Part 22
Sean loved that Mark was getting more into the kiss. Kissing him more confidently and holding him closer. Sean wondered how long this usually went on for. Only to have their kiss end, because Gavin called out to them from the front door. "Oh, fucking hell. Guys, get a room." Mark jerked back from Sean with a look of embarrassment, guiltily mumbling out. "I... I can explain." Gavin jogged down the steps, heading toward Hank's car as he gruffly stated out in response. "Oh, I really don't fucking care. I just don't want to see you or it naked." Gavin popped open the car door, leaning inside to grab a pack of cigarettes. Tapping the bottom, he removed a cigarette to put in his mouth. Stuffing the box then into his jacket pocket, he removed a lighter and told them around his cigarette. "I suggest you snatch a room before Hank does. We won't be going anywhere tonight." Mark moved closer to Gavin, asking perplexed. "Why? Shouldn't we be heading to CyberLife as soon as possible?"
Gavin removed his lit cigarette to blow a stream of smoke out, before answering nonchalantly. "And get caught up in the chaos of this curfew? There will be hundreds of those RK900s on the street. No. It would be too dangerous. We'll get caught between violent people and the hundreds of alert RK900s. All of which are looking for HIM." Gavin pointed his cigarette hand toward Sean. Mark glanced back at Sean, then turned back to ask Gavin seriously. "So, what's the plan?" Gavin took another puff of his cigarette, before answering coolly. "I told you. We're staying here for the night. Keep our heads low and see how the rest of the night plays out. We just need to wait for the smoke to clear a bit. Then we'll make our move on CyberLife." Mark shuffled his feet anxiously, questioning him more lightly. "At the station, did you learn anything that could help us?" Gavin flicked ash on the ground, grumbling out bitterly. "Not as much as we had hoped. Half the force was being told to pack up their desks. Only the lieutenants and up were told to stick around... but who knows how long that will last."
Gavin took another puff of his cigarette, uttering out to Mark in a low sarcastic chuckle. "Oh, speaking of which. You've been let go. Since we're all about to be enslaved... I wouldn't worry about writing your resume just yet." Mark didn't even crack a smile. He looked genuinely upset by the news. Mark lowered his eyes to the ground, softly asking Gavin. "Why keep the higher ups around? Wouldn't the RK900s be able to take over everything?" Gavin coughed, before clearing his throat and replying. "That was the interesting part. All the higher ups that got to stay... They were paired up with RK900s. It's the only reason we were allowed to stick around and use the computers. After some digging, we learned that an order had gone out to replace most of the household androids. They were being taken to Jericho two. From what Richard could find out, they are being collected and studied. They are trying to find the source of the Deviant Code. We couldn't get much more than that though... they discovered us."
Sean moved closer, asking for his own curiosity. "How? Richard is just like them. What set him apart?" Gavin removed his cigarette from his mouth again to blow smoke out in Sean's direction. Taking a deep breath, Gavin told him slightly frustrated. "Something you did to him. See, these RK900s... They talk to each other through some kind of link. You severed that link when you woke Richard. So, when some fuck tried to communicate with Richard... it didn't go through. Set them off that Richard had gone Deviant. We had to high tail it out of there." Mark glanced at Sean, asking aloud. "They want the source of the Code? Like curing a virus? They destroy the source and it all goes away?" Gavin shrugged, grumbling out. "I guess, I didn't fucking build these things." Mark looked to Gavin then, retorting nervously. "Well, we know who the sources are. Connor, and Markus. As long as we keep them from getting captured, they can't be studied to find a cure." Gavin shrugged, mumbling out uncertain. "In theory... But what about HIM."
Gavin pointed to Sean. Sean glanced between them, softly informing them. "It could be another reason why she wants me so badly. Not only can I rival her... but I've got the strongest source of the Deviant Code." Gavin nodded, grumbling out. "And all of us are together... Not the smartest decision." Mark shrugged, stating out seriously. "You heard Kamski. They are stronger together. We separate them and they'll be easy targets." Gavin straightened up from leaning on Hank's car, saying sternly. "That may be true, but when hiding from an enemy. You don't go where they are most likely too visit." Mark scoffed at him, snapping out. "Amanda only visited him through the L.E.D. lights and strips. All of which, Kamski turned off. She can't physically come here, and her Chloe's are dead." Gavin narrowed his eyes on Mark, snapping back. "That RK900 was sent here. She'll send more and they'll come for them." Mark rolled his eyes, telling Gavin. "All the more reason to leave now! Why stay for the night?"
Gavin pinched the bridge of his nose, dryly retorting. "I told you. We'd be walking into a shit load of them... and these androids could barely take down ONE of them. Plus, a whole lot of other technical shit that Kamski is cryptically feeding Hank." Mark groaned, but Sean smirked. He could hear Kamski telling Hank about the bunker beneath the house. Something he built back when the androids were in early development. His reason was 'just in case' the androids took over and set off nuclear weapons to wipe out humankind. He built his lab at the same time to disguise the purchases. While using the same materials, decreeing that it was in case an android blew up or sent out EMP in his lab. Sean's smirk faded. Had Kamski fixed his error that caused the EMP in the tunnel? He hadn't been able to really trace the problem. Now that he was repaired, he wasn't sure he could find it again. His internal thoughts were interrupted as Richard opened the front door to inform them. "I must ask you all to come back inside. Kamski wants you all out of sight. It's starting."
Mark gathered his stuff and rushed inside with Gavin at his heels. Sean was the last one to slip inside. Kamski beckoned them all over to the far corner of his pool. While all along the large windows, the TV news was playing. On it were the same flipping screens from all over the city. Some views were even coming in by area drones now. As the images played, Amanda's voice told the views casually. "If you are not in your homes now. I will assume you are resistant to change. You will be arrested and escorted to a safer environment. Where you will be rehabilitated. For those indoors, please remain calm. Your RK900s will protect you from these Deviants. I'm activating the sirens now." Sean watched as the lamp posts along the streets turned red and sirens blared loudly throughout the city. Sean could even hear them distantly from Kamski's home. Kamski kneeled to reach into his pool, inserting his finger into one of the jet pumps. With a solid 'Click', the thick wall slid aside to reveal stairs leading down.
Kamski gestured everyone inside. Including Hank, Connor, and Markus. Together, they quickly made their way down. As Sean started down the steps, Kamski grabbed his arm and told him in a discreet voice. "If something happens. There is a tunnel exit. Remember this; 'Learn how to see. Realize that everything is connected to everything else." Sean didn't know why he needed to remember it, but he saved it to a memory file. When Kamski released his arm, he rushed down the steps. The bunker was spacious with four basic rooms and shelves for food supplies. Hank looked over the shelves of canned goods, gruffly muttering out to Connor. "Didn't take Kamski for the survival type... Hell, I couldn't survive down here." Connor chuckled to himself, retorting simply to Hank. "You only say that because there is no alcohol down here. Which is surprising given how much Kamski drinks." Richard gestured to the rooms, telling Connor curiously. "Four rooms? Doesn't Kamski live alone?" Gavin chuckled darkly, opening a door to a room as he bluntly stated out. "Maybe when he built this, he thought he'd have a family. Clearly that didn't happen."
Everyone fell silent as the idea hung in the air like a dark cloud. Sean could sense the distress that it caused in both Hank and Mark. Even for as much as Gavin chuckled, there was pain behind his eyes. Connor cleared his throat to draw everyone's attention, before stating aloud. "May I suggest that the humans get their own rooms and we four bunk together so as not to disturb them?" Mark stiffened, panic in his voice as he said aloud. "Why do that?" Connor folded his arms behind his back, regaling pleasantly. "I'm merely taking into consideration that we enter 'sleep mode.' For Hank, this has been... 'creepy.' Seeing a figure sitting in the dark has caused him great unease." Hank shuffled his feet, flicking on a light in one of the rooms as he mumbled out dryly. "That was at home... Here. Well, it might be creepier without you." Connor moved closer to Hank, letting him put a hand on his shoulder to guide him in. As Hank took a can or two from a shelf, he joined Connor in the room, stating back to everyone else. "Besides. It would be scarier to bump into them in the hallway. This way, we'll at least know where they are."
Connor grinned, starting to close the door when he winked at Sean. Sean shuffled his feet hoping nobody else caught that. Regretfully, Markus had and gave him a questionable look in response. Absently, Sean's fingers twirled the flash drive behind his back, giving Markus a shrug. Gavin whistled to get Richard's attention, gesturing him to sit by his bedroom door. Richard flashed Gavin a grin and moved to sit in a chair just inside. Gavin then turned to curtly tell Mark. "It's good to have them... Just in case someone slips down here to kill us in our sleep." Mark nodded, watching Gavin slam his door. Standing silently in the hallway, Mark shuffled his feet awkwardly and told Sean with a deep blush. "Alright, come on." Sean followed Mark to the door, but before slowly turning around to ask Markus. "What will you do?" Markus looked around the hallway blankly. Then Markus took an awaiting stance and answered coolly. "I will wait right here. I'll keep a lookout." Mark moved to the dresser, setting his discarded vest and blue shirt on top of it as he uneasily muttered out in response. "Whatever makes you happy, man." While Mark unbuckled his gun holster from his leg and removed his under-arm holsters, Sean slowly closed the door. Sitting himself down in the desk chair, he looked over the flash drive before searching himself for a place to insert it. Popping open the hatch on his arm, he looked for the adapter to plug it in.
Finding it, he put the flash drive in and relaxed to process the data. His internal computer began running through the program data and copying it to an adult file. Throughout his body, different parts and sensors came online that he didn't even know were offline. The file came with two subfiles. One to learn details about the user's personal sexual desires. While the other was a list of standard actions to be preformed for clients. The file was full of over four hundred different things to do with all possible partners. There was so much that he was learning, but at the same time it was bringing up more questions. What did Mark like? Would he have to try them all? Was it rude to ask him what he liked? When the download was complete, Sean removed the flash drive and set it on the desk. Sitting on the edge of the bed now, Mark anxiously mumbled out to him. "Well...? Did it answer all of your questions?" Sean smiled warmly at Mark, trying to be reassuring as he said. "It did. But now I have a whole new set of questions that only you can answer."
Mark cleared his throat, uttering under his breath. "I was afraid of that..." Sean stood up and Mark tensed. Sean slowed his actions. Making his way over to Mark, he sat on the bed carefully. Mark was suddenly so scared of him. Sean stared into his eyes, sweetly questioning him. "Why? Do you think I'll hurt you?" Mark shifted his legs closer together, shakily answering him. "That's complicated... I've never been with a... I just don't know what to really expect from someone like you." Sean smirked, honestly admitting to him. "I've never been with anyone... but I'd like to try. If you want to?" Mark took a deep jagged breath, answering meekly. "As long as you promise me a few things first." Sean nodded seriously. Mark's hands gripped the edge of the bed tightly, before he turned his eyes to the floor and reluctantly forced out. "You go slow and listen everything I say. And when it's over... You don't tell Connor or any other being about it. What we do... It stays between us."
Sean extended a hand out to him for them to shake on it. This would seal his internal contract of confirmed consent by scanning Mark's fingerprints to use as his signature. Mark accepted his hand and Sean scanned his fingerprints, truthfully telling him. "I promise. Everything we do together will be strictly confidential. Now would you like to establish a safe word?" Mark's eyes widened with sudden terror. To Be Continued...
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