With the boys + Wendy
Gray P.O.V.
I woke up to find no one next to me. "GOD DAMN IT JUVIA!! I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA FUCK YOU SO HARD THAT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO WALK FOR A MONTH!!" I yell. But then I remembered I gave her my necklace that I put a tracking thing in it so I will be able to find will a
Blink of an eye. I went to guild like Master told me. I saw Juvia there so I went behind her. I grabbed her so no one could take her away from me. But that Stupid shorty just had to come help save the day. Well the rest of the boys finally came after 25 mins of waiting. that dumb old
Man tried to lock us up but we were way stronger so we got out. "Where are the fuck are the girls and Romeo?!" Gajeel yelled. "They are taking a shortcut to leave clover town." I answered. "How do you know ice princess?!!" Natsu questioned. "I Gave my love my necklace and it has a
Tracking thing in it. I can find her wherever she goes." I answered. "Good Job Fullbuster!" Laxus Replied. "I know let's go!!" I said. "WAIT YOU IDIOTS ARE IDIOTS!! We need a plan!" Wendy yelled. So then we made one. I didn't work because of STUPID REYNA!! SHE DIDN'T NEED TO
CRASH ME INTO A TREE THAT HARD. That little bitch will pay. "Hey ice freak you okay?" Natsu asked. "No! that little bitch is drove me into a tree! She will pay!" I yell. "Well where are the girls and Romeo?" Wendy asked. I tried to track her but it said she was a few inches away. When We
Walked where it said she was located I saw the necklace on the floor. "NO!!!! JUVIA WILL BE PUNISHED FOR SURE!! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HER FAT BEAUTIFUL ASS!" I shout. "What's the plan now?" Gajeel asked. "I don't know!!" I yell. "I can smell them" Natsu said. "I can too"
Laxus says. "Well our smell should catch the girls!!" Wendy said. "Okay let's go!" Natsu said. And with that we followed the dragon slayers sent and it led us to a beautiful house. "The girls and Romeo are in there!" Gajeel said. "Well let's go!!" Natsu said. He tried to go running into the
House but then He could pushed away by a bubble that what protecting the house. "SHIT!! Reyna fucking locked us out!!" Laxus yelled. "We need a plan B!" Said Wendy. "More than
Plan C." I say as I roll my eyes. We went behind some trees and figured out our plan. Watch out Juvia. When I get my hands on you I'm gonna fuck like there is no tomorrow. You won't be able to use your sexy pale long legs for a month.
Reyna: Hello peeps!! Hope you liked this chapter!! I'm so Sorry But I gtg!! Don't forget to vote, Comment, and Follow!! anyways bai!!!
words: 500
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