Chapter 3
Lisa felt her systems trying to reboot fighting to bring her back to life soon she had managed to activated her systems turning them on. When she opened her eyes she noticed that she noticed that she could only see out of one eye this made her frightened she then tried to sit up when she noticed that she was sat in a pile of deactivated androids. Seeing the lifeless figures made her scream and push away from them making her fall out of the pile and landing in mud she managed to push herself up and looked at herself. She wasn't in her lovely outfits that Carl had given her she was in the basic underwear that all androids where given the cold hitting her harshly made her shiver. She knew that her optical component was gone now and upon inspection she found out she had a long crack running from her cheek bone down to her jaw making it so blue blood was leaking out and the white plastic skin was showing. Looking around she saw high mountains of androids dug into the walls but then she realised that Markus wasn't with her. Looking around she shivered and tried to find Markus she trudged through the thick mud whimpering as the cold wind hit her hard.
The weight of everything that had happened suddenly landed on her making her fall to her knees tears pricking at her eyes.
"Lisa!" A voice suddenly yelled to her looking up she saw Markus who was also in the basic underwear given to androids. He ran to her and swiftly scooped her up holding her tightly. "Oh my god, Lisa. I was so worried when I rebooted I couldn't find you I thought that you had been destroyed" Lisa hugged him back but that was when he noticed her injuries and when she noticed that one of his eyes was now blue. "I'm not sure we'll be able to find you new components here, sweetheart but I promise we'll find you some as soon as we can" He then noticed her shivering. "Are you cold?"
"Y-yes, when I woke up I couldn't feel it as much b-but now it's to m-much" Markus removed his skin showing his white plastic skin on his hand. He pressed his hand gently against her LED deactivating her hot/cold sensors.
"There we go, it shouldn't be bad now" Lisa smiled and snuggled into Markus who looked for a way out. Upon finding a steep slope that would lead them out Markus placed Lisa on his back and began to climb out. When they had gotten out Markus turned to Lisa. "Lisa, we need to get rid of our LED's okay sweetie?" Lisa looked nervous at him her LED going yellow but she took a deep breath and nodded. Markus grabbed a sharp stone that laid next to him and pried the LED out of his head. He then turned to Lisa who walked up to him and let him take the LED out.
"What are we going to do now, dad?" Lisa asked nervously. Markus looked from the scared child to the city.
"When I rebooted a met another android only for a few seconds. They told me to find a place called Jericho. I think that's our best bet" He kneeled down allowing Lisa to climb on his back and as they left the junkyard Markus grabbed a long trench coat that was hanging off a shovel. He wrapped it over his shoulders to make sure that Lisa was covered but he could also close the jacket as well.
After a few hours of walking in the city, Markus had managed to steal some clothes from a washing line that some human had foolishly left outside.
He made sure that he had also grabbed some clothes for himself before finding the train station he knew they had to take the train to Ferndale and this would take them a few hours. After boarding the train he got them a seat and helped Lisa sit down next to him. She soon began to loll her head on his side making him place his around around her.
"We've got a few hours before our stop Lisa, you can go to sleep" Lisa snuggled into his side.
"Dad, will you always be with me?" This took Markus by surprise but he looked down at her and smiled.
"Of course I will, I will never leave you" He then placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Now, go to sleep" A few hours had passed by when Markus shuck Lisa awake hiding her face away from humans who might see her missing optic or cracked face. As they left the station Markus kneeled down and looked at Lisa. "Come on, we'll find Jericho quicker if I give you a piggyback ride there" Lisa crawled onto his back still kind of sleepy when Markus was sure she had a good grip on him he opened his hand up showing her the painting they needed to keep an eye out for.
At least an hour had gone by with them finding more and more symbols until Markus, who had now placed Lisa on the ground and held her hand brought her out onto a roof. In front of them was an old ship that had the words Jericho on the hull. As they walked across the bridge Markus heard the bridge begin to creak and he quickly grabbed Lisa pulling her back as they fell back onto the roof.
"Now how are we going to get there?" Lisa asked looking up at Markus worried. He took a deep breath not wanting to worry the young child. That was when he noticed a crane that would get them over the ship. Picking Lisa up her carried her up the ship and when he reached the ladder he placed her on his back before climbing the ladder and walking across the long platform looking down. As he looked down he noticed a large pool of water at the bottom so he knew they would survive the impact but as he looked at Lisa he saw fear in her eyes at the drop. He gently placed his hand on hers that was holding on tightly to his shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry just close your eyes and count to three. By three you'll be ready, if you are just say go" He then looked forward and heard her take a deep breath.
"One..." He took a small step forward.
"Two..." and another small step.
"Three.." Markus was now on the edge of the drop but he waited patiently. "Okay, go" Lisa clung on tighter as Markus stepped off the platform and dropped into the water below. Holding onto Markus she soon realised they were out of the water as he placed her down in a dark hallway of the ship. Markus grabbed a nearby torch and then bent down to gently take her hand as he led her further into the ship. They walked slowly as the ship creaked around them making Lisa hold tighter onto Markus's hand. As they rounded a corner a figure suddenly ran past them making Lisa scream and cling onto Markus's coat. "W-w-what was that?" Markus placed a hand on top of Lisa's head and peered into the darkness aiming the flashlight where the figure ran to.
"I don't know. Stay very close to me Lisa" As the duo walked around the corner they came across a large platform with grated flooring. As they walked across it it groaned underneath their weight when suddenly the floor gave way underneath them. As they both fell Markus saw a large pillar coming close to them. Instinctively, Markus wrapped his body around Lisa protecting her from the impact and he then rolled quickly to avoid her injuring herself on the floor. He looked down at Lisa who held her head. "Are you okay, sweetie?" Lisa nodded rubbing her head.
"Yeah, I'll be okay" Markus let her go and let her grab the flashlight as he stood up. Lisa suddenly yelped jumping backwards into Markus who placed a protective arm in front of her. In front of them was a group of androids the three who were in the front wore human like clothes unlike the rest of them. One was a female with brown hair in a pony tail, another was a man who had short black hair and the last was another man who had short blonde hair. The blonde haired man smiled kindly at the two of them.
"Welcome to Jericho"
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