Note: We are finally getting into the storyline for Detroit: Become Human starting with The Hostage and I will say, this chapter hits the feels
August 15, 2038
When Percy got the call telling him that Paul had been killed by the family android and that his sister was currently being held at gunpoint by Daniel threatening to kill them both, he...well he panicked.
He didn't remember driving to his mom's apartment, or shouting at the guards around the place that it was his mother and sister there, he just remembers seeing his mom near the base of the elevators crying and asking why they were sending an android to save her daughter.
He quickly pulled her into his embrace and quickly tried to provide comfort for both of them as they prayed that Estelle would be alright.
Percy could barely think, but a stray though passed his mind, it was wondering why Daniel would threaten Estelle. He loved her, he was family.
Pushing the thought away for now, Percy focused on comforting his mother and praying that the android they sent in was Connor, because if they sent any other android then he knew that his sister would most likely die. Connor as equipped and ready for fieldwork, hell he was there for most of the training's that Connor had done with Elijah until Amanda had been completed.
The felt like hours, before the elevator opened revealing a familiar android face. Feeling relief course his way through his body, both Percy and Sally raced to the elevator.
Though, before he entered the elevator, Percy stopped in front of the android. "Thank you, Connor," Percy said earnest before racing after his mother for the elevator, not knowing he left the android with a red-tinted LED wondering how Percy would know his name.
Connor didn't think about it too long, he was due back to Cyberlife soon for evaluation so he could be put into the DPD to chase deviants that have slowly risen in numbers in the next few months.
Percy and Sally had just reached their floor when a small body collided with Percy. Feeling her shaking and crying into his shirt, Percy instantly dropped to the floor and brought his little sister into his arms and whispered comforting words.
Sally had soon joined them and was caressing her daughters hair, following Percy's train of thought and was comforting her the best either Jackson could.
Percy didn't know how long the family stayed there, enough for the SWAT team captain to come over and ask for statements from them, and the paramedics to slowly pull Estelle with them, who ended up dragging Percy too for comfort.
With his sister in his lap, and an android paramedic looking over her, Percy received a phone call. "Hello?" he asked without looking at the number.
"Are you alright?" Elijah's voice rang out, concern obvious in his voice.
"I'm fine, Estelle was with Daniel though. Connor talked him down, but the SWAT snipers shot Daniel. I don't know why he did what he did, but...hold on for a second." Percy said as he shifted slightly and put his phone against his shoulder.
"Little Star, I need to talk to my friend about something real quick, I'll just be in that corner over there alright. I promise to not move from that spot, I just want to make this chat a bit more private alright. It's grown-up talk?" Percy asked his ten year old sister.
"Okay," she replied softly, still shaken from what Daniel had done. But also feeling more betrayed by her dad, for buying a new android to replace Daniel, like he wasn't good enough. He was the best! And her dad had wanted to replace him! Mixed between shock, anger, and sadness Estelle's emotions were all over the place.
"Love you, I'll be back," Percy said softly, his hand rested on her hair before softly tussling it and then moving toward the corner.
"Hey, I'm back. I know that they will want to examine Daniel to see why he became deviant and such, but could you pull some strings? I want to bury him, he was family, and the way he went out of this world wasn' wasn't right. I want to give him a proper burial. Not have him be examined by people in white coats. Think you can do something?" Percy asked hesitantly to his friend hoping the request wouldn't be too big.
"I think I can pull some strings, but I think until Connor has accomplished his mission, I might not be able to fully get his body. The DPD will have it, so there wouldn't be any testing or I suppose virtual autopsy done, but you just wouldn't have him for a few months while Connor is working on taking down deviants."
Percy took a long sigh through his nose as he weighed his options. "I suppose that's not too bad. I guess for now, a tombstone will have to do for now, no need to tell Estelle yet that he won't be buried properly right now. And that's not even assuming how my mom will react when I tell her I will want to bury Daniel. She just lost her husband from the android, I doubt he's in her good books right now."
"Probably not," Elijah mused. "Where will they be staying?"
"Probably my place, their apartment is being used as a crime scene."
"Isn't your place a two bedroom place?" Elijah asked concerned, knowing that his friend would give his bedroom up to his mom and that Estelle would use her bedroom that also contained Lucas' charging station.
"I'm not crashing at your place Elijah, I need to be there for my mom and Estelle right now," Percy spoke into the phone, fondness for his concerned friend showing in his tone.
"If you're sure. My doors are always open to you, and I know the Chloes wouldn't mind a little girl to hang out with them, you know how they are."
"Thank you," Percy responded and his voice portrayed how true his words were, "but I don't think my mom is quite ready to see androids right now. Not after Daniel's why I need to move the charging station to the aquarium for tonight, while I hate leaving Lucas alone I just don't think my mom will like having an android around."
"Understandable, Lucas can stay here for the night, Cassandra and Cleopatra would be thrilled, they both adore the boy," Elijah said as he eyed the three androids of his all gossiping together, they seemed to be developing more from a machine which fascinated Elijah but he didn't dare actually do anything about it least they show him their hidden wrath.
"That would be great, thank you Elijah. I'll call you in the morning with some updates. Get some sleep," Percy said softly as the android paramedic released Estelle who was quickly darting back to her brother.
"I will, don't forget to sleep too."
With that, Percy hung up and tucked his phone back into his pocket as his sister collided with his legs and seemed to want to disappear from the world.
"Come on, Little Star, let's go find mom and go back to my place. Alright?" Percy said softly as he lifted his sister. While it should've been more difficult, Percy worked out a lot more than people thought and easily carried his ten year old sister toward their mother.
"Mom, let's go. We can sleep at my place while you figure out what you want to do here. Come on," Percy said softly, leading his mother who was still in a state of shock toward his car that he badly parked along the road.
The car ride was silent, Estelle only staring at the road, watching the streets and people walking by. While Sally sat in the passenger seat, looking ahead but not seeming to really see anything. Percy kept glancing between the two, other than staring at the road (he disliked automated vehicles and as a result, got a car that he had to drive).
Finally, the trio arrived to Percy's apartment, while not in a horrible neighborhood, it wasn't the type of neighborhood that his mother and sister lived in. The actual apartment was well kept compared to the other buildings around it. The landlord was nice and the security system was working (though, that may have had to do with some money Elijah threw around after working out that his friend lived in a place where the systems didn't work) and his only neighbor was a deaf old lady that was very kind and seemed to have adopted Percy (and Elijah when he stayed over) and seemed to always want to bring over cookies and cake for the two of them.
Bringing his mom and sister into the apartment, Percy decided to play things by ear. Quickly getting his sister into her pajamas that stayed with him and then getting her to sleep was surprisingly quickly, as he seemed exhausted from the days events.
His mother on the other hand had taken to staring out at the window looking into the city. Tears silently cascading down her face.
Percy stood by her silent, and place his hand on her shoulder which shook as she tried to suppress the tears.
"I know, mom, I know," Percy said soothingly and like a dam, his mother turned to Percy and quickly they embraced as she cried into his shoulder.
"I just don't know why he would do that," his mother spoke between sobs. "He was family, what, I-I..." his mother trailed off as a fresh wave of tears flew through her.
"From what the SWAT Captain told me, it seemed like Paul had just ordered a new android to take care of Estelle. Daniel saw and just reacted in betrayal."
"We were getting the other android to assist Daniel. With the chores and taking care of Estelle, we thought having another android would help him. Lessen his load and everything, we weren't going to replace him! He was family," Sally spoke through sobs as mother and son clung to one another.
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," Percy said as he rested his head on top of his mothers hoping the comfort would help her.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, slowly composing themselves over the grief of losing Paul, Daniel, and almost Estelle in one day. "I don't think I can sleep in a large bed, not tonight. I'll take the couch, and don't argue...please," Sally spoke as her eyes clenched trying to stop the tears that threatened to escape.
"Alright," Percy said easily, seeing how much it hurt his mom to even speak about the bed, he wouldn't push the issues. In any case, his couch was actually comfy and hopefully his mom would be fine over the night. It wasn't like she was that old anyway.
Percy escaped to his bedroom and grabbed one of his old, clean shirts before grabbing an extra pair of bedroom pants he had before returning to his mom. "These good for the night? " he asked softly.
Silently his mother nodded and escaped to the bathroom to change as Percy made his way to his bedroom to get ready for bed as well.
Soon, the Jackson-Blofis family was asleep, and while it's wasn't peaceful, and should Sally awaken the next morning to see Percy and Estelle cuddled together for comfort, nothing was said of it.
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