chapter seven
(two chapters in one day!)
sammy's pov
"girl, see, this is why best friends should literally never leave each others' side" chantelle stated while i drove my car to find a local fast food restaurant.
"chantelle, i'm fine ok. he didn't hurt me" kari told her and i quickly looked through the rear view mirror, checking to see how she is.
"actually this is why guys are such self-centred, fuckboy jerks, who's only aim is make girls feel like shit about themselves" ava corrected.
"but seriously, we're sorry that that happened to you, kar" meredith said.
"yeah, us too" johnson added.
"please stop saying sorry, ok. all of you. i'm fine. i just need to take my mind of things" kari explained just as we pulled up outside an in n out burger. it was almost 1am so i was surprised that it was still open.
the place only contained the workers, and also a group of four people eating their food at a table far from ours. everyone told nate, ava and i what they wanted us to order and us, guys payed for the girls' meals since it was the least we could do because it's honestly been a long night.
kari's pov
we all sat by one another, eating our meals that the guys kindly bought for us. it's honestly been so long since i've even had food like this, because going to a boarding school just means that you eat fast food on holidays, or days when the lunch ladies are feeling extra nice to serve us takeaways for dinner.
but we were all in mere silence from tire, and because my mind just kept replaying what just happened. over and over again.
"yo, do you have a spare blunt?" sammy asked the guys while patting around in his pockets for one more, but nate passed him another one any ways. "i'll be right back," he told us and got out of his seat to go outside.
minutes past and i felt like i needed to go out and get some fresh air. so i left the table and did so, seeing sammy leaning against the wall. still smoking his joint.
"hey," i said.
he removed the burning roll up from between his lips, "oh, what's up? what are you doing out here?".
"just needed some fresh air" i responded, going to stand beside him. it was weird, and slightly awkward just standing here beside the guy that pissed me off like hell only just yesterday. but then the way he attacked justin at the club was crazy, but also amazing. i was hesitating on whether to come out and say thank you now, or just leave it because it was a bit too late.
"uh, sammy?" i said to gain his attention, and i did since he turned his head to face me. "thank you for what you did to that dumbass earlier. seriously, thank you".
"no problem. i mean, i've dealt with guys like him before any ways" he admitted and i furrowed my eyebrows.
"what do you mean?".
"it''s a long story, really. but you'll probably find out any ways, because you being able to stand next to me without rolling your eyes or pushing me away is progress in our relationship," he chuckled and i shook my head, laughing with him.
"wait, relationship or friendship?" i quickly questioned with my eyebrow raised.
"well, when i first met you, it was definitely relationship. then i realised that you didn't like me so i settled to a friendship, but then i saw how you looked tonight and i was like, you know what? fuck it, i will try for relationship with this baddie" sammy winked before lightly tapping the almost-finished-joint to shake off the burnt particles. silence fell upon us and he eventually realised that i was now just staring at him smoking drugs right beside me.
"do you wanna have the last few pulls?" he offered and my eyes unintentionally grew bolder. but i mean, what the worst that could happen? i've already snuck out of school, been to a nightclub, and now i'm standing here at 1am with a bad boy, debating on whether to smoke weed for the first time or not.
"yeah, sure" i agreed. he handed me the rolled up paper and i held it between my fingers. i took a deep breathe quietly before placing the joint between my lips, and attempting to inhale. but i failed and coughed dramatically, handing it back to sammy, who was in a tiny laughing fit.
"here, lemme help you," sammy explained as he came and stood over me. he had the joint between his fingers and bought it gently towards my lips. "just inhale. slowly," he first instructed and i did so, as i stared up at him. he then removed it from my lips, "now release" he continued and i slowly copied his words.
the step by step helped and i smoked my first cigarette, but that unusually wasn't what i was focused on. but i was instead on how close sammy and i were right now. a weird urge was growing inside of me, and i knew that sammy wanted to do the same, but he was holding back because it's been less than two days and he knows not to just plant shit like that on me.
the moment came to a quick end when sammy looked away and coughed awkwardly, before dropping the joint on the ground. he used his foot to put it out and i became kind of bummed that he didn't make any moves. so i reached up to the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me, instantly crashing his lips into mine. we both melted into the kiss as i pushed my self back against the wall, bringing him closer by his white shirt. his lips tasted of alcohol and burnt marijuana, but all i could feel was him smiling stupidly as the kiss depended. that was until he began gliding his tongue against my bottom lip...
"oh my-" i heard meredith's voice, making me pull away immediately.
"were we in there that long?" chantelle asked with a smirk on her face, and sammy and i both shamefully glanced at one another.
"i did not even see this one coming" ava admitted.
"what are you all doing out here any ways?" i asked.
"we wanted to see what was taking you two so long and the girls wanted to check out our place" gilinsky answered.
"ok, come on, let's go" sammy hastily gestured and we all started walking back towards his car. the guys walked in front of us and us, girls trailed at the back. it was so obvious that both groups were discussing the recent event, but i caught eye contact with johnson as he glanced behind himself - distracting me from my conversation.
but it was weird. he stared at me differently, so it wasn't like before. now i have this deep feeling in my stomach that happened as soon as he looked away. it was almost like guilt.
sammy and kari kissed, yay lol who do you think is next?
but guys, next chapter will finally have some smut in it btw. keep reading, voting and pls comment ily.
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