C H A P T E R 23
Happy Birthday Love❤
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
Standing in front of her full body mirror, as Bright by Kehlani played throughout her speakers. Alisha admired her body in the sexy lace bra and panties she had on, simply wondering what was the cause of her not finding love yet.
She knew she was beautiful, she knew she was a good woman but she just didn't understand how she always fell for the wrong guys.
Here she was now in a battle between Shaun and Damion. She liked Shaun because of his conversation, he was someone you could vent too and just lay up and talk too for hours and she loved that, someone who just simply listened to her for once.
While Damion was that sweet gentleman, who catered and loved his woman like no other. They shared good times together and she liked him as well he was funny and had a way with his words.
She was stuck, and once again she was lost not sure on what to do.
Letting the words of the song touch her soul, she sighed as she slipped on a pair of tights and an oversize t-shirt since she had company coming over. Throwing her hair into a messy bun, she sung along to the words of the song jogging down the stairs to check on the cookies she was baking.
Taking them out the oven, she sat em on the counter so they could cool off, while she got the drinks and stuff ready.
In the middle of her taking the pizza out the oven, her doorbell went off. Quickly sitting it on top of the stove, she walked over to the door unlocking it.
When she opened the door, Shaun stood there with his X-box and contollers smirking. "What's up?" He greeted, giving her a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. Stepping to the side to let him in, he walked directly to the living room to hook up his system. "What do you have on?" She laughed. "I mean you got the durag, the wife beater, soccer pants and tube socks and don't get me started on the crocs..'
Standing up straight he looked himself up and down. "I'm cozy what it look like? You hating on my swag and crocs?"
Throwing her hands up, she laughed. "Not at all, you look good either way."
"Don't I know it.." He smirked being cocky as usual.
Rolling her eyes she left him while she got the food.
Sitting the food and drinks on the coffee table, she fixed herself a plate then took a seat on the couch and he soon joined as his game loaded. Grabbing a cookie off the plate, he looked over at her licking his lips.
"2k and chill?" Punching him in the arm, she laughed grabbing her plate. "No sir."
"Yeah whatever, whatchu been up too besides climbing Damion?"
Cutting her eyes at him, she hit his arm. "I'm not climbing anything, we're just friends."
"Hm friends? Since when do friends bring other friends roses and go on five-star dinner dates?"
"Since now, why are you worried?"
"Just tryna make sure you don't fall for the wrong dude, not everybody gets lucky like Anaya and finds someone like Marcus or how Cali found Ahmad."
Alisha looked down as she got quiet, after a few minutes of silence, Shaun looked over at her wondering what was up. Alisha was usually never quiet so her being silent spoke volumes.
Nudging her arm, she looked up at him. "Whatchu so quiet for? I say something wrong."
Sighing, she sat her plate down. "It's just my mama called me earlier on some bullshit asking when I was going to settle down, but I already know its because Anaya has found someone." She mumbled.
"Why you think that?"
"Anaya has always been the more liked twin.. she was the one who was good in school, had the good grades all the boys loved her then it was me. I was pretty, but school wasn't for me, I ditched alot .. I had more so a passion for fashion and I would always come to school in pieces I made and soon folks started saying I was tryna out do Anaya, it just gets old getting compared to her, like my sister is great and amazing but people expect for us to be alike cause we're twins and now that Anaya has found her a man and its clear they gon' be together for awhile .. my mama been down my back about finding someone .. its just stressful." Alisha expressed.
Realizing that what he said might have made her feel the same, he instantly felt bad. "I'm sorry, I ain't mean it like that ma',"
"I know you didn't .. it just gets annoying."
"Have you talked to them about how you feel?"
Nodding her head, she looked at her nails. "They told me I needed to stop whining, and actually try to be like her .. people just feel like Anaya is perfect and in a way she is but I don't want to be like her. I want to be Alisha not Anaya and its like people don't understand that. Anaya played sports so they expected me to play sports, but I wasn't into it like that .. I'd rather watch a football game with some friends and chill, we're different and I like that about us but some people and my parents erk me."
Shaun nodded, "That is fucked up they keep comparing y'all, I mean I'm sure they got siblings and they don't wanna be like them so I don't get why they want you guys too."
"Exactly, and you know my parents didn't even support my fashion dream until Anaya became apart of it. I acted like I ain't notice it but I did. Whenever I brought it to their attention with my sketches and designs they'd brush me off and the day I showed Anaya she pumped me up to take it further and how she wanted to do it as well. We presented it to our parents and they were all for it. It was like they didn't believe that I could do this on my own."
"Don't even trip ma', you good. I bet it does get annoying but don't let them bring you down. Just keep on shining, and do you.. eventually they gon' have to learn to love it and if not they can kiss yo black ass and move on."
Alisha nodded, "I wish it was that simple."
"You can make it simple, stop letting what they want you to be get in your head. You are Alisha, be Alisha .. fuck them. You made it this far without being her so continue," He shrugged grabbing another cookie. "These cookies hitting by the way too."
"Thanks, but sometimes my parents make it seem as if since I'm not like Anaya .. that's why I'm single, I mean sometimes I feel that way then I have to stop myself.. but I do wonder like why am I single , the clock is ticking and I'm still out here in the singles club."
Pausing the game, he sat the controller on his lap. "Don't ever think that .. I'm sure its niggas out here that'd kill to have a woman like you, they just ain't discovered you yet .. love ain't suppose to be rushed, let it find you, not you find it ma'..You're beautiful, smart and funny as hell .. yeah you not perfect but who is? Nobody, so embrace who you are and don't let what others want you to be distract you."
Staring back at him, they held eye contact for a minute until she looked away. "Yeah, I hear you." She mumbled.
"Plus you ain't alone, how you think I feel with my boys getting tied down and I'm still chasing after my ex.."
"But at least you still sorta have somebody,"
He resumed the game, "Nah, she done with my ass and I don't blame her .. I mean we tried it out by going out for drinks and shit at Cheddars but the spark and connection we once had was gon' .. I mean I love her dearly but I fucked what we had up, she in love with that Adonis dude so I gotta respect her by falling back and letting her be happy.."
Alisha nodded, "You'll find somebody, maybe down the line you two could possibly work it out.."
He shrugged, "If its meant to be, it'll happen."
If its meant to be, it'll happen, she thought to herself.
As he played the game, she sat beside him eating on the pizza in silence.
The tension in the room grew thick, as they both sat there on the couch silent.
Only thing that could be heard was the game he was playing.
As if they both had the same idea, he paused the game and they both turned and leaned forward pressing their lips against each others.
Moving over to where she was straddling his lap, she held his face in her hands sliding her tongue in his mouth.
Resting his hands on her ass, he gripped it as he fed into the kiss. Lips moving in sync, Alisha moaned as she pulled away removing her shirt and bra letting it fall off her body as he did the same. Both now topless, he took her nipple into his mouth teasing it with his tongue as she bit her lip.
The two had been craving each other since he arrived. Alisha just couldn't leave Shaun alone, he did something to her, he made her feel good and she liked that feeling from him.
Lifting her up he carried her up the stairs, into her bedroom. Tossing her on it, he hovered over her as she slid his pants off, stopping her he made her look up at him. "You sure this is what you want to do?" He asked.
Nodding her head, he took that as her answer and let her continue taking his pants off. Removing the tights she wore, he stared down at her loving the figure she had.
Over the months of them being friends, feelings had found there into their situation and it was really no point in ignoring the feelings.
The night was spent with them letting their emotions out through sexual pleasure. Each stroke and moan, had them both on cloud nine longing and wanting more each time.
They weren't sure where this exactly was going but they both were down to ride and have a little fun while they figured it out.
The next morning, Alisha woke up on Shaun's chest. Yawning lowly, she looked up to see him sound asleep. Smiling to herself, she rolled over to grab her phone checking the time.
Getting out of bed, she walked to the bathroom as she unlocked her phone seeing she had messages from different people.
When she saw Damion's name, she went to their messages to see what he wanted.
Damion❤ to Alisha :
Good morning beautiful, I was online and saw Musiq Soulchild, Anthony Hamilton and a few other artists were having a show here in Houston .. I went on and got us some tickets since I remember you telling me you liked them, if you want to go let me know .. its next Saturday.
- Recieved 8:18 am
Biting her lip, she exited out going to her other messages, noticing Melvin's number she froze as she clicked on it.
Melvin😒 to Alisha :
I miss you, I'm sorry for being an asshole .. I never meant to hurt you, just please talk to me. Give me a call when you not busy, I wanna make things right.
- Recieved 8:21 am
Rolling her eyes she just locked her phone sighing. She felt Melvin had a lot of nerve if he thought she was going to forgive him after what he said and did.
She was so over him and the history they had, he was nothing but trouble and at the moment she had a lot on her plate, one being choosing between two amazing guys to put her focus and time into.
Sitting her phone on the counter. She used the bathroom, washed her hands and brushed her teeth then cleaned up her mess walking out.
Seeing that Shaun was now up sitting on the side of her bed, talking on the phone. She crawled into bed up behind him wrapping her arms around his neck leaving kisses. He smiled grabbing her hand and kissing it before returning to the phone call. "Yeah um .. Where you at now?"
Motioning for her to move, she watched as he began sliding on his pants, hating he had to leave she pouted. Standing up he turned around to finally see her face, smiling he held the phone between his neck and ear walking towards her and planting a kiss on her lips, "Good morning," He whispered gripping her ass through the lace panties she wore.
"I wasn't talking to you, where you tryna meet at man?"
Nodding his head and agreeing to whatever the other person was saying on the phone, he eventually hung up. "Everything okay?"
"That was Marcus, its some shit that happened last night at Ahmad's shop and we gotta go check it out.. I'll call you later alright?"
"Something bad happen?"
Tying his pants he shrugged. "I don't know,"
Grabbing his phone, he walked out her room and down the stairs to get his shirt and shoes. Slipping it on, he grabbed his car keys then headed for the door. Giving her one last kiss, he promised to come back later and dipped.
Getting inside his car, he started it up and pulled out going in the direction of the shop.
When arrived there where cop cars along with Marcus's car parked out front, with caution tape in front of the doors. Parking his car, he quickly got out jogging to where they was. "What's up bro? What tha hell happened?"
Marcus walked away from the police officers, slapping hands with Shaun. "Somebody broke into the shop and trashed it, writing murderer all over the walls and shit .. it looks bad."
Shaun shook his head, "Can we go in?"
Pushing the door open, Shaun's hand immediately came into contact with his mouth. He looked at all glass on the floor, the busted up tv's and ripped couches. Making his way to his station, his blood boiled as he looked around seeing that whoever fucked up the shop was leaving a message.
Picking up his lucky needle, he shook his head sitting it back down. "Ahmad's office is worse." Marcus called out.
Walking inside Ahmad's office, Shaun looked at the broken desk and picture frames but the picture he saw broken that pissed him off was the picture of Amira, Ahmad always had on his desk.
Bending down he picked the picture up seeing that the person cut it up. "Whoever did this .. is trying to hurt him." Shaun mumbled.
"Everybody knows this shop is everything to him, shit everything to us and its gone." Marcus sighed.
"You want to tell him? Or handle it first then tell him?"
Marcus shrugged as they walked out of the damage office. "I don't want to tell him because this is going to break him .. This shop besides Cali, little man and us is his only source of happiness, he don' lost too much and worked too hard to lose this .. so I'ma hold off on telling him and see what I can do first."
"I'm here to help you already know man,"
"I know, but I got a feeling who did this .."
"Who? Cause Ahmad ain't got no issues with anybody like that to where they wanna fuck his shit up."
Marcus smacked his lips, "You really a dumb nigga, who did we fire two days ago?"
"Melissa.." Shaun mumbled putting two and two together.
"Bingo, think about it she showed how angry she was towards him about not wanting her, it only makes sense that it was her."
"This shit wild man," Shaun mumbled looking around the shop.
An officer came walking in shaking both their hands. "The owners of the restuarant next door said they saw three people early sometime this morning, they said no alarms went off so they assumed it was you guys."
Marcus shared a look with Shaun. "We have a good feeling about who did this.."
"Who? Would you guys like file a report?"
This is a filler chapter , just dropping bombs for drama later lol
Did you guys like this chapter tho?
but anyways thanks for the love and support❤
- Denise💕
Tell my baby taayridaa HAPPY BIRTHDAY please!! 🎉🎈
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