"The fuck.." Alisha mumbled scrolling through the pictures and videos feeling her heart break at the sight of em all, tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she tried to blink them away but that only made them fall more.
She was trying to process everything blinking over and over to make sure she was seeing clearly, but it was indeed her man and her sister doing things only they should be doing together.
She didn't know who she should be more mad at her sister or the man she gave her body and heart too and trusted more than anything.
Moments later a voice message was sent and the person texted her to listen to it to get the full story, and that everything isn't what it seems.
Clicking on the voice message, she held it up to her ear to see what it had to say. Because she needed an explanation and fast about the shit that was sent to her phone. But right when she when it started Shaun opened the door to the car whistling, causing her to put her phone down.
Getting in he cranked the car up then looked over at her to see her crying which immediately worried him. "What's wrong ba-"
"How could you do this to me Shaun? After everything we fucking been through and after what I've been through!?" She yelled cutting him off.
Shaun looked at her in confusion, trying to figure out what he had done in less than ten seconds. "Alisha, what are you talking about? I haven't done shit."
Nodding her head, she chuckled wiping away her tears roughly. Clicking on the video she showed the video of him and Anaya kissing, Shaun snatched the phone from her looking at the video not remembering any of that happening. "So that's not you and Anaya? That's not you and my hoe ass sister in these fucking pictures and videos? Oh okay, I must be blind or something and seeing shit right?" She asked laughing trying to keep herself from crying more but her heart was breaking the more she thought about them touching, and her pleasuring her man when that was her job not her sisters.
She felt disgusted, hurt, and betrayed
"Don't say shit to me Shaun, like I real life want to knock you the fuck out right now. Like really? My sister out of every fucking body my sister? Fuck you." She snapped, "Drop me off at the hotel, I can't even stand to look at you right now. I trusted you bro, I trusted you with everything in me and you turned out to be just like these other niggas. I should've known though, I mean look at me .. I'm just regular degular ass Alisha nothing special, men always come and go in my life, hell even my own daddy don't love me so I-I don't know why I expected a man to love me." She cried sobbing into her hands from the pain she was feeling.
"And I had to recieve this shit on the best moment of my life, like wow here I am praising you in every interview I had telling them you were my motivation, you were the one who pushed me the most to reach the stars, you were the love of my life and now look .. donkey of the day goes to me for actually believing that shit when I guess it was all a plan to get closer to my sister.. but I forgot she's the perfect twin and everybody loves her so like I said I should have known."
Shaun sighed not knowing what to say, he knew he would never sleep with Anaya, he couldn't stand her ass nor did he even find her attractive but he also knew he couldn't prove that when it was clear they did in the videos, but he was just confused as to why he couldn't remember any of it.
"Alisha, I really don't remember sleeping with her, I don't remember anything from that night. That was the night you told me to help anaya move her damn boxes and all I remember was helping her do that then I woke up on the couch cause I had dozed off but that's it ma. You know I can't stand Anaya and I would never do something like this to hurt you. I love you, and I'm constantly showing you that I do. I wouldn't even be here right now if I didn't." He told her honestly speaking from the heart.
She looked over at him looking in his eyes searching for the lies within them. She knew when Shaun was lying or not and at this moment she saw he wasn't but the pictures and videos still led her to believe he was. She didn't know what to think, her mind was running with a million things that she could barely focus. "I can't do this right now, I just want to be left alone.. just drop me off at the hotel please." She mumbled.
Letting out a sigh, he nodded then pulled out of the parking lot. The ride to the hotel was dead silent until Alisha's phone started ringing, looking down at it she saw it was Cali .. answering the phone she held it up to her ear. "Sis, right now isn't a good time, ca-"
"You have to listen to me for a minute, are you with Shaun right now? Marcus just came over waking us all up about some shit Anaya did and you need to hear this .."
"I already know sis, Shaun fucked her .. I got the videos and pictures sent to my phone right after my show." She sniffled.
"No, no..She raped him Alisha and that was probably Damion that texted you cause he told Marcus he was going to expose Anaya to you and asked for your number from him."
Frowning, she pulled away from the phone trying to process what she just said. "She did what!?" She asked a little louder catching Shaun's attention.
"Anaya raped Shaun, Damion showed up at Marcus house with proof and everything. He recorded her talking and the bitch admitted to drugging him and raping him. It was all apart of the plan, she never needed help with some boxes I guess she told you she had but that was just part of her plan to get him to come over .. Her whole plan was to send the videos the night of your show to ruin your moment, she has it out for you and we tryna figure out why and at this point I really don't give a damn as to why she did it .. I just feel like fighting that bitch." Cali explained as Ahmad sat on the couch trying to control an angry Marcus.
All Marcus wanted to do at this point was fight as well, he never wanted to hit a woman so bad but today hell he'd have to disappoint his mama real quick behind her for the shit she just did.
When Damion showed up at his doorstep, he was really the last person he expected to see since they only met a few times. And when he pressed play on his phone and he heard the girl he once loved deeply admit to doing that fucked up shit .. he felt a different type of anger and pain.
"How could she do this to me?" She asked barely above a whisper dropping her phone in her lap.
Cali kept caling her name but Alisha went deaf for a moment trying to wrap her mind around all of this. Picking up the phone she hung up, then went straight to the voice message, "Pull over," She demanded and Shaun nodded doing as told wondering what she was about to say or do.
Tears of course kept falling and it ached his heart that he was the cause of them. Pressing play, she turned the volume up for them both to hear.
"So your planned worked?" Alisha turned the air down so she could hear everything clearly.
"It went easier than I expected but yes, I knew he wouldn't have expected anything when I offered him the water but he drank two glasses so he was really faded and I had my fun with him. I took pictures and videos so all I'm going to do is send the videos to Alisha the day of her fashion show from a text app, to show that her little boyfriend isn't so perfect."
"So what exactly did you do to him?"
"Melvin has a little side hustle from what he actually does for a living which is selling drugs. He knew a guy who could hook him up with the drug they call roofies, so I purchased some from him smashed the pills up then poured them into his drink. Then once I noticed he was out of it, I took advantage of the opportunity I was given and had my way with him."
Melvin?..Alisha thought to herself, trying to see when did Anaya become cool with Melvin because Alisha only knew about his side hustle, she never told Anaya or Cali.
"You do know that is rape right Anaya? You could serve time for that."
Shaun bit his fist trying to control his anger as he listened to the voice message but the more he listened to it the more pissed off he got. "How? When no one knows? I told you my plan was a gold mind. Shaun can't even remember what happened so it will be no evidence. When he woke up on my couch, I made sure he was back properly dressed and just told him he had dozed off after lifting those boxes for me and of course he believed it."
Alisha shook her head when it ended looking over at Shaun who held a straight mug on his face and clutching the wheel out of anger. Reaching over Alisha hugged him as she cried. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm sorry this happened to you and for the things I said."
Shaun didn't move a muscle, he wasn't mad at Alisha or anything he understood her pain and anger and knew he would have reacted the same way, he was just shocked that it happened to him out of all people.
He felt disgusted that he was even touched by Anaya. Shaking his head, he cranked the car not saying anything else. Alisha still held onto him with her head laying on his shoulder.
She felt bad that he had to go through that all because of her. Alisha was just completely confused as to why Anaya would do her like that when she always had her back growing up and still til this day. She loved her sister and always felt her sister was all she had on her team at times since her parents never gave a damn, but this hurt the most and showed her how phony her family really was.
She would have never expected Anaya to be so cold hearted to do that to her or her baby. Then Alisha started feeling worse for how she just talked to Shaun when he was telling the truth to not remembering anything that happened but then she felt that any girl would react that way when its pictures and videos going against what their man is saying.
The more she thought about what Cali just told her, and the voice message that Damion just sent to her .. that hurt started to turn into anger and she couldn't wait til she got back to Houston to pay Anaya a little visit. She never believed in fighting her own blood but Anaya crossed the line messing with her man and trying to break her happiness.
Kissing his lips, she saw he was sound asleep which is what she hoped for after how good she put it down on him. Sliding on a pair of tights and a hoodie, she slipped on her Nike Roshe sneakers, then walked out tossing her hair into a bun.
Grabbing her keys off the bar, she walked out the door and got into her car wasting no time to crank it up and pull out. Speeding the whole way to her destination, her leg shook the closer she was to the place. Feeling her phone vibrate she picked it up to see it was Cali that texted her.
From : FertileThot🤱🏾💜
You on your way? I just pulled up.
- Recieved 11:47pm
Sending a yes as a reply, she sat her phone back down so she could focus back on the road and mentally prepare herself for the things that were about to go down.
Alisha was only violent to those who hurt her family or the ones close to her but what was really messing with her head is that the person who she was closest too, hurt her more than anybody she has ever known.
Shaun didn't want her to retaliate, because he felt Alisha was better and above Anaya but Alisha just couldn't let her get away with this .. she had to do something and tonight that was her plan.
The whole trip back to America, all she could think about was the moment she confronted her .. she wasn't sure what she might do first .. beat her ass or let her explain but then again she really didn't want an explaination she just wanted Anaya to feel some type of pain like she has been feeling all of her life.
Arriving at her house fifteen minutes later, she saw Cali's car pulling up right behind her. Turning her car off she let out a deep sigh feeling herself get worked up knowing that in less than five minutes she would possibly beating her sister ass and that alone brought a little joy to her heart.
She knew Anaya had done some fucked up things by sleeping with her past friends boyfriends, ruining relationships out of jealousy but she never thought Anaya would revert her envious ways to her. She felt they were closer, and better than that but she sees now that Cali who isn't even blood related to her has her back more than her own twin sister does and it hurts but then she looks at her fucked up parents and just realizes her whole family phony and after she lets this cat out of the bag to her folks she wants to see how they will react.
She wants to see the looks on their faces they will make when they hear about the fucked up things their perfect little daughter has done and that will determine if Alisha will continue to mess with her parents but if she hears one excuse she will be completely done because at the end of the day there is no excuse when you rape someone.
Sitting outside her sisters house, she sat there for a minute then unbuckled her seat belt getting out of the car. Making sure her bun was in tact, she walked over to Cali's drivers side causing her to let her window down. "Handle yo shit boo, I'll be right outside if you need me." Cali told her. "Remember what she did, show that bitch no sympathy. Get in, beat her ass and get out then we going to the police to report what she did .. give me your phone so it won't get broken or anything just to be on the safe side."
Handing her the phone, she smiled at Cali weakly. "Thanks for always having my back even when my own sister didn't."
Cali grabbed her hand, "That's what real sisters do, I'll rock with you til the end of time .. ain't no fake shit in my blood."
Nodding her head she started to get amped from Cali's words, walking to the doorstep she banged on the door a good four times before taking a step back just waiting on the moment for her to open that damn door.
She crossed you and back stabbed you and not only that but raped your man, the man you planned on marrying, the man who has done nothing wrong .. listen to Cali show that bitch no sympathy because she had none for you when she plotted to do the fucked up things she did...She thought to herself as she clutched her fists feeling her anger rise the longer she waited.
When she heard the locks turn, she stared at the door until she was met face to face with Anaya who was about to go off but when she saw Alisha she smiled, "Hey si-"
Stealing off on her cutting her off she made her stumble back some out of shock and confusion. Roughly shoving her inside the house she shut the door with her foot behind her popping her knuckles ready to get down and fight for her baby. Anaya touched her lip to see it was bleeding. "What tha fuck Alisha!?" She yelled pissed off.
Anaya knew she could not fight and the last thing she wanted to do was fight the sister that has fought many battles for her and beat everyones ass. It was a time Anaya was about to get jumped by four girls and Alisha handed they ass to em all, whooping one by one.
And that's why it hurts Alisha to know her sister would stoop so low to hurt her after everything she has done for her. As she stared at her sister, she didn't see her sister .. she saw a complete stranger, a monster if anything. She didn't know who this person was nor did she want to be around it.
"Yeah really bitch," Not saying anything else, Alisha charged at her sending blow after blow to her face. Anaya was hunched over trying to hold her stomach and block the hits but Alisha was connecting her fist to wherever parts on her body that she could.
Grabbing her by the ponytail she had she made her look at her, Anaya went to speak but the sentence was short lived when Alisha uppercut her ass sending her flying on her back and hitting the lamp stand by the couch she had breaking it.
Getting up Anaya tried to fight back by grabbing her hair and clawing at her hands and arms but it wasn't working. They both were fighting for two different reasons.
Yanking Anaya up by her shirt she stared at her busted nose and lip, shaking her head she shoved her against the wall making her head hit the picture behind her. "After everything I've ever done for you this is what you do to me Anaya?" Alisha asked as tears threatened to fall.
Anaya then smirked when she realized what this ass whooping was for. Spitting some of the blood out of mouth, she chuckled. "All of this over Shaun who's dick wasn't even all that? Girl you too much. I'm sorry you had to find out this way but Shaun has been checking for me."
Alisha nodded, "Yeah been checking for you, but in order to get a taste of what his dick has to offer you had to drug and rape him .. but oh he been checking for you." Reaching her fist back she connected it to her nose hearing it crack and not giving a fuck if it was broken. Sending another punch to her face, she released her from her shirt letting her fall to the floor.
Anaya was now getting angry, she couldn't believe Alisha had found out everything and lowkey feared for her life since she knew how Alisha could get when she got pissed off.
Alisha sent a kick to her ribs causing her to wince and jump in pain. Standing over her, Alisha liked this sight of her sister .. she thought that in the midst of her fighting that she would start feeling bad but she felt nothing .. she didn't feel sad, she felt this was needed and she wanted Anaya to get the message that when you fuck over people this is the outcome.
Hovering over her she had her by her now bloody shirt connecting her fist to her face. Anaya was now crying her eyes out from the pain and out of fear because she ain't know how long this ass whooping was going to last.
Standing up straight Alisha looked down at her, thinking she had enough for now. Getting ready to leave she soon heard footsteps come running down the stairs but the person she saw was the last person she expected to see. "Melvin?" She asked in disbelief.
Melvin heart stopped when he saw Alisha then he looked down at Anaya who looked fucked up. Anaya spit blood out her mouth, then stood up slowly even though she was in a lot of pain.
"Melvin baby, help me." She cried trying to play victim.
"Baby?" Alisha mumbled as she watched him help her stand. She could literally care less about Melvin but it was the fact that her own sister would have sexual relations with a man who hurt her but then she had to realize Anaya wasn't her sister.
Sisters don't do this shit, Alisha would never do anything like this to Anaya.
Melvin went to explain but Anaya stopped him. "You don't have to explain shit to her .. just call the police to get this crazy bitch out of my house." She winced in pain hoping that since Melvin was here he would protect her.
Alisha stood there processing everything and it was like a dark switch went off in her head and she blacked out.
The neighborhood was hot with cop cars and fire trucks, people who were woken up out of their sleep stood outside in their bathrobes and pajamas trying to figure out was going on.
Cali and Alisha stood on the side with blankets wrapped around them as the officers escorted Anaya and Melvin out in handcuffs. Alisha stared at her sister who was beat up badly not feeling an ounce of guilt when she was placed in the cop car along with Melvin who had a long scar down his face from when he tried putting his hands on Alisha to help Anaya.
Cali had called the cops when Alisha didn't come out in the time she said she was, then made her way inside to see Alisha was fighting Melvin which only confused her but she wasn't about to let some nigga get away with putting his hands on her so she jumped in having her back as always.
Melvin indeed was a bitch and was hitting them back, he hit Cali in the face leaving a scar under her eye a little on her cheek from the ring he wore and he bruised Alisha's cheek but in the end they still whooped his ass.
When the cops arrived they went to arrest everybody but Cali made it clear it was her that called and explained everything that lead to this even had them listen to the voice message on Anaya's phone to prove she wasn't making anything up and that's what lead to what is going on now.
The sound of screeching tires caught their attention and Alisha smiled once she saw it was Shaun's car. Getting away from the officers she took off running towards him just as he got out of the car. Running into his arms she hugged him tightly crying, looking around at everything he could only imagine what went down tonight. "You alright? You hurt or anything?" He asked her and she shook her head no hugging him tighter.
He pulled away a little bit tilting her head back to see the purple bruise on her face. Rubbing his thumb over it, he kissed it gently as more tears fell from her eyes. "Did he do that to you?" He simply asked just knowing Anaya didn't get any licks in on her.
She nodded her head, and that pissed Shaun off. He was already upset that Alisha left and did this behind his back and now that she was hit by a man and he couldn't do anything about it only angered him more. As her man he was suppose to protect her bur at this point he couldn't and he didn't like the feeling he was feeling.
When one of the cop cars drove away it allowed him access to see the car Anaya was in and he saw how fucked up she looked. He shook his head turning his attention away and put it on Ahmad's truck that came speeding down the road, he parked all types of fucked up and wasted no time getting out along with Marcus in search of Cali who was still talking to a few officers about the events that happened and why they happened.
When Cali saw him, she asked one of the officers to hold on for second meeting him half way. "What tha fuck is going on Cal?" He asked worried out of his mind.
"It wasn't suppose to go this far, the plan was for Alisha just to get round in with Anaya then Melvin jumped in and I couldn't just sit back and watch my bestfriend fight some nigga so I jumped in."
Lifting her face he looked at the scar under her eye shaking his head, "Are you alright though?"
She nodded, "I'm fine, and I'm sorry for not telling you what was going down tonight."
Pulling her into him he just hugged her, "All that matters is that you're good along with Alisha."
Walking over to Shaun and Alisha, Cali hugged the side of Ahmad's body. Alisha sent a smile to Cali reaching for her hand which Cali gladly gave then pulled each other into a hug. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this with your sister and parents for years but I'm here for you, always and forever. If I had to do it all over again I would, after all of this just live your life and love your man with no extraness .. you deserve happiness and so much more love for everything you have been through and done for others so don't let this ruin you, look at it like getting rid of the baggage you didn't need in your life and focus on whats important like your career and relationship." Cali said to her and she nodded wiping away her tears.
Alisha knew it was going to take some time to get over all of this, but Shaun and Cali were both willing to help her get through this.
When the officers had all the information they needed, they all started leaving one by one. Alisha watched the car that Anaya was in as she hugged Shaun, deep in her heart she felt things were gonna get better from this moment.
Even if she didn't have her sisters support and love, she had her mans and Cali's and at the end of the day that was all she needed to get her through this life.
Cali walked over to Marcus who sat on her porch step with his head down taking a seat next to him. Wrapping her arm over his shoulders she laid her head against his, "You want to talk about it?" She asked softly.
Ahmad stood by the truck watching the two with a smile on his face getting ready to leave to go get their kids from his parents house.
"I'm good, still in shock that she turned out to be like this but I'm glad I didn't waste years of my life on her." He mumbled. Cali said nothing just letting him vent, "But I'll bounce back from this, just a little set back but I know the girl for me is out there and the day I meet her, I'll never let her go."
Smiling, Cali leaned over kissing his cheek. "After this I feel better days are coming for everybody.. that was just one last little hump we needed to cross but I have a feeling this is just the start of blessings to come by getting rid of baggage we didn't need in our lives."
He nodded agreeing with what she was saying, "I feel you and I agree and thank you for everything .. like making my boy happy and being the woman he needs in his life and being here for me in my time of need when you really don't have to be."
Cali smiled, "You're like a second brother to me, those days when I didn't have Ahmad when he was locked away .. I had you, Ahmad is very lucky to be blessed with a friend such as yourself along with Shaun and just like I told Alisha .. you deserve happiness and love for everything you have been through and for all the things you do and one day you'll find that special one that is indeed meant for you and only you."
Standing up, he gave her a hug. Pulling away from the hug. he held her hands thanking her then let go walking back towards Ahmad, Shaun and Alisha and Cali followed behind.
They all stood there in deep thought not sure what was going to happen next, but just prayed and hoped for better days and happy endings and that they all remained close as a family and friends.
When they all left later that night Shaun and Alisha laid in bed cuddled up not exchanging words or anything just having a moment of being in each others arms. Kissing her forehead, he stared up at the ceiling letting out a sigh. "I want to get married," He blurted out catching her by total surprise.
"I want to get married, and I want to have kids not now but I want it all eventually only if you want the same though," Sitting up, she let the covers fall off her body exposing her nude body. "Of course I want that but I do want to wait. At first I couldn't wait to meet a man, and to get married and to have kids but with us I want it to happen slowly, I want our love for one another to grow and I want things to be close to perfect .. I still need to figure out my next step career wise and once I do that's when I'll be ready but know that I'm all for this." She explained and he nodded understanding what she meant completely.
"I'm ready whenever you are, I'm not going anywhere." He told her being truly honest, staring at him for a while she leaned up and kissed his lips softly before deepening it.
Straddling his lap she never once broke the kiss as a few tears tell from her eyes, she wasn't crying because she was but because she finally was getting her happy ending with someone she loved deeply and wouldn't want or wish to be anywhere else.
Cali laid Armoni in her crib after changing her and putting her back to sleep. Walking out the room, she checked on Marquette to see he was still sleeping, kissing his forehead she turned on his night light before leaving out and walking into her bedroom to see Ahmad laying there watching whatever that was playing on the tv. "The kids are still sleeping," She announced.
Shutting the tv off, he pulled the covers back rubbing the spot she lays in motioning for her to come lay down. Stipping down to her undergarments, she got in bed next to him laying her head on his chest. "I really am sorry for not letting you know our plan tonight baby.. I know how are you are about communication since what happened with Amira and I'm sorry for putting that fear and worry in your heart."
Closing his eyes, he felt them burn a little from the tears that wanted to fall. Pulling her closer, he kissed her forehead. "When I woke up and you weren't there .. I had this feeling that you left me, I ain't afraid to admit that I was scared .. I called and called and you didn't answer two hours passed and it was still no sign of you .. then the call I get is from an officer that its been an incident .. the fear and worry that shot through my body can't even be explained .. I can't lose you Cal, I can't .. you've became apart of my daily routine, I wake up to you, I go to sleep with you and I live my life with you .. I don't know what I'll do with myself if something happened to you and I wasn't able to be there to protect you."
Touching his face, they locked eyes for a minute. "I promise you, it won't happen again .. I'm so sorry baby." Wiping away his tears, she kissed his lips.
By now Ahmad wasn't afraid to show emotion around her, over the year and months that they've been together he learned to be open with his emotions towards her and to communicate when he feels down about something.
Cali loved his growth and change in behavior and wanted to continue to be apart of the journey of his life forever and ever.
Ahmad loved Cali more than anything in this world besides his kids, and he never wanted to picture life without her. He didn't depend on her for happiness but in the end she was his happiness, she was his light to his life and he never wanted to lose her.
Kissing her forehead one last time, he closed his eyes. "You're good, and we're good just communicate and let me know so I don't have to worry." He explained and she nodded understanding.
When Cali eventually dozed off to sleep, Ahmad was wide awake just thinking about everything. Here he was a father to two kids even though one wasn't biologically his, he still loved that little boy as his own and he was a husband to be soon .. looking back if someone were to ask him where would he have saw himself today a year from now, this would not be the answer.
He even thinks back to the comment his mother made about him never going to be truly happy if he never let go of the things in the past and he was proud to say and to admit that he was indeed happy that he found happiness for once.
He wanted to continue to use that Determination he had embedded in him to find happiness to continue to live his life with no worries, and no struggles. He felt that as long as he had his family, his girl and kids he would be good and nothing and no one could take away the happiness he had found.
Now its time for him to show his dedication to making his happiness last and his relationship work, regardless of the things that may come along to try to detour him. He was going to keep faith in God, live his life, stack his money, be a good man to his woman and a good father to his kids.
The End
Thanks for the love & support
I love you guys so freaking much, and thank you all for 300k + views on my book, it means the world ..
The sequel to this book will be called "Dedication,"
This is the cover for it, made by yours truly ❤️ again thanks for everything, I'm so excited for you guys to read what else I have instored for you guys with Book 2.
- Denise 💋
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