Detention confession
A/N: if you don't understand it is Angela bf (Jack), and unnamed mean boy (Ethan) fanfic, anyways to the story
I ended up in detention because my beard, Angela, decided to go after Jane again, and I was so happened to be teasing her too with Ethan (unnamed mean boy), the other girl was sick today. So now we are in the gym cleaning the floor and waxing it.
Suddenly I hear Ethan groan so I look at him confused.
"I am so bored, can we do something else?" He groans
"No we have t-" I try to say
"First off , no we don't Jack, and secondly, what do you want to Ethan?" Angela says over me
"Idk true or dare" he mumbles
"Ok" Angela says while sitting down on the bleachers
I sigh and continue cleaning cause unlike them I actually want to go home
Well I did clean, for five minutes, before I got bored and went and joined them
Immediately when I sat down Ethan scoots over to see next to me. As our legs touch, I start blushing and I look away
"Ok hmmmm Ethan truth or dare" Angela asked him
"Truth" he says not even a second later
"Hmmm, do you have a crush, and is it in the friend group" she ask smirking
That bitch knows I like Ethan and probably only asked it to get my hopes up. He is straight I know it.
"I do, and yes in fact they are in this friend group" he says
"Now, Jack, truth or dare" Ethan says while he turned to look at me
"Truth I guess" I mumble
"Is it true that you are gay?" He ask seriously, keeping his eyes on me.
I freeze "wait he thinks I am gay?!" "Did Angela tell him?!" "Is it that obvious?!" "Is he homophobic?!" These thought run through my head
"I just want to know, it is cool if you are." He says looking away
"Ummm, maybe- no- yes- possibly- yes, I am gay" I say shamefully while looking at the ground
"Oh ok cool" he says
"Ok my turn" Angela says even tho it is my turn, but I know she doesn't give a shit
"Jack, truth or dare" she says looking right into my soul, I know she going to make me do something embarrassing no matter what I choose.
"Dare, I guess" I whispers, hoping she didn't really hear me
"I dare you to sit in Ethan's lap for the rest of the game" she says with a snarky smile
"What?!" I say shooting my head up from the ground to stare at her in disbelief
"You heard me, Jake, now do it" she says
I got up and than just sat in his lap, Ethan moves a little to get comfortable. You could feel the tension between us
Also much as I am embarrassed, I did it, so Angela and Dina (unnamed mean girl) didn't make fun of me for the next week
"Ok, Jack, your turn" she says as if she didn't skip my turn earlier
"Ok, Angela, truth or dare" I say
"Dare, cause I am not wimp like you 2" she says
"I dare you to write a love letter to your crush, but you don't have to give it to them ,if you don't want to" I say, while trying to pretend I am not sitting in his lap
"Ok" she says while grabbing her fancy pens and markers.
I watch Ethan snatch one of her fine point markers when Angela wasn't looking. I say nothing but give him a confused look
She finishes writing as I look at her paper, it finishes with 'Love, secret admirer' instead of 'Sincerely, Angela'. I swear I seen that writing on someone's letter before that didn't belong to Angela, but I can't remember who
She gets up, folding the paper
"Don't leave without me I have to put it in he- their locker" she says, when mumbles the last part as she leaves
"Jack, give me your hand" Ethan says five seconds after Angela left the room
"Why?" I ask genuinely confused
"Just do it ok" He says as he puts his hand out
I just nod as I slowly put my hand in his, he then puts his head on top on mine and opens the marker. He then starts drawing on my hand, as my face starts to turn a bright red
He traces the lines on the palm of my hand, draws silly drawings like aliens and animals, and then after a while he drew a heart.
My heart is basically out of my chest, why was he doing this?! Is he trying to make fun of me?! Why?!
"Why are you doing this?" I mumble
"Well I- Um- you see- I kinda l-" he says loudly. Before he could finish, Angela bursts through the doors, red as a cherry
She just rushes in and grabs her bag and spirits out of the door. I am guessing someone caught her putting the note in the locker, I wonder who the note was for, for a moment
Ethan had to look on his face, like he was embarrassed, why?
"Are you ok?" I say as I turn around in his lap, he just stares at me
"Yeah I am, I got to leave, my mom needs me by 7" he says lifting me off his lap and putting me on the bleachers.
He just grab his back and ran off. I just sat there in confusion.
*the next day*
I keep trying to hang out with Jack today, but he keeps ignoring me I don't know why. For example at lunch, I walked up to him, I usually just sit down next to him and we would talk, but today he just left saying he had to do homework. All of us know he barely does homework in school. Any other time he would just make up an excuse on the spot and run.
What wrong with him today?
Well that all changes when we got detention again, but this time Angela wasn't there.
We sat there awkwardly for about fifteen minutes. Then I finally look up to him and asks "dude wtf is wrong with you today?"
He looks at me and says "I just been busy today, Jack, that is it"
"No you haven't!! You been ignoring me all day!! Why?!" I say pissed off a little
"You remember in the gym... before Angela bursted in and just left, I was telling you something" he says softly
"Is it seriously about that?!" I ask in disbelief
"Yeah..." he says, lowering his head, then he continues "I was going to say your middle finger is kinda crooked and it is cute." Now his face is tinted red
I blush a little, then I looked at my hand, the marker from yesterday is still on it, and for the first time I noticed my middle finger is crooked a little, but for some reason I don't think that's what he was actually going to say
"Why are you lying? Why were you actually going to say?" I say looking up from my hand, into his eyes
He doesn't say anything for awhile and I get uncomfortable from the silence between us
"Jack... I like you that's what I was going to say" he mumbles, as I jump a little.
I took a minute to take it in.
He likes me?! Out of everyone in the school he likes me?!
I couldn't believe it at all
"Please says something, its been five minutes" he says, his voice about to crack, he is about to cry
"No please don't cry" I say as I look at him "I like you too, I liked you since 5th grade" I say. Before my cheeks because a dark shade of red
"You did?" He says while putting his head up to look at me
"Yeah" I say turning even more red
We just sat in a comfortable silence this time, knowing we like each other
A/N: hope you enjoyed
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