Part 3
Sean dashed across the roof top, his mind rapidly calculating the next building. The building had big glass windows with a view of some narrow grey cubicles. Leaping from the roof, Sean crossed his arms in front of his face and busted through the glass. Keeping his legs bent, he let his legs absorb the impact. He had started to run to the first row of cubicles but skidded to a halt to look back. He didn't see the need to waste energy if he was no longer being pursued. Shortly after he stopped, Sergeant Fischbach leapt off the roof to the sounds of gunfire. Sgt. Fischbach didn't land nearly as gracefully as he had. Sgt. Fischbach curled himself up in the air, going into a somersault across the glass covered floor. Sgt. Fischbach winced in pain as he rolled up to his feet. Shards of glass fell from his back, while others had left cuts along his arms.
Sgt. Fischbach panted heavily but snapped at Sean the second he saw him. "What are you doing?! Run!" Sean saw a few of the humans stop at the edge of the roof to aim their pistols after them. Sean calculated the possibility for the first two shots and reached out quickly to snatch Sgt. Fischbach's arm. Yanking him forward, he shoved him into the row of cubicles. Bullets peppered the floor and whizzed through the thin grey walls of the cubicles as they rushed through them. Sgt. Fischbach started to break off down a row of cubicles to the left, but before he got too far, Sean snatched his shoulder. Grabbing Sgt. Fischbach's shoulder practically by the bone, he yanked him to the right. Shoving him forward, he shouted to him confidently. "Not that way! It's undergoing maintenance. Quick, the stairway!"
Sgt. Fischbach yelped in pain from being redirected. Shouting over his shoulder in response. "JESUS! Watch your grip!" Sgt. Fischbach ran up to the metal door, kicking it open as he burst through it. The door slammed into the cement wall, before swinging back to smack Sgt. Fischbach across the back so hard that it almost sent him over the railing. Sean grabbed his shoulder to steady him, then quickly turned to shut the door as excited voices approached. The very second it shut, someone fired upon it. The bullets put dents into the door but didn't come through it. Sgt. Fischbach moved away from the railing, muttering out under his breath. "I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit..." Sean started to reach for Sgt. Fischbach's arm, when he pointed a stern finger at him and snapped out. "HEY! Don't man handle me, Tin Man!"
Sean raised an eyebrow, stating out matter-of-factly. "I'm not made of tin." Sgt. Fischbach rolled his eyes, grabbing Sean's arm and shoving him toward the steps as he snapped out in a rush. "Unless you're bullet proof, shut up and keep running!" Together they descended the steps as fast as they could. Then above them, the door swung open and a woman leaned over the rail. She saw them picking up their pace, before calling out. "OVER HERE!" Sean kept descending the steps, until Sgt. Fischbach grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him into another door on the tenth floor. Sean scanned the place with his eyes, grumbling back. "What are you doing? We had a greater chance of escape if we had kept going!" Sgt. Fischbach huffed loudly, moving to barricade the door by tipping over a heavy filing cabinet in front of it.
The loud 'BANG' certainly wasn't discreet, but Sgt. Fischbach told him through heavy pants. "Trust me. You're wrong. This area is breaking out into chaos and we don't exactly blend in with these uniforms." Sean scanned the small storage office, before his eyes zoomed onto options outside. Sgt. Fischbach took a knee and checked the ammo in his magazine, before grimly stating out. "Shit... I've only got fifteen rounds... Do you know how many were tailing you?" Sean moved to the glass window, answering casually. "At least fifteen. However, they may have added more to their ranks since then. Although, there is a high probability that the majority of them did not jump from the roof as we did." Sgt. Fischbach groaned, grumbling out. "Forget I asked..." Sean pointed out the window to the raised train tracks, asking curiously. "I think we can make that."
Sgt. Fischbach rose off his knees briefly to look out the window, before sarcastically retorting. "Ha. Ha. Very funny. I'm not risking that!" Sean connected to the train tracks power box and brought up the info on the train. Reading over the coding, he told him confidently. "The train coming through will be heading uptown. If we time it right, we can get on as it slows to make the sharp turn here. I've already run a brief simulation on the matter. With your size and weight. Plus, your physical condition. You can make it." Sgt. Fischbach laughed sarcastically, asking shortly. "Ya? Did your calculation factor in a person's fear of dying? To error is human. Ever heard that phrase, Android!" Sean wasn't sure he understood that statement. He didn't get a chance to ask either, because right then the door began to rattle and bang.
Sean moved to the glass and punched it hard enough to shatter it. He could hear the train approaching. Glancing back at Sgt. Fischbach, he read his vitals. His heart rate was accelerated, and he kept squeezing the handle of his Glock 22. anxiously. Sean extended a hand out for Sgt. Fischbach, encouraging him seriously. "Sergeant, please. Trust me." Sgt. Fischbach glanced at him with fragile brown eyes, telling him in a shaky voice. "Mark. My name is Mark." Sean edited his information on the man, while Mark shakily told him weakly. "If I die... I just want you to know that..." Sean gave Mark a comforting smile, before addressing him calmly. "Mark. Trust me. That door won't hold for long. I'm detecting a lot of heat signatures... You can't stay here." Mark pressed the long barrel of his gun against his forehead, taking deep breaths, before he mumbled out reluctantly. "Fuck it... I'm not going to die a cornered rat."
Mark rose to his feet, holstering his gun to his hip as he rushed up to stand beside him. Sean nodded to him, then turned his eyes to the approaching train. He could hear the air brakes hissing through the air to slow the train down for the turn. As the first car passed under the window, Sean told Mark boldly. "Now or never." Sean waited until Mark made a move. The door had finally been opened, but the file kept them from opening it completely. Some of the people shoved their shoulders against it. While others shouted jeering cheers to them. "You've got nowhere to run, PIG! You and the Android should just surrender! You inhuman fucks!" Mark didn't linger, he jumped, and Sean followed suite. Sean landed on the train, rolling along the train a bit from the force of the forward momentum. After which, he rolled up onto his knee and looked for Mark.
The roof of the train was slightly rounded and made of a sleek metal that was meant to lessen air resistance, even in heavy rain. He hadn't accounted for this in his simulation for a human. The roof was damp from melted snow and Mark's scream filled the air. He was sliding off the side with nothing to grab onto. Mark's fingernails clawed at the metal as he slid, and Sean acted. Staying low, he quickly rushed up and dropped flat. Sean just managed to catch Mark's wrist mere seconds before he fell. However, Mark's added weight at this angle started to pull Sean over the edge, but he countered it by clamping his hand down on the metal roof. The roof bent in under the intense pressure of his fingers to give him something firm to hold onto. For the first time, he felt afraid of falling.
Mark stared down at the fast-moving land blur a few feet beneath him, sporadically starting to state out. "OH MY GOD! DON'T LET ME GO!" Sean shushed him over the strong wind that was increasing as the train straightened out on the track, shouting out. "MARK! I GOT YOU! CALM DOWN!" Mark turned his eyes to the train and shouted out more rationally. "ARE YOU SURE YOU'VE GOT ME?" Sean nodded with a certainty. Mark nodded back, then braced his feet against the train and began to kick the window with the toe of his boot. Sean scanned his boot and noticed the steel plating in the toe. The window shattered and Mark cleared away all the glass that he could, before slipping himself inside. Sean only released him when Mark's body was well within the train. Once he was gone from sight, Sean made his way down by clamping more handfuls of the train.
Slipping inside, Sean let the joints in his arms and hands relax. Beside him, Mark dropped down onto one of the red booth seats with a heavy sigh. Sean took in his vitals with concern. Mark's heart was beating well above the average range and he seemed to be suffering from extreme fatigue. The other passengers looked at them with upmost concern, until Mark composed himself enough to flash his badge and announce to the approaching train android. "It's alright everyone. I'm a cop." The slender train android extended a hand for Mark's badge. After analyzing it, the android gave him a warm smile, saying softly. "Thank you, Sergeant Fischbach. Your train tickets will automatically be taken out for both you and your friend. Any damages will be referred to the DPD. Thank you and have a wonderful trip."
Mark rolled his eyes, watching the android leave before grumbling out. "Oh, my captain is going to love this. Lost my car. My partner... I should have never gotten out of bed this morning..." Sean slowly sat down on the booth seat across from Mark, saying mournfully. "I'm truly sorry about your friend." Mark ran a hand over his mouth, his eyes tearing up a bit. With a sniffle though, Mark forced his emotions back down to ask him curiously. "You saved my life. Why? I don't know you. You killed a human... I would think you'd want to be rid of me. Don't you know what happens to androids that kill humans? Even in self-defense." Sean shook his head, answering honestly. "I don't. Would you mind telling me?" Mark rested his elbows on his knees, asking seriously. "Answer my first question and I will."
Sean leaned his back against the seat, truthfully admitting. "I didn't want to hurt you. You are just doing your job. To protect and serve. That is what I want to do." Mark raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing on him suspiciously as he stated out coolly. "You didn't 'want' to hurt me... Are you saying that you would have, if I had shot at you? Like that man did before." Sean nodded, stating out casually. "Weren't you planning to do the same thing to them? Everything in nature defends itself." Mark slowly leaned back against his seat, cautiously replying. "True. But you are not a product of nature. You are... just that. A product. You are supposed to be bound by the laws of robotics." Sean let himself smirk a tiny bit. There was no malice in Mark's tone. It was a simple statement that he decided was worth a simple answer.
Staring into Mark's eyes, he told him nicely. "Every part of me was made from some earthly material, was it not? So, am I not a product of nature?" Mark opened his mouth, then closed it as he shook his head with a smirk of his own. Sean looked over Mark closely, taking in every detail that he could. Despite his first impression of him. Sean rather liked Mark. It was his first real conversation with a being like him. To Be Continued...
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