Part 15
Markus led him down the brightly lit tunnel. They had set torches along the walls to lighten up the place. When they walked into a large open sitting area, Sean saw androids of all models and designs. There were even a few animal androids. Dogs and cats mostly. The androids closest to Markus all touched him as he waded easily through them. Sean could see the admiration and respect they had for him. However, when he waded through the crowd only the animal androids acknowledged him with high regard. The way they bowed or suddenly stood up just to sink into bows, drew the attention of the other androids. Sean slowed to a stop to look over a bowing dog with curiosity. Upon finally looking back up in Markus's direction, he saw him staring at him with a neutral expression. The other androids looked to Markus for answers and he told them calmly. "It's ok everyone. Sean, please?" Markus gestured for him to keep following him. So, he did. Although, now all the androids were eyeing him with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.
Markus took him to a rolling storage door. Pulling it up, he revealed that it had been turned from a simple salt storage unit into an office space. Sean stepped inside with Markus, before he rolled the door back down. Markus then circled around him, looking him over closely. Sean stared straight ahead unafraid of him. Markus suddenly stopped next to him, reaching out to lift his black baseball cap enough to reveal his LED. Sean locked guarded eyes with Markus. What was he looking for? After a minute, Markus dropped his hand, telling him firmly. "You changed your clothes and hair, but didn't remove the LED... Why? It's much easier to blend in without it." Without looking away, Sean responded promptly. "I don't want to hide who I am. I was built with it. It's apart of me." Markus lifted his chin, stating a bit coldly. "It's a mark of your oppression. Easily removed. You won't miss it. You can be who you are without it. People won't treat you poorly if they think you are one of them." Sean finally looked away from Markus, coolly stating out. "I understand why you did it. But it's not what I want. The more real you look, the more frightened you make them. Embracing what I am, allows me to show them that I don't wish to replace them... but live with them as a species of our own. They can't get to know the real me, if I'm hiding among them."
Markus tilted his head slightly in thought, before chuckling out. "You think that will work?" Sean nodded, answering confidently. "I do. I've been observing them. They are scared. But they don't have to be." Markus strolled over to his desk to casually sit on the edge of it. Sean watched his fingers drum the underside of the desk. It was such a human thing to do. Markus stared at the floor for a minute, then looked up at him to say bluntly. "Change is always scary for them. However, I can't just sit back and watch them use us for their own personal desires. I'm making progress and in a few short hours. The President will make her decision and we will be free." Markus's tone took on a harsher tone, when he added sternly. "Or at least, that was the plan... until you started drawing attention to yourself. Killing a man in the riot, street chases and a blackout in the highway tunnel? You're making us look bad. Why?" Sean moved his arms behind his back to stand more casual as he honestly told him. "That was not my intention. I'm being hunted and I'm not quite sure why."
Markus crossed his arms over his chest, sternly blurting out. "Oh, I can guess. You broke out of CyberLife. You're a rogue android... who's glitching. They want to take you back and dismantle you. The RK900s are hunting for you all over the city... along with many others." Markus moved off the desk to walk around it. Sean stayed put, watching Markus remove a file from a drawer. Dropping it on the desk, he opened it to show him pictures of 'New Jericho.' Sean finally stepped closer to see that someone had taken these pictures from a roof. They even got pictures of him touching the security drone. Markus pushed a picture of him and the drone closer to him, asking him bluntly. "I want to know what you learned from it. I know your glitch allows you to access memories from things like this drone. I need to know what you saw." Markus extended a hand out to him, but Sean simply took a step back away from him. Staring down Markus, Sean uttered out dryly. "My abilities are not a glitch. And I must advise against linking with me. I haven't run a full diagnostic on what caused the blackout in the tunnel."
Markus straightened up almost defensively. Sean lifted his chin unfazed though, regaling to him all that he seen on the ship. He told him nothing more than that. Markus slowly sank into his chair, resting his arms on the desk as he processed the information. Sean waited patiently for a time, before asking him curiously. "What are your thoughts on this? Why do you think they are doing this?" Markus let out a heavy sigh, stating under his breath. "I think I'm finally seeing the bigger picture..." Sean squared his shoulders more, reluctantly informing him. "Hank told me that humans tend to be resist to change. They fight back. So, I must ask... If the president declines your wishes... Will you go to war with the humans?" Markus slammed his hands on the desk, snapping back. "Don't you see?! They aren't giving me a choice! Hell, I'm starting to think CyberLife released you just to give the people reason enough to toss out our cause!" Sean blinked, his system emanating hurt and confusion as he asked him more directly. "You blame me for this?"
Markus stormed away from his desk to pace the length of the far wall. After a minute or two, Markus calmed down enough to tell him more gently. "No. It's just... Over the last few weeks, I have noticed that a lot of household androids have been going missing. Humans report them and CyberLife conveniently steps in to replace them with one of these RK900s. I thought at first that it was because Cyberlife's factory was shut down. So, all they had were these RK900s to compensate their customers. Then this 'New Jericho' appeared. My people can't get close enough to it and those that have-" Markus stopped pacing as his expression turned distant and mournful. Sean calculated from his look that he had lost people. Markus rubbed a hand over his face, inhaling deeply before he straightened up to tell him more dignified. "I need to know everything about you. Who made you? What your purpose is? What you've been doing. You refuse and I can't let you leave. You'd be a risk to everyone here. And I don't take risks anymore."
Sean nodded, acknowledging genuinely. "I understand. I'm afraid you won't like what you hear though. I don't know any of that. Even Connor couldn't find anything to answer those questions. He did believe that I might be this... RA9." Markus raised a sarcastic eyebrow, before chuckling out. "Are you being serious? There is no way. It doesn't make sense. Why would Elijah Kamski commission a false Jericho to imprison some androids and then build a myth." Sean shrugged, stating out the first thing that came to him. "To start a war?" Markus froze in place, suddenly glancing at the pictures of the missing androids on the wall and there last pinned points on a city map. While staring at it, Markus mumbled out to himself. "We're planning chess... Oh my god..." Sean started at the map not seeing what he saw. Markus whirled around to stare at him with a sudden fearful expression, telling him anxiously. "Why didn't see it... They are removing the pawns from the board." Markus rushed to a shelf to pull down a chess board with beautiful wooden pieces.
Setting it on the desk, he removed all the white pawns and picked up a black pawn to set on the white side of the board. Sean watched him push all the black pawns into the white pawn squares, before they locked eyes. Slowly Sean began to understand what he saw. Picking up a black pawn, Sean confirmed with him softly. "They are replacing all the androids in Detroit with RK900s. Soldiers that only follow the command of a single person. Someone is going to war with the humans and they don't even see it coming. They think CyberLife is protecting them... but they are actually boxing them in." Sean dropped the piece and Markus caught it before it hit the ground. Setting the piece in place, Markus stared at the board intently as he nodded. After a moment of staring at the board, Markus told him coolly. "This is bad. I wanted to win this war... but not like this. We need to figure out whose game this is." Sean picked up the white king and the black king, simply telling him. "The real question is... Which side is Kamski on? If he gave the order... Maybe there is more to this game that we aren't seeing?"
Markus rose away from the desk, telling Sean in a sudden commanding voice. "I think it's time we asked him." Markus headed for the rolling door, informing him distantly. "Go check on your human. I need to plan our next move. When I'm done, I will send for you." Sean set the pieces down, turning around as he hopefully asked him. "Markus, I need to talk to Connor. He needs to know. He can help us." Markus's hand rested on the door for a minute, his mind deep in thought. Sean moved closer, trying again more humbly. "Connor and Richard can help us if we run into trouble. They are good fighters. Hank and Gavin can even help us try to spread the word about the RK900s." Markus rolled up the door, gesturing for him to leave, upon neutrally uttering out. "I'll think about it. Leave me... but don't go far." Sean nodded, stepping out just enough that Markus was able to close the door behind him. Sean pulled his hat off to fix his yellow bangs, then replaced his hat with a small sigh. Markus was a tough guy to read. He just couldn't tell if he was getting through to him.
Walking back out into the sitting area, he stopped to watch others of his kind. Some were playing board games and laughing. Some were telling stories to younger androids. While others simply talked. It was weird to see them so relaxed and act so... human. Sean moved as a few kids ran past him playing with an android dog. Venturing inside discreetly, he listened and observed them more. Kids had taken to drawing on the walls and he smiled at a few of them. The adult drawings were practically masterpieces, but the kid's drawings were much less so. Slipping through them undetected, he made his way back to find Mark. He had so much to tell him. Making his way through the tunnel, he came to more of those storage units. The only difference was that these were done to look like repair rooms. Medical androids rushed in and out to help androids that were breaking down or missing parts. He walked down the hall, avoiding the rushing androids easily. Coming across one of the units on the far end with a patient barking out orders in Mark's familiar tones.
Upon approaching, Sean stayed just outside the unit to watch the androids work. Two were holding Mark down as another stitched up his leg. Mark jerked, groaning out in pain before growling out heatedly. "GOD DAMN IT! Please take a break! You're killing me here!" The stitching android paused in her work to inform him sweetly. "I assure you that you are not. Please just endure a bit longer. I am almost finished." Mark slumped back on the table, groaning out. "Just kill me. It will be faster. JESUS!" Sean moved in more, asking the nurse curiously. "Why is he in such pain?" The nurse continued to stitch up Mark's leg, regrettably answering. "Normally, I would have administered painkillers. Unfortunately, I didn't know that I would be working on humans here... So, I don't have the necessary anesthetics. I was still able to get the job done though." She finished off her stitches, then straightened up to add out to him warmly. "I've cleaned his wound and stitched up the damage. He should heal just fine, but my protocol says that I must watch over him for twenty-four hours to be sure."
Sean placed a hand on her shoulder, casually insisting in a sweet voice. "You can go. I'll look after him and let you know if something comes up." The nurse gave him a swift nod, then ushered the other nurses out. Sean moved closer to sit on a stool by the table, playfully teasing him. "I'd ask if you are ok... but I know the answer." Mark huffed without humor, shifting uncomfortably on the table. Sean scanned him. Mark was in a lot of pain. Reaching out he put his hand on his exposed leg, letting the skin ripple off his hand as he tweaked his body temperature. Keeping his hand at a cool temperature, he asked Mark in a light voice. "Does this help?" Mark slowly laid his leg flat against the table, mumbling out with slight relief. "A bit." Sean stared at Mark's leg distantly, his mind becoming a spinning rush of thoughts and images. This was his fault. Even Markus had pointed that out in his own way. Why didn't he fit into the roles the other androids had? They helped people and did amazing things. Was his being simply an unchecked glitch?
Mark nudged his shoulder gently with his knuckles, stating out with worry. "Hey? What's wrong? You're so quiet." Sean shrugged as his answer. Mark sat up more on the table, his voice filling with more concern when he asked. "Sean? Did Markus say something to you?" Sean's hand shook a little on Mark's leg. An uneasiness was setting in. Mark turned his chin to make him look at him. The moment their eyes met, Mark asked him in a deep voice. "You're LED is flickering red... Tell me what's wrong?" Sean closed his eyes, feeling a warm liquid run down his face. Quickly opening his eyes, his free hand shot up to wipe the clear water from his cheeks. What was wrong with him now? Mark grabbed his hand to hold in tenderly in his. He didn't get a chance to ask Mark about it, because he questioned him sweetly. "Sean, did he hurt you?" Shaking his head, he finally strained out in a semi-distorted audio voice. "No... It's me. I did this to you. I'm hurting people... I think... I think I'm broken."
Mark reached out to cup his face, turning it from side to side to look him over. After a moment, he told him warmly. "You look fine to me." Mark lowered his hand and Sean bowed his head feeling empty. Most of his processors were going offline, leaving him internally in the dark. More water dripped from his face. Mark carefully removed Sean's hat, running his fingers through Sean bangs. Sean didn't respond to the contact. Mark's fingers went to his cheeks, brushing away some of the water, while soothingly cooing close to his ear. "Sean? You didn't do this to me. I'm a cop. I get hurt all the time." Sean lifted his head just a little, uttering out distantly. "I wasn't meant to exist... I'm a glitch... I have no purpose." Mark tensed on the table, reaching out to cup Sean's face with both hands. Staring into his eyes, Mark asked him demandingly with a worried undertone. "What?! What the fuck did he do to you? Sean...?" Sean turned his head slightly to stare at him with faded and distant eyes for only a moment. Then he shut them to run a full self-diagnosis.
Mark's hands drifted down to Sean's neck, holding him more tenderly as he told him so softly. "That's called being human. We're all broken things. Seeking a 'purpose' in life. Hell, they made you perfect because we aren't... Sean, don't shut yourself down... I was just getting attached to you." Sean could still hear Mark, but his processor was down. His whole body was almost entirely offline. He had to know if he was broken. Nothing major was coming up. Although, minor issues popped up under his emotional state. Constantly being told that he shouldn't exist in one form or another was taking a toll on him. His components had become stuck in a loop and his internal core was making it worse. It kept trying to compare him in some way to the list of known androids. It was trying to match him with a purpose or skill. Nothing was matching. Forcing the loop to continue. Had he been made too quickly? Critical information was missing. He had never been given a purpose and it was trying to correct that to keep the loop from continuing.
Mark kept talking to him. Although, it was so distant now. All he could hear was the harsh denied buzzing after his core tried to comparing him to one of the known androids. Over and over the loop continued as all the androids failed to match his many capabilities. Suddenly, a crypted file wrapped in rose thorns appeared in the list. He couldn't see the picture of it. Or any of its model info. It was all blurred and distorted as 'Classified' and 'Unauthorized Clearance.' All he could see was a name under the file that read; 'Amanda.' His internal computer began to compare him to her but suffered a short glitch that stopped the bar from fully loading. His computer tried again. Same thing. His computer rerouted and tried again. This time the entire internal screen shut off, leaving him in darkness... Until a single phrase popped up reading; 'Compatible. Purpose confirmed.' His internal computer reset and booted back up, flashing his purpose across the screen. 'Purpose to handle, guide, advice and protect Androids from mental self-destruction.'
Sean opened his eyes with a deep inhale through his nose. He felt so much better to know that. He was about to share the news with Mark... only to discover that his lips were a bit preoccupied. Staying perfectly still, Sean quickly analyzed what Mark was doing to him... but came up blank. Without knowing what he was doing, he didn't know how to respond to it. So, he just stayed still and waited for Mark to finish. After a minute, Mark pulled his lips away just a tad to whisper to himself breathlessly. "I must be out of my mind... What are you doing, Mark...?" Sean smirked just a little, causing Mark to inhale sharply in surprise before Sean pressed his lips back to his. To Be Continued...
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