Part 21
Sean kept his arms wrapped around Mark's board shoulders, nestling his head on his shoulder. Mark's arms squeezed him tighter, asking by his ear. "Are you alright?" Sean could sense the distress in his voice. He was afraid. Grinning, he answered him warmly. "I feel great. Are you ok?" Mark huffed dismissively. Sean lifted his head to scan his chest. Mark's chest was showing signs of bruising where the bullet had hit the vest. Sean slid his hand down to touch the hole in his shirt. As his finger slipped into the shirt, he felt the cold touch of the compacted bullet. Mark winced, backing away from him. From across the room, Kamski climbed to his feet, addressing Sean. "You may notice that you run a bit smoother now. My home version of Amanda was able to make changes to boost your hardware and software. Enough that certain traits from the RK900 was able to be uploaded to you." Sean's eyes drifted to the destroyed RK900 that they had defeated. He wasn't sure how he felt about having parts from an android like him inside him.
Kamski moved closer to him, pushing Mark away from him. Kamski then cupped Sean's face, staring into his eyes as he told him. "There were a few side effects to the upload... but Amanda assured me that they wouldn't effect you internally. You should be able to take hits better now though." Sean furrowed his brow, stating out softly. "I don't understand...? What do you mean?" Kamski lowered his hands, randomly picking up a medical mirror tool to show him. Sean accepted it, looking at his reflection. He only noticed one change right from the start. His eyes. His left eye was his normal bright blue color... but his right eye had taken on a bright yellow color and the white of his eye had gone black. Sean lowered the mirror to touch his cheekbone. Without the mirror, he never would have seen the difference. It didn't affect his eye sight... but his looks suffered for the change. Kamski searched for something, flatly uttering out. "When I injected the nanobots into your system through your eye, they caused discoloration. Your body wasn't originally designed for nanobots... So, they didn't know what to do in you until I reset their programing. That allowed them to adjust to your system."
Sean closed his eye, running his fingertips over the lid. He didn't feel damaged, but he sure looked damaged. This is what every android feared more than anything in the world. To be damaged meant they would be replaced sooner than any other android. Would they think about replacing him now? His system began to flicker under the mental stress of rationalizing out the possibilities that could happen to him now. His hand even began to shake over his eye. He wanted to shut down to process how this would affect him. When Mark's hand touched his shaking wrist, causing him to lower his hand. Sean shook as he looked to Mark for answers on what a human thought of him now. Mark's hand moved up to his cheekbone, brushing his knuckles along it in a gentle caress. Sean stopped shaking. Mark looked directly into his eyes, telling him comfortingly. "I actually like it. It makes you... unique. Your eyes have so much depth to them now. They're captivating." Sean let a smile spread across his face, whispering anxiously. "You really think so?"
Mark nodded, brushing his knuckles up along his ear as he told him honestly. "Ya. I've never looked at an android as long as I've looked at you." Sean systems whirled to life, until he had to turn away to cool his systems from overheating. Mark was telling him the truth; he had scanned him to be sure. It made him feel good to know that he still wanted him despite his flaws. Kamski picked up a rod off a worktable, moving back to him as he dryly muttered out. "Yes. That's all very touching... Now back to what I was saying." Kamski stood before Sean, bluntly telling him. "You still can't take too many hits from an RK900. Let's face it. You're built lighter than them. However, with the help of the nanobots..." Kamski hefted the rod and swung it to whack Sean hard across the face with it. Sean had been so distracted with Mark's words, that he didn't even process an incoming attack. The rod cut into his cheek, knocking him off the table to the floor on all fours. Stunned by the blow, Sean ran internal scans for damages.
Mark lost it. Lunging forward just after Sean hit the floor, Mark punched Kamski hard enough to knock him back across the floor. The metal rod clanged loudly across the tile floor, while Mark stood over Kamski practically screaming out. "What the hell was that?!" Kamski clutched his jaw, bitterly snapping back at him. "Will you relax! He's fine! I was showing him-" Mark stomped his foot, yelling out just as bitterly to cut him off. "Showing him what, exactly?! I can kick your ass too! It doesn't prove shit!" Kamski rolled his eyes, pointing toward Sean. Mark slowly turned to see Sean rising up to his feet. Sean could feel the nanobots rushing to repair the gash across his cheek. Within a few seconds, the damage was gone. Sean ran another internal scan after they finished to confirm that everything was repaired. Mark's body relaxed as he mumbled out in complete shock. "Holy shit..." Kamski chuckled to himself, mumbling out to Mark. "Go ahead. Try and hit him. I got lucky." Mark jerked his head to look down at Kamski with a startled look.
Kamski stiffly climbed to his feet, snapping back. "I didn't expect to hit him. I boosted his system. I shouldn't even have been able to touch him... Maybe I need to run a few more tests." The commotion brought the others up from downstairs. Bursting into the room, Gavin and Hank glanced around the room for a threat. Before they could ask though, Kamski dropped into a chair, grumbling out. "It's fine. Just a technical error. Say... Would one of you like to help me with a little field test?" Gavin snorted, grumbling out distastefully. "Do I look like a lab rat to you?" Hank shook his head, turning to grab Connor's shoulder as he told him sourly. "Jesus. Come on, Connor. We're not getting into whatever this is." Connor opened his mouth to ask a question, but Hank shushed him and tried to coax him back down the steps to no avail. Kamski smirked a little, gesturing Markus closer. Markus moved past Richard and Gavin to enter the room. Kamski gestured to the rod, telling Markus coolly. "Care to pick that up and see if you can touch, RA9?"
Mark pointed a stern finger at Kamski, snapping out. "NO! I'm putting an end to this now!" The others froze in the doorway, completely stunned by what was transpiring. Markus bent over to pick up the rod, looking to Sean as he asked him. "Do you agree with this?" Sean did want to see what he was capable of. He could feel the changes to his body and wanted to test them. Lifting his chin, he nodded confidently. Markus twirled the rod in his hand, moving to take his position in front of him. Mark started to move between them, ordering him seriously. "Sean, no! Don't let Kamski bait you into this!" Hank grabbed Mark's arm, pulling him back for his safety. Sean locked his eyes on Markus, before raising a hand and beckoning him to come at him. Markus complied, raising the rod as he charged at him. Sean's mind activated, rushing through moves that he could do. When he settled for one, he dashed forward to intercept Markus. Snatching the rod from him, Sean spun and whacked Markus across the back with it. Markus stumbled from his run, falling flat across the tile with a look of pure shock on his face.
Sean shrugged perplexed by everyone's looks, until he took in the fact that Markus had barely crossed the room. He had moved so fast that Markus had no time to calculate his movement. Rolling back up onto his feet, Markus cleared his throat with an embarrassed look, mumbling out. "Let me try that again. Give me that." Sean handled the rod back to Markus without a second thought. He didn't mind trying again. Markus rolled his shoulders, staying closer this time as he started to attack him with close combat skills. Sean was able to block all of Markus's hits as if he was moving in slow motion. The damage to his arms were being quickly fixed by the nanobots before the next hit landed. After a series of blocking Markus's blows, Sean knocked Markus's arms away and kicked Markus back with the flat of his foot. The kick knocked Markus onto his ass but did no damage to him. His hits still weren't strong enough to deal damage to an RK900... but he was fast enough now that he could try to avoid being hit by one and the nanobots helped him hold his own against one at the very least.
Markus tossed the rod aside, smirking as he climbed to his feet, mumbling out. "One more time." Sean chuckled, when Richard removed his jacket and told Sean with a smile of his own. "I want in on this." Gavin nudged Hank's arm, discreetly mumbling out. "Twenty-five bucks on Richard?" Hank crossed his arms over his chest, glancing at Connor as he retorted openly. "I don't gamble on bot fights..." Connor raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Hank guiltily shuffled his feet, removing a bill from his pocket to mumble out discreetly. "Thirty on Sean." Gavin nudged Hank, chuckling out. "You're on." Sean waited for them to get into position, focusing in on the stances they took. They both were going to try more close combat. Sean nodded to them to confirm that he was ready. Richard started in first and Sean jumped back for his punch to miss him. Markus charged in at that moment, aiming for his ribs. Sean snatched his wrist, twisting his arm to bring it up to hit Richard with instead. Richard took the hit, then retorted with another blow.
Releasing Markus, Sean quickly grabbed Richard's wrist. Curling into Richard to avoid Markus's swung, he gripped Richard tight and flipped him into Markus. With both of them grunting on the floor, Sean flexed his fingers with a small smile. He liked being thin and light. Hank grabbed Gavin's collar before he could retreat, smugly asking him. "Forgetting something, Gavin?" Gavin groaned, fishing out his wallet. Connor chuckled to himself, giving Sean a high five and locking eyes with him briefly to send a message to him, before helping the others get up. Sean took a second to read it, then turned his eyes to look directly at Mark. Connor was right. Mark did look worried about him. Letting Connor distract the others with small talk and playful jabs, Sean discreetly took Mark's hand and led him down the stairs. Sean led him out of Kamski's office and back outside. He wanted to go somewhere they wouldn't be interrupted. Outside, Sean picked a nice snowy patch of grass to stand on.
It was so quiet out here. Mark shuffled his feet nervously, asking him curiously. "What's wrong?" Sean glanced up at the light snow that was falling, answering calmly. "Nothings wrong. I just wanted time to talk to you." Mark pulled at the cloths on his bruised side, mumbling out shyly. "Oh...? About what?" Sean raised a hand to catch a snowflake on his palm, softly replying. "What you did to Kamski in there. Hurting him for me... You do that for people you care about, right? To protect them?" Mark nodded, seeming unable to answer as he stared at him with gentle eyes. Sean closed his hand around the snowflake, whispering to him sweetly. "I want to thank you. Will that be ok?" Mark shuffled his feet uncomfortably but nodded without meeting his eyes. Sean stepped up to him, lifting Mark's chin with his finger and pressing his lips to his. Mark jerked a little in surprise. Yet, his lips never left the kiss. Instead, Mark's hand rose to rest on Sean's hip. Sean gradually moved his hands to hold Mark's jaw steady and deepened the kiss.
A part of him was downloading information through the internet on kisses. He wanted Mark to like this. To like him. Mark's arms started to move around his waist, only to stop with a painful wince. Sean broke the kiss to briefly scan Mark's body. The vest was putting pressure on his bruise, making it hard for him to move his arm too much. Absently, Sean's hands drifted down to unbutton his shirt in a fluid movement. Mark stood very still but didn't even try to stop him. Taking ahold of his open shirt, Mark flipped the shirt down off his shoulders. The blue shirt slid down his arms, while Sean ran his hands over the black vest. Pulling at the velcro, Sean carefully removed the vest and set it across the ground. Mark adjusted his white tank top, then wrapped his arms around Sean's waist to pull him closer again. Sean watched the snowflakes touch Mark's bare arms, melting into water to trickle down his muscles. He could see how the snowflake chilled Mark's skin, but he clearly was ignoring the cold chill for him.
Sean closed his eyes, letting Mark kiss him this time. Mark took his time, causing Sean's systems to run faster and harder than they had too. Mark's hands slipped up under his sweater, his fingers trailing up his spine. Sean moaned breathlessly against Mark's lips. His mind had turned his sensitivity settings on high, causing his spine to tingle at even the lightest touches from Mark. He wanted to feel his touch everywhere. Pressing himself directly against Mark, he whispered over his lips longingly. "Do that again?" Mark licked his lips, looking like he wasn't sure what he had done. So, Sean reached back to take his wrist and guided it under his shirt to feel him touch his skin directly. Mark's fingers trailed up his spine again and this time Sean shivered as he felt tingling sparks internally. Just like a plasma ball lamp, Mark's fingers guided the tingling sparks up his spine. The sensation was intense and was like nothing he'd every felt. With another passionate kiss, Mark pried his lips away, breathlessly panting out. "I think we should really have that talk now..."
Sean chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around Mark's neck and whispering out playfully. "Teach me as we go?" Mark blushed, removing something from his pocket. Sean looked down as Mark showed him a flash drive. With a blushing grin, Mark mumbled out. "I'd rather you just... Know what you are getting yourself into." Sean accepted the flash drive, reading the label across the side. Mark had stolen the sex program from Kamski. Sean narrowed his eyes on him with a suspicious look, causing Mark to buckle under pressure to tell him honestly. "Don't look at me like that... Connor stole it. He gave it to me during your fight and... I didn't want it to go to waste." Mark couldn't look him in the eyes now and that made him smile. Leaning in, Sean kissed him again until Mark's heart calmed down. To Be Continued...
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