tw: self harm, gore(?)
"She said 'Heart on fire'?" Felix questioned.
"Yeah... does it mean anything?" Hongjoong asked.
"Not that I know of," Felix said.
"It obviously meant something," Ryujin stated a little harshly.
"Ryu..." Yeji muttered.
"Don't "Ryu" me, I'm tired of this," she said.
"We all are, Ryujin. Having your friends die one by one isn't fun," Hanni stated.
There was a tension in the room.
"I think Jisung knew something..." Minho muttered.
"What?" Felix questioned.
"The night before Jisung died he was going on about how it isn't safe, how she isn't safe,"
"She?" Hanni questioned.
Minho nodded.
Felix stood up and stretched.
"Where are you going?" Ryujin questioned him.
"My room, I'm tired and I feel like shit," Felix muttered.
He knew of the speculations about him being the killer.
It was hard not to suspect him with everything. The rose pin. The rose. The way he talked.
All signs pointed to him.
He didn't blame them. He looked suspicious in the mess of it.
Getting to his room he sighed.
He was tired and just wanted a release.
"You okay, lixie?"
Felix smiled seeing the other.
"Yeah, I just am feeling a bit stressed. Why don't you go hang out with the others?" Felix suggested.
"Are you going to...?" The other trailed off.
Felix nodded.
"Can I go in with you?"
"I guess," Felix said, opening his room door.
The brunet(te) followed Felix into the room. Felix took his jacket off scars and cuts littered his arms.
The brunet(te) knew well enough that there more hiding. They watched as Felix grabbed the all too familiar rose pocket knife.
"Why a rose?" They asked.
Felix hummed and looked at the knife.
"It was a gift from Hyunjin when we were 12," Felix said.
The other nodded.
"Chan was the one to bring me into the group. He was quite apprehensive about it because of how the group works, but I joined,"
Felix dragged the blade across his wrist, blood beading up immediately.
"Do you ever regret joining?"
"No, because I have my best friends," Felix muttered.
The brunt(te) stood up and walked over to Felix.
Felix didn't even register it at first, then he did and all he felt was searing pain. The white lace glove the other was wearing began to stain red.
"I was going to save you for closer to last, but it was frustrating, hearing them say it's you,"
They dug the knife deeper into Felix's wrist.
"I wanted you to watch as I killed off everyone you love, Jisung, Hyunjin, Hongjoong, I even thought about going after Namjoon. Plans didn't pan out that way,"
"That is why she said it?" Felix questioned.
They smiled, it seemed so sweet, but there was something hiding under it that made it seem scary, "Too bad no one will ever know,"
Taking the knife out they stabbed Felix's other wrist.
"You guys broke me and now you guys blame me for this, it isn't. It isn't my fault,"
"You're right... this is our fault... we should have protected you,"
The other's eyes widened and tears fell on their cheeks, "What?"
"It isn't your fault... we broke you," Felix took a deep breath, "we did this to you,"
Guilt filled the brunet(te), but it quickly turned to rage, "No! No! You're just trying to save yourself!"
Felix lifted his hand and wiped a couple of the tears on the other's cheeks, blood smearing a little.
"When you're done... leave and never look back,"
The other stabbed him again in the chest, just wanting him to stop. To stop talking, to just stop.
Shakily, they backed away. Guilt and rage battled in their mind. Tears fell down their cheeks. They could feel their gloved hands shaking at their sides.
"It is there fault," they said.
It is there fault...
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