Part 6
With the departure of Gavin and RK900, Hank whirled around. Hank's eyes darted from Sean to Connor as he bellowed out shortly. "Someone want to explain to me what just happened?" Connor took a single step toward Hank, before his legs trembled and he fell back into the wall. Connor slid down the cement wall, his LED blinking red. Hank uncrossed his arms, dropping to his knees before Connor as he asked him full of concern. "Connor? Are you alright?" Connor put a hand on Hank's arm to calm him, answering a bit rattled. "I'm ok. Some of my system still hasn't come back online yet." Hank stared at Connor for a long moment, his hand going up to brush his bangs away from his face. Almost intentionally, Hank's fingers lingered by Connor's LED. He kept watching it looking tense, until the LED turned yellow. Hank glanced over his shoulder then, snapping up at Sean. "You. Start talking." Sean straightened himself up, opening his mouth to say something. Only to stop himself.
His sensors were going off. He was being scanned. Sean stayed still, but his eyes moved to look at the two-way mirror. Quickly his eyes adjusted to change the surface of the mirror to reveal the RK900. It was alone in the viewing room and was trying to scan him for information on his model. Hank noticed Sean's look, discreetly peeking over his shoulder to glance at the mirror. Sean clenched his jaw, his internal defense activating to jam the signal. The RK900 tilted his head in confusion as the signal jammed, causing the lights in the room to flicker. Hank climbed to his feet slowly, telling Mark in a sudden calm voice. "Hey, Fishrock. How about giving me a hand with Connor?" Sean looked back just in time to see Mark roll his eyes, correcting under his breath. "Fischbach." Mark moved closer, stating out to Hank casually. "Lieutenant, if you have no further need of me after this. I would like to get back to-" Hank patted Mark on the shoulder, telling him casually. "Look, Kid. Just give me some help, ok?"
Mark reached out for one of Connor's hand, while Hank took the other. Together they helped pull Connor to his feet. Sean was going to comment that he could carry Connor by himself, when he saw Connor stagger into Hank enough to whisper something in his ear. Hank didn't react to anything Connor told him, he just grunted like Connor was heavy. Mark moved closer to help wrap one of Connor's arms over his shoulders to take some of his weight, when Hank told him gruffly. "Help me get him to my car. I've got a repair kit that might help him." Mark raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the door as he started to say bluntly. "We don't have to go to your car, they keep- OW!" Sean barely noticed that Hank had kicked Mark in the shin, shouting out defensively. "Don't sass me, boy! I paid for one of those damn kits and I want to use it. Jesus." Connor leaned mostly on Hank, mumbling out softly. "It's Fischbach." Mark thanked Connor, while Hank just snapped back. "Ya, I don't care. Just get moving." As they stepped by Sean, Hank grabbed the front of his jacket with his free hand, ordering him seriously. "You too. I may need your strength before too long. I'm not as young as I used to be."
Sean nodded obediently. He felt like it was fair since he had hurt Connor in the first place. Tagging along behind them, they slipped through the crowd of officers toward the front door. They were just passing the glass office, when he scanned Connor himself for damages. Connor's system was fine... Connor appeared to be doing this for no reason. He didn't understand what was going on. Captain Fowler stepped out of his office when he saw them, asking them loudly. "Hank? Where are you going?" Hank released Connor, snapping his fingers for Sean to take his place. Sean did, deciding to trust Hank since he had kept secret about the computers before. Hank gestured to them, answering lightly. "Connor's running a fucking reboot and this android gave his statement. So, I'm going to take him back where he came from and then... Fish... Fuck it!" Hank turned slightly snapping his fingers to get Mark's attention. When he had it, Hank asked him shortly. "What's your damn name?" Mark rolled his eyes, barely muttering loud enough for Hank to hear.
Hank snapped his fingers again after learning it to finish telling Captain Fowler. "And Mark and I are going to get something to eat, because I've been up all night and I think I've earned a little break." Captain Fowler scoffed loudly, gesturing to the chaos as he announced sternly. "A break now? Now is not the time for you to go sneaking off! What about the computers?!" Hank pinched the bridge of his nose, yelling over the crowd. "I'm on it!" Captain Fowler struck the railing of his stairs, snapping out. "There and back, Hank! You hear me?!" Hank waved dismissively, pushing Sean forward to get him moving. Over his shoulder though, Hank shouted back. "Want me to bring you back anything?!" Captain Fowler chuckled sarcastically over the station noise. "Some Tylenol and a box of snickerdoodles!" Hank smirked, escorting them out without another word. Hank jogged to his car to unlock it, gesturing for them all to get in. Mark looked like he was going to protest, when Hank put a hand on the roof of his car, uttering out. "Holy shit..."
Everyone hesitated to look in the direction Hank was looking. Farther down, parked by the curb was a large white van. A van that was unloading ten brand new RK900s. Each one was wearing that same white uniform, but on the shoulder of the white sleeve was 'R.T.F.' in bold black font. As they watched them, Gavin stepped out from behind the van with a yellow folder. Removing papers, he handed one to every android, telling them bitterly. "Let's get one thing clear. 'I' oversee this task force. Got it?" Hank tapped the roof of his car, ordering them sternly. "Get in now." Sean let go of Connor, watching him take shotgun. Slipping into the back, he watched Mark curse before reluctantly getting in. Once inside, Hank got in and floored it. Sean peeked back, catching a look at the RK900 that was just now leaving the building and looking out after them with curious eyes. Now that they were driving, Hank asked Connor bluntly. "You wanna fill me in now?" Connor looked at Hank, replying uneasily. "He didn't have a lot of memory. But I saw him being chased from CyberLife by an RK900."
Hank shrugged, asking perplexed. "Ok. Why? Does it have anything to do with what he did in the station?" Connor shifted in his seat, replying slightly rushed. "I think what happened at the station is only the beginning. Hank, when I was linked to him... I could feel something working through me. It got passwords and files from every case we have done, or even looked at. It copied my own memories. It worked through me to get information like a supercomputer. The weird thing is... I couldn't resist it. It was like I wanted it to know everything." Hank slammed on the break, causing Mark to hit the back of Connor's seat. Hank twisted in his seat to look back at them, saying firmly. "Alright. Your turn. What is this thing? How did you get it?" Mark grunted, shifting back into his seat as he growled out. "I told you! It just showed up at the protest rally." Sean raised a hand, casually slipping in. "My name is Sean." Hank shot him a stony glare, before Connor blunted out. "Hank, there is something else you should know..."
Hank huffed loudly, looking back at Connor with a curious expression. Connor eyed Hank for a second, before telling him. "When I was looking through his memories. I saw a machine at Cyberlife... One of the monitors was flashing... I think the RK900 was chasing him because he's RA9." Hank slumped in his seat, telling Connor lightly. "That's impossible. Kamski told us that RA9 was a myth. They'd never make something that powerful. It makes no sense." Connor glanced back at Sean, answering Hank softly. "I don't know... Cyberlife had intended to use me to kill Markus and stop the rebellion. Maybe this is their new plan. Control them through their god." Mark turned wide eyes on Sean, clearly in the dark as much as he was. Hank drew Connor's attention back, upon stating out. "Doesn't add up though. If Cyberlife made him... Why send an RK900 after him?" Mark rubbed his neck, nonchalantly stating out. "Might have been an accident or a rogue employee? Seems to be a lot of those going around lately."
Sean agreed with Mark's reasoning, commenting lightly. "Would explain why the people in lab coats were very unsettled by me." Hank adjusted in his seat to start driving again, telling Connor calmly. "I need to make some calls. We can't go back to the station... So..." Hank didn't finish his sentence. After a time, Mark scooted forward to ask Hank curiously. "Can I ask why you brought me along?" Hank pointed into the mirror at Sean, replying dryly. "You're here because you found him. That makes him your responsibility and my suspect." Mark slid back on the seat, pouting slightly until his eyes drifted to Sean. Sean flashed him a small smile, but Mark didn't return it as he uttered out softly. "Oh shit..." Hank jerked his head, asking suddenly worried. "What?" Mark's hands reached for Sean's jacket, causing Sean to finally look down. His coat was stained in more blue blood. Mark lifted Sean's coat and shirt, asking Hank uneasily. "Hey, Lieutenant... Were you kidding when you said you bought a repair kit?"
Connor looked back, his eyes widening as he asked. "Was he injured before?" Mark nodded, pressing a hand to Sean's leaking wound. Hank pulled up to a curb, glancing back at them briefly. With a soft curse, Hank pushed open his door and strolled quickly toward the trunk. Connor stepped out of the car, opening Mark's door to ask calmly. "How was he injured?" Mark rapidly began explaining, while Sean started to feel the effects of the leak. His system was starting to run slower. It was working too hard to make up for the lack of blue blood. Which wasn't fixing the problem. It was making it worse. Sean slumped in the seat as his body started to shut down to save energy. He barely processed his door being yanked open. Or being lifted into Connor's arms. Sean's eyes closed, his eyes flashing a warning message for his low Thirium levels. Without the liquid, his internal parts were getting too dry to function properly. A dog barked, until Hank hushed it. He was carried to table, where someone quickly dropped tools. He briefly heard Connor telling them what to do, before his body went into sleep mode to slow his pumps.
Sean opened his eyes sometime later, his eyes adjusting to the blazing light overhead. Running a self-diagnostic, he checked for damages. Everything appeared to be working just fine now. Tilting his head, he glanced down at his side. Someone had removed his shirt and jacket, but his side was sealed over flawlessly. Carefully sitting up, Sean took in the room. He was in a small kitchen that smelled of take-out and alcohol. The rounded table that he was on creaked as he rolled off it. However, instead of landing on his feet... his foot slid out from under him and he fell onto all fours. The floor was wet and smelled of fresh soap. Had someone cleaned it recently? Sean sat back on his heels, taking in the steel bowls on the floor. What were those for? As Sean's eyes drifted to a group of tiles, his mind flashed with a memory that wasn't his. It was of Hank laying across the floor with a whiskey bottle and a gun. Sean raised a hand to rub his eyes. The memory had just randomly jumped to the front of his mind.
Glancing over at the little window nearby, he had another flash of Connor leaping through it to find a... Sean's eyes widened in shock. Wasn't there supposed to be a dog? Sean looked behind him back toward where the living room should be. Only to see the head of a massive dog staring at him. Sean froze to the spot. He only knew what this animal was because of Connor's memories, but this 'Saint Bernard' known as 'Sumo' was much bigger in person. Sumo cautiously moved its head closer to sniff him with its big black nose. Sean raised a hand to wave at it cautiously. Sumo snorted with disinterest, moving to his food bowl to eat. Sean blinked with fascination, hesitantly reaching out to touch him while his back was turned. His fingers slide through the soft warm fur, causing Sean to smile. Sumo lifted his head from his bowl, turning to face him. Sean stiffened up, not sure what it wanted. Sumo locked lazy brown eyes on him, before yawning to flash large white canine teeth.
Sean raised his hand to gently touch Sumo's nose with his fingers. Sumo's cool breath puffed against his palm, right before he licked his hand. Sean grinned brighter, while Sumo scooted closer to lean on him. A small flash of memory saw Hank wrapping his arms around Sumo before leaving for work. So, he wrapped his arms around him gently. Sumo rested his head on his shoulder, practically falling asleep on him. Sean hugged Sumo a bit tighter. He felt so warm and so soft. He wanted to stay like this. The moment was ruined by the front door opening with Hank thundering inside, calling out. "Mark?!" Mark jumped in surprise, falling off the couch in a tangle of blankets. At the loud 'THUD' of Mark hitting the floor, Hank turned to say more softly. "Oh, there you are. Got you lunch. Hope you like burgers." Mark sat up looking irritated, until his eyes fell on Sean. Sumo slipped from Sean's arms to trot over to Hank, making Hank drop the food bag to hug Sumo with warm greetings.
As Mark climbed to his feet, Connor walked out from the hallway to inform Hank casually. "I managed to clean up the blood as best I could. However, I may have accidently turned a few of your towels blue. You really should pay attention to my sticky notes, Hank. Then accidents like this wouldn't happen." Hank rolled his eyes, picking up the food bag as he straightened up, muttering out. "So, a few things turn blue. Doesn't matter to me." Mark slipped between them, ending their conversation. Sean slowly stood up just as Mark asked him casually. "How are you feeling?" Sean smiled at him, answering nicely. "Much better. Thank you." To Be Continued...
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