Epilogue: Made it
Alex and Newt were still too unstable to move, so Jorge landed the berg on the huge deck of the ship, and left the hatch wide open. All the kids that the Right Arm had rescued over the year, all piled into the ship, all of the Right Arm. The civilians they had accumulated over the years, all their equipment and supplies, everything was loaded onto the ship. With a last look at
the main land, the ship left the main land. Bringing them further away from the broken sicknesses of the world and closer to freedom and safety. According to Vince the trip should take a few days. They were heading to a place he called The Safehaven. As long as it was far away from WICKED Minho didn't care.
Check out Chapter 17: First Meets in Indulgence
**When Raegan meets Minho for the first time, and she's reunited with Alex**
He didn't really do much, same with Teresa. They both had proper and extensive medical exams done by Dr Prior.
They were told they needed proper rest and food. In a few days light physical exercises, once their bodies had a chance to rest. He also talked to them about their mental health. Informing them they would have a longer more complicated journey to heal from the trama done to them, especially Minho's.
Minho was told if he was unsure or confused, to pause and take a few deep breaths, find someone he trusts and ask. Ask if what he was remembering or seeing was real or not real, which he had been doing, especially with Alex. He trusted her while heartedly to tell him the truth. She was also seemed to be the only one to help pull him back from his panic attacks.
Dr Prior also wanted to see Minho once a week, to talk things through, work through anything that he struggled with the last few days. Minho agreed reluctantly, he didn't want to admit his nightmares were still bad, and didn't want to admit how shucked up he felt. Surprisingly it was Gally who told him to do it. He had started seeing Dr Prior and it was helping him quite a bit, he also mimicked Alex "it's okay to not be okay."
Newt's vitals were getting better, he was off the ventilator now, and just an oxygen mask. Alex was now able to sit up and walk around in small increments.
On the fourth day of their voyage, Alex was sitting beside Newt, Raegan sitting in her lap. Raegan had gone to hold his hand when Alex noticed something weird. She pulled his shirt sleeve up and she gasped.
"DR PRIOR!" She screamed, "DR PRIOR! NOW! PLEASE!"
Raegan jumped up panicking.
"What? What's wrong?"
"SR PRIOR!" Alex shreaked again, ignoring the girl for the moment.
Dr Prior came racing up the Berg ramp followed by Brenda, Jorge, Minho, Thomas, Sonya and Chloe.
"What? What's wrong Alex? Is something wrong with Raegan?" He called running.
"Look!" Was all she could get out.
There on his wrist, where the black veins had originated from, were starting to creep there way back up his arm. They had noticed the day following his rescue the veins had lightened back to their original blue and started to disappear. For a full two days he was free of black veins. But they were back, slowly creeping up his arm.
"No no no! This can't happen! Why didn't it work?" Alex asked desperately. The Doctor had knelt down beside Newt, examining his arm and the rest of his vitals.
"Hmmm. Interesting." Was all he said.
She was ready to pounce on him, she was angry. Her hands were clenching and unclenching into fists, and her muscles were tense. Despite still recovering from a bullet she would start swinging!
Minho, reading her body language, wrapped her up in his arms, holding her tight, to his chest; making sure she wouldn't attack the one doctor they had. The only one who could help. Raegan cried and clung to Minho and Alex's legs.
Dr. Prior didn't flinch away, but calmly opened a syringe, and inserted the pain medicine into Newt's IV.
"What is interesting, Alex, is that I used the serum we were working on, but used Sonya's blood, because she was at the camp when I made this small batch of Sirum. Thinking because you were twins it would be relatively the same, having the same antibodies excreta, genetic make up ecetra. But I guess, because of WICKED, they really did make you into the super soldier that could be the savior of humanity...look at Brenda here. With your blood mixed with just the proto type the Right Arm had, she had been crank free for a full year, with zero relapses. Newt only had 2 days."
He explained it so calmly Alex relaxed into Minho and listened. He paused and turned to her, holding a few empty vials and a needle, "so, with your permission. May I take some of your blood? I promise will not drain you like a human juice box."
Alex snorted, her face broke into a small smile, "you've hung out with me too long."
"That I have my dear" his lip curled into a smile. "Now, do I have your permission?"
Alex nodded. She sat down on the floor, holding an arm out for him. She pulled Raegan back down beside her. Dr Prior tied a rubber band around her arm, and inserted the needle into her arm. Bright red blood flowed out, into the tube, filling up a few big vials. Once they were full, he pressed some gauze over it and slid the needle out.
"There. Thank you. Now I'll mix our serum with your blood and we will see what happens. Newt's sedated for now. I will be a few minutes."
He got up and left, leaving everyone else behind. Alex pulled her knees gingerly to her chest, placing her chin on her knees. She felt Minho and Sonya scooch closer. Thomas, Brenda, and Jorge also came and sat beside them, Chloe sat beside Newt on the other side of Newt, holding his limp hand. They were all quietly anxiously waiting for Dr Prior to come back.
Dr Prior came back with a satisfied smile. "Okay, a gift of science and a gift of biology, together they make a mericle." He knelt down and gave Newt the new serum, mixed with Alex's blood.
Nothing dramatic happened. But Alex felt a little calmer. Brenda was fine ..so Newt should be too. They just had to wait and see.
Newt's body had to fight off a deadly disease and heal from the knife wound. Alex sighed, running a hand through her hair, it was so tangled; still caked with blood and sweat from their escape.
"Min, I really need a shower. Are there showers here? I haven't left the deck, walking still is exhausting."
"Ya, come on. And then we can collect Raegan and Chloe and I'll take you all to Fry. He's in the mess hall ...or whatever it's called. If Auntie Sonya is good watching the girls for a bit?"
Sonya nodded with a smile. The little girls nodded too. Raegan scorched over to Chloe, they both sat beside Newt, and started to tell him a long drawn out story only a four year old could- even though Newt didn't respond, she talked anyway.
"Good that."
Minho smiled watching the girls for a moment and stood up. He held out a hand for Alex and helped her to her feet. Together they walked down the ramp. Alex stumbled at the base, without breaking his stride he swooped her up in his arms, kissed her nose and carried her to the showers.
Sonya leaned in to Thomas, Brenda and Jorge and whispered, "we taking bets on when the engagement will happen?" She raised an eyebrow.
Brenda held out a hand, and shook Sonya's. "You're on Sis. I say two years."
"Really? That long?" Thomas asked, surprised, raising his eyebrows.
"I'm with Tommy on this, that's too long. Way too long. He'll pop the question within a year, for sure. He's the kinda guy that when he knows what he wants he goes all in." Sonya glanced at the two little girls sitting beside Newt, and back to the others, she nodded, "yep, he's found his family, absolutely. Less than a year." and folded her arms.
Jorge chuckled, "I think I'm with the other two on this Bren. Engaged early ..but wait a bit for the wedding..."
The four all shook hands. Brenda and Thomas arguing all the way down the ramp and down to the mess hall.
Sonya leaned in to Jorge, "when will those two admit it and start dating?"
It was another day before the ship made it to The Safehaven. Alex stood on the deck, holding the rail. Raegan and Chloe played tag behind her with a few of the other rescued kids. The wind playing with her hair when she felt someone behind her. She flinched.
"Hey, it's just me." Minho said quietly. "It's just me. It's okay, you're okay."
Alex relaxed and leaned back into him. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned his chin on top of her head. They stood watching their new home come closer and closer.
"So. This is it, hey. No more running. No more fighting. No more WICKED." Alex said, as she tilted her head up, to look at him. He hummed and kissed her forehead. They both looked back at The Safehaven.
It looked like a huge island, with a huge big beach, it was lush and green, and full of life. Alex could see green rolling hills, a possible valley in between, the hills were surrounded by a big thick forest, trees that thrived with life and health. Further back, the hills morphed into huge rocky mountains stretching up to the sky. It was beautiful.
This is where they were going to call home. Where they could build a house, watch the sunset, maybe grow their family. Not have to watch friends and family die. Alex smiled contently, feeling whole for the first time since the mountain ledge on their first night with the Right Arm. She rested her head on Minho's chest, and closed her eyes.
With everyone's help, unloading the ship didn't take long, and getting a few makeshift shelters set up went fast, with Gally and Vince in charge of building, Captain Ronin took a small team to explore the area nearby which included Minho, Thomas, Kenzie, Finn, Brenda, Felix and Jorge.
While Frypan and Sonya started to get settled in the kitchen with the help of Chloe and Raegan. Dr Prior, his nursing assistant Amy, Teresa and Alex stayed to set up the Med Hut, and to monitor Newt. Raegan was able to run back and forth between the kitchen with Chloe and Sonya and the MedHut where Alex was.
Newt's vitals were strong and the black veins had receded and hadn't come back. Everyone was hopeful, but they couldn't be sure until he woke up. Alex had asked again that morning before they moved him from the berg to the Med hut.
"Not sure. His body is healing from traumatic events. Not everyone was blessed with your ability to heal."
"Blessing! Ha, Doc I'm the embodiment of a shucked up science experiment!" Alex scoffed.
"Mmm. But you have saved 2 lives already with your blood, and countless others with your abilities."
"I wasn't blessed. I was forced."
"Yes. Yes you were. And I'm very sorry."
Minho had been quiet all day and seemed jumpy. The group found out from Thomas after he was flattened. Minho was busy doing something and Thomas tapped his shoulder. Minho yelled spun around and threw a fist. Minho then backed into the wall, his chest heaving and his eyes wild.
"Slim it man! It's just me!" Thomas groaned from the floor. "You and Alex both need to slim it ..also noted don't ever try and sneak up on either of you..."
Minho had to blink a few times, and then when he realized he threw a right hook at Thomas, he smiled sheepishly
"Sorry man.. didn't mean to." He held a hand out to pull him up.
The other kids they had rescued were setting in. Kenzie, Finn, Harriet, Aris, two other kids they had rescued with Raegan, named Petter and Maddie, took over. They helped get them settled and set up with places to sleep, and possible job stations. By the end of the day, The Safehaven started to feel like The Glad. Everyone had a part and everyone was expected to help.
It was a long day. Everyone turned in early. Hammocks were set up in the trees and Right Arm tents set up. Alex was sitting against a tree just enjoying the peace after she got Reagan and Chloe settled and asleep. Something soft was thrown at her. She looked down to see a blanket. She looked up, confused. Minho was striding towards her, a small smirk on his face.
"Come on Sunshine. I have something to show you."
He held a hand out for her. She took it and he pulled her to her feet. When she stood up, their faces were only a few inches from each other. His eyes crinkled into half moons when he smiled down at her, his little smirk never leaving his lips. Alex's tummy did a few back flips. She still couldn't believe he was standing in front of her.
During the day she would drop what she was doing only to spin in circles trying to find him, panicking. She just needed to see him, make sure he was still there, and it wasn't all just a figment of her imagination. But he was real. And he was looking at her like she was his most prized possession, something beautiful and fragile.
He slowly and gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and then continued to trail his finger down her jaw and neck. His hand slid to the back of her neck and he leaned down, just as Alex pushed up onto her tiptoes. Meeting him in the middle. Both their eyes fluttered closed, savoring the moment. But just as Alex reached up to hold him, he pulled away with a sly smirk and whispered "Come on, and bring the blanket."
"But...the girls..?"
"Sonya and Jorge are on duty. I already asked. Come on. I wanna show ya something."
With a questioning look, she grabbed the blanket and followed him through a tiny little trail in the forest, she could hardly see the path.
"Where are we going?' she asked.
"Somewhere." He said, he looked over his shoulder at her, she raised an eyebrow and he just winked. She sighed knowing he wasn't going to say anything, so she resigned herself to follow.
The trail was getting dark, she tripped a few times over roots. She was getting really annoyed now.
Where the shuck are we going?
"Minho!" She whined, as her shines hit another branch.
He stopped, and spun around, and without warning he swooped her up, holding her close to his chest.
"Better?" He asked, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
"Better." She nodded, "but where are you taking me?"
"You'll see."
And he kept walking. It was another few minutes before he placed her back down on the ground. He stepped in front of her, and folded his arms.
"Okay, I need you to close your eyes and don't open them until I say so."
"Is this where you kill me? Cuz we're pretty deep in the forest...and no one is around." She teased, folding her arms.
"Nah, that's too much work. I'd have to dig a hole and then bury you, destroy all the evidence. I'm too lazy for all that." He threw his hands into the air. She snickered.
Alex stepped closer, batting her eyelashes, she ran her hand up his chest and she leaned in. She dropped her voice a little and she whispered seductively in his ear, "I can think of a few other things to do so far away from everyone...alone in a dark forest..." she nibbled his ear, as she heard him hum in the back of his throat.
"Shuck it Sunshine!" He growled. Alex smirked.
Minho stepped back with a lot of self control and shook his head.
"Close your eyes." He demanded, but his voice sounded rough and he had to clear his throat.
Alex did as he asked. She closed her eyes. Minho grabbed her hands and pulled her forward, he led her a little ways. She felt them round a bend. He then made them stop, she felt Minho move and stand behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head,
"Okay. Open them." Alex could hear the smile behind his words.
She opened her eyes and gasped.
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