Chapter 34: Finish This Together
The berg made it to WICKED in a few minutes. Jorge lowered the berg as much as possible. Finn pressed a button and the hatch at the back opened. Alex didn't see anything but an empty rooftop. They waited a few minutes. But nothing.
How would Thomas know we're here? He's inside the building..were outside with no way to communicate! Shuck this klunk.
She slipped through the group, Felix and Brenda were at the back. She grabbed their wrists and pulled them away from everyone. They willingly followed, giving her questioning looks.
"Bren, where's the coms? I'm taking one and going inside. Imma find Tommy and Tes. Felix, I know you'd come, but I need you here." Alex stated, there was no room for arguments.
She looked between the two. And sighed. "You two know how I operate. And won't try to stop me. Minho would try to stop me this time. So...I trust you two."
They glanced at each other and sighed. It was true. Brenda handed her her ear com. And pulled another one out of her pocket.
"Ha! You have Kenzie's? Slick." Alex chuckled.
"You have my what?" Kenzie asked, sliding onto the group, an eyebrow cocked.
"Your com." Alex stated flatly, crossing her arms.
"Uh huh. Hmm, let me guess. You're going in to look for Tommy and this Tes, while these two cover for you, and you're taking an ear com so you can find us and get back out?" Kenzie summed up as she also crossed her arms and stuck a hip out.
Alex grinned evilly.
"Nice. Suicide Squad mission number 3?" She fist pumped into the air. "Oh and your now Firefight Felix, welcome to the Suicide Squad."
"Umm, Thanks?" Felix said unsure as he looked at Brenda and Alex.
"Just ignore her, she's a bit crazy." Brenda said, rolling her eyes.
Kenzie huffed, "I'm NOT crazy! Dr Prior had me tested! It's just the unmedicated ADHD! Also I don't like crazy...I prefer the term Mentally Creative."
Alex and Brenda sniggered at her.
"Ya...okay. Well, here" Felix handed her a knife from his belt and his gun and security pass, "you'll probably need these." Alex took them gratefully. She fit the ear com in and nodded.
"Keep Minho here. He's going to flip." Alex whispered. The three nodded and went back to the group.
"Come back." Felix said quit.
"I'll bring them back, don't worry."
There was still nothing to see, Alex slipped her way to the very front. The berg was hovering just over the rooftop and she could see a door leading into the building.
Alex didn't think about it. She leapt off the berg. She flew through the air, at the last second she tucked her body, her feet hit solid ground and rolled a few times on the rough top, she came up running, sprinting towards the door. She slowed down enough to swing the door open. And sprinted down the stairs.
Level 5..she kept going...level 4...she continued down the stairs, taking two at a time. Level 3. She had a gut feeling Tommy and Tes were on this level. She yanked the door open and sprinted down the hall. It was just like yesterday she was running through this hall looking for she was searching for Tommy and Tes.
It WAS yesterday you shuck face!
She slowed at an intersection of halls. The building was eerily quiet. Sure there was a blaring siren and explosions in the distance, but there were no people. No soldiers or guards. No doctors or other WICKED personals.
She took a chance and went to the right. Straight in front was where the "sleeping quarters". She knew the labs and testing rooms were to the right. She slowed down, her head swiveled from side to side. Her senses were telling her she was getting close. She heard a scream and something shattering
She took off running again, towards the noise. In one of the testing labs she saw Janson and Teresa struggling. She saw Thomas desperately trying to undo the restraints holding him to a chair. Janson easily pushed Teresa off, and over a table, she slid over the top and landed with another crash she on the ground.
"TES!" Alex screamed.
She lunged towards Jason with a wild scream. Janson whirled around and Thomas froze, staring wide eyed at the turn of events. Alex lunged at Janson, swinging her fist, Jason stumbled backwards. Holding his jaw with both hands. Thomas finally got the strap holding him down undone and he scrambled out of the chair over to Teresa. She was moaning, trying to get up. Janson found his footing again and with his own wild scream, he pounced at Alex.
She was quick enough to dodge him and he landed with a crash on a trolley of medical supplies. Thomas had helped Teresa to her feet and was supporting her.
"GO!" Alex screamed.
Thomas hesitated, but when Alex screamed again for them to go he listened and dragged Teresa with him out of the room. Janson screamed and scrambled to his feet, facing Alex.
"YOU!" He screamed.
His face was twisted in a manic rage. His eyes were black, and Alex could see dark veins peeking from under his high neck sweater.
"Ya. Me. Again. Always causing you trouble." Alex answered.
She saw out of the corner of her eye Thomas and Teresa made it down the hall.
"Come on you sewer rat! It's time to exterminate the rodent problem!" Alex taunted.
Janson screamed at her, spit flying from his mouth. He jumped towards her, but again she was faster, she ducked under him and slammed the heel of her hamd into his face. Janson stumbled, with a howl of pain. Alex took the opportunity to run out of the room, following Thomas and Teresa down the hall.
Alex paused at the doorway, she spun around, pulling Felix's gun out and fired, she hit him in the shoulder. It didn't seem to slow him down, his crazed crank brain had one goal, and that was to kill her. She turned and ran after Thomas and Tes.
Janson came stumbling out of the room after them. Two shots rang out. A bullet missed her head hitting a light above her, causing glass to explode.
Alex felt white hot pain. It ripped through her side. She stumbled and screamed in agony. Thomas slowed and stopped, he turned around. Teresa following, they raced back towards Alex. Alex had dropped to her knees, gasping with the pain.
I was shot! Janson shot me! The SHUCKEN BLOODY SEWER RAT SHOT ME!
"He..shot me!" Alex hissed through clenched teeth.
"Ya Captain Obvious. He sure did." Thomas sassed as he hoisted her up and threw an arm over his shoulder. Teresa did the same.
Alex yelp in pain at the movement.
"Now you're just as saintly as me."
"In here!" Teresa whispered, they ducked into a lap, and placed Alex onto the floor.
Hidden from the big glass windows. Teresa grabbed some gauze from a cart of medical supplies.
"Here. Here!" She handed Thomas some, "Just put pressure on it." She directed him and she reached for more.
The pain was so intense. It burnt and stung and throbbed all at the same time. She could feel her hands going numb.
"Hold it." Teresa said again.
Alex gasped in pain, when Thomas put pressure on it.
"You gotta go... You gotta go." She tried to push them away, "They are waiting for you on the roof....go!"
"No. Not without you!" Teresa said, there was a fire in her eyes.
She was determined. The timid Tes Alex met in the Glad was gone, replaced by a determined, slightly stubborn, strong capable young woman. Going through almost a year of torture would change someone.
They heard Janson enter the lab, he was cackling, it was wet and riddled with a hacking cough.
"I admit, Teresa, you had me fooled. I thought we were friends...."
Teresa shivered, a look for disgust on her face.
"I'm not friends with rodents." She yelled.
"Maybe it's just in your nature to betray the people closest to you." He laughed again.
"Only if you force me to, you ugly sewer rat! And we are NOT close!" She called. Anger behind her voice, giving it strength.
"Come on. Let's not prolong this. We both know there's no way outta here." He paused.
Thomas was still holding the cloth to Alex's side. She was trying to breathe quietly, but she kept gasping and whimpering every time she moved.
"Let's not make this any more painful than it needs to be."
They could hear Janson slowly moving forward. His feet crunching over broken glass.
"You shucken shot me! It's pretty painful you twat!" Alex called.
Thomas took Alex's hand, and placed it over the cloth and gauze.
"Hold it." He whispered.
Him and Teresa looked at each other and then at Alex.
"We started this together..." Thomas said quietly.
"Let's end it together!" Alex whispered back.
With every effort she pulled herself into a crouch, without making noise. Teresa and Thomas helped her up and held her steady. She had to clamp her eyes closed as tears threatened to fall, the pain seared through her body again. Thomas crawled to the left while Teresa went to the right.
"Leave them alone." Teresa called from the one end of the room.
"What is it with you three? Huh? You think they're so special? She's a lab rat. A science experiment gone wrong! And somehow she can save the world! She doesn't deserve it! She belongs to WICKED. And Thomas was born with a gift! He never had to fight for it, he never earned it! He doesn't deserve it." Janson screamed.
Janson had walked into the middle of the lab. He was only a desk away from Alex. She bunched up the bottom of her shirt and shoved it into her mouth, knowing it was going to hurt. She moved as quickly as she could. She crawled around the table and slowly around him, towards the door; as he continued to look for them, moving towards the back.
Alex had to stop, the pain flared again, almost blinding her. She moaned into the bunched up shirt. She squeezed her eyes shut. She had left a thick trail of blood, as she crawled, dragging the leg on the side she was shot.
"Maybe. But it's mine!" Thomas called from the other side of the room.
"What about you, Alex? What do you have to say? Don't you have enough blood on your hands already?" He cackled.
"Who's shuck fault was that?"
Alex struggled to stand up, but she made it to her feet. Thomas and Teresa doing the same when they saw her stand. Alex had to lean on the desk, blood seeped over her hand, as she held her side. With her other hand she clumsily pulled her knife out. Janson turned, a manic glee in his black eyes. A twisted smile on his face. The blood from her gun shot oozed out soaking his white sweater.
"How many times do I have to kill you, so you stay shucken dead?" Alex hissed. She had to bend forward, leaning on the table for support.
"Fine. Have it your way!" He raised his gun but Alex had straightened up and thrown her knife.
Thomas had pulled the trigger of his gun, at the same time Teresa threw a desk chair.
This time, Alex's knife hit Janson right in the middle of his chest. Thomas's bullet and Teresa's chair hit the glass wall behind Janson.
"You missed!" Was all he said.
Thomas and Teresa looked at each other.
"Did we?"
There was a loud crack, and then another, it sounded like ice breaking. Alex looked over Janson's shoulder, behind the glass wall were three fully gone cranks. Thomas's bullet and Theresa chair had made cracks in the thick glass, the cranks banging on the glass made it worse.
"That is called Karma you Sewer Rat" Alex hissed, "and it's pronounced HAHA SHUCK YOU!" Alex yelled.
Janson had collapsed to his knees, the knife in his chest had finally hit a vital organ. There was no recovery from this knife wound.
Thomas scrambled away from the wall, Teresa doing the same. The cracks in the glass were spider webbing, getting bigger. They hurried over to Alex who had sunk to her knees. They each grabbed an arm and pulled her away, while she withered in pain.
"Time to go!" Thomas yelled.
They turned and hurried to the door, pulling it open they finally heard the glass shatter and the unmistakable sounds of cranks screaming. Alex turned her head as Thomas and Teresa pulled her down the hall, she saw Janson on his knees, clutching at the knife sticking out of his chest and the cranks pouncing on him, ripping him apart.
Thomas and Teresa half carried and half dragged Alex down the hall.
"Tommy!" Alex panted. "Use the com. Tell them...we're coming."
Thomas pulled it out of her pocket. While they scrambled to the back stairs. Something exploded, the windows around them shattered, the building shook. Alex slipped out of their hands and she slid to the floor, on her one hand and knees, and one hand holding her side. She was going to bleed out if she didn't get to the Berg.
"Hey! Anyone there?" Thomas yelled into the coms.
Teresa scrambled to her feet and over to Alex, who had colapsed. Tears ran down her face. "Come on! Up you get Alex!" She ordered. She pulled Alex to her feet again.
"HEY! ANYONE THERE!" Thomas screamed again into the coms. Thomas rushed after them. They were all unsteady on their feet. The building was rocking.
Something else exploded.
"Up. On the roof...they will...get us..." Alex said quietly. Her vision was fuzzy, her breathing was labored.
Thomas and Teresa got her up flight of stairs to level 4.
"Guys....please...just go! It's okay...." Her head flopped back.
Everything shucken hurts! Just make it stop! I want to sleep...
"No! Alex. We are NOT leaving anyone behind!" Teresa said firmly, stomping her foot.
"I'm...just guys..down."
She whimpered again. The blood was soaking her pants now, it just kept coming, her eyes were fluttering closed.
"SHUCK NO! You hear me Alexandria!" Thomas growled in her face.
Alex opened her eyes. She never heard him use her full name. His face was angry; jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, he grabbed her chin, and made her look at him.
"I didn't come all this way to lose you. You stupid pain in ass little sister! I didn't take a bullet for you, just for you to give up now. Minho is on that shucken berg! Brenda and Kenzie are on the berg! Same with Jorge! So get your shanky ass up! And let's go!"
" need to get...bossy!" Alex panted. Her stomach was feeling really sick.
"Good that!" He huffed.
He picked her up, after a failed attempt to get her legs working.
"Tommy..." she whispered.
He was carrying her up the stairs now, holding her bride style, soaking him in blood now.
"What?" He huffed.
" alive! We...saved..him..." She paused to catch her breath, "he was...when I jumped off the berg..."
He didn't say anything, just kept climbing. Teresa right behind him. He kicked the door open. They made it onto the roof. There at the end, still hovering in the same spot was their Berg. The building shook again as another explosion went off. The building shook so much Thomas dropped Alex. She fell to the ground in a scream of pain. They scrambled to help her up. Alex's vision was clouded, and blurry, black spots danced in her vision. Her hands and legs were numb. She was hot and cold at the same time.
They pulled and carried, stumbled and fell towards the Berg. The building was shaking and swaying. Alex could just make out Vince in a harness, leaning as far as he could out the back of the Berg. Thomas lay Alex down, and pulled Teresa to the edge.
"ON THREE!" He shouted. Teresa gulped and nodded.
"One. Two...THREE!" Thomas yelled and helped toss her to Vince. Vince grabbed her and pulled her up, into the arms of Felix. Thomas turned back to Alex. Who was barely conscious. Her breathing slowed down, it was shallow and ragged.
"Go Tommy."
Her ragged breath caught in her throat as she met beautiful coffee brown eyes. They were wide with terror. He was screaming, but she couldn't understand anything. Her hearing had stopped working, all the extra noises had faded away. She smiled, happy she could see something beautiful before she closed her eyes for the last time, forever.
"I'll be okay." She whispered.
"Alex-" Thomas pleased.
"GO DAMMIT! THE BUILDING IS COLLAPSING!" She screamed, which caused her to cough, and the cough brought up blood.
With a wild sob, Thomas turned and ran. Ran away from her, towards the Berg, and he leapt off the roof, his hands out and grabbed onto Vince, who pulled him up.
Alex smiled one last time. Everyone she loved was safe, either in the Berg and she knew Chloe and Raegan were safe with The Right Arm Camp. She closed her eyes and lay her head back down. Taking a ragged shallow breath. She could finally sleep. She could finally rest and have peace. She coughed up more blood.
I love you Minho. troublesome trio...I'm coming to you, somewhere over the rainbow.
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