C H A P T E R 6
Two months have passed since that night. Two months since they have seen eachother or spoke. After they did what they did, Cali left in the middle of the night and didn't look back.
The night they shared was magical with the way he handled her and touched her. He was gentle yet rough and she loved every minute of it.
It had been a long time since she had been touched by a man, and she had to say it was worth the wait cause Ahmad knew exactly what he was doing in the bedroom.
But she wanted that night to be something she just wrote down in the books and moved on from it. Never has she ever had a one night stand but she enjoyed it and had no regrets.
Ahmad never had anybody do it him even though he always did it to females. He thought when he woke up she would still be there but to his surprise she wasn't.
And what really erked him was how he had no way of contacting her. He could've easily asked Marcus to ask his girl Anaya for her number but he didn't want to seem thirsty. Right now he was feeling how the girls he dipped out on felt and he didn't like it.
He thought about her all the time, she never gave him her salon name so he couldn't drop by or anything so he just decided to leave it where it ended no point in chasing someone that didn't want to be caught.
But Ahmad wasn't the only one, Cali always found herself deep in thought about Ahmad, she just found it crazy that she meets this man in Walmart then the next time they see each other they have sex, good sex at that.
She felt she met him for a reason but she didn't know what that reason was at the moment. Anaya and Alisha kept getting on her head about it, pressuring her to get in touch with him but she was honestly scared on how he would look at her.
She didn't want him to look at as some easy female but lucky for her Ahmad didn't, he knew by the way she was acting it was something she didn't do often and when he slipped inside her she was tight, letting him know either she didn't have sex alot or at all.
And the way she carried herself as well spoke volumes. Ahmad and Cali both lowkey wished they could share at least another evening together, but both decided to leave it up to the high powers.
If it were meant for them to see each other they would..
But also within the two months Ahmad has been dealing with a few of his old demons. Out at walmart getting groceries for him and Marcus he ran into an old family member he thought he'd never see again, a family member that was the biggest cause of his actions today.
This particular member of the family was evil and cruel, and cared for no one but themselves.
The nightmares he once had growing up as a kid and a teenage had returned and Ahmad was taking it hard. Marcus noticed the change in Ahmad in multiple ways, at work he was always out of it, he was never home just in and out but he knew Ahmad was with females cause when he did return he'd have lip stick stains on his clothes, and smelled like perfume.
He worried about his brother but he knew he couldn't help someone who didn't want to be help so he was waiting on the time when Ahmad finally came to him for the help he needed.
Ahmad entered the tattoo shop going straight to his office not speaking like he has been doing for the past month. Sitting at his desk, his leg shook as he stared at the pills in his hand.
He was seeking for happiness and went to the doctor to prescribe him with some anti-depressants. Opening the bottle he poured out two popping them in his mouth then chugged it down with some water.
Putting his pills and water away, he pulled out his phone to text his mama .. he needed to see her and quick before he blew up. He knew it was time to get somethings off his chest if he wanted to be on the path of becoming happy for once.
He wanted to tell Marcus but decided to speak with his parents first on this topic, he wasn't sure what their reactions would be but he hoped once he released this information that he would feel a little bit better.
After the run in with that family member and going back to his true old ways he knew it was time for a change.
People may think Ahmad was bad before with his anti-social ways but how he was back then and how he is becoming now is worse. Ahmad used to find things to distract him such as liquor at one point in his life.
Now he sees himself using sex as that distraction. He'd sleep with randoms just to escape the reality for a moment, he saw himself changing and was willing to change so he could have control over his life for once.
He was desperate for help at this point and he knew he couldn't do it alone.
He realized after seeing that person and how it affected him, that he couldn't even call himself a true boss when he has multiple people who benefit his life none have control over him as a person but that was ending and he was determined for it to end as well.
He couldn't continue living life this way, knowing the people that damaged him were probably living life with no worries.
Hearing a knock at his door he looked up to see Hazel, she wore dark washed ripped jeans with one of their shop t-shirts and all white slip on vans, he really liked her taste in fashion and loved how she always sported their gear. "Need something?"
"Um Nia is here .. she says she really needs to talk to you about something and I told her I would check and see if you were busy or not."
Rolling his eyes he sat back in his office chair, "Send her back."
A few seconds later Nia entered with a bag of food from Texas Roadhouse, "Hi baby," She smiled going in for a hug but he stopped her.
"What is it that you want Nia?"
She sighed. "I know I've been acting out of character and I apologize .. I shouldn't have caused that scene up here at your job it was rude and very unprofessional .. just please forgive me and give me another chance to prove myself.. I miss you and you've been avoiding me for like two months now."
"I was planning on ignoring you longer but here we are." He stated bluntly.
He was so over Nia and her antics. She loved to play that innocent game knowing damn well what she did.
She was the jealous type, and the type to jump to conclusions instead of asking. He never knew Nia was like this and he was regretting ever fucking with her.
"What do I have to do to get back on your good side? We don't have to be together .. I just want you in my life somehow, someway." She pleaded.
Standing up Ahmad sighed. "It only takes one chance to get on my bad side and you did so there is no more chances .. I'm done, I got more shit on my mind to worry about than you. You fucked up, so leave."
"Is it someone else? I mean if it is .. you can tell me Ahmad.."
"There you go again assuming, it was barely even you so no it isn't someone else! Do you not see yourself Nia? Do you not see how crazy and passive agressive you've been? Take a good ass look in the mirror and see yourself for once. No one wants to deal with someone like you. Let me go, I told you I can't give you what you want .. I'm under so much stress and I don't need you adding onto it so just please leave,"
Nia bit her lip and nodded. "Again sorry for everything,"
Leaving out of his office Ahmad shook his head. He needed a vacation, he needed to get away for like a whole year just to get away from this city.
Marcus watched Nia leave with tears in her eyes, he tried not to laugh but he knew when she showed up she wasn't gon' leave happy.
Getting up from the couch in the lounge area, he walked back to Ahmad's office. "You good bro?"
Nodding his head, he put his head back down. "Yeah just stressing, I'm leaving early to make a trip to moms house .. can you lock up the shop for me? I just need to clear my head and talk to her about somethings."
"Yeah fasho, this yo food?"
Chuckling he threw his hands up, "All yours fam,"
Marcus grabbed the bag looking inside it, "The bitch might be crazy but she damn sho' can order some food."
"You know, I'm surprised yo ass ain't fat by now .. all you do is eat."
"I'm surprised too, Anaya ass always cookin' and shit .. and you know me I ain't the type to turn down no food."
"You really like this girl huh?"
"Correction, I really like this woman not girl, but yes she different forreal .. I'm thinking about introducing her to moms and pops, you don't mind do you?"
Ahmad frowned. "Why would I? They're your parents just as much as they are mine. They love and treat you like a son, and we all know how tough it was when you lost yours so of course do as you pelase .. I'm sure mama gon' love her anyways."
Marcus smirked. "I hope so, I was thinking about taking everybody including you and Amira out to dinner to meet her."
"You not inviting Amir?"
Amir was Ahmad's oldest brother, the one who stayed in trouble. In the siblings you had Amir the oldest, Ahmad then Amira their baby sister that was graduating this year in high school.
"I haven't talked to him, when I try and reach out his phone always off or he got a new number .. you heard from him?"
"Nah, you know I don't fuck with that nigga especially after what he did so fuck him."
"I thought y'all got passed that bro?"
"I thought we did too until his bitch ass threw the shit back in my face like it was a joke so I'm done with him,"
"Damn .. well he's off the list for sure but make sure Amira brings her fast ass, I'll set it all up and let y'all know the date and time."
"Alright bro, after this client that's coming today I'm leaving .. only you have access to my office if y'all need more tools or anything."
Marcus nodded slapping hands with him. Getting up to walk out he grabbed the bag of food and left out of his office.
Riding down the street jamming Bank Account by 21 Savage, Ahmad used that time to get his thoughts and words ready for this talk he has dreaded having for years.
Pulling up to middle-class home he moved his mom and dad in, he shut his truck off slowly getting out.
As he walked up the steps that lead to their front door his hands started getting sweaty and his heart began to beat fast making his chest feel as if it was going to cave in.
Knocking on the door he took a step back stuffing his hands in his pockets as he waited for someone to answer. Going to knock again he stopped himself when he heard the locks turning.
His eighteen year old sister Amira stood there mugging him. "And what do you want?"
"They really shouldn't have you being the one to open the door, might scare the people off with your ugly ass face." He joked.
Rolling her eyes playfully she embraced her brother in a hug hating he never came around much. "I missed you," She mumbled into his chest.
"Missed you too," Pulling away he held her hands. "You been good at school?"
"Of course, I am not Amir .. I'm the angel of the house." Batting her eyelashes she held her hands under chin tilting her head some cheeaing.
Pulling out his wallet he handed her a hundred dollar bill. "That's all I got in cash but its more where that comes from if you continue doing good in school."
Holding the hundred dollar bill in the light she squinted. "Looks real to me, thanks bro."
Smacking his teeth he brushed passed her stepping inside the house. "Where mama and daddy?"
"In the living room, but thanks for the money I was just about to go out with friends now I don't have to ask them for money." She stated excitedly running up the stairs to go to her room.
Shaking his head, he sat his keys down on the coffee table they had by the door making his way inside the foyer that lead to the living room. "Hey y'all."
"Hey baby, we was wondering if you were still coming." His mama spoke getting up to hug him.
Giving her a quick hug he sat beside his dad slapping hands with him. "So what's up with ya man? Whatchu gotta talk to us about?"
Sitting up he clasped his hands together, taking a deep breath he looked at his parents getting ready to tell them something he tried to bury but he here is now about to relive the moment.
He just prayed like hell this worked, he was always taught to be open about his problems so others could be there to help so here he was asking for help .. for once in his life.
To be continued ...
Hi guys 😊
Thanks again for the love, I appreciate you guys so much!
- Denise💕
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