Life Carries On
Alex woke up in a different spot then where she fell asleep, leaning on the wall in the corner. She sat up confused.
"What the shuck?" She whispered as she climbed out of the medical room bed.
Minho was gone and the blankets were folded and stacked on the table. Newt was still in the same spot. Alex turned around, on the little table by the bed was a mug of fresh coffee and a little bouquet of wildflowers with a little handwritten note.
Curious she picked it up. She recognized the writing immediately, having memorized the way the i's had circles and the loopy ys. It made her tummy flutter, and a big smile spread across her face as she read the note.
"Good morning Sunshine.
Hope I didn't keep you up all night. I'm sorry. Storms are something I don't handle well...clearly. Thank you for taking care of this shuck faced shank. I have some stuff to do today. I'll see ya later.
Use that shuck brain if yours.
"It's good to finally see you smiling." A quiet dry voice croaked.
Alex gasped, dropping the note and flowers with a wild scream.
"NEWT!" Alex screamed again, she jumped and knocked the table over, still screaming. She practically dove on top of him, wrapping him in a hug.
Dr Prior, Teresa, Amy, Brenda came running in, all panicking.
Everyone was pushing and shoving, yelling over each other.
"HEY! SLIM IT!" Alex yelled.
The girls all spun around, and their mouths dropped. Alex was still kneeling on the bed, Newt was quietly chuckling at the chaos he woke up to.
"As you can CLEARLY see, I'm fine and so is Newt! Someone go grab Sonya from Fry's!" Alex demanded, with a huge smile on her face.
Everyone but Dr Prior and Alex left the room with big goofy grins.
"Welcome back Newt " Dr Prior said kindly.
Alex helped him sit up slowly. He groaned loudly, rubbing his chest.
"How are you feeling?"
Newt thought for a second, his face scrunched, "confused and very thirsty. Also feels like I lost a fight to a Griever." He paused, "what happened?"
"NEWT!" shrieked another voice and a flash of blond hair and Newt let out an "OAF" as Sonya tackled him too.
"Girls. You're going to hurt him again. Let him breathe. As soon as I do a quick vital check I'll leave you three." He scolded, but he had a big smile.
Sonya and Alex backed up, giving the doctor room to work. Sonya helped clean up the spilt coffee and knocked over table while they waited very impatiently.
"Done, he's all your girls. Just be...gentle." Dr Prior called as he left the room.
The girls squealed and scurried over to his bed. They sat on each side of him, each holding his hand tight. This was the first time in a very very long time all three siblings were together. And the first time together, alone.
"So? do you feel?" Alex asked cautiously, gently squeezing his hand.
"Confused. What happened? And where are we?" His voice was still pretty raw.
Alex shifted a little, not meeting his eye, "what do you remember?" She asked quietly.
She saw Sonya looking eager for answers too, Alex never really explained anything, everything happened so fast.
"Well, I remember jumping out of a bloody window.-"
"Ahh Tommy's finest moments! An escape plan that had zero to no chance of success...but managed to pull it off!" Alex interrupted Newt, flailing an arm dramatically.
"YOU BLOODY DID WHAT?" Sonya yelled.
"Jumped out WICKED's like top story window. Landed in a pond, weren't you listening?" Alex scoffed at her sister.
"Guys...?" Newt rolled his eyes, already exasperated by his sisters.
"Sorry. Continue. You remember jumping...?" Alex turned back to him.
He ran a hand through his long shaggy hair. Taking a deep breath, but then rubbing his chest again, like it was aching.
"I remember lots of explosions, loud noises...I remember your face and Minho's...Thomas's voice, all yelling to run or duck...and then...I remember you crying and saying something like a goodbye..maybe? And I tried to take something off?"
Alex nodded and from under her shirt she pulled out the necklace he had given her, she untied the string and placed it in his hand.
"I told you I would hold onto it. Now I can give it back." She said quietly, closing his fist over it.
Tears threatening to fall. Sonya reached for her hand and gave her and Newt's hand a squeeze. Alex's hand remained on Newt's closed fist.
"It was a letter. To both of you." He said finally.
Looking up at them, tears in his eyes as well. "I knew I didn't have time, and I knew there was a high chance I wouldn't bloody make it back.."
All three siblings had to let go to wipe tears and sniff.
"Do you remember anything else?" Sonya asked.
"I remember being really bloody confused. Minho grabbing his head yelling, I kissed him? I remember watching Alex and Minho and Gally run away. The explosions and all the other loud noises made my head hurt more and made me angry. I remember..." he stopped.
His shoulders started to shake, he hung his head silently crying. The girls scooted closer and wrapped him into a hug.
"I remember...asking Tommy to end it. I didn't want to live anymore! I didn't want to be sick anymore! I didn't want to hurt the people I loved!" His voice was choked as he talked between sobs, "That's the last thing I remember! I'm sorry! I'm so bloody sorry!"
"Oh Newt!" Sonya whispered.
It was a few minutes before he sniffed and sat up straight. Rubbing the tears from his eyes.
"So, obviously I'm not shucken dead, so what happened?" He asked, looking between the girls.
"Well, Jorge came speeding into camp, screaming about needing Doctor Prior and an extraction mission...within an hour we were ready to go, the berg was equipt with medical equipment and stuff. Vince and Captain Ronin insisted on coming as well. So Jorge and Finn flew us back. We landed at some warehouse, picked up Brenda, Kenzie, Felix and Fry and about 45 rescued kids. Brenda was yelling about meeting Thomas and you guys by the train tunnel...and we waited forever! And then Alex and Minho come sprinting and screaming for the Doctor!" Sonya explained.
Alex picked up her story. "Ya, you weren't going to make it all the way back to the Berg, you were turning faster than anyone I've ever seen. So Min and Gally and I ran ahead to try to get the serum so we could inject you, giving you enough repreave to get you back to the Berg and back to The Doc. He chucked it to me and we ran back. When we found were..were..."
Alex had to breath for a few seconds.
"You were laying in the middle of a deserted intersection, with a knife in your chest ...Newt it was awful! Bloody shucken awful! We thought you were dead!"
Newt reach a hand and gently wiped a tear from Alex's face.
"Then Alex noticed you were still breathing! Felix stabbed you with the crank serum. And she forced the Cap to carry you back...her and Brenda and the Doc had to do some crazy fast emergency medical work! They yanked the knife out, and had to stop the bleeding! He used some kind of WICKED instrument...started to sew ya up but then, Alex saw your heart had stopped!" Sonya explained all really fast, she was getting quite animated telling the story.
Alex pulled a strand of hair over her shoulder and started twirling it nervously.
"You were legit dead, no heart beat! And THEN! Doctor Prior started doing CPR ..but that wasn't working! And THEN! AND THEN!"
Sonya had jumped off the bed, as she continued to explained.
"Alex was all like shoot me! And we're all like whaaaat? And she's like SHOOT ME MINHO! Everyone was freakin out! But Minho did some crazy ninja moves, snagged the gun from Captain Ronin's belt and SHOT ALEX IN THE BLOODY CHEST!"
"Hold up ... what?!" Newt said, rubbing his forehead.
"What's not to get? Your heart stopped. CPR wasn't working. Alex's boyfriend shot her in the chest." Sonya shrugged like it was an everyday occurrence.
"What?" Newt asked again, his forehead was creased and his eyebrows knitted together.
"She means the electricity gun. It doesn't affect me. It does the opposite, gives me an adrenaline rush, which fuels that superhuman strength thing. Remember? But...this time, I uh, thought I could use it to restart your heart jump starting a car." Alex explained sheepishly.
"Newt! It was the coolest, freakest awesomest thing I have ever seen! The first two didn't work. But then she's like 'Minho when I tell you to' and she places both hands on your chest, and yells now. He shoots her in the back and we could SEE the electricity travel down her arms into your chest and BOOM!" Sonya leapt into the chair beside his bed, flinging her arms wide, yelling by the end of her story. "Back from the dead!"
Sonya jumped off and sat back down beside Newt with a huge grin, "It was blood crazy! Shoulda been there." She added with a tease.
Newt just sat with his mouth and eyes wide open. He tried talking, but nothing came out when he would open it and then close it then open it again.
"I'm always saving your sorry ass, hey?" Alex teased quietly, still playing with her air.
"Okay..that was a crazy story and a lot to bloody take in...wait... how am I not a bloody crank anymore?"
Alex cleared her throat, and explained, still not meeting his eye, still uncomfortable with what her experiment body can do.
"That Serum we gave you in the street? It helped a little, kept you from turning, and it helped repress it for a few days. I noticed the veins coming back while on our way here. The doc said he used Sonya's blood for that serum injection, but this time, he took mine...and cuz I'm a bloody shucked up science experiment from WICKED...I saved your ass. Just like my blood mixed with the proto type serum Mary gave Brenda, it saved both of you from Cranking out. And it helped speed up your recovery time, and B's now that I think of it...cuz I also have that ability."
"That's why after getting shot by a REAL gun she's up and about and you'd never know!" Sonya cut in.
"WHAT?" Newt yelped, grabbing Alex's face and twisting it, looking for a gunshot wound.
"Newt! Not my face, your shank. Here." she pulled her shirt up, showing him yet another scar. A small white circle a few inches to the left of her belly button.
"Once you were stable we went to save Tommy and Tes from Janson. I had already killed Ava Page, when I breached the building looking for Minho-"
"She jumped from the berg, ninjaed her way into WICKED." Sonya cut in, animated once more.
Alex smiled at her twin. They were so alike.
"I took down Janson...but he shot me...almost died on the roof. I forced Tommy to leave me, no way was I going to make it. Minho shot me again-"
"The electricity gun, this time!" Sonya interrupted again.
"Shuck sakes! I gotta talk to Min about him constantly shooting me...that could become a problem..." Alex muttered, frowning.
"Anyways, ya it gave me enough adrenaline to jump-"
"She made it to the Berg and....batta bing batta boom-" Sonya added.
"-We're both alive cuz I'm awesome and now Newt is a tiny bit awesome." Alex finished with a wild grin.
"The shuck? This is what happens when I'm not here to watch you! Shuck sakes Alex!" Newt threw his hands in the air exasperated. He rounded on Sonya, "why didn't you stop her jumping off a bloody berg?"
"Hey! I had no idea! Only Brenda and apparently Felix and Kenzie knew this secret suicide mission...Minho didn't even know! And he LOST it. Like holy moly, lost it. Like Captain Ronin and Vince had to like strap him to a chair!"
"Ops." Alex said sheepishly.
"Also, she DID save Thomas and Teresa." Sonya shrugged.
"Ya, Newt! I saved them!" Alex added, crossing her arms, raising her eyebrows.
"You two will be the death of me." He muttered.
"Don't worry. I can save you again, dear brother." Alex smiled as she patted his cheek.
He swatted her hand away.
Alex's teasing smile fell, "but Newt...I'm glad you're okay. And you're feeling okay?"
He nodded, "ya, just tired and sore, like a muscle ache. And hungry." Alex nodded.
"Well, being hungry is a good thing. Want to go see Fry? Him and Sonya are in charge of the kitchen." Alex smiled.
"Wait...where are we?"
The girls looked at each other and smiled.
"Come on, we'll show you." Alex gently took his IV out and the girls helped him stand up, he was a little shaky from laying down for a week.
They slowly made their way over to the door, Newt stepped out and gasped. His head spinning around taking in everything around him.
"Welcome to The Safehaven." Sonya laughed, flinging her arms wide, as she spun around and walked backwards.
"Welcome home Newton." Alex smiled up at him, hooking her arm through his.
They slowly made their way to the makeshift kitchen, Newt leaned towards Alex.
"So what were so smiley about before I scared the klunk out of you?" He teased.
"Nonya." Alex smirked.
"Nonya?" Newt asked, frowning.
"Ya. NONE YA BUSINESS!" Alex laughed.
"That was...awful!" Newt groaned, shaking his head.
"Eh, blame Min." Alex said with a cheeky smile.
The trio made it to the kitchen where most people were eating lunch.
Sonya said goodbye and went to help Frypan.
"So...we bettin' on those two?" Newt leaned in to ask quietly.
"Shuck ya we are! I give it 6 months." Alex giggled back.
She spotted the table of their group and pulled Newt over.
Every head turned to look, Newt stood awkwardly, with a sheepish grin and waved.
"hey guys...long bloody time!"
There was an uproar of noise. Everyone sprung from their seats to come give a slap on the back or hand shake. Thomas gave him a good one arm man slap hug. But Minho came pushing through the crowd and hugged him so tight and long Alex got a little jealous.
"You two need a minute?" Alex teased.
The guys hugged for another second and let go, both awkwardly trying to wipe the tears, because heaven forbid there are tears on a guy's face in public after you watch your best friend die and fight for his life.
"Glad your back man!" Minho said, slapping his back.
Everyone slid back onto the benches. Frypan and Sonya came to join them. The whole group was finally together.
Alex, Minho, Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Gally, Teresa, Sonya, Harriet, Aris, Brenda, Kenzie Finn and Felix, their new formed family. Jorge came over to say hi and then went to join Vince and Captain Ronin and Dr Prior and Amy. Chloe and Raegan also came scurrying over to give Newt a big hug and squeezed their way between him, Raegan just climbed into his lap. Both these girls were settling in and relaxing, learning to trust more than just Alex and Newt.
It was the first meal the entire group had together. People were laughing and arguing, talking and just being teenagers for the first time.
Alex leaned in towards Minho and whispered, "I got your note. It was very sweet."
"Good. I woke up and you looked so uncomfortable. I moved you to one of the beds, cuz we weren't around the first night to pick med bed it was!"
Alex kissed his cheek, "it was sweet. Are you okay now? How are you?" She asked looking for anything out of the ordinary in his coffee brown eyes, but he seemed to be back to his usual self.
"Ya. I'm good, baby. I'll probably have ..uh issues with storms...ya know...death lighting and tasers and electrocution...and..." she could see his face pale, and his hand twitched. She quickly grabbed his hand in hers.
"Hey. Hey, it's okay, you're safe now. Hey, Minho! Look at me!" His eyes snapped to hers, she placed a hand on his cheek, he raised a shaking hand and tangled his fingers into her hair, grounding himself. "you're safe now, Love. And we will get through it together. Ya?"
His eyes grew calm and the shaking in his hand slowed, she gently squeezed it.
"Good that."
He said quietly. She pulled his head down for a quick kiss. He was still holding the back of her head, and he pulled her a little closer.
"EWWWWW GUYS! GET A ROOM!" Gally yelled as he threw a piece of bread at them.
Minho pulled away and slowly turned his head in Gally's direction. He raised a challenging eyebrow, his face dropping into one of cold stone. Everyone at the table took a sharp intake of breath. Minho slipped his hand out of her hair, slapped his hands onto the table and stood up. Glarring at everyone at the table. He slowly turned and leaned down to Alex, placing his hands on her jaw line and tilting her head up. Minho kissed her roughly, slipping his tongue into her mouth.
Everyone groaned and someone yelled EWWW. Newt covered Reagan's eyes and yelled "Keep it PG you guys! Come on!"
While Frypan covered Chloe's eyes and hollard "there are young children present!"
Chloe ripped Fry's hands away, and the two little girls giggled.
"I fink it's cute! He wuvs her! Their gonna be married!' Raegan giggled.
"You go McDreamy Boyfriend! You kiss your girl! Kiss her good and hard!" Kenzie cheered, giving Brenda and Sonya and Raegan a high five.
Minho broke the kiss to point a finger at her and then at Raegan, "I like her. She stays." Kenzie fist pumped.
Gally threw a carrot at Kenzie, "SUCK UP!"
Kenzie winked and blew a kiss back, making him turn a little pink.
"And Miss Reagamuffi? Yes. Yes I will!"
Everyone at the table awed and then brook out in woolf whistles. Minho grinned down at Alex, crossing his heart.
Alex escorted Newt back to the med hut. He was exhausted, and needed a good nap, his body was still recovering, but he said he felt better after eating.
Vince had taken Command, and leadership role, and had adopted a very Glad-like structure to how this place would run. Everyone had a job, everyone pitched in. It would eventually build to a point where they could have proper schooling for the younger ones, their medical hut would turn into a proper building, and the kitchen would become a proper cooking space. But this all takes time.
_____________________________________________**Read Chapter 18: Daddy's Song in Indulgence
(A fluffy little chapter about Minho and Raegan)
As the days went on, they turned into weeks and the weeks turned to months. More little huts and buildings were set up, a good size garden was planted and was flourishing. Alex and Teresa had graduated into independent medical staff, the MedHut had a fully staffed operation now.
Thomas and Newt took on vice leadership roles, working under Vince. Thomas and Brenda finally got together, after much denial, then finally admitted their feelings. Newt meet a wonderful young man by the name of Simon. It was actually Alex who meet him first and introduction to the group, and he slid into the group like he was always part of them.
**Read Chapter 19: Payback in Indulgence (Newt meets Simon)
Gally was put in charge of building and planning. He had grown and matured a lot since the Glade. He was kinder and patient. His building crew were all respectful and hardworking men and women. And his workmanship was quality now, and not sketchy and crooked. Kenzie and Gally also started dating, it didn't take long. Kenzie was quite smitten from their first meeting.
Frypan and Sonya were in charge of the kitchen with the help of Chloe, (when school was out, of course) and a few others. The group found out Sonya and Fry were a thing when Alex walked in on them making out in the kitchen. She had whooped and ran out to tell the group that their Captain of all the ships had finally landed his own. She chuckled as she sat on the beach one evening talking to the stars; Chuck, Matt, Alby, Jeff, Clint and Winston always came out to twinkle down at her.
Harriet helped out with Vince. Minho, Felix, Kenzie and Finn started to work with Captain Ronin, Jorge as security, training and leadership. Once a month Jorge would fly the berg with a small team back to the mainland, a half day's ride by Berg, for supplies and anything they could salvage .
Sometimes Alex would join the exploring team, just to get away from the bustle of their settlement, but Alex refused to go to the mainland, she stuck to exploring the island. She didn't trust herself yet. Maybe one day. Alex would join the training sessions when she wasn't in the Medical station, it helped her blow off steam.
Alex would still have times where she would panic, especially if she was alone. She would wake screaming still wrapped in her nightmares, more often than not she needed Minho and Newt to settle her. She also still had moments where when she was feeling overwhelmed with everything from her past she would itch to make herself feel numb.
Newt had walked into the MedHut once after a busy day. Minho had been so busy all month, she hardly saw him; same with all the others she trusted. Her anxiety and depression got the better of her and she had already made two thin deep cuts when Newt strolled in. He cried and ripped the scalpel away from her and she crumpled to the floor sobbing.
"Why? Why Alex?" He wondered, tears in his eyes.
"I ..I's too much! Sometimes it's too much! And I haven't seen anyone all month! It..just got to be too much." Alex cried into his shoulder.
He held her while she cried and then helped her up. He sat her down and cleaned her arm and wrapped it.
"Come on, let's go outside, you need some fresh air."
Minho still struggled with his memories and would become disoriented and panicked. Storms were always a hard time, he would curl up with his head in Alex's lap or on her chest and she would hold him and rock him like a small child.
But each month got a little easier, routines were established and life would carry on. It always did, but now Alex was thriving and not just surviving.
**The End**
~There's a 4th book!~
Indulgence, Book 4
And many other SafeHaven stories!
Little snips and chapters of Alex, Minho, and the rest of the gang. All the little things that "didn't make it" into these books.
× other TMR books ×
× Complicated/ Twisted. Gally & OC
× Healer/ Wounded Healer/ Broken Healer. Newt & OC
× Unintentional Subject/ Intentional Killer/ Involuntary Victim. Minho & OC
× A Dandilion Wish. Frypan & OC
× The Flaw. (On pause) Gally & OC
Other books:
× TMR AU: Fairy Tale: Minho & OC
× Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Daughter of Light
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