C H A P T E R 12
Does this story feel rushed?
Ahmad walked back and forth in his room making sure had everything he needed before he left. Amira sat on the bed watching his every move just waiting for him to leave so she could do the same and be on time for the party.
"I look good?" He asked her.
Nodding her head she grabbed his phone snapping a picture of him then sat it down on the bed beside her. "Alright, I'm bout to go .. you know the rules nobody except Imani is allowed over here and you can't leave this house and don't think I won't know cause Marcus will tell me."
Rolling her eyes she waved him off, "I know the rules, I'm not a baby."
Walking towards her he kissed her forehead. "Whatever, I love you and be sure to lock up .. its some crazy muthafuckas around here."
"Yeah like you," She joked.
"Exactly, come walk me out."
Heading towards the door Amira followed behind him tugging on the bonnet she wore making sure rollers could not be seen. Stepping outside he hugged her one last time kissed her forehead then walked away with a heavy heart.
Lately he's been having these dreams again .. but they weren't good dreams. He wasn't sure if it was because of the medicine he was taking but shit just wasn't feeling right and hadn't been feeling right for a few days.
When he heard his door shut he stared at the door for a minute then turned to walk to his car. Getting inside he cranked it up then pulled out heading towards Cali's so they could go to dinner.
Today was her last free day and they were gonna spend it together since it would be a week until they saw each other again but the whole way there other shit was on his mind.
Back at Ahmad's house Amira was wasting no time to get ready. She had Imani on mute the whole time he was there just waiting for him to leave. Taking her off her mute, she peeked through the window. "Okay he just left to go to his girlfriend or whatever she is house, I'm leaving the house in ten minutes I already had my outfit planned tonight just gotta put it on so be outside when I get there."
"Girl, I'm already dressed.. just waiting on you."
"Oh okay, now all I gotta do now is sneak by Marcus apartment without getting caught then its on and popping.
Imani giggled. "Damn your brothers really don't play."
"They really don't, I was playing music through the iHome speaker one night while Ahmad was gon' and Marcus busted in thinking I was having a party ..shit pissed me off lowkey."
Laughing, Imani picked at her nails. "So glad I'm the oldest so my little brothers don't bother me at all."
"Well aren't you lucky, but okay I'm about to get dressed, touch up on my hair and then I'm heading out the door call you when I get there."
"Okay bye,"
Hanging up her phone, Amira slipped it in her Micheal Kors clutch Twan brought her for their two year anniversary.
Going inside her closet she grabbed the dress off the hanger dropping the night gown she wore then slid into the dress rubbing her hands down her sides straighten it out.
Taking a look at herself in the mirror, she did a small turn looking at the short dress she wore liking how it hugged her small figure she had, making her little booty pop more.
Grabbing a pair of heels, she put those on then took out the rollers in her head letting the curls fall gracefully on her shoulders.
She didn't wear make-up so she was going to let her natural beauty show tonight and with Twan being there she wanted to impress him.
Grabbing her keys she took a deep breath opening the door locking the bottom lock from the inside then stepped outside. Slowly closing the door, she tip toed by Marcus door then ducked down by his window being sure to be quiet as a mouse.
Once she was passed his apartment she sped walked down the stairs going to her car. Unlocking it with the key ring, she quickly got in started it then pulled out.
Calling Imani she had to slow her heartbeat down from being scared of getting caught. "You made it out safe and sound?"
"Yes, I'm headed your way .. fuck my heart is like pounding."
"Calm down child, we'll be back home before your brothers even realize you left relax."
"You're right, just gotta focus on enjoying myself tonight."
"Yess that's the spirit,"
"Shut up, but bro on the real my brother has been acting so weird lately."
"He's just been real affectionate, like before he left he kissed me on my forehead twice but before then he just kept checking one me, asking if I was good .. shit his weird ass never does."
Imani laughed. "Girl, he just showing his love and being nice .. cherish them moments girl never know when he may be gon' one day."
Amira nodded. "True, I honestly don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost him or Amir. I may got issues with Amir but I do love him, and Ahmad has always been there so if he were to leave me on this Earth .. I'd die because the one person I knew I could depend on is no longer here."
"This just got really deep, and I don't want to imagine my man dying so let's lighten this up some .. you excited about seeing your babydaddy tonight?"
Amira blushed. "He is not my baby daddy stop saying that shit."
Imani rolled her eyes, "Says the one who hasn't started their period in three weeks and is too scared to get a pregnancy test."
"I'm not taking one cause I know I'm not pregnant."
"You're in denial that's all."
"Whatever bye, I'll see you in a minute."
Pulling up to Imani's house, she honked her horn once making Imani come walking out excitedly happy that her and her bestfriend were finally going to a party together. "Hey bitch," She greeted getting in the front seat.
"Hey, where is this nigga house at?"
"I'll type his address in my google maps, he don't live far from me."
"Okay good, cause I'm low on gas."
"Wow, why didn't you get gas?"
Amira scoffed. "Um because I'm broke duh, why else?"
"You're now taking the fastest route," Imani scoffed. "They always say something the fastest route and the shit be like the longest way to go."
"Yeah yeah whatever, sit it up there so I can see where we're going."
Following the directions she saw she was only about fifteen minutes away. "Plug up my phone to the aux, go to my playlist and play Knocking Doors Down by Pimp C, please." Amira requested.
"Let me guess, your brother got you listening to this huh?"
"Yep, now hush up and put it on damn."
Rolling her eyes she pressed play on the song watching her friend get lit to it, shaking her head she wished she could put her ass on snapchat but decided to save all her video recording for later tonight once they were actually at the party.
When her phone vibrated and the music got low for a second, Imani looked down at her phone to see that Ahmad had texted her. Clicking on the message, she looked over at Amira. "Ahmad texted you asking if you were good."
"Tell him yes, just watching B.A.P.S."
Doing as told she sat the phone in her lap as they road in silence letting the song just play and song along here and there to the words.
Arriving at his house the girls fell in love with the size of it. It was a two story brick house but the color of the brick is what made the house so beautiful and how they had it set up.
They've heard of the guy that was hosting the guy, seen him around school a few times but never knew he was rich or had money. Noticing teens they went to school with outside either drinking, smoking or just talking, Amira eyes were scanning the yard for Twan.
Not spotting him she figured he waa inside somewhere. Parking her car down the street just to be smart and save herself from getting jacked, she reapplied her lipgloss and checked herself out to make sure she looked good.
Both doing bestfriend checks on each other and approving the other that they looked good, they got out walking hand and hand up to his house catching the eyes of other people.
Entering the house it was lit, everybody was dancing to Classic Man remix by Jidenna ft. Kendrick Lamar, and drinking. It looked like a movie scene to Amira since she wasn't used to this.
Feeling a wave of nerves come over her she took deep breath. Scanning the room for Twan or at least one of his friends. She wasn't big on partying she really only came to see what Twan was doing.
It wasn't that she didn't trust him it was just he never mentioned a party and they've been texting all day like always.
When Imani spotted the guys in the kitchen, she grabbed Amira's hand. "Oou they got drinks, let's go." Imani cheesed.
Walking into the kitchen, the girls caught everyone's attention. A few guys were checking them out nodding approval that they looked good but Amira and Imani was not tryna impress them.
Walking up to their guys, Twan did a double take surprised to see Amira there but overrall he was happy to see his girl but also worried.
Tonight was really not a good night for her to be out for her own safety which is why he didn't mention the party.
Motioning for her to come to him, she slowly walked over folding her arms over her chest. "How come you didn't tell me you were coming to this party?" She asked not giving him a chance to speak first.
"Damn can't get a hug or a kiss first?"
"Answer the question Twan."
"You don't party so like I really didn't think it was important but I am glad you're here.." Grabbing her hand he made her do a three-sixty turn checking her out, "Lookin' good as always."
"I feel like you lying but whatever,"
Sighing, he grabbed her hand. "I really can't go into details but if I'm being totally honest you don't need to be here .."
"Why? So you can entertain other bitches?"
"No, I been telling you since day one you only the girl I got eyes for .. and that ain't changing now, just trust me when I say it ain't good for you to be here right now." He whispered as he took a little look scanning the party.
Using her hands to turn his focus on back on him, she looked at him long and hard. "You know you can tell me anything, what's going on?"
"I'll tell you later but not here at least, you want something to drink?"
"What all they got?"
Grabbing her hand, he made his way to the otherside of the kitchen going to the big ass cooler the guy had on the ground. Opening the ice box she saw it had different flavors of the Seagram's drinks and beer. Grabbing her a Jamaican Me Happy and a Peach Fuzzy Navel for himself.
They walked to a small empty area in the kithen so he could open it for her. Handing her the drink she took a sip, just staring at the side of his face watching how serious his face was as he opened his bottle.
When he finally looked her way he chuckled taking a sip. "Why you staring at me like that?"
She blushed, "I don't know .. I just got a lot on my mind and when I heard you were gonna be here and didn't run it by me .. I got worried."
Sitting his drink down, he pulled her into him. "Talk to me, what's up?"
Sighing, she looked down. "It's been three week since I started my cycle."
Feeling his heart drop he grabbed the drink she had in her hand throwing it away. "You think pregnant?"
She shrugged. "I don't know, I'm scared to see if I am or not.. cause if I am I know my brothers and parents are gonna be on my ass about it, and plus I'm only eighteen life barely even started and I don't believe in abortion so I'm gonna keep the baby no doubt."
Nodding his head, he leaned his head forward resting his forehead against hers. "You already know whatever happens, I'm here .. pregnant or not."
Kissing her lips she hugged him tightly. "I love you,"
"I love you too, we gon' be good."
Pulling away she smiled small, "I'm about to run to the bathroom, show me where it is?"
Leading her upstairs he walked her to the restroom letting her go in the stood out the door waiting for her to finish.
Nodding his head to Nolia Clap by Juvenile, he looked down to see all his classmates just party like no tomorrow. Noticing a few niggas his heart rate sped up.
When Amira was done she washed her hands dryed them off then stepped out, she went to head for stairs but he stopped her. "Wait up here for me in that room right there."
"Cause I wanna talk, just gotta tell Leon and them where I'm at."
Shrugging the thought off she walked into the room taking a seat on the bed. Once Twan saw her close the door he took off downstairs going into kitchen.
When he saw the guys he was looking for again he tapped Imani's boyfriend pointing towards the group of boys who were standing near a corner of the house.
Both boys shared a look talking with their eyes. "You got yo strap?" Twan mouthed and he nodded.
"Imani, do as I say right now and stay in here for me."
"Um why?"
"Just please do what I say alright?"
Rolling her eyes she nodded, "Okay whatever,"
Kissing her lips, he tapped his boys giving them the signal. All pulling their guns out Imani frowned wondering what the hell was going on. Grabbing his arm he held his finger up. "I'll explain everything, duck down behind this bar and don't get up unless its me coming for you."
Nodding her head quickly, she began to worry and then she started to wonder where Amira was.
Twan, Leon and the other guys they had moved swiftly through the crowd approaching the guys. "You niggas got a lot of balls coming to our side."
One of the guys chuckled. "Nigga we came to party and get bitches .. fuck y'all, y'all ain't bout shit anyways."
Nodding his head, Twan stole off on one and dude and that started a big ole' brawl. Teens took off running as the group of guys started throwing blows at each other.
Amira heard the noise and started to wonder what was taking Twan so long, getting up from the bed she walked to the door opening it then walked out. When she heard glass break she sped up her walk walking down the stairs.
When she saw the guys all fighting she looked for Twan seeing him off the side hovering over some dude beating his ass she ran towards him grabbing his arm. "What are you doing!?" She shouted.
His face instantly softened when he saw her, "Move Amira, go in the kitchen."
Brushing her off, he grabbed the guy his shirt and went to swing but when a gunshot went off they both snapped their attention in the direction. When he saw one of the others guys boys laid out he knew he had to get up out of here.
Dropping the dude he took off looking for Imani and Amira. Walking into the kitchen he saw them ducked behind the bar, "Get tha fuck up we gotta get outta of here."
Helping them stand he grabbed their hands running towards the back of the house, one of the guys saw him and shot missing them all by an inch. The girls screamed as Twan grip on their hands got tighter.
Walking out the back doors, helped them over the fence then hopped over himself. "Where did you park?"
"Down the street,"
"Come on,"
Back running again, they ran all the way to her car. Unlocking it he motioned for her to get in and Imani. "Go straight home Amira,"
"I'm not leaving without you get in the car Twan.." She pleaded.
Looking back he saw the same nigga coming, mumbling fuck he hopped in the backseat. "Get on Intersate 10 now," He demanded.
Starting the car she pulled off fast, "Where's Leon?" Imani asked.
Holding his finger up, he dialed his number. When he answered Twan sighed in relief. "Where you at bro?"
"In the car with Tyriek, Zach and Chris."
"This y'all infront of us in the Honda Civic?"
"Alright, get on interstate 10."
When they hung up, he leaned back into the seat trying to control his heart rate.
The ride was quiet until he heard gun shots, looking back he noticed they were being followed. "Fuck," He whispered.
Last thing he wanted to do was put Amira in harms way and especially with her might being pregnant, it only made him worry more.
When shot went through the back window busting it he ducked, Amira and Imani screamed as she swerved alittle. "Just keep driving baby," He yelled over the gun shots.
When they got near her house, Amira figured they would lose em but when they shot at her tires making her lose control of the car she ran into the back of the car Leon and them was in going 90 mph knocking them off the road making their car flip since it was so small of a car but the shooting didn't stop causing her to freak out and turn the wheel which lead to her turning it too hard making the car swerve off the road and flip four times.
The car consisting the guys that were shooting they dipped over and sped off getting away from the scene.
Both cars were flipped on the hoods crushed. Cars pulled over to make sure no one was hurt getting out their cars calling for help.
Twan felt as if his body was split in half as he called out Amira name. "Amira," He mumbled but got no answer.
Calling it again, and getting the samething he closed his eyes as tears filled his eyes.
The smell of gas soon hit his nose and startes to he get scared. "Help, somebody help us .. please." He yelled hoping someone was there.
"Calm down sweetie you aren't alone.. help is on the way." A lady spoke up as she called 911 reporting the accident.
"Good Morning KLTV, I am news report Crystal Summers live with the seven o'clock news. A fatal three car accident happened late last night around eleven p.m, consisting of three passengers by the names of Imani Lanay Harris, Amira Helane Sinclair and DaTwan Vincent Davis all seniors at Sratford High School in one car and four in the other by the names of Tyriek Leon Davis, Zachary Lewis and Chris Hopkins also seniors at Stratford High. The third car was the cause of the accident swerving and shooting at both vehicles as you can see in the footage from one of the light poles causing both cars to crash into each and flip at least four times into a near by ditch, the drivers of the third car were not at the scene when officers arrived but the six passengers were immediately transported to the Houston West Methodist Hospital. On arrival three were reported dead, no names have been released on who yet. Witnesses say this started all at a party the teens left recently, shooting was reported in a neighborhood not too far from where the accident was. Police officers are doing a serious investigation on what caused this. That's all we have on this story tune back in for updates."
Sorry for the wait loves, school & work kicking my ass 😩
Hope you guys enjoy, and excuse any mistakes!
- Denise 💕
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