chapter twenty
chantelle's pov
after detention, i went to the school cafeteria for a quick cup of water then started making my way down the corridors, to go back to my dorm.
i pulled my heavy gym bag further up my shoulder and tried my best to keep hold of my text books, just as i saw nate leaning against some lockers. he looked up from his phone and the eye contact instantly made me feel uneasy, so i sped up my pace until my books crashed onto the ground.
"shit," i cursed and bent down to start picking them back up. i glanced over my shoulder and nate continued to stand against the lockers - briefly looking back at me. "what? so you're not going to help?" i said and he immediately rushed over and began gathering the remaining books.
"i thought you hated me" he mumbled and i shook my head at his words.
"i don't hate you. that's the problem" i stated as we both stood up. i vaguely smiled to thank him and i was about to walk away, until he softly took held of my arm.
"hey, i miss you - a lot" nate spoke and gently licked his lips. "i know that i'm the last person that you want to talk to right now, but i can't just forget about you".
my heart pounded against my chest, and i was struggling to keep my breathing calm because his touch suddenly became so familiar to me again.
"...i miss you too" i admitted and he exhaled lightly with relief. "but i also hate how as soon as i started to fall for you, you went ahead and ruined it".
he let go of my arm and guiltily scratched the back of neck. "i'm sor-" i cut him off.
"i know" i nodded. "i'll see you on monday" i told him and vaguely smiled again before walking away from him.
meredith's pov
it's monday morning and kari was forcing me to stand on the steps outside of the school doors. this is usually what half of the girls at our school do, so that they can wait for the boys to come in and practically throw themselves at them.
but apparently something happened between kari and sammy last friday and from the minute she told me, i knew that drama was bound to happen again.
"so are you and sam like dating now?" i asked her as she continued looking over everyone to see if he was coming.
"uh, i guess so. we haven't really labelled anything yet" she explained, but was barely paying any attention.
"what about johnson?".
she groaned aloud and snapped, "why does everyone keep asking me that?!...okay, i'm sorry, but i'm just tired of people assuming that i'm not allowed to move on as quickly as he did. plus, we weren't even dating in the first place".
i sighed and put my arm around her shoulder to give her a hug. "you know what, screw those people. if you see sammy as the one, then go for it".
"woah, i don't know about him being the one" kari chuckled. "but thanks any ways" she smiled and hugged me back.
"...oh and speaking of him". i gestured my head forward, as sammy got out of his range rover with nate, jack and jack. he noticed kari, nodded his head and smiled at her before they started making their way towards us.
"hey beautiful," sammy said as kari came down the steps and embraced him with a hug. he lifted her up slightly and she kissed his lips.
"hey," she giggled.
johnson furrowed his eyebrows at their public display of affection and approached me, "when did this happen?".
nate chuckled and patted johnson back, "bro, you didn't know?".
"know what?".
"sam and kari are a thing now" i answered and his eyes widened slightly, before looking back at them flirting with each other.
"well, if she had to choose one guy to hook up with and make me jealous, she made the right choice" he mumbled, just as the morning bell rang and we all followed one another inside.
johnson's pov
my first class is chemistry, which also means my first class with the newly-couple.
i sat down in my seat and watched sammy enter with his arm around kari and while whispering things into her ear. she then did that adorable giggle that just made me miss her even more.
yes, i do miss her. like crazy, but it just pisses me off how i know that she's just doing this because of mine and carrington's relationship.
"hey, do you wanna skip lunch today?" kari asked sammy when he settled in his seat and she sat on his lap.
"wait, but today they have-..." he paused as a smirk grew on the corner of her lips. he was slower than me to realise what she really meant, but when he did, he quickly agreed and gave her a kiss.
i rolled my eyes at them, and accidentally sighed quite loudly. kari and i caught eye contact, and i could tell that she was aware that this whole thing was bothering me.
she gave me a look as if to say that "two can play this game", before turning back to focus on sammy.
mrs giles soon and hastily came into the classroom - i never thought that i'd be glad to see a teacher since she has the right to put a stop to this torture.
"good morning class," she announced and we all somewhat murmured morning, back. "...miss phillips, i don't recall mr wilkinson being a chair?".
"ah, come on mrs giles. my girl isn't doing any harm," sammy defended. "...yet" he sniggered and so did the rest of the guys in our class.
our teacher stood at the front of room, completely unamused by sam's innuendo. "return to your seat immediately, miss phillips".
kari groaned and stood to sit back in the seat that was exactly in front of sammy's. a few seconds later, he leant over and wrapped his arm around her neck, whispered something, then planted a deep kiss on her neck.
i fidgeted in my seat from how uncomfortable i currently was, and gilinsky looked over at me.
"bro, are you okay?" he mouthed and i assuringly nodded my head to answer, then began copying notes from the board.
the bell rang and everyone gathered up their books and backpacks, to hurry to their second period. sammy walked out of the room while speaking to gilinsky, and the class didn't take long to clear out.
before kari could make her way to the door, i took a light hold of her arm, "hey, i know what you're trying to do here" i said.
"what are you talking about?" she chuckled while pulling her backpack further up her shoulder.
"with sammy? the whole dating thing, you're just doing it to piss me off".
"what? you're annoyed because i'm also seeing someone else?" kari questioned as she folded her arms across her chest.
"someone else?," i scoffed. "you moved on with one of my best friends".
she furrowed her eyebrows, "last time i checked, you guys weren't even on speaking terms and you don't see me questioning your relationship with that life-sized barbie of yours,". kari finalised and picked up her textbooks, before storming out of the classroom.
lol i sort of hate how many pov's this story has, idk. but this story will end on chapter 30, or maybe a little before, because i really just want to focus on affair, and starting a new fanfic too.
i'm so grateful for those who are still reading these chapters, even though it's on slow updates again. i'm sorry, but i will try my best to update more frequently.
pls vote, comment and share ily ❤️
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