GRUVIA pt 1. (Juvia P.O.V.)
Juvia P.O.V.
I felt Cold hard chest touch my back. "Gray-sama, what are you doing?" I whisper. "I'm sleeping with you. I missed you." He whispered back. "Please Gray-sama leave" I told him. You could see in His eyes that he was hurt by my request. "Why Juvia? I thought you loved me! Why are you
Pushing me away?" He asks. "Because Gray-sama you're not yourself. You are going though a season." I told him. "Yeah I know, But Juvia My feelings are taking over. That means I've always loved you" He says. I swear I almost melted. "Gray-sama Please just Lea-" He cut me off.
Gray-sama smashed his lips onto mine."Mhm" I moaned. I could feel his lips smirk. It felt nice to finally have his lips on mine. He broke the kiss and went down to my neck. "Ugh Gray-sama Please! Stop, everyone will hear and they will come and make you leave!" I shouted. "Juvia is
Everything okay?" I heard Lisanna ask. Gray-sama looks me in my eyes. "Yeah Lis! everything is fine! You know me! Just having another dream about Gray-sama and me!!" I yell. "Okay Juvi, goodnight!" She says. "Why did you cover for me? I thought you were gonna tell Lisanna and
Everyone I was here so that they can take me away from you?" He asks. I didn't answer. I just put my lips onto Gray's. He quickly kissed back. He started to get on top of me. "Gray-sama we can't do this" I moan. "I know Juvie I just wanted to have a little bit of fun" he says. "Gray-sama" I say.
"Yes Juvia?" he says back. "Are you wearing your boxers?" I ask. He smirks. "No why?" He asks. "Because I can feel your dick, Someone is getting a boner" I teased. He got off of me and put his boxers back on. "You are so getting punished when I catch you later" He says. "Where is master
Sending you guys?" He asks. "I don't know. Only Levy knows" I lied. I knew where we were going but I couldn't tell him. "Oh okay" He replied. He kisses me. I kiss back. I quickly melt into the kiss. His magic and body may be cold but his lips were sweet, smooth, and warm. "I love you
Juvia lockser" He says with a smile. "I love you too Gray-sama Fullbuster." I responded. "Once this is all over we are gonna change your last name" He says. "To what?" I questioned. "To Fullbuster, You'll be Mrs. Juvia Fullbuster soon. that sounds better than Juvia lockser don't you
Think?" He answers. I blush and nodded my head. "Yes Gray-sama that sounds a lot better" I told him. He held my hand and played with my fingers. I then felt sleepy. "Good Night Gray-sama I love you" I whisper. "Good Night Juvia I love you too" I felt him lift me up. He put something
Around my neck. I open my eyes to see his cross necklace. I smile. "Thank you Gray-sama" I whisper and kiss him. I felt him kiss back. "Your welcome Juvi" He whispers back and then we both fell into a deep sleep.
In the morning.
I tried to get up. I couldn't. Gray-sama wouldn't let me go. "LISANNA!! ERZA!! HELP ME!! GRAY-SAMA IS HERE AND WON'T LET ME LEAVE!!" I yell. I saw them both storm into my room. "GRAY LET JUVIA GO RIGHT NOW!!" Erza yelled. "No" He said. He shot her with ice magic. "Erza!" I
Yelled. "I'm fine Juvia!" She says as she gets up. Lisanna and Erza both got Gray off me and fought him. I didn't take a bath. I just got ready, Grabbed my suitcase and left. I ran to the guild. "MASTER!! What do I do?! Gray-sama is after me! What do I do?!" I ask him. I saw him look
Behind me. "Juvia" Gray-sama whispered. I felt a shiver go down my spine. "Yes Gray-sama?" I asked. I felt him kiss my neck. "No Gray-sama! please stop!" I yelled "You brat! Let go of her right now!" Master yelled as he was trying to get Gray-sama off of me. I saw Levy-san walk in. "LEVY-
SAN!! HELP ME!!" I yelled. Her eyes widen and went towards us. Master got Gray-sama off me and shouted "RUN!! I CAN'T HOLD HIM OFF FOREVER!!" He gives Levy-san the train tickets and then we went running to the train station. We got there and we told the girls everything.
"Wow that was bad! Okay We are getting off in the next stop. The boys might know that we are on a train so Bisca is driving us to clover Town" Lucy says. We all nodded her head. I look out the window think about my Handsome Gray-sama.
Reyna: Hey guys! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope you guys enjoyed 2018! I hope you peeps will have an awesome! I can't wait to see what 2019 has in stock for us! anyways bai!!
words: 836
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