💕Conner x Reader 💕
"SHIT!" My voice echo's across the kitchen, a shattering sound following it soon after. The wine bottle I had been holding crashes to the ground. Dark red liquid splattered everywhere accompanied by a grape smell that saturated the air.
I press my back against the corner of the counter. Wary eyes look around at all of the glass before flickering to my bare feet. How was I supposed to get literally anywhere? One wrong move and I'd get glass in my skin.
"Detective (Y/N)? Are you okay?" My back straightens, my head lifting up as I hear the one person who could help me right about now. Conner, an android sent to us by Cyberlife, as standing right in the doorway of the kitchen. His dark navy jacket and dark pants stood out against the white and pale browns of my kitchen.
I offer a nervous chuckle in response to his inquiry, my eyes staying on his form for a second too long before looking down. The tile of my kitchen would definitely need a lot of scrubbing after this... last time I checked wine doesn't exactly come out of things easily. "Could you... help me? I don't want to cut up my feet."
Conner seems to tilt his head for a moment. Probably assessing the situation before taking action. The android stepped forwards a few steps, bending down before putting his finger right in the middle of the spilled wine. Before I could even stop him he had put some in his mouth.
"Conner that's been on the floor!" I hiss softly, looking out the window for a moment. The small window sat right above my sink. It was probably my favorite thing about this terribly small kitchen. In truth, I could imagine it making up for every bad thing in this house.
Outside the world was quiet. The sun had set a few hours ago, the streetlights illuminating the night brilliantly. They made every single speck of snow sparkle as it fell. The first snowfall of the season.
"I just wanted to see what sort of cleanup this would require. I apologize for wasting time." Conner spoke before his head turned to follow what I was looking at. Although he didn't seem to hold the same excitement that the rest of us did at the first snowfall, he still admired it silently. I knew he did. No matter how much of a machine he was he had always shown signs of human emotion. It was sort of cute, if you asked me. "Would you like me to take you outside (Y/N)? I could cleanup while you watch the snow."
"That would be great." I say softly, looking towards Conner with a smile. The android does the same. His brown eyes meet my own, for a moment freezing in place before lowering. Conner scanned the mess in front of me for a moment more, his shoes slowly lifting and lowering over small pieces of glass. He looked almost as if he worried for the pain the glass would cause.
Such humanlike tendencies.
"Why are you being so careful?" I ask softly as Conner steps a few inches away from me. He doesn't even look up at me as he wraps his arms around my back and below my knees. Within a moment I had been lifted up and cradled against the Android's chest. He was warm and rather soft feeling, almost like he wasn't made of cold hard plastic.
"If I step on a big piece of glass It could flip up and hit you. I don't want you hurt detective." Conner speaks formally as he backs away from the pile of mess left behind. His shoes made crunching noises now. He wasn't being as careful this time around.
I was silent as he stepped across the small kitchen, my arms coming to wrap around his neck as he did. Holding onto him in some form or fashion just made it a little easier. So that's what I did.
Conner shifts his hand lower on my back to hold me up as he reaches for the door. When he pulled it open I felt a gust of wind against my back, cold yet gentle. A shiver went down my spine nontheless. However Conner didn't even pause in his movements. Instead he stepped out into the cold, looking around the small back porch for a moment. Chairs were sat everywhere, both cold and metal and fabricated. Conner sat me down in one with a cushion. It was soft and comfortable, yet I was still shivering in the cold. All I wore was a sweater and thin tights underneath. Let's just say I wasn't exactly prepared to sit out here in the cold for a while.
"Thank you Conner." I whisper softly up at him, offering the android a smile. He didn't seem to be done, however. Conner slipped off his jacket and covered me up with it. Surprisingly enough it was extremely warm underneath. Almost like it was a heavy winter coat. I wasn't exactly complaining.
The android didn't even speak as he bent down, knees resting against the wooden porch. His hand comes out to grab one of my ankles. He lifts up my foot and inspects it for a moment before moving onto the next. Once again inspecting it for a moment. On the second one he offers a small frown before running his thumb over something small. It made me flinch, small throbs of pain making me want to pull my foot back suddenly.
"You have a piece of glass in your foot anyway... I'm sorry. I failed." Conner looks up at me with a guilty look on his face before swiftly pulling out the glass. My heart did a summersault, overloaded by cuteness and then stabbed by betrayal.
"Ow!" I hiss, folding my legs in underneath me. Now my entire body was underneath the unnaturally warm Conner jacket and I was extremely happy about it.
"I apologize detective." Conner offers a small nod before standing. He looks behind him before flicking the small glass out into my small back yard. It lands in a pile of snow, little more than a piece of the winter wonderland at the moment. "But it had-"
"Stay out here for a little while." I suddenly break in, my hand coming out to grab his wrist. Conner seemed cooler than he had been without the jacket. Once again, Conner seemed more human than some humans around here. "The wine isn't going anywhere, my kitchen's already messed up and I'm getting new tile soon either way. Just stay out here and watch the snow with me."
"I... I shouldn't." Conner speaks softly, looking down at me with a look I couldn't place. He looked lost more than anything else. Like he didn't know where to go or had no place to go.
I offer a small smile and pull the android down gently. Of course it was of his own regard that he landed in the seat beside me. He landed with a small thud, my hand still on his wrist as he sat.
"There. Not that bad now is it?" I giggle before laying my head down against his shoulder. My hand slips down to enter twine with his own, my fingers wrapping around and squeezing his hand gently. It was peaceful.
"...No. it isn't."
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