I don't understand why you like (F/F) so much, isn't it boring eating that every day?" Luna asked as (Y/N) swallowed the mouthful of food he was chewing.
"I could ask you the same thing about your rice balls there Luna" (Y/N) teased.
"Hey! Onigiri is the best, it's elegant and it delicious..." Luna said in a serious voice before she took the last bite of her snack and tossed the rubbish away into a trash can, (Y/N) chuckled and took the last piece of (F/F) before throwing away the box.
"So we've still not checked the park yet, perhaps we should split up and search separately, I'll go this way you go that way" Luna said before she sped off towards her search area, leaving (Y/N) to search for the targets alone.
(Y/N) walked through the park until he arrived at a fountain and stopped to finish the last part of (F/F), he looked at the fountain and his thoughts drifted back to when he lived in (C/N) and last spoke to his dad.
"Can't believe it's been three weeks since Luna and I started working in Japan, I wonder how dad and the others are doing?" (Y/N) said to himself, his father was the infamous Devil Hunter, Dante son of Sparda, all of his skills had been learned from his father as well as his devilish healing factor and powers, his mother however was not a part of (Y/N)'s life leaving him with his father after he was born.
He was shaken from his memories when he heard voices approaching him he looked to a tree and hid himself away behind the tree and watching carefully.
"I sure had fun today" came the voice of a girl.
"Yeah, this was the best date ever" came the voice of a guy, (Y/N) looked around the tree he was hiding behind and saw a girl with long black hair, wearing a light purple shirt and a short black skirt walking hand in hand with a guy with brown hair a grey jacket and black pants.
"Huh, just a couple kids on a date, nothing too strange right now..." (Y/N) said to himself as he watched them carefully, the girl suddenly ran ahead and stood before the fountain with her hands behind her back.
"Can I ask you a question?" the girl asked.
"In honour of our first date, there's something I'd like you to do, to commemorate this special moment" the girl said as she got closer to the guy and bowed her head slightly.
"Sure you can ask for anything at all!" the guy said.
(Dude, don't say that, you'll look desperate...) (Y/N) thought to himself, it was annoying how hung up guys would get over girls.
"Would you die for me?" the girl asked in a sinister voice.
(O-kay, that's a little freaky, might have just found one of my targets) (Y/N) thought to himself as he carefully opened the briefcase and pulled out his weapon, a large sword with a dragon's head on the pommel and guard, resting close to the guard was the barrel of a Desert Eagle with the trigger located on the handle of the sword, he was very proud of his weapon since it had taken a lot of time and effort to make it functionable he named the weapon, Dragon's Roar.
"Huh? What'd you say? S-Sorry, something must be wrong with my ears, I don't think I heard you correctly could you maybe say that one more time please?" the boy said as he used his little finger to clean out his ear as he laughed nervously, suddenly the girl leaned right up into his ear.
She whispered something into his ear and stepped back laughing like a maniac as the boy had a look of horror on his face, suddenly the girl's clothes shredded off leaving her completely naked as she hugged her large breasts, a strange black substance covered her lower regions and her nipples before changing into leather clothes that left little to the imagination, as large, black feathered wings emerged from her back she was indeed a Fallen Angel.
"Jackpot! Looks like I've found our mark, I better get Luna over here fast so we can get paid..." (Y/N) said to himself before pulling out his phone and texting to Luna, he put the phone away and looked back to see the Fallen Angel standing over the boy as he looked up at her terrified.
"Well I have to admit, I did have some fun today, considering how naive and childish you are things could have been much, much worse, thanks a lot for the gift too, very sweet, but even so..." she said as a long spear of red light appeared in her outstretched hand, the Fallen Angel swung the spear above her head ready to kill the young man.
"Yuma, wait please!" the young man begged.
"It's time to DIE!" the Fallen Angel said as she pulled back her spear of light to kill the stunned boy, suddenly a loud gunshot rang out and hit the spear shattering it and startling the Fallen Angel.
"Who dares interfere!?" the Fallen Angel screamed angrily, (Y/N) stepped out from behind the tree resting a very large sword on his shoulder as a cocky grin came to his face.
"Looks like I just found me a good payday, and a very immodest one at that" (Y/N) said as he pointed the sword towards the Fallen Angel.
"How dare you attack me, the Fallen Angel Raynare!? You worthless insect!" Raynare yelled angrily as she formed another spear of light to attack (Y/N).
"Hehehe, well... I guess it's time for some fun!" (Y/N) said as he pulled the trigger on the hilt of the sword and a loud gunshot rang out across the area, the bullet struck Raynare's shoulder making her cry out in pain as she tossed her spear of light at (Y/N), he fired again redirecting the spear slightly making it fly past his shoulder and embed itself into a tree as he rushed forwards and slashed at Ranyare.
Raynare spread her wings and jumped into the air and hovered above (Y/N) with an angered look on her face, (Y/N) stood below her with a cocky grin on his face, he aimed his gunblade at her and fired at her three times the first two shots missed but the third managed to clip her wing causing a few black feathers to fall from her wing, she growled angrily but noticed that the boy from earlier was still sitting there watching the two fight with wide, terrified eyes, (Y/N) capitalised in the distraction and shot at her again grazing her rib cage and making her bra fall off exposing her rather large breasts.
"Holy COW! Those are some major boobs she has on her!" the boy said loudly as he drooled over Raynare's exposed breasts.
"Seriously? Your going to ogle her as she's trying to kill you? What a weirdo..." (Y/N) said in an angry voice, however Raynare used his distraction and flew towards him kicking him hard in the chest and sending him back into a tree making a bone snap.
"Well, that's one little pest removed, now to get back to you..." Raynare said as she turned to see the boy running away as fast as he could, Raynare just laughed and formed another spear of light before throwing it at him and getting him right through his back and out of his stomach, the spear faded away and a welter of blood spurted from the wound.
"I'm sorry, but the fact is you were far too great a risk to us, I had no choice but to dispose of you. If your looking for someone to blame why not blame him? He gave you the Sacred Gear" Raynare said in a sultry voice, (Y/N) lifted his head and saw the boy fall back with blood coming from his mouth.
"Oh, thanks again for the lovely date, it was fun" Raynare said as she spread her wings and took off into the air, then another gunshot rang out and a bullet hit Raynare's thigh making her scream in pain before looking back, (Y/N) was standing up unhurt and aiming his gunblade at Raynare with a cocky grin on his face.
"It's gonna take more than a fractured skull and a concussion to put me down, bitch" (Y/N) said as he fired more bullets at the Fallen Angel, Raynare yelled in rage and flew towards him as she screamed, (Y/N) raised his gunblade and slashed at her cutting her arms and face making her snarl angrily, she summoned another spear of light and smashed (Y/N) in the ribs breaking several ribs and damaging the organs, the force of the blow was so great he was sent towards the fountain, Raynare flew towards him and gabbed his gunblade before stabbing it through his chest, (Y/N) took a shuddering breath before hanging on the sword with the blade impaled through his heart and lungs.
"Finally, troublesome pest! you know..." Raynare said as she leaned in and caressed his cheek lightly.
"Your pretty handsome, if you hadn't tried to interfere you might have had the pleasure of being mine~" Raynare said as she came closer to his face her lips inches away from his.
"As if he would ever lower himself to a whore like you" came the voice of Luna as she suddenly appeared a few feet away from the Fallen Angel and her friend.
Raynare looked at the girl in anger but she quickly flew back when a large scythe appeared in her hand, and she slashed at the Fallen Angel making her fly away.
"I won't forget this you bitch! I swear, the moment my plans come together you will be one of the first to face my wrath!" Raynare called out angrily as she flew away, Luna was about to pursue the Fallen Angel but noticed the dying boy on the ground, she then looked over and saw (Y/N) impaled on his own sword and sighed in annoyance.
"Oh (Y/N), how did you let this happen to you?" Luna asked in a monotone voice, she then turned her attention back to the dying boy and walked over to him with her Death Scythe in hand.
"It is unfortunate that you got in the middle of this battle..." Luna said as her scythe began to glow a deathly purple colour.
"But take comfort in the peaceful embrace of death..." Luna said as she raised her Death Scythe to harvest the boy's soul for her mentor.
She was stopped when a flash of red appeared from a piece of paper that flew from the boy's coat pocket, beside the boy's dying body she saw a summoning circle appear, in a flash of magic a girl appeared, she was wearing a school uniform which consisted of a short, black skirt, white long sleeved shirt and a black overcoat, the shirt looked very form fitting showing off her very large assets, she had long blood red hair and blue eyes as she turned to face the dying boy.
"I have come, you are the one who summoned me, are you not?" the girl asked as she turned around, her eyes widened in shock when she saw Luna about to harvest his soul.
"Stay away from him, he has made a deal with us so you may not take him!" the girl said in an outraged voice.
"You do not command who an agent of Death may take, Demon..." Luna replied in a cold, emotionless voice.
"I am Rias Gremory, head of the House of Gremory, you will address me with respect!" the girl said.
"The Gremory House? That's a high order of Devils..." Luna said in her usual monotone voice.
"And how do you plan to defeat me alone, even if you are a Shinigami your power cannot fully match mine" Rias said in a confidant voice as she got ready to fight the Shinigami.
"Who said anything about me facing you alone...?" Luna said, there was a few minutes of awkward silence before Luna looked towards (Y/N)'s body with her usual blank expression.
"Are you really just going to stay like that the entire time?" Luna asked in a bored tone, Rias looked at her like she was crazy.
"You know me Luna..." came (Y/N)'s voice, Rias looked over at him startled.
"Always looking for a dramatic entrance!" (Y/N) said before he pulled himself off of his sword, causing blood to splatter as he pulled himself over the sword's guard and the hilt until he stood up on his own two feet and cracked his neck loudly.
"That was gross... must you do such things (Y/N)?" Luna asked as (Y/N) reached over and picked up his gunblade and rested in on his shoulder.
"For that reaction? Absolutely!" (Y/N) said as he pointed at Rias who was looking at him in shock.
"What kind of monster are you!? How can you shrug off being stabbed through the chest!?" Rias exclaimed.
"You get over that shit really easily... ah man, she's got blood all over my favourite coat" (Y/N) said as he brushed off some dirt from his coat.
"Now then, I believe you were saying something about matching your power?" (Y/N) said as he aimed his gunblade at Rias, with a serious look on his face.
"You two may be strong, but regardless, from this moment forward, this boy Issei, will live his life... for my sake" Rias said as she looked down at the nearly dead boy.
"Look lady, my friend has a job to do, so I'm afraid that won't be happening, let's get'er Luna!" (Y/N) said.
"Right..." Luna said as she twirled her Death Scythe effortlessly in her hands, she then swung her scythe and summoned a trio of low level ghosts to attack the red haired Devil, the ghosts were the upper bodies of humans that glowed a ghostly green colour as ectoplasmic mist poured from their bodies with looks of misery and torment etched onto their faces, they were victims of hers that had been absorbed into Luna's Death Scythe with her Soul Harvest power making them look tormented as they served the Shinigami, Rias jumped back and opened up her own black wings to keep herself aloft, however several loud gunshots sounded and Rias saw several bullets coming towards her, she managed to deflect some of the shots but a few pierced her defences and grazed her slightly, while she was distracted Luna's ghosts appeared behind her and latched onto her draining her energy to weaken her.
Rias used some of her devilish magic to repel the ghosts and banish them back to Luna's Scythe but the third one gripped onto her neck and drained a considerable amount of energy from Rias, she fell to the ground on one knee as she tried to regain her breath only to see (Y/N) coming towards her with his gunblade raised for a strong slash, she summoned another magic circle to block the attack, the blade clashed with the glowing circle and Luna slashed at Rias from behind with her Death Scythe forcing her to defend with both hands, the two attackers began to overwhelm her magical defences and forced her to jump back beside the boy.
"Ugh, and this is one of my best uniforms..." Rias said as she looked at her shredded and bloody clothes, she looked over and saw (Y/N) and Luna looking at her.
"Hahaha, jackpot!" (Y/N) said as he twirled his sword in his hand before resting it on his shoulder again.
"Indeed... let's finish her off, maybe we can get a bounty from her" Luna said in a cold voice.
"I suppose I have no choice but to retreat, but know this we will meet again!" Rias shouted before grabbing the boy's body and calling up a transportation circle.
"Hey! Wait!" (Y/N) said as he aimed his gunblade at Rias, he fired rapidly but Rias teleported away, the bullets hit the ground where she was moments ago.
"Damn..." Luna said in her monotone voice.
"Can't believe we lost them both!" (Y/N) said as he slashed a tree with his gunblade, the tree fell apart with a large slash in the trunk.
"What exactly happened (Y/N)? Normally you don't have this much trouble with our jobs..." Luna asked as she banished her Death Scythe and turned to look at her friend and business partner.
"If it wasn't for that thrice damned idiot sitting there staring at the Fallen Angel girl's breasts, I would have been able to take her down!" (Y/N) said as he placed his weapon on his back.
"Ugh, I hate perverts like that, they'd rather stay and look at breasts and ass than save themselves" Luna said as her mask of emotionlessness slipped revealing her disgust.
"Yeah, bloody idiots..." (Y/N) agreed.
"I wish they would all die..." Luna said as her normal monotone voice returned.
"You always did hate perverts, well nothing we can do right now. The target's escaped somewhere and now even that red head vanished" (Y/N) said as he turned away from Luna.
"I suppose we'll just return to the office and dig up more leads..." Luna said as she teleported herself next to (Y/N) and walked beside him.
"Maybe after a good night's sleep, I still need to fix some of the damage that Bitch did to me, and clean my blood off of Dragon's Roar, but don't worry we'll get her for sure next time" (Y/N) said in a confidant voice as he gave his Shinigami friend the thumbs up.
"Idiot..." Luna said as a small smile tugged on the corners of her lips, the two walked away from the scene of the fight back towards their shared office and home, unaware of a short girl with white hair watching them carefully as they walked away, before following them at a safe distance.
I walked through the park with my sword Dragon's Roar on my back and Luna beside me, I could tell that she was disappointed that we had lost our target but it wasn't so bad since I had convinced her that we could try again at a later date, after all the one who hired us didn't give us a time limit, I looked over and saw a store that served Onigiri and I knew that I would go back and grab some tomorrow to cheer her up.
"So Luna, what do you want to do for dinner tomorrow?" I asked her as we walked.
"I don't know, maybe some curry or something?" she answered in her usual voice.
"Sounds good, and here we are, home sweet home" I said when we arrived at Devil May Cry, it was in a very obscure location of the city hidden away from the main population allowing plenty of privacy.
The building looked like an old worn down bar on the outside with the windows painted over and graffiti was sprayed all over the walls, a perfect cover for a business about hunting the supernatural.
Luna and I walked to the old metal doors and pushed it open before going into our business/home, inside the building wasn't very clean but it was good enough for us both, we had a large staircase moving up to a second floor against the left hand wall, the ground floor was pretty big since it used to be a bar or dance club the wooden counter was still there and a few of the stripper poles although they were never used since Luna wasn't comfortable doing that kind of stuff, we had our furniture around the room such as a sofa, TV and other things, the end of the bar had the phone we used for our business, we had a games room with a pool table and a dart board as well as a juke box.
The second floor had our individual bedrooms, I had never gone into Luna's room since I respected her privacy, and she'd probably use her Death Scythe on me if I ever walked in unannounced, there were other rooms on the second floor that we mostly used for storage since we hardly ever had guests, and there was the bathroom too.
I closed the door after Luna walked in and took off my coat that had finished repairing itself much like my injuries and hung it up on a coat rack, we both took off our shoes and set them beside the door in case we had to leave quickly, I walked to the kitchen to get myself a glass of (F/D), Luna walked into the lounge and turned on the TV to watch her favourite show, I walked over and went to sit beside her but she hit me in the arm.
"Change your shirt first, I don't want blood all over the sofa..." Luna said, I looked down and saw that there was a bit of blood on my now ruined shirt.
"God Damn it... I liked this shirt as well" I said in annoyance before walking away and stripping off my shirt, there was no saving this one so I tossed it away into a trash can.
I walked up the stairs and went to my room, I opened the door and went inside to see my room, a very big double bed for if I ever had a woman sleeping over, a big screen TV connected to my Xbox one, along with the games I liked to play and the movies I watched, I walked past to the closet and got myself a pair of comfy shorts to wear as my pyjamas, I never wore a shirt when I went to chill out it didn't really bother Luna anymore since we'd been friends for so long.
I left my room and walked down into the living room I walked up behind the sofa and vaulted over the back and landed on the sofa, I looked over to see Luna was still in her combat clothes as she watched the screen with a small smile on her face, it unnerved me sometimes how she could be so unresponsive around people but I was glad she was comfortable enough to show feelings with me at least.
"Don't you want to go change?" I asked her, she looked at me before getting up and walking up the stairs to her bedroom and shutting the door behind her, I had to admit I was curious about what she did when she was in her room, was she like other girls and danced around to music as she did make overs? Or did she practice with her Shinigami powers?
I watched more of the show until I heard the door to her room quietly as her little feet padded down the steps, she walked around the corner of the sofa and sat down in her usual spot, she was wearing a black tank top with a picture of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy across the front, and long legged pyjama bottoms with little skull's and scythes on the legs.
"You really love that show, don't you?" I commented, it was true she loved those random cartoons, Courage the Cowardly Dog, the Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy, Evil Con Carne, Invader Zim and many others, it was interesting how fascinated with these shows she was.
"Yes, I do, they're interesting" she says as she pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them, it was amazing how she would act so cute sometimes, but she only let down her guard with me since I knew about her past I wasn't too worried.
So I sat down on the sofa watching a marathon of Courage the Cowardly Dog, we didn't bother ordering out since we were still full from what we ate earlier while we were out, I checked the time on my phone and saw it was late and my chest was still kind of sore where it was healing itself.
"I'm gonna wash the blood off Dragon's Roar then turn in, don't let king Ramsey give you nightmares now" I said, Luna hummed in response as she continued to watch the episode where Eustace tries to keep a slab of rock while the ghost of King Ramsey tries to take it back, I made my way back upstairs to the bathroom and ran the weapon under the hot water before scrubbing off my blood, I had to clean this off or the gun mechanisms could break and I'd lose my long range capability, after a while it was sparkling and I walked into my room, I leaned my sword against the wall and got into bed and made myself comfortable.
"I'm gonna have to work hard tomorrow, find that Fallen Angel and get her bounty, no way I'm passing up such a big pay" I said to myself as I relaxed and let my eyes close as I fell into sleep.
Rias had finished changing Issei into a Devil and had teleported him back to his home, she however was not satisfied.
Her mind was stuck on the two individuals that had attacked her and the Fallen Angel from before, they were very skilled to have matched her as they did, it was unusual to see a Shinigami at work in a place known to belong to a Devil Family, but it was also the young man that was with her that spiked her interest.
The way he could just shrug off being stabbed through the chest like it was nothing, the fact that he was working with a Shinigami, and how they mentioned getting paid for the work they do, it made Rias curious.
"Hmmm..." Rias hummed to herself as she thought about these unknown supernatural people, how could she have not noticed their presence before now? Where were they from? And more importantly, what were their intentions?
"Something wrong Rias?" came a relaxed voice, from the shadows of the room came a tall girl with long black hair that was tied back in a ponytail that reached down to her feet with a yellow ribbon, she was wearing a school uniform similar to Rias's but not cut up and bloody, this was Akeno Himejima aka the priestess of thunder, and Rias's queen.
"It's nothing, I was attacked by two strong individuals, they tore up my uniform as well..." Rias said as she pulled at her tattered shirt only for the whole front to rip off exposing her black lace bra.
"You get all the fun assignments Rias... it would have been a dream come true for someone to rip off my clothes and have their way with me~" Akeno said in a sultry voice as she got lost in her fantasy.
"Well, I'll have to remember that the next time we encounter those two, one was a Shinigami without a doubt, she even had a Death Scythe, if I had been even a second later our potential recruit would have had his soul reaped" Rias said as she removed the rest of her shredded clothes and walked away to the shower to wash the blood off of her skin.
"Hmm, I haven't met a Shinigami before, let alone a female one, those are very rare I wonder what she's like?" Akeno asked herself as she put her finger to her bottom lip in thought.
"It's not just that, there was someone else there with her, he was very skilled, and had an unusual weapon" Rias said as she scrubbed off some of the dried blood.
"Really, what was it? Oh! Was it a whip, or something sadistic like that?" Aken asked excitedly.
"No, it was a sword, with a gun built into the blade" Rias said as she closed her eyes and washed her long red hair.
"A Gunblade? I've never seen one of those before that actually worked, usually they are just for display" Akeno said in surprise.
Rias stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body as she used a smaller towel to dry her hair, she looked towards Akeno with a look that showed she meant business.
"We must find out about those two, if left alone they could become a considerable threat to us..." Rias said, suddenly her eyes brightened up as a sly smile came to her face.
"Or maybe, they could be useful, maybe we should extend an invitation? What do you think Akeno?" Ris asked.
"There's only one way to find out, let's have Koneko try to find them and we'll go find them after school tomorrow" Akeno said in an excited voice, she was interested in meeting a real life Shinigami, and this new guy kind of interested her.
Suddenly the door to the room opened and a small girl with shirt white hair walked in, she had a blank look on her face much like Luna does and was wearing a Kuoh academy uniform like Rias and Akeno.
"Ah, Koneko, where have you been?" Akeno asked as she looked down at the girl.
"I saw those two that attacked Rias, I followed them into the city but I lost them..." Koneko responded in a cold voice.
"You lost them? But you normally wouldn't have any problems following someone without being spotted" Akeno commented.
"It must have been some kind of cloaking magic, or perhaps it's something else..." Koneko said in thought.
"Very well, we'll have to try and find them again tomorrow, for now I'll have to get some sleep and heal these cuts" Rias said as she sat in her chair at the desk and thought about how best to approach these two.
I walked around the city taking note that the streets were starting to have kids wearing the uniform that that girl Rias wore, they must go to the same school as she does perhaps I could track her down, Luna decided to stay home but said to text her if she was needed so she could teleport to my location.
I walked around more taking in the sights of the city, we have only lived here for three weeks so the sights and the food were still new and interesting, however I wasn't just wandering aimlessly I was following up on a lead to the Fallen Angels that we were after.
I hadn't bothered with taking Dragon's Roar with me since it would draw too much attention, it was frustrating to walk around and look for clues to their location, but since we had tried attacking one of them they would probably all be on alert now so I had to lay low.
As I walked I saw saw a group of girls wearing the uniform from that school looking at me and whispering to each other, they looked over at me occasionally as I walked past to the store I saw last night.
This happened every now and again, I'd catch the interest of a girl or girls and they would ask me out, usually it ended with me bedding them and they just leave the next morning, it wasn't that bad I had to admit it was fun but I was looking for something more... permanent, didn't mean I wouldn't scratch the itch when it came along though.
I bought some Onigiri rice balls for Luna and some snacks for myself as well as drinks, I eventually returned to the Devil May Cry Office and saw Luna watching Invader Zim while still in her pyjamas, she was watching intently so I placed the Onigiri down in front of her only for her to pick them up and start eating the happily, I decided to go to my room and entertain myself in my bedroom playing (F/G) on my Xbox.
(A.N me personally it's DA Inquisition or Witcher, but looking forward to Mass Effect Andromeda, despite all the hate)
I was really getting into the game and after what felt like only a few minutes but was probably a few hours later there was a knock at the door, I looked over and saw Luna peek her head inside my room.
"(Y/N), can we go to the park?" Luna asked me in a quiet voice.
"You want to look at the stars, don't you?" I commented, she nodded her head and I let out a sigh.
"Sure, why not, put something on and we'll get going" I said, I saw Luna's stoic face change into a small smile before she pulled her head back out an closed the door, I turned off the console and grabbed Dragon's Roar before I walked out of my room walking down the stairs into the main hall.
I reached the bottom of the steps and walked to the door, I quickly put on my boots and slipped on my (F/C) trench coat before waiting for Luna to come down, I leaned against the wall beside the door and started checking my phone for messages.
A few minutes later Luna emerged from her room in her usual outfit and slid down the banister and landed on the wooden floor, she walked over and put on her heels, when she was ready we left the Devil May Cry building and began to walk to the park, as I looked around I saw that the sky was darkening from the sun setting.
Luna and I walked around until the night sky was dark, we looked up and saw some of the stars glitter into existence as the moon shone down at us, I looked over and saw Luna looking upwards with a small smile on her face as we walked into the park.
We walked until we arrived at the fountain from yesterday and saw that the damage and the blood had been removed, the area looked pristine almost like there was no fight to begin with, Luna sat down on the edge of the fountain and looked up, taking in the starry night sky.
"Nice and peaceful..." Luna said in a contented voice, I smiled a little at how happy Luna was.
Suddenly I hard loud footsteps coming towards us very fast, Luna heard it too and teleported us away into a nearby set of trees, we watched and saw the boy from yesterday lean on the fountain panting heavily.
"Yes this is it, this is the park where I took Yuma on our first date..." he said to himself.
"It was real... it couldn't have been a dream, I remember every single thing about it!" he said to himself again.
"Looks like that girl Rias made him a devil after all... guess we'll have to explain that to old Grimmy" I said, Luna hit my arm and we watched as a dark force field covered the sky and prevented us from leaving, must be a Fallen Angel nearby.
"Luna, get ready... looks like we're gonna have to fight our way out of this" I said as I pulled Dragon's roar from my back and held it ready, Luna nodded and summoned her Death Scythe for a battle, we looked and saw a tall man wearing a trench coat and a fedora walking towards the boy menacingly.
Suddenly the boy jumped really far back but seemed surprised at the distance, I guess he still hadn't been taught about his abilities.
"Looking for a way out?" the man asked, the boy turned tail and ran away really fast, but the man opened up a pair of black feathered wings and flew after him catching up to him easily, Luna and I chased after them and saw the boy look up to see the man above him, the fallen Angel landed in front of him making him stop suddenly.
"Such cowardice, I can't abide lower class beings!" the Fallen Angel said in an annoyed voice while the boy looked at him in fear.
They talked for a while but I tuned them out, I didn't care about the whole Angels vs Devils thing I just want to get paid, Luna teleported herself to the other side of the path so we surrounded the Fallen Angel and the boy, I saw that Fallen Angel form a Spear of Light that was blue in colour.
The boy turned to run again but the Fallen Angel threw the spear and stabbed him in the stomach again through the back, I watched the boy fall to the ground bleeding heavily as the spear was still stuck in him.
"M-Man this blows! Big time! This is the worst pain I've ever felt, didn't hurt near this bad when Yuma murdered me in the last dream" the boy said as he tried to touch the spear only for it to repulse his hand making him scream in pain.
"Hurts doesn't it? Light is a deadly poison to your kind, burns you from within. I thought I'd finished you off but it seems your quite the tough one" the fallen angel said before banishing the spear making the boy yelp in pain once again.
"Don't you worry, I'll put you out of your misery shortly" the Fallen Angel said as he raised up the spear, I took aim with Dragon's Roar and got ready to shoot him in the leg so we could interrogate him, but suddenly a red magical attack broke the spear.
"What did you just do you little shit?!" the Fallen Angel demanded as a red glow appeared.
"And what the hell is that?" the Fallen Angel asked as he looked towards the glow, (Y/N) and Luna looked over and saw a large red summoning circle appear before the familiar form of Rias standing where the circle was.
"Keep your hands off of him" she demanded calmly.
"I'll teach you not to meddle where you don't belong!" the Fallen Angel said as he formed another spear and threw it at Rias, however it was deflected by a loud gunshot that shattered the spear as Koneko landed in front of Rias.
"What the?!" The Fallen Angel asked before Luna teleported behind him and slashed at him leaving a large slash across his back, the wound didn't reach too deep but it hurt a lot thanks to the innate power of Luna's Death Scythe.
""You little bi-" The Fallen Angel was cut off when (Y/N) slashed at him with Dragon's Roar leaving a large cut on his arm and shoulder, the man yelled out in pain while (Y/N) drew back the blade for a stab, the Fallen Angel jumped back dodging the stab but (Y/N) fired the Desert Eagle in the blade at the Fallen Angel hitting him in the leg, Luna teleported in front of him as he resummoned his Spear of Light and clashed weapons with her.
Rias and Koneko watched the battle with interest, they were intrigued to see how a female Shinigami fought and so far she was impressive, suddenly a bolt of lightning struck between the three combatants forcing them to separate, Luna and (Y/N) landed together while the Fallen Angel fell onto his back with his fedora falling off of his head Akeno walked into the moonlight with a chuckle as electricity played over her arched fingers.
"That red hair, your from the house of Gremory!" the Fallen Angel said as he looked towards Rias, Akeno and Koneko while (Y/N) and Luna stood back up dusting off their clothes.
"My name's Rias Gremory, and who are you other than a fallen angel?" Rias asked, she then turned to look at (Y/N) and Luna and pointed at them both.
"I would also like to know your names too" she said with confidence dripping from her words, (Y/N) and Luna stayed silent as they watched the Fallen Angel for a possible escape attempt.
"Heh, well, well who knew? This town is currently under the control of the next head of the great Gremory family" the Fallen Angel said as he stood up brushing dirt off of his fedora before placing it back on his head.
"My name is Dohnaseek, I pray that we never again cross paths!" Dohnaseek said as he spread his wings and flew up into the air, however he was stopped when Luna teleported in front of him and slashed at his wings with her Death Scythe causing black feathers to fall to the ground.
"Your not going anywhere, Dohnaseek" (Y/N) said as he stood above him aiming his desert eagle at his face with an intimidating glare on his face, suddenly there was a flash of red and (Y/N) was pushed off the Fallen Angel, he rolled and landed on one knee and looked to see Rias with her hand extended towards him.
"What the hell are you doing?! Stay out of our business, Devil girl!" (Y/N) said as he got into a fighting stance as Luna stood beside him twirling her Death Scythe.
"Your 'business will have to wait until after you've answered my questions" Rias said, the sound of beating wings came again and the five assembled people saw Dohnaseek fly away really fast.
"Damn it! You let him get away!" (Y/N) said as he aimed Dragon's Roar at the three girls, there was a groan and the three girls looked at the boy who was lying in a pool of his own blood.
"If we don't do something, he'll die..." Koneko said as she looked down at him before returning her attention to (Y/N) and Luna.
"That won't happen..." Rias said as she knelt down beside him.
"He'll live, I'll see to that myself" Rias said, suddenly Luna appeared beside them with her Death Scythe raised for a killing blow, since the boy was dying again she was going to try and finish the job that Rias interrupted before.
Koneko rushed at her and kicked her away forcing Luna to slide across the ground on her feet, Akeno went to assist but (Y/N) tried a downward slash which she blocked with a magic circle.
"My, my... I like aggressive men like you~" Akeno cooed in a seductive voice, making (Y/N) smirk.
"Oh, I can get a lot rougher little lady, trust me" he responded as he pushed Akeno back and rested the gunblade on his shoulder.
"Rias, you should take him and heal him, we'll handle these two..." Koneko said as she kept her eyes on Luna, who was twirling her Death Scythe skilfully in her hands.
"Very well, I'll see you soon" Rias said as a red summoning circle appeared below her and the boy and they vanished, leaving Koneko and Akeno to do battle with (Y/N) and Luna.
"Goody! Now we get to have all the fun we want, handsome~" Akeno said as she called down more lightning to attack the young man, he jumped back and stood up before aiming his gunblade at Akeno and fired three times the first two bullets whizzed past but the third managed to cause some damage to her, however she seemed to be enjoying herself as she ran towards him and tried to attack him with lightning, but he dodged the attacks and slashed her back leaving rents in the ground and cuts on Akeno's body.
"Oooohhh, I love feeling the pain and punishment of a battle, it's so exhilarating~" Akeno said as she shivered in delight.
"O-kay, that's a little weird, but whatever" (Y/N) said as he attacked her again sending slashes and gunshots at Akeno, she dodged a few and launched attacks of her own back at him, he used the sword skills his father had taught him to make the blade swing multiple times in the air causing quite a few cuts, Akeno returned the attacks with her lightning as she smiled happily.
Meanwhile Koneko fought Luna one-on-one, Koneko trying to land a punch or a kick on the Shinigami while Luna swung her Death Scythe skillfully, she blocked Koneko's attacks with the shaft of the weapon as she slashed at the girl with the blade, Koneko moved to dodge the attacks as they traded blows with one another.
Koneko managed to punch Luna in the stomach making the Shinigami gasp from the impact, then she grabbed Koneko's wrist before slashing her across the stomach, causing some blood to leak out onto her clothes, she counter attacked by kicking Luna in the knee making her stumble slightly before Luna kicked her in the face forcing her to fall back slightly before Koneko caught herself, Luna quickly flipped her scythe over and hit the top of Koneko's head making some blood run down her face from the attack.
"Your quite good..." Koneko said as she wiped the blood away from her eyes and attacked the Shinigami once again, this time she punched Luna so hard some blood came from her mouth.
"As are you..." Luna responded as she slashed at Koneko slicing off some of her white hair, then slashing her skirt revealing her white panties with blue dots on them, Koneko went to punch Luna again but the Shinigami slammed the blade of her scythe into the ground and used it for leverage so she could flip herself around, she swung her body and delivered a strong drop kick with both feet, causing the pointed heels of her shoes to stab into Koneko's chest and making her stumble back slightly.
Koneko stood back up and launched a series of strong punches and kicks at Luna forcing the Shinigami to fly back, Luna stabbed the blade of her Death Scythe into the ground to halt the momentum of her backwards slide as she looked back at Koneko with a blank gaze.
"Your quite strong, must be a rook..." Luna said as she stood back up, Koneko shifted her weight from foot to foot as she readied herself for another attack, Luna decided to summon help with her Death Magic.
Luna channelled some of the Death Magic through the blade of her Death Scythe and she brought it back for a wide swing, she slashed the air and a host of five low level ghosts flew forth from the opening to the beyond, the were the upper bodies of human men and women and they glowed a luminescent green colour as ectoplasmic vapour leaked from their bodies, they had skull-like faces with sunken eyes and looks of misery plastered to what remained of their faces.
"Spirits of the damned, heed your masters call to arms, and defeat her" Luna said as she aimed her Death Scythe towards Koneko, the blade of the scythe pointed forwards almost like a spear and the Spirits flew towards Koneko, she tried to punch the ghosts but her fist went right through them and the ghosts latched onto her arms and legs draining her energy, Koneko tried to dislodge them but the Spirits held on like leeches and drained her energy until she couldn't stand anymore and she fell to her knees panting heavily.
Luna walked towards Koneko as the Ghosts released her and flew around Luna shrieking and wailing as they begged for release from their servitude, Luna stood above Koneko with the blade of her Death Scythe resting against her throat, Koneko looked up at the Shinigami gritting her teeth in frustration at her defeat.
"Not even the greatest strength can withstand the touch of death..." Luna said as her crimson eyes glowed slightly, Luna focused her will into the blade of her Death Scythe making the energies of death itself swirl around the edge of the blade, if Luna cut Koneko with the blade the wounds would never heal, the ghosts circling the two girls letting out keening wails as they floated around the two girls.
Meanwhile (Y/N)'s battle against the priestess of Thunder was progressing rather roughly, (Y/N) managed to shrug off the pain and wounds from Akeno's attacks, while Akeno was dealing with several bleeding cuts from the gunblade and some small wounds where the bullets nicked her skin and uniform.
"I've gotta say, you've certainly made a mess out of my uniform, I guess I'll be needing a new set soon" Akeno said in a teasing voice as she shivered from the pain she felt, (Y/N) chuckled and stabbed at her again catching her top with the tip of the blade and tearing it off revealing her lacy bra, Akeno smiled slightly and sent more lightning towards (Y/N) but he quickly dodged the attack and shot the gun in the blade at Akeno, one of the bullets managed to hit her in the hip making her grunt in pain.
"Gotta say, your quite the lady" (Y/N) said as he lunged towards Akeno and slashed at her moving faster than before, the sword began to twirl in the air firing off the gun at Akeno and she had a hard time dodging all of the attacks as some bullets and slashed landed on her body, Akeno couldn't keep up with the barrage of cuts and gunshots and now her uniform was nearly shredded and she had several cuts in her body.
Akeno was caught off guard when she heard a loud shriek and looked to see Koneko surrounded by a group of Ghosts, luna stood above her as Koneko kneeled on the ground with Luna's Death Scythe against her throat.
"Koneko!" Akeno said before throwing bolts of lightning at the Shinigami and her Ghosts, the lightning bolts banished the Ghosts with a final mournful wail and forced Luna to jump back as her black qipao slightly scorched from the attack, her leggings were ripped in places and her hair was messy.
"Best pay attention, Demon!" (Y/N) called out, Akeno turned back just in time for (Y/N) to bring his sword down and leave a large wound from her collar bone to her midriff, the cut wasn't fatal but it bled profusely and Akeno's bra was shredded and fell off of her body exposing her very large breasts to the moonlit night.
"A-Akeno!" Koneko called out as she stumbled to her feet and ran over to her black haired friend, (Y/N) shot at Koneko as she approached but she managed to dig deep and use some of her remaining strength to dodge the bullets and kick (Y/N) away from them, she reached Akeno and quickly used a transportation circle to escape the battle.
"Looks like they got away again..." Luna said as she approached, holding her shoulder as she banished her Death Scythe back to the realm of Death, (Y/N) put Dragon's Roar back onto his back and walked over to his friend and business partner.
"Yeah, but that doesn't matter, we identified another Fallen Angel, so all we gotta do now is keep searching" (Y/N) said as he looked at Luna with some slight worry, he knew that Luna was a Shinigami and thus could recover but he was still worried about his friend being hurt.
"How about we return to Devil May Cry? Order ourselves that curry, and have a marathon of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" (Y/N) said, Luna nodded her head and gathered her powers to teleport them both back to the office to save a walk after they had been hurt.
The teleportation magic Luna used transported us in front of the door to Devil May Cry, she panted slightly from exhaustion, I wasn't too surprised since she had not only fought some pretty strong Devils and a Fallen Angel today, but had also summoned her Ghosts and having to teleport both of us at the same time probably took a lot of energy.
We walked over and opened the door walking into the warm office, we took off our shoes and dropped them by the closed door as I shrugged off my trench coat and hung it on the coat rack, we walked over to the sofa and dropped down onto it with tired groans.
"So... where do you wanna order that curry from Luna?" I asked her.
"I don't mind, my shoulder's a little sore..." Luna said with a frown on her face, she rubbed at her shoulder with the scorch mark from Akeno's lightning strike.
"Maybe a nice cool shower could help you, go ahead and have a nice relaxing shower Luna, I'll call ya when the food arrives" I said to her, the burn would heal fine but she'd need some rest and relief from the pain.
"Yeah, sounds good..." Luna said as she stood up and walked up the stairs, I watched her carefully in case she needed help and when she reached the top of the stairs and I heard the bathroom door close I felt relieved.
I took out my phone and typed in a number of a take out place to order some food for us both, after placing the order I took off my shirt and sank back into the couch with a satisfied sigh.
After a short while I heard a knock at our door and walked up with the money in my hand, I opened the door to see a young woman with long brown hair and blue eyes standing there looking at me with a blush on her cheeks.
"F-Food delivery f-for a Mr. (Y/N)" the girl stuttered out nervously, I smirked and gave her a flirty wink making her face turn even redder than before, this is just what I need for the night.
"That's me, would you like to come in?" I said back while taking the food and putting it down on the table, I looked back to see the delivery girl standing in the room looking around and shifting on her feet nervously.
"So, how much do I owe ya?" I asked, she shifted nervously as she averted her eyes to the ground.
She opened her mouth to answer just as the bathroom door opened and Luna walked out in nothing but a towel, she walked to her room and closed the door to change into her pyjamas to get comfortable.
"Sorry about that, she's my roommate, had a rough night and needs to unwind..." I said to the girl, she nodded her head and looked back up at me.
I paid the girl as well as giving her a little extra since she's kind of cute, I also offered her some fun later tonight if she was interested she nodded her head and walked out of the door.
"She seemed nice..." Luna said as she walked down the stairs drying her long black hair with a towel.
"Yeah, little shy though" I said as I closed the door and walked towards the Bar.
"Is something wrong with a shy girl?" Luna asked curiously.
"Wrong? Nah, it's actually kind of fun, they make pretty interesting faces when it's time for some fun" I said as I set down the bags with food in them and started to put it on plates at the table in front of the sofa as we watched her favourite show.
"If she does come back, could you keep it down if you decide to fuck her? I need my sleep" Luna said in a tired voice before taking a mouthful of curry.
"Heheh, I'll do my best Luna" I said as I ate my own food, eventually all the food had been eaten and I was pretty satisfied, I felt my eyelids getting heavier as I relaxed on the sofa with Luna and yawned loudly.
"Yo Luna, you getting tired too?" I asked as I looked over to see Luna sleeping with her head hung forward, I smiled and placed a blanket over her just as a knock came to the door, I stood up and went to answer the door.
When I opened it I saw the delivery girl from before standing there in her uniform looking very nervous, she looked up at me and gave me a lustful look.
"Come on in... we'll have lots of fun" I said to her, she shivered slightly as a smile came to her face, she walked in and noticed Luna asleep on the sofa.
"Right this way" I said as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her up the steps and into my room, the moment I shut the door she kissed me on the lips and I quickly returned the kiss with a lot of force, she moaned into the kiss as my hands trailed up her sides and removed her shirt, we both quickly removed out clothes and started to have our 'fun' for the night...
I opened my eyes and stretched my arms above my head before I touched something warm and soft, I looked over to see the delivery girl from last night asleep in my bed, completely naked with a small smile on her face.
"O-ho yeah, that's right I had company last night" I said as I scratched the back of my head, I got up and got dressed in my usual outfit just as the girl woke up with a quiet yawn.
"Good morning" I said to her.
"G-Good morning..." she replied shyly as she drew the covers around her naked body.
Eventually she got up and got herself dressed again, I walked her downstairs to the front door where she said goodbye and left very quickly.
"Did you have fun last night?" Luna asked as she stood right behind me, her voice suddenly coming to my ears made me jump slightly.
"Yeah, but I don't think she's the one for me" I said back, Luna sighed loudly as she turned away and went to get herself some breakfast.
"Then what would the one be for you, (Y/N)?" Luna asked me as she pulled out a bowl, some cereal and some milk.
"I don't know... I'll know her when I see her I guess" I replied as I walked over and got myself some food too, Luna and I sat down and ate our breakfast quietly, we had both recovered from our injuries we had got yesterday from our fight with those girls.
"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked, Luna looked up at me and raised a brow at me.
"I guess we'll be looking for more clues, try to find those Fallen Angels again" Luna said.
"Hopefully without those girls interfering with our work again, if they interfere again we'll have to deal with them" I said back, so far Luna and I had been holding back on them since they weren't much of a threat, however we would have to rethink that if they interfered again.
There's no way we're going to let some red head steal our first contract in Japan, no way dad would put up with it, so why should we?
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