chapter fourteen
chantelle's pov
"the next activity that we're going to do is focused around emotions, thoughts and advice" cara explained.
she turned around to write those exact three words on the board with a marker.
"so, i'm going to pass some paper around and i want you all to anonymously write down something that's maybe been a weight on your shoulders for a while, or something that's been on your mind and you're in desperate need for advice. you will then pick one of the papers out of a box and which ever one you get, you have to then give back some advice".
A.N: i'm going to put the names of the people who wrote the problems in brackets.
minutes past and mostly everyone had written down something on a piece of paper and cara had put them into the box.
"right, so since everyone but nate decided to participate. so kari, can you start?" she asked and passed the box to her. "oh and by the way, the notes could seem a little obvious as to who wrote it, but just go with the flow and whatever is said in here, stays in here".
"ok, well i got: (chantelle) i like him, a lot actually, maybe even love, but he makes me feel like crap sometimes and i don't want to let go" kari read a loud. "well, person who wrote this, you shouldn't let a guy treat you like that and i know it's hard because as you said, you might love him but you deserve to feel worthy, not like something he can keep taking a bite out of whenever he feels like it".
"well done, kari. nate, can you at least pick from the box?" cara begged.
"ugh, fine" he first groaned, then finally put his hand in. "(johnson) she's probably the most amazing girl that i've ever met, but it still hurts when i see her with him. i'm just worried that i'm at some sort of competition with this guy. well bro, just tell the other dude to back the hell off and as long as that dude isn't me, you aren't at any competition whatsoever".
"right, okay. meredith?".
"i got; (ava) doing this went against everything that i ever said to him, but i couldn't resist and now i just keep going back for more - making me unsure of how i feel now. well, forget about what you said before, that was then and this is now. if you want him, go get him and you shouldn't feel guilty if it's not hurting anyone".
"great job, meredith. jack johnson?" cara gestured.
"um, well mine says; (gilinsky) she's been hurt before and you can tell, and it sucks that she won't let me in to treat her better because for once i actually like a girl, not just for sexual pleasure".
"wait, i never said—" gilinsky almost spoke.
"i tweaked some of the bad words, so they were more suitable to read aloud" cara quickly announced. "johnson, what advice would you like to give to this person?".
"well, just be there for her, bro. that's all you can do until she opens up".
cara smiled, "well done, jack. chantelle?".
i rolled my eyes at miss-try-and-turn-us-into-the-breakfast-club and popped the bubblegum in my mouth.
"(meredith) i did something bad and i regret it completely, it will crush one of my best friends and i know that she likes him a lot...she tells me 24/7—" i slowly read, then recited it again in my head.
a weird instinct suddenly grew inside me, making me assume that this best friend was in fact, me.
" was a mistake" i continued out loud.
i silently scanned through the note one last time, then glanced at nate. he quickly looked away after he showed me the most guilty look on his face.
"who...who wrote this?" i sternly asked, but none of the girls responded. "who?!"
"chantelle, this is supposed to anonymous" cara warned me.
"i don't fucking care! was it you?" i heatedly asked kari, who was sat behind me.
"me?! chantelle, you can't be serious, like i'd ever do that to you" she instantly defended.
"wait," johnson mentioned. "how are you so certain that it's about you?".
"i just do, okay. so, who else did you fuck then, nate?" i yelled towards him, but he kept silent. "because i know that ava wouldn't even try it, so—".
i realised that there was only one best friend left. meredith - who gave me the exact same guilty look as nate did before.
"yoooo. dude, you had sex with meredith?" sammy clasped his hands together and laughed, but i just continued to glare at her, trying my best not to explode.
"we didn't have sex!" nate corrected him. "we just kissed and...she gave me head" he quietened down when the last sentence came out of his mouth, but i still felt my heart skip an entire beat.
"i am so sorry, chantelle" meredith began to say before i hastily jumped out of my seat and tried to attack her, but kari and nate quickly held me back.
"get the fuck off me!" i screamed at him and aggressively pushed him off.
i sat back in my seat with my head in my hands and i could feel a lump growing in my throat, signalling that i was about to start crying, so i pushed myself out my chair and stormed out of the room.
"chantelle!" i heard nate call my name, but i ignored it and continued going.
nate's pov
"dude, just let her calm down first" gilinsky told me. i sat back down and forcefully kicked the chair beside me.
i never thought that i would feel like this after chantelle found out. the look on her face when she realised that the note was about her, then the tears falling down her cheek when she ran out killed me.
it's just weird, because i've never felt this angry and guilty for doing something like this. days ago, i felt nothing, me and her were just hooking up. but now that chantelle actually knows, i wish that i didn't do shit with meredith.
i just think it's because i actually do care about her and from the few weeks that we've spent together, i've realised that she isn't just "some chick" anymore.
"he's right. detention ends in 30 minutes, and you can go after her then. but these were supposed to stay anonymous, this is supposed to help you get advice from your friends without having to have that one to one talk. so, please, let's just continue, jack g next" cara told us whilst i started writing down my thoughts on a piece of paper.
i refused before because there wasn't anything weighing down on my shoulders, because i'm not the type to express my feelings like that.
"ok, this one says; (kari) i'm really happy that this guy and i are becoming closer and getting along, but it's bugging me how in the back of my mind, i have to tell him something but i know he'll be pissed off. well, princess, if it's bugging you so much, you have to tell him. simple" gilinsky spoke.
"thank you, jack. lastly, ava".
"(sammy) jealousy is something that i've never experienced, but maybe i'm starting to understand it, because she was mine first and the other guy is stealing her away from me. i would tell her the truth, but then again, i have an image. well anonymous person, first of all girls aren't objects that you can just claim as your's first. second of all, if you care about your image so much, you shouldn't even be trying to chase this girl because the last thing that we want is to only be "used" behind curtains or to be some boy's side bitch. fix up or get out" ava explained just as i finished writing my thoughts and got up to place it in the box.
cara smiled at how i finally came through and she passed the box to sammy, "my mistake, last but not least is actually sammy".
"oh. well, it's a bit obvious who wrote this now, but any ways; (nate) i didn't think i had anything to feel guilty or emotional about, but when i saw her reaction i realised that i do. but i'm just shit at staying loyal to girls" sammy recited. "well bro, no guy ever wants to stay loyal, but we'll have to sooner or later or else all the baddies will be taken and married with kids, and we'll still be at the clubs tryna hit on girls way younger than us".
we all laughed at his words as i gave him a quick dap.
"right, well that was all from everyone. i'm really glad that we got that over and done with, and i hope you all feel much better, but obviously not for some" cara spoke, reffering to commotion earlier. "but i'll see you all next friday".
i quickly grabbed my backpack to go and find chantelle. but i paused outside when i saw her sitting outside the door, with her eyes puffy and red.
"babe, i'm sorry, i—" i tried to continue, but she quickly interrupted.
"i seriously don't want to hear it, nate" she told me and stood up to almost walk away.
"chantelle, wait" meredith called out. "i'm sorry, but to be honest, i thought this stuff didn't really bother you. you're always saying that if some guy cheats, you can always find someone else. plus, i was going to tell you, you can even ask kari".
"it's not even about that! it's the fact that you're one of my best friends and nate isn't just some g-...wait, you knew?" she suddenly turned to kari and the rest of our heads turned too.
kari stood still, trying her best to find her next words, "okay, only since monday. that's all, i swear".
"so when did this even happen?" chantelle questioned with her hand on her hip. "well?!".
"on-on that friday, at the nightclub" meredith said.
chantelle ran her hands through her hair in disbelief and looked at me.
"then you even had the audacity to sleep with me that night" she said, but soon turned her focus back to kari. "and you, of all people knew. kari, we've been sisters since the fucking sixth know what, i'm done with shouting at y'all. i'm over it. you three, can just stay the hell away from me".
"come on, baby" i spoke, coming closer to her but she backed away.
"just stop" chantelle finalised before she hurried away from everyone.
ava followed behind and i pulled my hand through my hair, watching her leave.
meredith's pov
tears were now forming in my eyes because i've officially lost one of my best friends. watching her rage like that and almost attack me practically teared my heart apart.
"she hates me now" i announced and leant back against the wall.
"she hates all three of us" kari added.
"well, you did get it on with her boyfriend/man/boy she was hooking up with" johnson explained, but i honestly just hate hearing it again.
"were you two even dating?" gilinsky asked with his hands stuffed in his trouser pockets.
nate groaned a loud at his question, "that doesn't even matter, dude. either way, we were something to each other and i fucked it up".
he pulled his backpack further up his shoulder then stormed away from us.
"ok, he's probably gone to my car and i don't want him to drive off without us, so we're gonna take off" sammy snapped his fingers at us and patted my shoulder, i guess to show a sign of comfort.
"i'll text you" johnson assured kari while he held her hand, then let go as he started walking away.
him and gilinsky waved at us both and we waved back until the boys were out of sight. kari sighed when it grew quiet between us.
"come on, let's go. we'll give chantelle the rest of the night to calm down a little, then we'll talk to her in the morning" she lightly smiled and dragged me along with her.
woah. this chapter was more than 2000 words, but it was fun to write. drama will also be in the next chapter, so look out lmao.
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