Chapter 32: Shuck
#sorry...not sorry...
The five Gladers ran in a clump, as fast as Newt could go, out of the WICKED grounds and into the city. They ran and stumbled down a few back allies. Cop cars, WICKED armor trucks, and every available Guard and soldier were out crawling the streets.
Twice they were cut off by a guard or two. Both times Alex flew at them. She had no weapon but that didn't stop her. She was the weapon, the WICKED trained elite soldier, the Right Arm mission leader and the defender and protecter of her family.
The guard shot her with his electricity gun, giving her that boost. She leapt at him with a feral scream, her body full of dancing blue sparks. She tackled him to the ground. The guard dropped to the ground twitching and screaming, the electricity transferred to him. Alex rolled off and came up on her knees, spun around to face him. She didn't pause. She didn't blink, she grabbed his head and in a swift fluid movement she broke his neck. His screamd stopped abruptly and his body went still. Alex grabbed his knife from his belt and stood up.
She turned back to the boys who stood shoulder to shoulder, staring mouths open.
"Wholly Shuck."
They all said in unison. But they all said it with different meanings and facial expressions. Thomas and Newt both had a mixture of terror and unease. They knew what she was capable of, having seen little bits of it during Right Arm Intel missions and raids. Gally looked shooked but impressed. While Minho looked both proud and turned on.
A loud explosion broke the stunned silence.
They ran another block, only to be stopped by a small group of soilders. Again Alex leapt forward, not hesitating to throw her body into harms way. But this time Gally was beside her and shot two of the guards and Minho was on her other side taking out another. Alex quickly slit their throats.
"Should have let me do that." Minho panted through his ragged breathing.
"I already have blood on my hands. What's a few more?" She spat bitterly. "You've never taken a human life up close and personal before. It changed you. I'm already shucked up. No need for you to be too." She finished flatly.
She could see Minho's eye twitch just slightly, while his jaw clamped shut.
"Come on! We need to go!" Thomas yelled. Newt had started caughing and couldn't catch his breath, Thomas was pretty much carrying him at this point.
Alex grabbed Minho's hand and pulled him, they would have to try work through whatever mind glitch he was having on the run, while also trying to get Newt to the tunnels before he fully cranked out.
The group rounded another corner and came out onto a main street a building exploded, followed by a second and third one. The buildings rained debris and chunks of stone and metal everywhere. The street was swarming with WICKED soldiers and guards, all firing at what appeared to be armed civilians.
"We're supposed to take down WICKED, not the whole damn city!" Gally stopped dead and looked around in shock. His fists clenched and unclenched.
Something hit the parked car in front of them and it exploded, making the group dive for cover.
"HEY! STAY LOW! STAY LOW!" Thomas called, ducking his head.
"No shuck Sherlock!" Alex called back.
Minho was starting to smack his forehead now, and growl from the back of his throat.
"Gally, come on! We gotta keep going!"
Gally was still staring at the damage done by the resistance group he said he was a part of. Thomas was pulling his arm.
"Gally! Come on!"
He shook his head in disbelief and turned back to the group, "tunnels are right up ahead."
"Get ready!" Thomas called, peeking over the ledge. "We gotta go. We gotta go!"
"Come on, dear brother, stop sitting around, we got places to go, people to see!" Alex tried teasing.
"Minho? Stay with me love. We're almost there. Keep it together a little longer!"
Newt was trembling, and felt feverish and wouldn't stop coughing, and she could hear how labored his breathing has become.
"Let's move!" Gally called.
Thomas and Alex hefted Newt up, draping an arm over their shoulders. At this point they were practically dragging him. His head kept rolling. Alex had bit her bottom lip so hard to keep from crying, it was bleeding. While she carried Newt, she was also dragging Minho. He was thrashing his head around and muttering to himself and smacking his head.
Alex bit her lip harder. Stuffing the sob that tried to rise, she stuffed it back down inside her. Crying would not help either boy. Her two rocks, the one that helped glue her heart and soul back together when it feel apart and she couldn't do it herself, was dying. And her strong anchor to reality, when she was adrift in her own nightmares and panic he was there as a stead unwavering content, he was slipping away in his own tempest.
Something else exploded in front of them, causing the group to stumble back and hide behind a half wall.
The city was burning around them. Alex could hear guns going off and people screaming. The constant explosions of cars and buildings, guns being fired from all directions made being on the ground dangerous, and smoke from the burning city didn't help the vision or breathing.
Newt began coughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath. Minho was yelling at himself.
Alex grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from himself, holding them tight and to her chest.
"Talk to me. What's fuzzy?"
"You...your a mut ...made by kill us all. It's not's not real's not! IT'S NOT!" His eyes were wild in panic and confusion.
"Your right. Not real. I was trained as a soilder by Captain Ronin, Captain Marshmallow, remember him?" Alex asked quickly.
Minho nodded.
"Real I was trained. I'm a mut, NOT real. I'm going to kill you is NOT real. You're not Ava or Janson or WICKED."
His head was still thrashing, sheet go of his wrists and grabbed his face roughly.
"Minho!" She said sternly, "I love you shuck face. Now use that shuck brain of yous and come back to me... please come back!"
She held onto his face when he tried to pull away. She pulled him closer and kissed him. She pressed her lips to his. He froze for a moment. Then his hands found her hair, tangling into her tangled wet hair, holding onto it. She felt his body relax. He finally kissed her back, he pulled her closer, kissing her.
He pulled away leaning his forehead on hers. "Cross my heart sunshine." He sighed.
Just then Newt's wet hacking cough got worse when the black goo made its appearance. Alex ripped herself from My hi and scrambled over to her brothers side. Minho right beside get. Alex tried to repress a sob, she was gasping as bad as Newt.
Thomas spun around on his knees peaking over the car, then scrambled back over to them, "Get him in, get him in there."
Gally had to help Thomas get Newt to his feet because Alex was hyperventilating. Thomas kicked the door open if a little building that hadn't exploded yet. Minho grabbed her wrist and pulled her after them.
I can't lose you Newt! No. I refuse! No no no.
Alex dropped down beside Newt, who was slouched against the wall. She pulled his head to lean on her chest. She brushed his sweaty tangled hair out of his face. His eyes kept drifting in and out of focus.
"Brenda, are you there?" Thomas called into a walkie talkie.
"THOMAS? I'm here!" Brenda's voice crackled back.
There was another explosion, causing the windows above them to shatter, spraying them with glass shards. Alex leant forward, covering Newt with her body, taking the glass in her back. She hissed with the sting.
"Shit! You okay? What was that?" Brenda called back.
Thomas paused, he looked at everyone.
Newt was coughing up black goo and could hardly stay conscious. Alex was exhausted, and trying hard to keep her hyperventilating and a break down under control, cradling her brother's head in her lap and trying to keep Minho from his mind glitches. She seemed to be the only one able to keep him sane.
Minho looked like he was ready to pass out, he was slumped against the wall, his head resting on his knees. He had reached out and was holding Alex's hand tightly.
Gally looked a little worse for wear, but Thomas and Gally were the only ones who were okay.
"We're not gonna make it." He said, closing his eyes. Alex looked up, and at Thomas, tears falling down her face.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Brenda screamed back.
"We got Minho and Alex...but we won't make it back. Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can." Thomas told her.
"No!" The walkie talkie crackled.
Minho squeezed Alex's hand again and kept whispering "it's not real". His other hand held Newt's shoulder, as he had another coughing fit, coughing up more black phlegm and blood, all over Alex.
She didn't care. Her big brother was dying in her arms, and it felt like part of her was dying with him. She let the tears fall down her cheeks with a ragged sob.
"Brenda!" Thomas started but Brenda cut him off.
"I'm not leaving you. Or Alex. I'm not. Okay?"
Alex could hear her voice cracking, even threw the coms.
"Even though you should?" Thomas asked.
Gally had slid down the wall, his arms on his knees, his head hanging, accepting his defeat.
"Thomas! Don't worry. I'm coming to you guys!" Brenda's voice yelled back, she let out a whoop.
"What are you talking about?" Thomas yelled back, it was getting harder to hear, the gun fire was getting closer.
"Our ride's here! Jorge made it! He has the Berg! Just look for us near the tunnels. You can do it! If not, I'm going to kill you both myself!"
Thomas looked up at the group. Alex had a new fire in her chest.
Jorge was here...which means Dr Prior was here...which means Newt would be okay...they just had to make it a bunch of blocks..
"Let's go, guys!" Gally got up, holding a hand out for Minho, helping him up.
"Newt...our ride's here! Come on, we're almost there. Come on big bro!" She helped him sit up. She gave him an encouraging smile.
"What" He gasped, his voice was raspy and quiet, it looked like it took all his effort just to say those four words.
"Careful." Thomas cautioned as Gally and Thomas pulled Newt up. They made it to the door, Alex yanked it open, all the smoke and debris assaulted them.
"Move! Move!" Gally yelled, he lead the way, knowing the city. Alex grabbed Minho's hand and they followed Gally. He lead them through the city, one block at a time.
"Watch your step." Thomas called, as Newt stumbled and slipped to the ground.
"NEWT! Newt...we're almost there. Come on! Please Newt...please!" Alex pleaded as she dropped Minho's hand and fell down beside him.
"Just leave me." Newt whimpered between coughs.
"Back! Back!" Thomas yelled as a group of armed civilians came storming past.
They backed up to hide behind a car that was flipped over onto its side. There was a thump in the sky above them. Everyone looked up at the new noise. There was a big black berg flying over them.
Hope flared in Alex's chest. Jorge and Dr. Prior! She could see them!
"Thomas!" She called, and pointed, "that's them."
"Yeah!" He yelled back over gun fire that erupted down the street, making them flinch and duck back behind the car.
"We gotta go, come on! Come on Newt!" Thomas encouraged.
Newt had fallen back to the ground. Alex crouched down in front on him, she took his pale sweaty face in her hands. The veins had worked up his neck and now onto his face. She choked another sob back.
"Newton! You listen to me, right now!" She demanded, her voice shaking. "I need you to get your lazy bloody arse up and give me everything you got! Dr Prior is here! Just a few more blocks."
"We gotta go." Thomas called again, panicking as he poked his head around the car again.
"Alex...Go without me...just..go." his voice was so wet and crackly with phlegm and the black goo. He coughed again and it just ran down his chin as he gasped for a proper breath. Alex had no shirt to wipe his mouth, so she just used her hand.
"Newt-" she started
"You should just..." he said over top of her protest.
Alex wiped his mouth again with her had, and wiped it on her pants. She looked desperately at Thomas, Gally and Minho. Thomas came and crouched beside Alex.
"Minho. Alex...You gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can!"
"But-" Alex started again. She didn't want to leave Newt.
"Minho, go. Alex..." Newt flopped his head to look at her, "go. I'm with Tommy. I'll be okay..."
"He's right. I can cover." Gally said, holding his gun up, "you two are the fastest in the Glade, it would be faster."
Mimho cried out grabbing his head.
"You were faster than me...we raced. Real or not real?" He whispered.
"Real. I beat your sorry butt, twice." Alex said, trying desperately to add some tease into her strained voice.
"Real." He whispered, repeating it.
Minho raised his head and looked Alex in the eye. He had a set look and nodded at her.
"Run fast. Run safe." She whispered.
" cakes..." He smiled sadly, remembering her first week, that was their original morning goodbye.
Alex closed her eyes for a moment, tears leaked over her lashes. She leaned her head on Newt's chest gently. She felt his hand hold the back of her head and he gently kissed the top of her head.
"Thank you, Alex. You were always the joy...and my reason ..hope." He said softly. Alex pulled away to look at him.
She chuckled sadly, as she wiped the tears away from her cheeks and chin.
"I'm always saving your bloody shuck ass, hey?"
Newt gave her a small sad smile.
"I love you Alex."
Alex held his face in her hands. She smiled at him, she kissed his forehead.
"Just hang on Newt. I still have years left to torment you! You gotta walk me down the shuck isle!"
He struggled with something around his neck, he ripped it off, and with a shaking hand held it out to her.
"Take it...please Alex ..please" he pleaded.
His brown eyes were darkening, they weren't as warm as they used to be. She nodded, taking the necklace from him. She tied it around her neck as she stood up.
His head flopped to look at Minho. "Thank you, Minho...look after her... for me."
"Hey, you just hang on." Minho said sternly, clapping his shoulder, he placed his forehead against Newt's they were quiet for a second.
Mixed with tears she chuckled "do I need to give you two a minute?"
The two boys broke away and chuckled softly, remembering almost the same moment back in the Glade when the Grievers attacked.
"There's that mouth." Newt whispered with a smile.
"Hang on okay? Come on Flash. I got a brother to shucken save. Again."
Minho stood up, grabbing her hand and nodding at Thomas and Gally, they took off down the street at full speed. Alex looked back one last time, she saw Newt sitting, leaning against the car, coughing up more black.
She turned her head back around, put it down and sprinted as fast as her sore legs would allow. Minho right beside her.
"LEFT!" Gally yelled at them.
They took the turn easily, in sync, like taking a turn in the Maze. Despite the horrible situation Minho grinned at her.
"I'm Hansel and your Gretal." He huffed.
"Gally's the witch." She grinned back.
They rounded the next corner a d scrambled to a stop. In front of them was a full scale shoot out. One one side was WICKED soldiers and the other side of the street was the resistance group led by Lawrence. They were shooting at each other, one truck had some kind of launcher gun, and it was blowing huge chunks of road apart.
"SHUCKEN BLOODY HELL!" Alex yelped ducking back behind the building, pulling Minho.
They crashed into Gally.
"WE GOTTA GO AROUND, WE'LL BE BLOWN APART IF WE TRY GO THROUGH!" She screamed over the screaming of dying people and explosions.
"SHUCK!" Minho and Gally screamed at the same time.
"Okay, come on. I know how to get around." Gally took off down a back alley.
Alex backed up, spun on her heel, grabbed Minho's hand and followed Gally. Gally led the pair down two more back alleys, and then onto the main road again.
Minho nodded, held Alex's hand a bit tighter and they took off, leaving a huffing Gally behind. Alex and Minho sprinted even faster. The fires weren't as bad over here, the explosions weren't as loud either, and she could see Minho relax a little, he didn't seem so tense and wild- they were just running a different maze. Alex could now hear the hum of a berg engine. Hope flared in her chest again.
She pushed herself a little more, she dropped Minho's hand and they sprinted in sync side by side. Dr Prior was there and he could help Newt. She just needed to be faster. They rounded the last corner and there was the berg, the ramp was down, Brenda, Jorge, Captain Ronin, Frypan, Dr Prior, Kenzie, Finn, Felix, Vince, Harriet, Aris and Sonya all crowded around the base.
"I NEED THE SERUM! NOW!" Alex screamed. She raced down the last stretch. Dr Prior spun around and raced up the ramp.
"COME ON! NEWT NEEDS IT NOW!" Alex screamed again, panicking. Sonya ran towards them, they scrambled to a stop.
"Newt?!" She demanded.
Alex shook her head, her eyes huge, panicking. Sonya gasped, her hand over her mouth. Dr Prior scrambled down the ramp holding a pre loaded syringe. He tossed it to her. Alex caught it easily. She spun on her heel without slowing down and went back the way she came.
Minho copied her, and to her surprise, but not really, Sonya. She was running back with her. Alex heard her name being called, but she didn't care. Newt needed her. Minho, having been tortured for almost a full year started to slow down. Sonya surprisingly kept her pace. Maybe it was because their big brother needed them, or she was just a born runner like Alex.
Sonya reached out and grasped Alex's hand. Together they sprinted back towards where Alex left Thomas and Newt. Sonya took each turn with ease.
"Runner?" Alex yelled, her eyebrow raised.
"We called 'em Mappers!" She yelled back with a half smile.
"Almost there!" Alex yelled.
An alarm sounded, and then Teresa's voice came from every available speaker.
"Alex. Thomas. Your blood can save everyone. I need you to come back, you can save Newt. There's still time for him."
"The shuck?" Alex yelped and she scrambled to a stop.
"There doesn't have to be only one cured person, because of you... All you have to do is come back. "
Alex shook her head, Teresa's voice didn't sound normal, not sounded terrified. And she stumbled over some words. She didn't do this on her own.
"And this will all finally be over. Please. Just come back." there was a pause and then Teresa screamed, her voice thick with fear. "Please..DON'T AHHH!"
The speaker shut off, with Teresa screaming. Minho caught up to them.
"That shank better not listen, that's Rat Man playing!" He huffed. Alex nodded.
But they still have Tes!
"Come on!" She turned and continued running.
Almost there. Come on!
Alex pushed herself even faster. She rounded a corner. And stopped dead, her breathing cut off.
Laying alone in the middle of a deserted intersection was Newt.
"NOOO!" Alex screamed. Her voice ripped from her body.
It was so loud the entire city probably heard it. Her world crashed down around her. Her heart ripped apart.
"NEWT!" She screamed.
She staggered to him and crumpled, she saw the knife sticking out of his chest.
She let out the most heart wrenching, hopeless anguished sob.
Newt was dead. Her big brother, her glue was gone.
Omph. :'(
Right in the feels...Real? Or Not Real?
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