C H A P T E R 5
Cali finished curling the last few strands of her clients hair then turned her chair around to face the vanity mirror so she could see. "Am I the shit or what girl?"
The girl smiled touching her curls, "You the shit as always, Bennett is gonna love this look on me tonight, hopefully we don't sweat it out too much though .. or you might see me here bright and early tomorrow."
Laughing, Cali removed the chair cloth letting her stand up. Pulling out her phone she snapped a few pics to post on instagram then sprayed some hairspray on her hair. "Bennett better love this, it took my two hours to do this and its passed closing time, I'm late meeting Anaya and Alisha."
"I know, and I'm so sorry that I called last minute .. that's why I'm doubling the pay .. instead of $250, I'm paying you $500."
"And thats why you're my favorite client."
Taking the cash from her they gave each other tight hugs before Samantha exited out of the shop. "Tell my baby Mar, I love him." Samantha said before shutting the door behind her.
Pulling out her phone to check the time she quickly cleaned up her station seeing that she was like an hour late, making sure everyone elses station was cleared up she then went to lock up her salon and set he alarm.
Walking to the back of the shop to go through the back door since thats where her 2016 BMW was parked. She locked up the back shut off the lights then did a slow jog to her car.
Pulling her phone out her purse, she dialed Anaya's number. Anaya answered on the first ring wondering where she was.
"Bitch you said thirty minutes, we almost at the club where you at?"
"I know, I had to finish a last minute client. I'm headed home right now to do a quick wash off and to get dressed .. I'll call when I'm on my way."
"Okay girl, bye."
Sitting her phone down in her cup holder she sighed tapping her fingers against her steering wheel trying to get home as fast as she could.
It had been a minute since she last went out and she honestly wanted to enjoy herself with a couple of drinks, and let loose.
Pulling up to her house, she shut the engine off getting out. Before she could even use her key to get in her ex boyfriend Reggie opened the door then moved to the side to let her in. "Where you going tonight?"
"Out with Anaya and Alisha , where's my baby at?"
"He already upstairs sleep he tried staying up but you know how he is when it comes to his sleep." He laughed.
"Yeah, um thanks again Reggie for this."
"He is my son too Cali, whenever you need me to watch him regardless if its not on the week I have him, I got you.. I don't mind taking care of him."
"I know but still .. you never ask me to watch him during your week."
He shrugged. "I never asked because I already know you work hard enough and you need all the breaks you can get. This is the first time in two years you don' asked .. so tonight just have fun and relax for once, don't worry about Marquette I got him okay?"
Giving him a hug he kissed her forehead before releasing her so she could get dressed.
Reggie and Cali met back in college, what started off as a friendship lead to something more and little Marquette was the outcome of that. The two didn't work out because the connection they once had with another died.
By time Marquette was born they already had separate homes and already had it planned out on who was doing what. Luckily Cali got blessed with a baby daddy who actually cared for his son and stayed around.
Yeah what they had didn't last but he never neglected his son behind it either.
He actually moved on and got engaged and is expecting another child soon. He was scared to tell Cali at first because he didn't know what her reaction would be but she was geniunely happy for him and felt like everyone deserved to find that one for him.
She was just waiting on her time to come now.. its been two years no sex, no boyfriend, no nothing and a vibrator was becoming boring she wanted the real deal and tonight she was going to step out of her element and cut up tonight and then act like it never happened tomorrow.
Ahmad sat on his couch eating a bag of Lay's and watching reruns of Martin. He went and saw his parents earlier had they had a little barbeque for him and this is how he wanted to end his birthday in the comfort of his home.
When his door busted open he smacked his teeth when Marcus and Shaun came walking in with bottles of Ciroc. "Bitch getcho' ass up we going out tonight .. its yo twenty-sixth birthday and we going out with a bang."
"I told y'all I ain't going out, if y'all wanna hang out come sit on this couch share these chips and watch Martin with me."
"Nah, I told this girl Anaya I been fucking around with that I'd bring two of my boys for her girls .. she waiting on me so please come out and help me." Marcus pleaded.
Ahmad looked over at Shaun who simply shrugged eating some of his chips. "Whens the last time you actually went out bro? It'll be good for you,"
"Two years ago and I'm cool onnat, the club just gon' be full of bitches and niggas getting drunk .. I'll pass on that."
"Man come on you never wanna hang out with us, don't you get tired of being home?"
Stuffing a chip in his mouth he chewed slowly to erk their nerves. "Nope not at all."
"What I got to do to get you to come?"
"Nothing cause I'm not going.." He smiled turning the tv up.
"If I treat you to IHOP after the club, would you come?" Marcus suggested knowing Ahmad loved him some IHOP.
Smacking his teeth and rolling his eyes he stood up. "Y'all fucking annoying give me fifteen minutes I'll be ready."
The boys got hyped once he disappeared to the back of the house. "Alright, I already contacted the manager he knows we're coming he got a special section saved for us once we get passed security check."
"We in V.I.P?"
"Do it look like I got V.I.P money? No, but we in a nice little area." Marcus mumbled texting away on his phone.
"Where you meet this girl at? And why we ain't heard about her?" Shaun asked pulling at his lip.
"We go to the same gym and one thing just lead to another, and y'all didn't know about her cause it just serious between us. " He shrugged.
Marcus and Anaya have been friends for a good minute. He's been trying to make it official for a while but Anaya was never ready to take that step.
But he was willing to wait and he did. They aren't a couple yet but on the verge of becoming one. Marcus was just happy that he was settling down, that player life wasn't what's up no more to him.
He wanted to be a one woman's man.
"All I know is her friends bet not be ugly or we fighting."
"We all know bad bitches hang with bad bitches .. so shut up and be glad I'm even tryna hook yo ugly ass up with somebody."
"Ugly? Bitch if I'm ugly tell yo mama to hop off my dick." Shaun spat.
"My mama don't do niggas with little dicks sooo."
Shaun laughed. "Sike, if its so little why she always coming back? Next time tell ha don't forget ha panties."
Marcus waved him off knowing Shaun was the type to rag all day.
Shaun out of the three was the one that got no play. He wasn't ugly by any means just his game wasn't on point. He didn't know how to talk to women he came off too blunt, he spoke what was on his mind and if you ain't like it, oh well.
Surprisingly a few girls did like his aggressiveness and gave him a chance. But others didn't tolerate it but he didn't care either.
Once Ahmad was dressed and ready he grabbed his keys and wallet still having attitude towards them since his evening plans were ruined.
It wasn't that he just down right hated clubs it was the thought of not knowing what was going to happen that worried him. He knew people could get ignorant and he didn't want to be in the middle of the shit whatsoever.
Getting inside his truck, he followed behind them not wanting them to drive because he knew once he was ready to go he wanted to leave on his own time.
Feeling his phone vibrate against his leg he pulled it out to see Nia was calling. Pressing ignore he rolled his eyes annoyed with her at the moment.
She blew his phone up while he was at work in the middle of giving a tattoo and then when he didn't answer she popped up to cause a scene.
She knew she was wrong and was trying to get back on Ahmad's good side but he was done with her. It was one thing to cause problems but bringing it to his place of work is where he drew the line.
He knew he should've stopped fucking with her but actually wanted to give her chance .. but she ruined that chance acting crazy.
Pulling into the parking lot of the club he drove around until he found a parking space. Getting out, he met Marcus and Shaun in line and waited.
A few girls smiled and waved at the guys since they all did look good and looked as if they had money.
But Ahmad wasn't even on that tonight surprisingly, he was just gon' sit and drink and chill with whoever Marcus's girl brought for him if she wasn't annoying.
Cali and her girls all sat the bar talking and drinking feeling themselves of course. Men had been trying to get at them since they arrived but their focus and attention were on who was Anaya's man bringing for them before they went looking.
Anaya and Alisha both wore a tight black body con backless dress. Since they were twins they loved matching and slaying together. Cali loved the outfits they came up with since they were fashion designers, and loved how they would match down to the shoes.
Cali wore a two piece nude dress she actually brought from their boutique, the skirt hugged her back side making her ass pop and men surely noticed it too.
After having Marquette he did her justice in a few areas and on top of her working out all the time that helped as well.
"Where is your guy friend at? I'm ready to dance." Alisha complained for like the fifth time since they arrived.
She was ready to let loose and get drunk. She was the wild one in the group, they all could get wild but she had them beat.
Clubbing was something Alisha liked doing a lot, she loved meeting men and having a good time then brushing it off like it never happened.
Anaya was the more so good twin, she partied but she knew her limit and didn't have sex randomly like Alisha did.
Right now the only man she was having sex with was Marcus and she hoped deep down he'd be her last one cause she was tired swimming in the singles pool meeting different guys who wanted nothing but sex.
But when she came across Marcus she automatically assumed he was that type but he proved her wrong and she fell for him.
"He said they're in line like fifteen minutes ago so they should be coming in any minute and they have a section reserved so as soon as he calls we're heading over."
They nodded, "Hopefully his friends are cute cause I look too damn good to let this outfit go to waste." Alisha spoke up standing up from the bar stool doing a turn.
All three of the women were what we called bad bitches. They had their shit together making money and stunted on every girl in that club. Yes they dressed sexy but it wasn't too revealing or raunchy nor was it too conservative either it was just right.
"Hush, he just texted me that they are inside .. and they are in section B, let's go."
Grabbing their drinks they grabbed each other hands brushing passed people to get to the section. One guy tried to grab Cali for a dance but she politely pulled away.
Cali felt herself start to get nervous once she saw they were close to the guys section. She didn't want to end up with some jerk cause it was nothing for her to throw a drink and to slap some sense into someone.
Yes she was going to have fun and do something she hadn't done in years but she still wanted to be respected.
She wasn't a hoe just out here chasing dick, she was a woman who wanted to be treated as such just for one night. Then after return back to her normal life.
When Anaya saw Marcus she grew excited running into his arms. The girls cooed at their moment then turned to look at the guys they'd be with.
Alisha immediately walked over to Shaun finding him attractive and they soon went to the dance floor together joining the other wild adults.
Anaya and Marcus dipped off walking to the bar together leaving Cali and Ahmad alone.
Cali of course immediately recognized Ahmad and smirked walking towards him. She shrugged thinking maybe he could be the lucky one tonight.
But she noticed as she approached him that he was doing that same stare he did when they first met at the store.
She wasn't sure what kind of look it was but she liked it in a way, he wasn't looking at her as if she was just a piece of meat on a hot plate but it was like he actually looking at her, like reading her in a way. "You do know you have a serious staring problem right?"
Chuckling to himself, he pulled at his beard. "I tend to get starstruck when I see something as stunning as you are tonight." He smirked trying to play off his nervousness.
The last person he thought he'd see tonight was her. He was still a little shaken up from seeing her last time since he knew the person in his dreams was actually real and still had no clue as to what the purpose of it all was.
"Hm that was real smooth, but you don't look bad yourself." Cali spoke taking a seat next to him. "But how crazy is it that we run into each other again?" She chuckled taking a sip of the apple-cranberry and vodka she had in her glass.
Ahmad knew they'd probably run into each other again he just didn't think they would have so soon. "Yeah it is crazy, I usually don't come out too much though so it is shocking.. because this really ain't my type of scene."
Cali nodded agreeing, "Same, I'd so rather be home in my bed watching tv with my son."
"You have a son?"
She nodded, hoping he wasn't the type that didn't like women with kids. "Yeah he's only two, wanna see him?"
Nodding his head, she pulled out her phone pressing her home button revealing her son as her lock screen. "He's cute, looks just like you."
"Most people think he looks like his dad, but thanks." Putting her phone away she turned to face him more. "You have kids?"
"Nah not yet, plan on having some in the future though."
She nodded, "Kids are such a blessing too, I love my baby boy more than anything on this planet .. he really helped me grow and mature over the years." She smiled proudly.
"Thats good, you and the baby father still together?"
"Oh hell no, that ship has sailed and sunk .. we just co-parent now. He's actually engaged to be married now so yeah."
He nodded. "So I take that as you're single?"
Laughing she flipped her hair some. "Yes, I am single.. are you?"
"Yeah I been single so long I don't even know how it feels to be in a relationship anymore."
"I hear that, after my sons father and I broke up.. I just took a break and focused on my son and career."
"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a hairstylist, own my own hair salon here in Houston .. you?"
"Tattoo artist, own my own shop as well."
She nodded in approval, "Okay look at us young black excellence."
"You already know growing up in third ward just gives you that extra push to be great in life,"
"That is true and especially as a black man you guys have it harder so I salute guys like you for beating that stereotype forreal."
Ahmad stared at her for a second then nodded. "Preciate it, how old are you by the way?"
"I am currently twenty-four, you?"
"Twenty- six today."
She smiled. "Oh shit its your birthday?"
He nodded, grabbing the bottle of ciroc they bought fixing him a glass. "Yep its just another day though, no big deal."
Shaking her head she took her purse off sitting it off to the side. "Nah scratch that its yo birthday we finna get lit, hold on." Tapping the waitress she spotted she ordered eight shots of tequila.
"You tryna get me drunk?"
"No but you are finna loosen up, its your birthday and you acting all tense and shit .."
Ahmad chuckled trying to relax but being around her just had him really nervous.
"This is how I am, this is the first time I've been actually at a club in two years .. if I could..I'd leave now."
Cali nodded just examining him, he gave off this vibe like he was calling out for help and it was honestly not scary but had her concerned.
She could tell he was probably a man who had been through alot, she could see the healed wounds on his arms and it only made her wonder what happened.
Even the day she saw him and he just got lost in her eyes it was like she could see his life. She saw the pain in his eyes and wanted to know what caused it.
But instead of trying to figure that out now she wanted to loosen him for his birthday.
After doing like four rounds of shots and doing chugs from the bottle of vodka eventually drinking it all up together they were both tipsy.
"You want to dance?" Ahmad asked standing to his feet. The song that was playing was one of his favorites and he wanted to see how well she could shake that ass she had.
When she took his hand he walked her to the center as Slow Motion by Juvenile played throughout the club. Turning so her back was against his front they both grinded to the beat of the song.
He had one arm wrapped around her waist moving in sync with her. Cali was letting the liquor take over and letting it control all her actions tonight.
She enjoyed how well their bodies fit together like a glove. Just being this close to a man had a butterflies in her stomach, she didn't know what to expect tonight but so far she was liking it.
When the song changed and Bodak Yellow by Cardi B blasted through the speakers her inner gangster came out.
"Say little bitch you can't fuck with me if you wanted to, these expensive these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes." She rapped along just as every other girl in the club did.
Ahmad heard the song a few times but this time it sounded like the best song he ever heard. They both rocked to the beat of the song, Cali rapped along with one arm in the air. She bent down some and started twerking letting that inner stripper let loose.
Marcus and Anaya watched their two friends from the side shaking their heads. Anaya was glad Cali was actually having fun for once, her life revolved around work and her son which was another reason why she wanted her to come out tonight.
Seeing her let loose and dance with Ahmad made her mentally cheer for her friend.
Marcus was feeling the same way glad Ahmad stuck up ass was actually enjoying himself for once. Ahmad was the type to hug the wall most of the night drink, mack on some hoes and take one home.
Ahmad was that friend you didn't take to the club if you was trying to get lit cause he did the complete opposite.
"Aren't they cute?" Anaya cooed taking a sip of the drink Marcus had.
"Nah they ugly but we cute." He joked leaning in to kiss her lips.
"Yeah we are cute," She blushed.
Rake it Up by Yo Gotti ft. Nicki Minaj played next and every girl and guy in the club hit the dance floor.
Even Marcus and Anaya joined the dance floor since this was a song you couldn't help but twerk along too.
Cali had her hands on her knees throwing her ass in a full circle to the song. The liquor was deep in her system along with Ahmad's so they honestly gave no fucks at the moment. That nervous feeling they both had at first was long gone. As she threw her ass Ahmad was catching it all not missing a beat.
Song after song played and they danced and danced until they couldn't dance no more. When Bank Account by 21 Savage came on they decided to take a break.
Walking back over to their section Ahmad sat down and Cali sat right on his lap grabbing the bottle of ciroc fixing herself and him a glass.
Ahmad threw it back straight hissing at the burning sensation he got afterwards but shook it off. "Who knew you could throw yo ass like that.." He smirked looking up at her.
"Oh that was nothing, if you really wanna show sit back and watch." She smirked.
Standing up she slipped out her heels since they were killing her feet flipped her hair to the side then bent started shaking her ass giving him a lap dance.
Ahmad groaned feeling himself grow just at the sight of her shake her ass so effortlessly.
He didn't come out tonight to find someone to take home but Cali was asking for it. Standing up he grabbed her hand and heels and escorted her out the club.
Cali bit her lip happy that she was finally was about to get something she's been craving for the past two years.
Do this tonight and act like it never happened tomorrow, she thought to herself as they got in his car.
This really sucked but yeah .. bye
Hope you guys enjoy (:
- Denise 💕
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