C H A P T E R 39
Marcus in MM
T H I R T Y - N I N E
Two months had passed and things were looking good for everybody. Ahmad's shop was back and running and the customers where coming in left and right loving the new look of the shop.
The enterior design of the shop was completely different than before, the walls were painted with tattoo designs each of them all created. They knocked down walls opening the shop up more giving the lounge room more space and making their tattoo stations wider for them to work in.
The day Ahmad finally got to step foot in his shop tears of joy fell from his eyes because he truly believed his shop was done for after he heard about all the damages that she had caused, but his crew pulled through for him and he honestly didn't know how he was ever going to repay them.
He hired a new artist to replace Melissa, a guy by the name of Dave. He was pretty hot and known around Houston and when he heard Ahmad was looking for another tattoo artist he immediately reached out, showed him his work and the rest well as you all can see he works there now.
The guys liked him, they would go out for drinks after work, he literally fit in perfectly with their group.
Alisha was away in Paris, and Shaun was having major Alisha withdraws but he knew he would see her very soon, so he chilled out. He really just wanted her to have fun and finally have her moment for once and live life.
They talked everyday whenever she wasn't busy, even if it was just for five minutes they both cherished the time since they couldn't see each other everyday like before.
She would send him videos of the progress of the clothes and explain to him exactly what was going on and what they were planning to do. The thing that made him the happiest was the smile she always had on her face when she talked about it. He could see that she was truly happy doing this and that alone made him proud.
But as Alisha's life was blooming with great opportunities, and love. Anaya's was the total opposite.
After Ahmad broke the news about his dream, it bugged Marcus for days. He went a few days without talking to Anaya just to clear his head and after talking to Ashley and Aaron about everything, he knew his best choice was to end it where it was. He broke up with her, just simply tired of fighting for something that wasn't worth fighting for anymore. He was heartbroken when he did it, but he knew things didn't last forever and that pain was temporary.
But Anaya was more so mad that she was now single, while her sister still had a man and was happy as hell up in Paris working with Fashion Moguls. She felt like her world was crumbling while Alisha was living her best life, so that only angered her more and only made her want to follow through with her plan.
As for Cali she was growing by the day, working everybody nerves with her hormones but they all loved her the same. Her seven month belly was out there for everybody to see but she looked beautiful still, rocking that pregnancy glow the only way she knows how.
Ahmad loved how she looked pregnant, her face was fuller and she gained a little weight but he still felt she was the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on, but that attitude that came along with her being pregnant pissed him off daily.
And since today was the day of their baby shower, her nerves were shot and her attitude was on ten. She wanted everything to be perfect, she stayed up all night making center pieces, and all morning she was on Ahmad's ass about everything.
Although he was annoyed, he understood that she was a perfectionist and did as she said just to make her happy. Standing on a stepping stool, he hung up the "It's a girl," Banner with the help from Shaun while Cali was placing pink table cloths over all the tables.
Marcus and Hazel were helping with the balloons, while Derek helped Chris bring the food in. Ashley and Aaron were running errands for Cali like picking up the cake and her dress from the dress shop she wanted to wear for the day.
No one knew the gender of the baby except those who helped set up, the people were going to know the gender soon as they stepped inside the building. Cali was just excited and anxious to see their reactions.
Today was also going to be the day Ahmad meets Alana. Alana promised to be on her best behavior, and was actually looking forward to meet the man who has been making her baby girl happy for the past year and a half.
Alisha was bummed out that she was going to miss the moment but she sent hella gifts in advance to make up for her absence. No one was sure if Anaya would show face since no one has heard from her since her and Marcus broke up.
Cali didn't care if she did or not anyways, since her and Alisha's fallout she always looked at Anaya differently. They weren't as close and barey talked like her and Alisha did.
Cali wanted to feel sorry for her but after Ahmad explained the whole situation she sorta felt Anaya deserved that. You can't treat a man who simply loves you and only you like shit and expect him to stay.
Hearing the sound of doors opening everybody all looked to see Dave entering the building with gifts. Ahmad pinned the last corner of the banner then hopped off the stool meeting Dave half way as they slapped hands and did a brotherly hug.
Marcus and Shaun did the same with him as they all walked over to the gift table. "Y'all going all out I see." He chuckled looking at the once all white venue covered in pink.
"Yeah this is what baby girl wanted so you know how that goes," Ahmad shrugged.
"Don't I know it, that's exactly how Courtney ass was when we had our baby shower."
Courtney is Dave's wife and the mother of his baby girl Blessing. The two met back in their high school days and started off as bestfriends and as the years passed feelings were developed which soon blossomed into marriage and them creating a family together.
People would say they had the perfect love story and if they had to be honest they did. Being married was great, but being married to your bestfriend was another thing. He understood her from the inside out and vice versa.
"Is she coming with baby girl?" Marcus asked pouring some skittles in his mouth.
"Yeah they getting their hair done right now though, so I decided to come early to help out."
Looking around Ahmad tried to see if their was anything he could do but everything was pretty much set up. "We pretty much done to be honest, we all just gotta go get dressed and my cousin coming with the music system and shit later so you could just chill."
Dave shrugged, "Cool with me,"
Taking a seat, Marcus, Shaun and Ahmad took a seat right along with him as they talked about whatever came to mind.
Across the room stood Hazel as she placed the balloons neatly in the corner taping it to the ground the way Cali wanted. Derek would glance over at her ever so often, debating if he should walk over and apologize for what happened.
After the two shared that kiss, Hazel became distant from him. Which he understood but he didn't want the friendship to be over, he just wanted her to know that he had a moment of weakness and never wanted to disrespect her or her marriage and that he was truly sorry for his actions.
After sitting the last tray of finger foods down, he dusted his hands off and made his way over to her. Clearing his throat he caused her head to snap up. Shocked that it was him, she stood up straight pushing her hair behind her ear, as she looked around nervously.
She did not want anybody to suspect something was going on when techinally it wasn't. "You need something?" She asked breaking the silence.
"Can we talk? Just for a second outside." He stated quickly, looking around one last time to see everybody was occupied by something she eventually agreed as they headed out the back door together.
"Let me start off by saying this, I'm sorry if me kissing you gave you the feeling that I wanted to turn our friendship into something more, but honestly I don't and if I did, I would not want it to be like this at least. I love Landon and I know I opened up ro you about our broken marriage but we're working on it together as a couple. So I apologize if I gave you mixed signals."
Derek smiled, "No I get it, trust me. I just wanted to apologize myself. I overstepped boundaries out of weakness. I like to claim that I am over the lost of her but I'm not and I cracked at the simplest thought of companionship thinking of her within you. I went against alot of my beliefs and I owe you an apology. And if I messed up anything between you and Landon, I'm willing to talk to him to clear the air that it was my fault."
"It isn't all your fault, yes you kissed me first but I didn't push you away even though I knew it was wrong. We both were in search for something just in the wrong place. So I accept your apology, and I hope we can move forward from this as friends."
He nodded, "Yeah, that's all I wanted is for us to be cool."
Opening her arms for a hug, the two hugged it out then jumped when the back door opened. Shaun smirked as he tossed the trash bag in the dumpster. "I won't say anything, I'll act like I saw nothing."
"No- It's not what it looks like." Hazel tried to explain.
Holding his hand up, Shaun stopped her blabbering. "You ain't got to explain to me babygirl. God already watching. You two freak buddies take care now." Walking back inside he closed the door behind him, leaving a now embarrassed Hazel and Derek alone.
"I'm sorry, I know he isn't going to say anything so we don't have anything to worry about, but let's get back in there before anybody else comes out here and assumes." Agreeing, Derek opened the door letting her step inside first.
"Nigga, I'm telling you.. I saw the shit with my own two eyes, I stepped outside and boom they were right there lip locking." Hazel snapped her neck in the direction of Shaun who was running back being messy to the guys.
"Shaun!" She yelled causing him to look up with a sneaky sly grin on his face.
"What I do?" He asked acting clueless.
"Nothing happened," She spat hitting his arm before storming off to help Cali who was placing napkins and plates on the tables.
Derek scratched the back of his neck as he took a seat next to the guys as they all stared at him wanting answers. "So you gon' speak? Or?" Ahmad urged wanting to get all the tea.
"Ain't nothing to tell," He mumbled but they all looked at him pretty much telling him to cut the bullshit with their eyes. "Alright alright, Hazel and I go way back. High school bestfriends and we were sorta each other's first loves, but all that changed when she went off to college to follow behind the man she is with now. I wasn't hurt because by then I had moved on. But we lost touch for years and that day at the hospital she came to see you Ahmad that was the first time we had seen each other and we got back close .. I'm not gon' go into deep details but one night at my house we kissed and what you saw outside was just us patching up our friendship and apologizing because it shouldn't have happened."
Ahmad nodded but then frowned when he thought about his wife, "What about your wife? How does she feel about all of this?"
He chuckled, "I'm sure she's looking down from Heaven at me shaking her head."
The guys looked at each other connecting the dots then covered their mouths. "Wait.. she died?" Shaun asked and Derek nodded.
"She went out with a few of her homegirls one night to celebrate a friends birthday and from what one of her homegirls explained to me was that a fight broke out and then of course the person who lost wanted revenge and came back shooting. In the middle of them trying to run out of the club she got caught in the crossfire. Bullet hit her straight in the head killing her instantly." He stated nonchalant trying to brush off his emotions.
"Damn, I'm sorry to hear rhat man.. may she rest in peace."
Standing up Derek shrugged, "Yeah, well its cool now .. I'm over it but I'm finna head out to go get dressed. See you guys in an hour." Waving bye he said bye to Cali then left out of the venue.
"He's not over that," Dave mumbled scratching his beard and the guys nodded agreeing. "I mean who could, if I lost Cali.." Shaking his head he stopped himself, "Not even gon' think about losing her." He mumbled just as she was approaching them.
"Your mama just dropped off my dress, so we have to go cause I still have to shower, do my make-up and my hair and get marquette from my moms house and make sure he's dressed."
Groaning in annoyance, Ahmad stood to his feet. "Alright baby, can you lose the attitude? I been doing everything you wanted today and you still on a nigga ass." He mumbled walking away from the guys and her.
Cali waved by to the guys then jogged walked behind Ahmad. She didn't even notice her attitude and felt bad that she was stressing Ahmad out when this day was suppose to be special for the both of them.
When they reached the car she grabbed his arm stopping him from pulling the door open. "Ahmad, I'm sorry."
Turning around he sighed, "I get you want everything to be perfect, so do I but you just gotta chill forreal."
She nodded, "I will, I promise. I don't like you being annoyed with me or even mad at me."
Pulling her into a hug, he kissed her forehead. "Not annoyed with you ma', but come on let's go we only got an hour and a half to get ready."
Helping her get in the car, she grabbed his hand then leaned forward kissing his lips. "I love you,"
"I love you too,"
After two hours passed, Ahmad, Cali and Marquette still weren't ready or had they arrived yet. Everybody else had arrived and they fell in love with the venue instantly when they saw all the pink decorations.
Anaya showed up not to long ago and things were sorta awkward but Marcus paid her no mind. He was off flirting with one of Cali's cousins. It was harmless but in Anaya's eyes, she felt he was trying to replace her with a lowlife.
Dave and his wife sat with Shaun, Marcus, and Chris conversing as they waited for the parents of the day to arrive. Derek never returned, and Marcus took note of that and told Ahmad about it so they could go check on him later.
Even though Derek was just suppose to be Ahmad's therapist, the guys formed a friendship out of it and actually cared for him, so hearing about him losing his wife and how he never returned alerted them.
Feeling his phone vibrate against his leg, Shaun pulled it out his pocket to see it was his baby girl calling on facetime. Accepting the call, he waited until it connected then was met with her beautiful face. "Hey baby, I miss you." Alisha whined as she walked along the busy streets of Paris eating a scone.
"I miss you too, what you up too?"
"I'm just strolling around Paris, its so beautiful here babe. I can't wait til you come down here the week of the fashion show."
"I can't wait either, we finna fuck Paris up." He joked and she nodded.
"Sure is, where is my baby mama? I tried facetiming her and she didn't answer."
"They black asses running late, just like niggas got folks waiting and shit."
Alisha laughed, "You just don't know Cali she has to make a grand entrance that's all. But the venue looks nice from what I'm seeing."
"Yeah they went all out, this little girl finna be spoiled as hell."
"Oh yess, I'm finna spoil the hell out my niece the same way I did with my baby Marquette."
Shaun smiled, "Fuck them, you tryna have my kids?"
"You tryna get me pregnant?" She asked flipping her hair with a smirk plastered on her face.
"Shit maybe, you wanna get pregnant?"
Marcus looked over at them shaking his head laughing. Everytime he heard a conversation between the two, he couldn't help but feel that the two were a match made in heaven. Most women couldn't handle Shaun's bluntness and realize that he means no warm but Alisha does and she handles it well.
Toning them out, he turned back to Cali's cousin as she continued asking questions to get to know him. He thought she was cool but his focus was far from a woman, he was still tryna hang onto Anaya.
He didn't want to believe they were officially over, he sorta hoped she came to her senses and they could work it out. But as for his boys they felt he needed to move on to someone better.
"The queen is here bitches!" Cali announced causing everyone to look and gawk over how beautiful she looked. The off white dress she wore hugged her in all the right places and her face was beat to perfection as her hair was up in a tight neat bun showing off her beauty more.
She twirled around being extra laughing and waving to a few people as Ahmad walked in behind her holding Marquette's hand, dressed in the same color white. Helping her sit in the chair she rented for this day, she grabbed her baby boy sitting him on his lap as Ahmad took his seat in the chair similar to hers.
"What do you want to do first?" Ahmad asked her.
"Baby shower games,"
Nodding his head he stood up, "Alright, I want to thank every one you guys for coming out today. It really means alot to me and my babygirl. You guys look amazing, and we're happy to be sharing the news and this celebration of the welcoming of our baby girl Armoni Helana Sinclair."
Everybody cooed at the name as they clapped. Alisha watched from facetime as she wiped her tears truly happy for her sister and Ahmad. "That's a beautiful name baby," Ashley commented.
"Thanks mama, but alright let's get this shit popping. We gon' start off with the games, first game is how well do you know mommy? My mama gon' pass around cards numbered one through ten on it. I'm going to read off the questions and once its over the person with the most correct answers wins a prize.. sound easy?"
Everybody nodded their heads as Ahmad grabbed the list of questions from Cali, who was feeding Marquette a cupcake so he wouldn't mess up his clothes since they wanted to take their maternity pictures today as well.
"Alright first question, What is Cali's favorite food?"
"That's easy. Dick duh." Shaun busted out laughing as he turned the volume down on his phone as a few others laughed along with Ahmad and Cali.
"I can't stand her," Cali laughed wiping Marquette's mouth.
"She didn't deny it," Glenda blurted out taking a sip of her lemonade she spiked with vodka.
"We are getting off topic, baby ask the next question please,"
Laughing, Ahmad nodded. "Alright chill chill, next question what is Cali's biggest fear?"
Cali looked around as everybody filled out their cards wondering what they were putting down as he read off the questions. When he was done, he grabbed the answer sheet from her then waited until everybody was done. "The answer to number one was...dick?" Looking back at her she shrugged laughing.
"I'm not ashamed, how else you think my baby Armoni got here?" She replied sticking her tongue out.
"Give me my damn grandson, not finna be up there being nasty while he is on your lap." Aaron spoke up as he stood from his chair taking Marquette who glady went to his pawpaw.
"I'm sorry pops, I'll be on my best behavior for now on." Cali cheesed.
Shaking his head he waved her off, "Yeah whatever,"
"Can we finish the game? I'm tryna see who won hell." Shaun blurted out.
"Shut up nigga, but anyways the answer to number two was losing her man and her babies." Everybody cooed, as Ahmad smiled reading the rest of the answers off.
In the end Shaun was the winner which pissed everybody off. "He fucking cheated! Alisha told him all the answers," Marcus spat.
"Well nigga shit, if you heard her giving out the answers why tha hell you ain't write em down?" Ahmad laughed as they went back and forth until Cali broke it up.
"Shaun shut up and come get yo damn prize." Getting up all dramatically thanking the people as if he just won an award, he took the gift then held it up so Alisha could see.
"Nigga stop stalling and tell show us what we won." Alisha snapped.
Cali shook her head as they continued playing different games such as pin the baby on the belly, guess the baby food and other games that got the people involved. Shaun won most of the games due to Alisha giving him the answers, so he was feeling himself at the moment.
Now they were opening gifts and eating as music played and people talked. Placing all the gifts around them, Ahmad and Cali sat in their chairs opening gifts one by one.
Pulling out a cute Jordan set, Cali smiled and awed. "This is so cute, thanks Aunt Jamie."
A few people brought toys for Marquette as well so he wouldn't feel left out. Handing him the gifts that were for him, they watched as he tore the paper with the help from Aaron.
Of course Cali was blessed with lingerie and other sex items for her and Ahmad to use. In both of their minds they knew they would probably use a few later tonight and after she dropped their baby.
Ashley and Aaron went all out buying a crib, a car seat and hella clothes and diapers. They just wanted to be sure that their grandchild was well off and to help out as much as they could. Ahmad appreciated his parents for everything they have done for him and what they continue to do.
Amir brought clothes, bottles and other baby items he felt they would need. He was proud of the man his younger brother had become and wished him nothing but more happiness because he deserved it.
The gifts they recieved from all their friends and family meant alot to them. Even Alana blessed her second grandbaby with some gifts.
When Cali looked down at all the gifts they hadn't opened yet, she knew they would have to finish opening them all later on at home.
"We love and appreciate you guys so much for making this special day so amazing! The baby shower isn't over yet, we have cake, cupcakes and other foods you guys can eat and of course the dance floor. Soon as I get done eating, I'ma be down there shaking my ass to show you ladies how its suppose to be done." She joked. "But again thank you guys so much for everything."
Getting up, she walked over to where Ahmad was wrapping her arms around his waist. "Hey baby daddy," She cheesed.
Kissing her lips he just stared down at her getting lost in her eyes like he always did. Rubbing his hand over her belly in a caressing motion, he couldn't help but think about the things he wanted to do with her later on.
Hearing someone clear their throat, it caused the two to pull away. Cali mentally rolled her eyes when she saw it was Anaya, "Hey, I just came to say I was leaving and congratulations you guys."
Cali nodded, while Ahmad just straight ignored her. He wasn't gon' hide the fact that he didn't like her. He wanted her to know. "Thanks for coming Anaya, see you later."
When she walked off, they both rolled their eyes. "Did she even bring a gift?"
Ahmad shrugged, "I don't know, and I don't care didn't even want her ass here."
Cali chuckled, "Ready to meet my mama?"
"Yeah let's do this,"
Taking him by the hand, she lead him to where her mama and his parents and a few of his aunts all sat talking. "Mommy, I want you to properly meet the love of my life." Standing to her feet, she smiled going in for a hug.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ahmad. Heard so many great things about you, I hate we didn't get to meet sooner but I'm glad you have been making my daughter very happy over the year and months that have passed."
Ahmad smiled, "It's good to finally meet you as well, I just want to personally thank you for creating my baby girl over here. Cause without you she wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be standing here as the man I am today."
Cali smiled at his response. Grabbing a hold of Alana's hand, he walked them over to an empty table so they could talk to get to know each other on a better level.
"You know I wish I could take credit for molding the woman my babygirl has become but I can't. I have to give credit to my son and everyone else who helped when I couldn't and I guess I should say when I wouldn't as well." She smiled weakly, "I hate the old person I was and there really is no excuse for it either, I'm just glad she turned out better than me and actually takes care of her kids and I'm glad she got lucky to meet someone like you rather than meeting someone like her father."
Ahmad nodded, "Don't beat yaself up too much, no parent is perfect the only thing that matters at this point is what you do from this moment on. Now look, I heard about your past and coming from a man who was mistreated by someone they trusted, I really hope you left your old ways in the past cause I don't want my kids to ever witness no shit that me or Cali had too as kids and I'm saying this because you are their grandmother and they are going to be around you a lot, so please just do right by my kids and we good."
Alana nodded, she couldn't get mad or offended by what he was saying cause she understood the place he was coming from. "I promise you that they will be in good hands whenever they are with. So you don't have to worry."
"I'ma always worry regardless but I am gon' take your word for it, and I hope you and I can form a relationship as well since you will be my second mom soon."
"Same here," She smiled.
After they had their talk, Ahmad soon joined Cali on the dance floor. She was lit, even though her stomach was weighing her down she still wanted to have fun with her babies.
Marquette ran to the dance floor, hugging their legs. Grabing both his hands the three all danced together. Cali's smile was so big and wide you would think her face would crack but that was just how happy she was with how her life was turning out.
She had her two boys and her little baby girl who was soon going to make her entrance into the world and that's all she could ever want and need at this point in her life.
Thank you guys so freaking much for 200k views! It means so freaking much to me, and I'm sorry for the long wait on the update but here you guys go, enjoy and excuse any mistakes made. I forreal love you guys so much
- Denise💋
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