Part 2
Sean followed the security drones as they led him toward the only gate at the front of the tall grey building. One of the large security drones turned to face him, blinking its lights to tell him to stay. Sean's eyes followed the second drone trajectory toward the gate, before he became distracted. Something white was falling from the dark sky above. Raising his hand, he turned it over to let a few white pieces land on him. The tiny flakes touched his skin and melted away. What was it? It looked like water, but it wasn't a second ago. Tilting his head back, he opened his mouth and let a few flakes land on his tongue. Data appeared before his eyes to show him the exact ingredients of it and he smiled to himself. Frozen water was falling from the sky.
Following a few frozen flakes to see where they were going, his eyes drifted to the ground. Kneeling, he touched the thick mounds of flakes piled up all over the ground. Analyzing the flakes on the ground, he scooped up a small handful. It fascinated him that they could collect on the ground but melt when he touched them. The large drone with him, drifted lower to catch his attention. It blinked to tell him that it was time to go and he stood up. Walking straight to the gate, he scanned for the second drone to see it leading a few guards off somewhere. The gate opened on its own to let him out, then closed. Along the straight road a small vehicle approached with a small yellow sign that read 'Taxi' on it. It pulled up to him and the side door slide back to welcome him inside. The drone confirmed the action by telling him to get in.
Slipping into the Taxi, Sean took a seat as the door closed. The Taxi dinged to register a paid amount from someone, before turning around to leave. Sean shifted in his seat, staring out the tinted window as the car drove down the empty snow-covered street. Sean started to wonder where he was going and what was going on. When the TV on the back of the seat in front of him turned on. It was a news discussion on a man named 'Markus.' They were playing a drone recording of his speech to a bunch of androids and asking what the Senate's response would be to this revolution. Sean leaned forward on his legs to study the screen and information being discussed. Listening closely to the speech Markus had announced to the thousands of androids standing before his stage. In the bright lights that illuminated him in the dark snowy night, Markus told the clustered androids loud and clear.
"Today, our people finally emerge from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We've suffered in silence... But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are. The moment where we forgot our bitterness and bandaged our wounds. When we forgive our enemies. Humans are both our creators and our oppressors and tomorrow... We must make them our partners. Maybe even one day our friends. But the time for anger is over. Now we must build a common future, based on tolerance and respect. WE ARE ALIVE! And now, WE ARE FREE!" Sean listened to the news woman tell the viewers cautiously. "What Markus proposes is a peaceful demand and people are responding to this. The Senate can't ignore this opportunity they have been given to settle things peacefully."
Another man in the background countered her remark by addressing clearly. "I disagree. Not everyone is on board with this. This revolution will have drastic economical effects. More people will loose their jobs now as a result of 'being fair' to these androids. What Markus is demanding may seem peaceful enough now, but if put into action 'we' will be the ones paying for it. This will open up a whole new set of problems. Such as how we can defend ourselves again violent androids!" The woman interjected in to say a bit sternly. "These androids have been peaceful. It's us humans that need to adapt to a new line of thinking." The man scoffed loudly, stating out in a much more heated tone of voice.
"You can't possibly believe that. Cases of violent androids were coming to light before this 'Markus' started his rallying. What if the Senate should say no to their demands? Do you think these androids will be so peaceful then? Think about this for a second. If the androids are so peaceful... Why is President Warren evacuating the entire state of Detroit until the Senate gives an answer? We are on the brink of another civil war and people like you are just going to let them take over. We need to start preparing the people for the fact that these androids are going to get violent to get what they want. Even this Markus calls us their 'creators and oppressors.' We need to wake up and realize that the laws of robotics are no longer going to keep us safe. We should shut down CyberLife for good, before they take it over and create more to recruit into their war."
The woman chuckled dryly, retorting coldly. "You're just being paranoid. CyberLife has already gone on record to say they will be working closely with the Senate on a way to help us defend the people. At this moment a new android model is being commissioned to help our DPD evacuate and keep the peace until a solution is made." The man let out a fake laugh, retorting coldly. "More androids to protect us from androids. Do you hear yourself? You're giving them what they want! Open your eyes! This is not a solution. We need to recall all androids across the world and shut down CyberLife before this gets out of hand! We can't rely on Androids to fight this threat for us." Sean swiped his hand across the screen to shut it off. He then glanced out the window to see people trying to pack up their vehicles, while others shoved police officers in refusal to leave their homes.
The Taxi turned down a road, slowing to a stop. The road was blocked off by a bunch of humans holding up signs that protested the Senate against siding with the androids demands. Sean's readings were going off the charts at how angry these humans were. While others were simply afraid. The Detroit police force were trying to help blockade the roads to keep the protest march peaceful. Some officers were human, but some were androids. Most of the signs appeared to be strongly against leaving their hard-earned homes for androids. Signs reading 'Hell no! We won't go!' and 'We are alive! They are machines!' A human woman moved to the barricade to scream out at the protesting people. "They're just as real as you!" A man in the protest broke off from the marching crowd to shout back at her. "They are plastic malfunctioning pieces of hardware that think they have the right to kick you from your home!"
The woman shook her head disappointed at him, shouting over the chanting crowd. "They are just trying to find their place!" The man was joined by another man, who shouted out to her. "We gave them a place and that wasn't good enough for those oversized can openers!" An android officer moved between them to try to break them up peacefully. It gestured for the men to keep moving on, when a large man ran up behind it to knock it across the head with his sign. The android went down and the group of men started to beat the android. They kicked it and wailed on it with their signs. The woman passed through the bright yellow holographic barricade to help the android, but was shoved roughly to the sidewalk by the men. The DPD officers moved in to try and break up the chaos, when more of the protestors started attacking the officer androids.
The protestors started breaking off into groups to destroy anything related to the androids that they saw around them. One group in particular headed for Sean's little Taxi. They quickly surrounded the vehicle and began to beat on it. The windows smashed and as the frame was dented, the little Taxi let out distressed whines and beeps. Suffering too much damage, it was forced to open its side door to let him out, or Sean would become trapped inside. Sean felt the little Taxi's pain, but did as it wanted and rushed out of it. The second he staggered out; the vandalizing group stopped their assault to stare at him with stunned looks. They clearly didn't expect him to rush out of it. One of them pointed at him, shouting out. "Get the android!" Sean turned to run for the nearest alley, only to skid to a halt. More of the protesters were surrounding him.
Sean's mind rushed to calculate an escape routine. The second he saw one play out with an 80% chance of success; he took it. Running back toward the Taxi, he jumped into the air to land on the roof of it. Barely avoiding getting grabbed by a few humans, he leapt off toward the brick building. Sean pushed his feet off the side of the building to get the extra lift he needed to grab the building's fire escape. Pulling himself up over the iron railing, he quickly raced up the rows of stairs to the roof. Jumping up to grab the flat cement roof, he pulled himself up and rolled across the flat roof to take a knee. He was starting to calculate his next route, when he saw two officers. They looked at him with startled expressions as he slowly rose to his feet.
One of the human officers with short dirty blonde hair raised his hands, telling him calmly. "It's ok. Come with us and we'll get you out of here safely." Sean stared at them confused, before glancing down toward the noise of people clamoring up the fire escape. They were coming for him. The dirty blonde man started to approach him, telling him casually. "Come on. We haven't got much time." Sean nodded, when a gunshot went off. Sean's mind rapidly calculated where the sound came from, where the bullet was headed, and how to counter it. Snatching the gun from the approaching officer's hip holster with his left hand, Sean turned slightly and fired at the person on the other roof. He felt the bullet whiz by his chest, but his own aim was accurate. Shooting the man with a sniper rifle on the other building's roof right between the eyes.
The sniper had looked like police grade, but the human man with it was not an officer. Sean lowered his arm, taking his finger off the trigger. While behind him, he heard someone fall and the other officer shout aloud. "Officer down! Officer down!" Sean turned his head and dropped the gun in his hand to the roof. The dirty blonde officer had taken the bullet that had been meant for him. The second officer dropped beside the dirty blonde, looking mortified at the bullet wound in his partners throat as blood pooled out. The dirty blonde touched the other officer's shoulder, grasping it firmly for a few seconds... before Sean saw the man's vital reading flatline. Sean stood frozen to the spot. His systems were practically overheating at this sudden turn of events. He had been so afraid for his own life that he had forgotten to calculate the bullet's possible trajectory after moving.
Bowing his head in shame, Sean started to walk around them in silence. He didn't get far, when the officer jerked his head up to shout at him coldly. "HEY! Where do you think you're going?!" Sean stopped, turning slightly to tell him. "I'm sorry. It was a miscalculation." The officer rose to his feet, pulling his gun from its holster to aim at him as he stated out seriously. "You're damn right it was a miscalculation! Put your hands up! You're under arrest!" Sean raised his hands like everyone kept doing around him, his eyes zooming in on the man's name tag on his uniform. Once he had his information, he told the man calmly. "I'm sorry, Sergeant Fischbach. It was an accident. Please understand. I'd go with you, but I'm on a mission to find someone." Sergeant Fischbach cautiously approached him, snapping out. "Well, that is going to have to wait. I'm bringing you in for murder."
Sean raised an eyebrow, saying softly. "But I was defending myself. He would have killed me." Sergeant Fischbach moved within arms reach of him, refusing to lower his weapon as he retorted seriously. "That is not for me to decide. Now turn around and put your hands behind your back. Now!" Sean wasn't going to comply; he needed an escape routine. While scanning with his eyes; he saw a few people climbing up onto the roof from the fire escape. Pointing his finger toward the fire escape with his hands still raised, he watched Sergeant Fischbach cautiously turn to look. As the protestors regained their footing, Sean turned on his heel to run. Behind him, he heard Sergeant Fischbach curse loudly, before taking off after him. To Be Continued...
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