C H A P T E R 22
T W E N T Y - T W O
Two detectives entered the Ahmad's shop, causing them all to turn and face them. Marcus stood up from the couch with a confused expression on his face, wondering why who they were
Shaking both their hands, he took a step back. "Um can we help you guys with anything? Tuesdays are our walk-in days."
Holding up their badges, they nodded. "I'm Detective Langely, and this is my partner Detective Spencer .. and we're just here to question each of you individually on the on-going case of Mr. Sinclair, do you all have a minute?"
Scratching the back of his head Marcus nodded, "Yeah, how long will this be though?"
"Not long, anywhere private we can talk?"
"Yeah his office,"
"Lead the way please,"
Marcus walked to the back as the two guys examined the shop with their eyes, entering his office Marcus walked in taking a seat at his desk as the two men stood before him. "This isn't going to take long at all so you guys can get back to your work .. but we just want to know what type of person was Ahmad? Was he violent? Rude? Showed any signs of delusion?"
"Ahmad ain't crazy, I grew up with him. But he did have a hard life but he was never just violent. If you guys could have been there at that cook-out you would have saw why he snapped! She damaged him, to where he had to seek therapy and to be taunted by the person who hurt you the most .. you telling me you wouldn't snap? For years he kept his mouth shut about it and here she was years later in his face making a joke out of him getting molested." Marcus explained, the detectives nodded.
"What are you to Ahmad?"
"We're brothers,"
"So you honestly believe that Ahmad didn't intentionally kill her?"
"You where there so tell us from the beginning to the end on what happened."
Sighing, Marcus sat back. "Well.."
"So you're just going to leave without saying hey to your favorite auntie?"
Cali grabbed at Ahmad's arm, trying to get him to come with her but he stood there frozen. Shondra stared back at him with those same cold devilish eyes. "Little baby gon' cry like you used too?" She laughed.
Shondra was high off crack and completely forgot where she was, all she could see was Ahmad. Taking a step forward towards him, he took a step back just as he did when he was younger. "There is no one here to save you babe, so why are you stepping back?"
"Let's play our little game that we used too play, you don' got all grown on me .. I'm sure those other parts are grown too." She joked.
Ahmad closed his eyes jerking away from Cali, walking towards Shondra his hands instantly went around her neck as he choked the life out of her. He raised her off the ground screaming "No more," as she pleaded for him to stop.
Marcus tried prying his hands off her, but Ahmad was not Ahmad at the moment. He was back to that same little boy who could never defend himself, who could never prevent it from happening.
Tears streamed down his cheeks as she strangled her. She tried scratching and clawing at his hands but he wasn't letting up. He wanted her to hurt, he wanted her to feel the pain he felt for so many years. When he finally let go her body dropped to the ground as she laid there lifeless. Ahmad stood over her as he breathed heavily staring down at her.
Everybody stood around in shock and fear. Aaron let go of Ashley and walked over to Ahmad. Reaching out to touch him, Ahmad jerked away out of fear still trapped in that mental state.
"It's me son, calm down." His dad said smoothly grabbing his son shaky hand.
Ahmad dropped to the ground as reality finally kicked in. He sobbed into his hands, rocking back and forth, feeling ashamed of himself. Aaron got down on the ground as well wrapping his arms around him, telling him it was gon' be alright and not to worry.
Cali stood back in shock, when Alisha and Anaya saw her they walked over to her walking her out the gate. She wanted to hug him, she wanted to hold him and just be there for him, but she didn't even know who he was anymore.
He killed someone right before her eyes, she was stunned, scared all in one.
Cali was long gon' when the cops arrived. Handcuffing Ahmad they slammed him against the hood of the car reading him his Miranda rights.
His parents stood off to the side, telling him it was gon' be alright. Ahmad stared straight ahead, not once feeling an ounce of guilt anymore as they shoved him in the car. When he saw them zip up the body bag, he shook his head as all those memories of the mistreatment flooded his mind...
Detective Langely nodded, "Okay, but check this .. you say she damaged him, you don't think maybe he always wanted to harm her since he did hate her for so long? He could've acted on a plan he already had in his head."
Marcus scoffed. "Hell nah, I know Ahmad that nigga just don't walk around thinking about offin' muthafuckas. She pressed his buttons on something serious that affected him his whole life. But you know I just find it funny though .. I ain't tryna make this a race thing but I'm about too anytime a white person kills somebody y'all quick to pull up their mental state and they get off. My boy ain't no killer and he shouldn't be treated as such, he loves his family, he loves his girl and step-son he wouldn't intentionally fuck his life up that way."
Marcus was growing annoyed, he knew they'd try to make it seem like he wanted to intentionally hurt her.
The detectives looked at him for awhile noticing how serious he was, nodding their heads they shared a look before looking back at him. "That's all, send the next person back please."
Marcus stood up shaking both their hands walking out. Tapping Melissa he sent her back.
She stood up fixing the shorts she wore and the tight crop top. Strutting to the back she walked inside his office shutting the door behind her.
"Hello Detectives." She waved, smiling.
"Hello, what's your name?" Detective Langely asked eyeing her on the low.
She smiled taking a seat, "Melissa Bell,"
"Okay, nice to meet you well we just want to ask you a few questions, don't want to hold up someone as pretty as you are time today." He flirted.
Blushing, she put her hands together. "Ask away."
"Explain to us the type of person Ahmad is .. in your own words and thoughts. Has he ever came off as a threat to you in any way?"
She bit her lip and thought back to all the times he turned her down and disrespected her as a woman. "He's an asshole, disrespectful and cares for no one but himself. When I heard the news I honestly wasn't surprised because he has put fear in my life before. I always figured he was that type of person."
That bitch, Marcus thought to himself as he listened from outside the door. Shaking his head, he pressed his ear against the door to see what else her delusional ass was gon' say.
"Elaborate please,"
Sighing, she looked away. "He had a kickback at his house a while ago and forced me to go down on him. It was the worst experience of my life honestly .. he's in love with me and he hates that I don't see him that way, and he forces me to do things I don't want to do."
"Why do you still work here then?" Detective Spencer asked, he wasn't sure what to believe. Marcus came in defending Ahmad now here she was saying he was that type of person, he was confused.
"I need this job and he threatened to kill me if I ever tried to quit."
"You never tried to seek help?"
She shrugged. "People like Ahmad around here, you really think they'd believe some one like me?"
"What are the other things he forces you to do?"
Biting her lip, she acted as if she wanted to cry. "Sex sometimes, one time he came into my section after closing and pinned me to the wall and forced himself inside of me and assaulted me with his tongue down below, I felt so sick and dirty after that." She sniffled.
"So after all of this you still felt their was no need to tell anybody? You can get tested for rape."
"I didn't know how to tell, I was scared."
Both detectives looked at eachother before nodding. "Okay, we have all we need .. if you need to talk to a professional contact us." Handing her a card, she took it slipping it in her pocket. "Send the next person back."
Getting up she walked out, shutting the door behind her. "She lying," Detective Spencer mumbled shaking his head.
"How do we know? She seemed pretty serious to me."
Smacking his teeth, he shook his head. "The signs where there, she never made eye contact with us and I'm sorry who will still work for a man who is assaulting them every chance they get .. but we'll question the rest of them and see what they say."
When Melissa made it to the front, they all looked at her shaking their heads. Marcus told them everything she said. "Really Melissa?" Hazel whispered ashamed at her.
"What?" She questioned acting clueless.
Scoffing, Hazel stood up bumping pass her roughly. "You foul and you know that." She mumbled.
Walking into the room with the detectives, Hazel pushed her anger emotions to the side shaking both their hands. "Hazel Love," She greeted.
"Nice to meet you, I'm sure you're a little nervous but don't be we just have to get to the bottom of this. Ahmad as a person what would you say he is like?"
"Ahmad is funny, sweet and is always going that extra mile for others. He takes care of us, treats us as family as one .. I've never really seen him upset ever in my life .. he might have those days when he's depressed but mad or angry .. nah,"
"So when you heard about him killing his aunt .. what was your reaction?"
"I was shocked, cause trust me when I say Ahmad doesn't bother anybody .. he doesn't."
Detective Spencer nodded and went to speak but was cut off by Detective Langely. "Describe his relationship with Ms. Melissa please,"
Spencer eyed him shaking his head. "Relationship? There isn't one, Ahmad is faithfully committed to his girl Cali. Melissa has liked and wanted Ahmad since she got hired but he never gave her a chance .. but why are we speaking on Melissa when the topic of discussion isn't about her." She stated dryly.
She knew why they asked, but she had to act as if she didn't know what Melissa lied about. "No further questions," Detective Langely mumbled.
When the detectives were done questioning them a, they explained to them that they'd be taking all their answers in hopes of helping his case.
When they left everybody turned their attention to Melissa. "Get out," Marcus stated calmly before he did something he would regret.
"For what?" She jumped up.
"He forced you to do things you didn't want to do!? Really?"
Melissa grew quiet not knowing they knew. "I-"
"I nothing, get tha fuck out man before I hurt you like deadass."
When she walked to her station she grabbed her belongings and other things she needed. Walking out Hazel looked down shaking her head. She knew Melissa had her devilish ways but she ain't think she would take it that far.
"I'm sorry,"
Hazel chuckled. "Sorry? Bitch please, you know you wrong for that fuck shit you just pulled. You possibly could've fucked this whole man life up and for what? Cause he didn't want your stupid ass? Man you wrong and you know you are." Hazel spat.
Melissa rolled her eyes, "He got what he deserved .. you shouldn't treat people like shit cause one day you might need them and he needed me today but if he would've respected me as a woman then my answers would have been different. Don't be mad at me, be mad at him!" Melissa defended.
Hazel jumped over the couch to swing at her but was stopped by Shaun. "Alright alright, chill."
Snatching away from him, she sighed. "Stupid bitch! I always defended you! I always had your fucking back and this is what you do!" Hazel shouted as Shaun had his arm around her waist holding her back.
"Fuck you Hazel!"
"Fuck you! Shaun let me go man," She huffed.
"Nah, you know damn well Ahmad don't like us fighting and even though she deserves it, you better than this fuck her." He told her and she nodded still pissed off.
"Its whatever, let me see you outside bitch .. On God its on sight." Hazel snapped, walking towards the back to cool off. Pointing to the door Melissa walked out after she grabbed her bag and other belongings.
Marcus sighed rubbing his hand down his face. "I can't believe she actually pulled this shit man .. this could fuck up everything." He mumbled.
"Just gotta keep faith man, hopefully they don't believe what she said."
"Yeah hopefully.."
Braiding one of her clients heads, Cali listened to the girls gossip as always while she stayed to herself. She wasn't really up for conversation at the moment, alot of things were clouding her mental, so she decided to just keep quiet.
"Does this hurt?" She asked the little girl who sat in her chair eating a bag of chips. "No'mam," She stated politely.
Cali smiled, when she pinned the girls hair to go get more beads from the back she stopped dead in her tracks when she heard Ahmad's name slip out of someone's mouth.
As she kept walking she listened closely as the person tried to whisper. "The guy is Cali's boyfriend .. I saw it on the news last night so supposely he killed his aunt or whatever and he's going on trial next month .. in my opinion they need to keep his ass in there, but of course he's trying to go the temporary insanity route but maybe just maybe his ass might just be insane, that's probably why Cali been so quiet she got a nut case for a boyfriend." The girl explained as the other ladies nodded shaking their heads.
"Or you could mind your damn business and learn how to fuckin' whisper next time. Speak on what you know, you're making accusations off what you saw on tv but don't know shit. But let me make this crystal fucking clear real quick, don't worry about me and mines okay? Keep his name and my name out ya'll mouth and that goes for anybody in here. This is my shop, you will not gossip about me in my place of work take that shit outside and if you have a problem the door is right there." She stated simply catching them all by surprise.
The girl who was the main one talking, she smiled. "It wasn't even like that Cal, you know me .. but come on sis, how come you ain't tell us about this?"
"Maybe because it was none of your business to begin with, we ain't that cool for me to be spreading my personal issues but like I said keep me and mines out y'alls mouth .. if y'all can't .. we can take it outside , so going once .. going twice? nobody? okay, get back to work ladies and since you're so worried about me Cassie, worry about your man who was out at Denny's last night with another woman who damn sho' didn't look like you."
Walking back over to her station, she continued braiding the girl hair over every thing today. Cassie rolled her eyes getting up from her seat and left out the door.
Cali shrugged not really bothered by it, Cassie was always the one to talk and gossip about other people when her life was shit. Her man was never faithful, and stayed having kids on her but whenever you put her on the spot, she ain't like it.
When her lunch break came, she told the ladies she'd be back in two hours before clocking out. Grabbing her purse and keys, she left out the shop getting inside her car.
The drive to the clinic was short which she was grateful for. Pulling into the parking lot, she got out locking her car then made her way inside.
Going straight to the front desk, the lady looked up at her smiling. "Hello, setting up an appointment?"
"Um no actually, I already have one .."
"Okay name?"
"Aubrey Calieen Brown,"
"Yes, you're right here.. just need you to fill out this paperwork and she'll be right with you."
Taking the clip board, Cali filled the form out giving her personal information they needed to contact her and other stuff of that sort.
When her phone started ringing, her heart dropped when she saw it was the prison. Quickly answering it, she let the operator speak before Ahmad's deep voice went through the phone. "What's up baby? You busy?"
Looking around the clinic full of women and kids, she shook her head. "No, just on my break."
"Good, I just wanted to call and tell you that one of these days I'm meeting up with Chanel and Derek to get closure, I just wanted to run that by you."
Cali smiled, "Do whatever you feel will help you get better,"
"I'm trying, ma' tell you my trial is next month?"
"Yeah, its on the news as well .. are you nervous?"
Looking behind him, he saw Slick passing so he threw the dueces up at him. "Hell yeah, I'm nervous .. I Just hope this all goes right, I can't take this shit."
"I can't take it either, when you get out we're having lots of sex .. giving you a fair warning because its been too long." She whined.
"Way ahead of you baby girl, I miss being innat."
He honestly didn't care if folks heard him being nasty to his lady, hell she was his and he wanted that to be known. "I miss you too, you think they would allow me to send nudes through the mail?"
Laughing, he shook his head. "I don't know baby girl, try it and see."
When she saw her doctor comin she stood, "I will, but I gotta go .. talk to you later baby."
"Alright, I love you mamas."
"I love you more daddy,"
Both making a kissy noise through the phone they disconnected the call. While Cali was escorted back to the doctor's office, Ahmad was escorted back to his cell missing her already.
"Hello, Ms. Aubrey."
Smacking her teeth playfully, Cali rolled her eyes. "Cyn, you know I don't like my name .. call me Cali."
"Aubrey is a pretty name though, but fine miss thang. But alright what brings you by cause last time I saw you was when my little warrior was on the way."
Cali smiled, "I know, I think I'm expecting and I wanted to come here and be totally sure."
"Oh wow, by Reg or?"
"God no, this is by my new lover."
Smirking, she walked over to her desk to get things ready. "Your new man? Girl you think you cute huh?.. coming up in here with the braids and shit got ya little belly out, I see you.. who is this new lover you speak of?"
"His name is Ahmad, and Cyn .. girl he's just so perfect, Marq loves him like no other .. he takes care of me, he does for me, always making sure me and my baby good .. I really love that man .. like its so crazy, and if I am pregnant .. I wouldn't mind."
"Aw, well come on let's see what working with .. strip out those clothes put on this gown on, while I go get one last thing."
As she put the gown on, her nerves started to get bad. She started to think about what how much this baby would change their lives, sighing she got on the table and laid back.
Cyn walked back in smiling.."Ready to find out if there's a baby in there?"
Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."
Decided to update for my birtbday, ya girl is 19 years old finally .. still young but closer to 21 👅
Hope you guys enjoyed the update!
Thanks for the love & support
- Denise❤
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