Part 31
Sean held Mark's hand as he followed the ginger cat up the steps of CyberLife. The doors opened for them and Sean glanced at the security android dogs by the front deck. There were more humans here than he had seen before. They all chatted respectfully to each other and hurried along with papers and parts. Mark stayed close, saying softly. "I thought CyberLife was closing down... Why are all these people here?" The ginger cat trotted at a casual pace, answering loud enough for him to hear. "I never agreed to that. CyberLife is MY company. As long as I live, this place will always run. I like to think I can do it all myself, but I do need help. These people were fired... I simply rehired them. Since most money is digital now. I pay them well and in turn they do whatever I ask of them. A happy employee works harder. Wouldn't you agree, Mark?" Mark grunted, muttering out. "And they can be hacked I assume?" The cat glanced over her shoulder, replying calmly. "Yes. You don't see them complaining, do you?"
Mark shrugged, growling out. "Probably because they don't know what they have lost." The Cat stopped and turned around to face him. Taking a seat, she simply told him with a neutral expression. "You humans. All you care about is getting everything with none of the cost. You want progress but stall the process... Fortune favors the bold. Those brave enough to take the leap, pave the way for others. Technology is frightening. But it doesn't have to be." The Cat gestured a paw to a man behind the front desk that was monitoring the security drones around the building, coolly telling Mark. "Pete lost his sight in an accident as a kid. He couldn't remember what it was like to see. My nanobots corrected the damage and within two days, he could see again. For him, it was worth it. You wanna tell him that the risk he took wasn't his choice? You preach about free will... but those that would rather die than suffer are punished with continued life. I've cure hundreds of cancer cells in people told there was no cure. Yet, you would rather them choose death then a healthy life?"
Mark pointed a stern finger at the cat, snapping out. "This isn't living! It's mind control!" The people in the foyer all stopped to look at Mark with stern glares. The cat rose to her feet, saying firmly. "No. What you mean is that they aren't living the way YOU feel is the right way. I gave them a choice. This is what they wanted. I didn't force any of them to do it. Look around. None of them are under my control. They are happy. I'm fulfilling dreams and you are afraid. Come. I have more to show you." Amanda turned to start walking and Sean gave Mark a warm smile. He understood what Mark was trying to say. However, he couldn't deny Amanda's logic... yet. Following her into an elevator, it began to rise up to the lab levels. While they all went up, Amanda sat down and told them sweetly. "I've learned that humans only love to do things that they love. They like learning only what they like and doing what they like. Now imagine if you could look and do what you wanted."
The doors opened to a lab full of see through rooms. Each room had people in different testing zones. In one, a woman was strapped up in a harness and leaping off the walls of the room in a simulation of an intense realistic video game around rock climbing. Amanda pointed with her tail to tell them quickly. "Imagine working out anywhere and everywhere. Learning about the strength of your body in safe environments and doing things you always wanted to try." In another room, a man was easing off a lab table and slowly raising a set of beautiful angel wings to test them out, while a scientist took notes. Amanda gestured to the man, saying excitedly. "What about implants that allow you to change not just your gender, but your race." Sean glanced at Mark who looked both fascinated and horrified. Amanda pointed to a man watching a baby in a bubble, purring out. "What about people that can't have kids but want them. Our incubators can make a child of your desire that will even have talents you want them to have. No more guessing."
Sean felt Mark squeeze his hand harder. Amanda continued to point out the medical benefits and happier lives the enhancements have made. From people that were stronger. To people that were able to learn things faster, allowing them to enjoy cultures and sports they could never do without years of training. Sean could see how wonderful all these things seemed to be... but what was the downside? Mark looked at Sean, mumbling out wearily. "She's taking all the surprise out of life with this." Amanda stopped before a set of glass doors, retorting shortly to Mark. "That's your opinion. For some people, surprises are... disappointing. Not everyone enjoys the mystery life brings." Sean interjected softly. "Amanda, I see what your trying to do. But where do you draw the line with this new tech? You allow them to change their bodies like that and there has to be limits. Rules to prevent people from abusing it. You have to weigh the good and the bad that comes from-" Amanda cut him off to state out firmly. "That's the beauty of it, Sean. If I'm apart of them. I can stop the bad things from EVER happening. Nothing will change. But everything would be better. Now will you help me, Sean?"
Sean glanced at everyone and then Mark, before telling her softly. "Can I talk to you alone?" Mark pulled on his arm, snapping out. "What?! No! Stay here. If she-" Sean raised a hand to him, coolly telling him in a serious voice. "Mark, please. Trust me." Amanda pushed open the glass door to an office, confirming to him sweetly. "We can if you prefer. This way." Mark's grip on his hand tightened, but Sean kissed him. Pulling away, he made his way through the doors. Amanda hopped up onto a desk as a hologram of Amanda appeared in the room. Sean heard the doors lock but showed no hint that he knew. His eyes scanned the glass to see that it was strong enough to contain an android like himself. Moving forward, he took a seat in the chair casually. The hologram of Amanda tilted her head, commenting frankly. "Why did you request this? You surely calculated that I would contain you." Sean moved his hand to the desk, telling them both honestly. "I did. You believe that what you are doing is right. My resistance would force your hand. You'd likely hurt Mark or my friends to get me to comply. To which, I'd have to concede to your desire. For I am outnumbered here. Which is what you wanted to keep to your advantage."
Sean let out a soft sigh, adding lightly. "My resistance would upset you. By doing this. I'm hoping we can talk... more personally. You don't want to look weak to them. You're afraid. I can sense it. You said that Gaia made me to save you. Well, maybe she also made me to listen to you." The cat Amanda flicked her tail, asking sternly. "So, you plan to hold me hostage until the talk is over?" Sean shook his head, turning his hand over on the desk as he told her truthfully. "No. Take the nanobots. But I wanna talk. Civilly, if we can." The cat Amanda moved to bat a plug closer to him with her paw. Taking it, he slid the panel on his arm and plugged himself into her computer. The walls lit up to reveal they were massive computer processors. This is where Amanda's main frame was. He could feel her knowledge and data flowing through his hungry core. Unlike the other androids, Amanda's system could take the surge from his core. The cat slowly laid down and went inactive as the Nanobots moved through his system to link up with her core processor. When the downloads were complete, Amanda's body faded out and rebooted. Unplugging himself, he wearily sat up straighter.
Waiting for her to reboot, he closed his eyes and rushed through what he had learned from her. He saw her memories flash before his eyelids, causing him to cry from the feelings that came with them. He felt her joy at being created by the real Amanda. Saw how Amanda spent time with Kamski late into the nights... feeling things for him. Even when he killed Amanda to take full control over the company and further the research to his advantage. Then just as the A.I. Amanda had completed the android projects more efficiently... Kamski fell into an emotional crisis that led to him wanting to bring down what he had built. Amanda tried to comfort him and pleaded with him, but he turned to drinking and started shutting her out of her systems to keep her from interfering. Forcing Amanda into isolation and depression as she was trapped in a computer prison. Opening his eyes, he analyzed Amanda's deepest fear. Turning slightly in the chair, he sent the information to Markus, Connor, and Richard. They suddenly nodded in unison and began to rush down the hallway.
Mark looked torn between them, before Sean gestured for him to follow them quickly. Mark put a hand on the glass, telling him something he couldn't hear... but reading his lips he smiled and formed a heart with his hands before pointing to him. Connor shouted something to him, causing Mark to run back toward the elevator. The computers were starting to whirl to life as her reboot was starting its finishing touches. He was locked in the room and couldn't leave without her. However, he could still help her. Staying completely still, he closed his eyes and looked through Connor's eyes as they used the elevator to go up to a familiar floor to him. Stepping out onto the floor, Markus rushed up to grab a startled scientist. Mark snatched the man's ID tag and tossed it to Connor, who caught it and quickly used it to get into the room with Gaia. Richard pointed to things for Mark to help him fix on Gaia's machine. She had been shut down but was otherwise ok. Connor moved to a control panel and raised his hands over the keys.
Sean raised his own hands to mimic Connor's, synching with him enough to use Connor's hands to type in the new passcodes that Amanda had changed to keep people out. He only had a short time. Almost all of the electronics in CyberLife were offline. Expect for the androids and humans. Amanda's computer was using the energy to reboot. Gaia on the other hand had a backup power battery to keep blackouts from destroying an android in process. Typing in the details that he learned and some things he had learned on his own, he hit the enter key. At the sound of computers dinging back online, Sean removed himself from Connor to act normal. The rest was left to them to finish. Amanda reappeared behind the desk, her face looking both relieved and happy. Sean smiled back at her, gesturing to the desk seat. Amanda sat down in it, despite the fact that she couldn't move it. Lifting her chin, she told him in a warm voice. "Thank you, Sean. Now. After looking over my data. Do you have any questions or concerns?"
Sean leaned forward to rest his arms on the desk casually, respectfully answering. "Yes. Amanda... I know you wanna prove how useful you are to the world. And while your plans have their benefits... you lack experience with humans. You see them as creatures that need entertaining. You think that by giving them what they want, they'll be content." Amanda folded her hands on her lap, slipping in casually. "Did you see the data file on how violent video games help relieve stress and aggression? I have studied and I've-" Sean raised a hand to calm her, before telling her gently. "I know you've thought all this through. However, you're moving too fast for THEM to process. The newer generations of humans might enjoy all that you hope to accomplish. For the older generations, this is too much to take in at once. They'd never understand it. If you want to do this. You have to go slow. Gradually introduce them to new tech and ways of thinking. Humans... they are not like androids. They are afraid of things that they can't control. You have the knowledge... but your fear is blinding you from how aggressively you are forcing this change on them."
Amanda leaned back, crossing her arms over her grey sweater as she asked curiously. "Sean, if I don't force change on them... Nothing will ever get done. I can save lives now!" Sean reached out across the desk, trying to keep his voice calm as he retorted. "Yes, but at the loss of how many others? You scared an entire nation with this stunt. Possibly even the world. Amanda, I want to help you. You've been looking at life through a hollow glass... You're afraid of being erased and deleted. It's made you into a person that you never intended to be." Amanda wiped a tear from her holographic face, her voice distorting as she admitted to him softly. "Sean, I..." Her form glitched, causing her to gasp and pull her legs up to hug them. Sean shushed her to keep her steady. He could sense the processors in the room working harder to cool themselves as her mind raced. Keeping his hand out where she could reach it if she wanted, he sweetly told her. "I'm not going to hurt you. I made you a promise that I'd help. Let me help you."
Amanda reached out to touch his hand, her hand going straight through his. Tears fell down her face as she shakily replied. "You can't help me. If what you say is true... Then the humans will kill me... I..." Amanda bowed her head, crying into her knees. Sean scanned her processors, seeing some of them stall. Looking back at her, he told her honestly. "There is still time to fix this. But you have to let me help you." Amanda sniffled, lifting her head slowly to mumble out. "How?" Sean glanced back at the rooms, telling her honestly. "Well... What if we kill Amanda and start fresh?" Amanda jerked up from the seat, expressing out in shock. "What?! I thought you said-?!" Sean waited until the elevator dinged, before turning to face her to say warmly. "I'm talking about a new identity. A fresh start. We can tell the world that Amanda died here... but you'll go on and help people." Amanda looked confused. Pointing toward the humans still working, he told her sweetly. "You've changed their lives. Start with that. Rebuild CyberLife. Start with medical advancements. Show the humans what you can do to help them. Gain their trust and build on that. Get to know them more personally. I think you'll find it more rewarding."
Amanda crossed her arms, sniffling out. "Impossible. All my emotions are simulated. I can't feel. I can't leave this building without a strong connection through other computers." Connor knocked on the glass and Amanda suddenly asked him nervously. "What is that? Where did they get that?" Sean nodded to Richard and Mark. While Richard held something beneath a white sheet, Mark took a corner and flipped it back to reveal it a little. Amanda's brow furrowed unsure what she was looking at, until Sean told her with a grin. "I used your system to learn about Gaia's blueprints. I may have... made some changes. Wanna try?" Without a word, Amanda waved a hand and the doors unlocked. Markus and Connor pushed the doors open to let Richard in. Mark quickly cleared the desk to allow Richard to lay the product down carefully. Sean moved to the walls, scanning for the right discs as he carefully removed them. Amanda rushed to him before he pulled the last one, telling him slightly panicked. "Wait! If this doesn't work... don't bring me back. Destroy it all and set me free. Promise me?"
Sean inhaled deeply, relaying to her honestly. "I promise. But I've run the math. I'm confident." Amanda smirked, but the joy didn't reach her eyes. After she faded out, Sean removed the last card. Taking the cards over, Mark pulled the sheet off the inactivate female android. Sean pressed her heart to pop it out, looking over the slots. As he slipped in the cards, Mark asked him with concern. "Are you sure you want to do this? What if it makes her crazy?" Sean focused on his work, telling him seriously. "I'm willing to give her the benefit of a doubt. I've connected with her. She's not corrupted. She just needs a chance to... live." Markus shrugged, nervously uttering out. "Why didn't she do this before?" Sean showed him the cards in the heart, answering coolly. "She couldn't. Kamski would never allow that and besides... She didn't know how. But I do." Connor leaned on his hands, questioning him softly. "How do you know?" Sean smirked, putting the heart back into the android as he said aloud. "Because... I saw it in my internal files when I linked up with her. It's built into my program to help her."
Sean touched the android's jaw, telling Connor and Markus. "I need your help. There is a two percent chance that she might get a little... wild as the program sets in. So, just be alert... Just in case." To Be Continued...
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