Give up
Imagine you have given up on life and you just want to die will you survive or die carry on reading to find out
Warning: trying to commit suicide
Your pov
Im so fed up with life im really depressed. My boss hates me, My family doesn't love me so why does Connor love me.
I got home after a stressful day, well everyday is a stressful day for me.
Connor is not home yet
He's probably cheating on you
He never loved you your just a waste of space.
"Your probably right"
I said to myself. My mind has been waiting for me to die. So why not put it out its misery.
Why would Connor love a thing like you. I wonder if Connor ever noticed that you were suffering would Connor even notice that your gone.
I screamed while holding my head.
I can't take this no more
I pulled out my phone and i called hank.
"Hello Y/n how you doing i haven't heard of you for ages are you calling for Connor"
Hank said while driving back to he police station.
"Hank listen im really sorry for everything I've done okay im just a mistake waiting to be rubbed out tell Connor i love him"
I said while hanging up the phone. It was snowing outside but i don't care i didn't bother putting on a coat because this is going to be a quick trip.
Hanks pov
I looked over at Connor "Connor theres something wrong with Y/n she just called me saying she sorry and she loves you"
Connor looked really confused and then it dawned on him.
Connor's pov
That is really strange Y/n never tells me that she loves me only if something serious is about to happen.
Then i realised that she has really bad depression.
"Hank quick go to Y/n's house"
I shouted really loud hank turned around the car and sped of to my house.
3 mins later
"Y/N are you in there"
She didn't answer the door so i broke it down. Me and hank looked around the house and she wasn't there.
I stopped in my tracks
"Wait she's at the bridge where i asked her out"
I said looking at hank for permission to go
"Go on then son ill go report this to the police station"
Then i legged it out of that house.
Your pov
I was standing on the railing now looking down into the deep blue sea.
I heard loud footsteps from behind me.
I looked to see who it was and it was
"Connor what are you doing here"
I said confused
I stopped and he was taking small steps towards me.
"Y/n don't do this its not worth it"
Now he was speaking in a soft voice and it was so calming.
"Connor please you don't understand the pain im going through"
I said turning back to the sea.
"Please i will help you through it"
He said with tears in he's eyes
He is really weak he doesn't love you.
"I didn't turn Deviant for no reason i did it for you because i love you"
He with tears running down his face
I got of the railing and i stood there in shock.
He ran over to me and he hugged me
I smiled at him when we pulled away. Police sirens in the far distance.
The he kissed me passionately.
Then i heard clapping.
I looked up and i saw hank smiling.
"I see why they call you negotiator"
He said laughing. I smiled at him and we all hugged each other.
"Let's get you home now Y/n your temperature is getting really low"
Hank waved at us.
I got into the car that Connor lended from the police officer.
When Connor started the car. He kissed me on the head and i was drifting of to sleep.
"I love you so much"
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