Chapter 31: Not Your Worst Idea
Minho caught Alex before she fell. She had slammed into a guard.
They had run right into Thomas and Newt. Minho froze looking between the guys. "Is this real?" Alex could tell he was shocked they were standing in front of him. They came back, for him.
"I told you they would come for us Love!" Alex said, but she also couldn't believe their luck.
"Ya it's real man!" Thomas clapped Minho on the shoulder, then pulled him into a quick one armed hug. Newt also patted his shoulder, then pulled his best friend into a tight hug.
"It's good to see you!"
Newt pulled away and rounded on Alex.
Alex flinching away, her eyes wide; remembering her nightmare about him. He reached out and grabbed her. She stumbled forwards and Newt wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm sorry Alex! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! For everything I yelled at you! I'm sorry! And then you were gone when we got back, I thought I lost you! And the awful things I said would have been my last words! Alex! I'm sorry!" He cried into the hair.
"Get a grip on yourself man. It's okay. I knew you guys would come for us."
She pulled away to look at him, he looked awful, and her heart nearly stopped. He was turning fast. She squeezed his hands- they were clammy.
"I forgive you. It's not you..."
"Let's get the shuck outta dodge!"
The loud sirens stopped, and they heard footsteps storming down the hall.
"Shuck sakes, always ruining the vibe." Alex mumbled, she turned and pushed Newt down the hall, "GO! That way! Run!" She shouted.
They ran a little ways when there were more guards in front, rounding the corner.
Blue electricity balls were shot at them, Alex pushed Thomas out of the way. Thomas slammed into Newt. They both fell to the ground and Alex was hit instead. That jolt of electricity rushed through her body again.
"Come on! Come on!" Minho screamed.
He helped Newt to his feet, who was coughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath. Thomas scrambled to his feet, looking around wildly. Alex, who was jumping with electricity still, stood in front of the guys, as a human shield.
"In here!" Thomas shouted, sprinting back down the hall a little, flinging a door open.
Everyone followed and Thomas slammed the door, Minho and Newt pushed a big cart and some huge metal canisters in front of the door. Alex still had the electricity dancing up and down her arms. She grabbed the handle and lock, melting the metal. There was no getting in. Or out. There was pounding on the door from the outside, the four in the room backed up.
"Somebody get this door open." Janson screamed in frustration.
"Yes, sir!"
It was quiet for a moment, and then there was a loud buzzing sound. They were cutting the door open.
"Oh, shuck this!" Minho mumbled.
"Any ideas?" Newt wheezed, looking at the other three.
"Maybe." Was the only thing Thomas said.
He was standing at the window, looking down. Alex, Newt and Minho came to stand beside him, they glanced out the window and then at each other.
"And you say I'm reckless and the adrenaline junky?!" She scoffed at Thomas, who looked at her with a sheepish smile.
"I guess you're rubbing off on me!" He smirked at her.
"Your tomb stone is gonna read: Well, that didn't work." Alex rolled her eyes.
"Only if yours is beside mine and it says, That was a horrible idea.'" Thomas said dryly, still stairing out the window.
"Done." Alex agreed, nodding her head, looking down, out the window.
Minho had gone back to the door and grabbed a big metal canister. Alex and Thomas came to help. They hulled it over to the window and on three they tossed it through the window. They stood shoulder to shoulder and watched it sail down towards the pond below. It landed with a huge splash.
"Okay, it's doable." Thomas muttered. "Just need a little running start."
"Ya know that saying...if one person jumps off a bridge, would you do it...?" Minho started.
"I would absolutely be the one to follow."
Alex grinned, still looking down at the water below. She held up a hand for a high five. When he didn't respond she glanced up at Minho. His eyes were already watching her, a frown on his face. His eye twitched.
"Min? You okay?" Alex asked quietly.
He shook his head, he grabbed his head, squeezing his temples.
"I jumped out a window at the wearhouse ..real or not real?" He murmured.
"Real. We had to escape WICKED. Jorge has a zipline."
"You stayed behind to ...try blow up the building...real or not real."
Alex grabbed his shoulder and spun him around to face her. Once he was face to face with her she placed her hands on his cheeks, making him look at her. His eyes were darting around, trying to anchor onto to something. His shaking hands snacked their way into her hair, and they held tight. Not hurting or pulling, just grounding himself.
"Not real, Love. Hey, look at me."
He had tried to look at the ground between them. Alex pulled his face back up, his scared eyes meet hers.
"Not real. You went first to catch Tes. I stayed for help her get down. I was halfway down when WICKED and Jorge blew the building. Each trying to blow the other. I fell with the building, get burried."
He nodded slowly.
"Ya...and Jorge and Fry and Aris had to bloody hold ya back, dude. You almost gave Jorge a black eye." Newt rasped.
Minho just nodded. His breathing slowed down and his pupils came back to their regular size. He grabbed Alex and pulled her into a desperate hug.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"Almost through, sir!"
They pulled apart and glanced over their shoulders, sparks were now coming through the door. The four looked at each other and then back out the window. Alex smiled, a wild glee in her eyes.
"You sure about this?" Newt asked, nervously, trying to hold a cough back.
"Not really." Thomas said, honestly.
Minho was bouncing on his toes. "Nice pep talk." He sassed, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired." Newt said dryly, still staring down into the water.
Alex snorted, "Guys? Be careful. Don't die."
"Concise. Sums everything up nicely." Minho smirked at her. His smirk dropped.
"I said that...real? Or not real..?" He asked quietly.
"Real. And we said it before every mission to come get you." Thomas said, clappithim on the shoulder.
"Move it! Move it!"
They heard the door crunch.
"SHUCK!" Thomas yelled. "Go! Go!"
The door burst open just as the guys ran forward and leaped out the window.
"Thomas!" Janson screamed.
The guys had all leaped out the window off the ledge with wild screams. Janson's eyes snapped to Alex who was still standing in the room.
"Too scared to jump?" He mocked her.
"Oh no. Just waiting for you."
She chucked the scalpel she still had at him. She heard him scream as she ran and jumped out the window.
She could just make out the boys resurfacing in the water. The wind whipped at her, pulling her pants, her hair streamed behind her. Her stomach twisted, she felt it fall and then fly into her throat. A surge of adrenaline pumped through her. Her body hit the water, she was submerged in freezing cold. Her lungs instantly stopped working. She felt her feet hit the bottom. She pushed off, towards the surface.
Her head broke out of the water with a huge gasp. Minho grabbed her and pulled her towards the edge. Her teeth were chattering, she didn't expect the water to be so cold. Thomas was helping Newt out of the water. They had just climbed out of the pond when a group of 3 guards stepped up to the edge. All holding guns, pointed at them.
"You four, don't move." One called.
"Oh, you gotta be bloody kidding me." Newt muttered, as he put his hands up.
"Take it easy." The guard called again. "Uh-uh-uh! Don't even think about it." He pointed his gun at Thomas, who was slowly trying to reach for his gun.
"Get on your knees with your hands in the air." Another guard yelled at them. Alex slowly stood up, thinking fast.
How do we get out of this one?
The guard in the middle stepped back and shot the guard on his right and twisted to shoot the guard on his left. These guards had real guns, not electric launchers, so they dropped in a spray of blood. The middle guard lifted his mask.
"You son of a bloody Griever!" Alex cried in disbelief. She jumped up and hugged him.
"Gally?" Minho's mouth dropped open.
"Minho." Gally nodded at him. Then back to the group, "You guys are nuts." He looked back up to the window where they had jumped from.
While everyone was crowding around Gally, Minho had hunched over, muttering to himself.
"Hey ya shank? What's the problem?" Gally asked, giving Minho a weird look.
Everyone spun around. Minho had fallen to his knees, smacking his forehead and muttering to himself.
Alex rushed over and dropped down beside him.
"Love. Ask. Ask me! what's wrong." She pleaded. Her hands on his face again, holding him.
"I can't...I can't get it. Half my memories are fuzzy and have a weird shininess to them...AHHH!" He had yelled and smacked his forehead harder.
Alex grabbed his wrist, holding it tight.
"Stop hitting yourself. That doesn't help. What's the shinny part? We can't help if you don't tell us!"
" killed Gally...real or not real?" He asked.
Alex hesitated. Minho looked up at her. She could see the anger flash in his eyes.
"Real? Or not real, Alex?!" He asked harshly.
"Not real, man." Gally had come to crouch beside them. He laid a hand on Minho's shoulder.
"What? Then...what..?" Minho stuttered.
"Nah man. I was jacked from the Grievers. I...I came and threatened Alex and Thomas. I had a gun. You protected the group, threw a spear that got me through the chest. And I uh...pulled the trigger-"
"-you killed Chuck. Not Alex. Real? Or not real?" Minho interupted.
"Not real." Alex said firmly, immidiatly.
Everyone looked at her stunned.
"WICKED killed Chuck. Not Gally." She said just as firmly, looking pointedly at each guy around her. "And you didn't kill Gally. Clearly."
"Okay... okay..." Minho nodded slowly. "Thank you Alex..."
A loud alarm went off, making everyone flinch.
"Attention all personnel. Declare martial law. No one leaves until they're found." A speaker blared projecting Janson's voice from everywhere, announcing the new law.
"Well, they're definitely pissed." Gally chuckled, shaking his head.
"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked, standing up and taking off his wet WICKED jacket.
Gally scratched the back of his head, thinking, "Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here." He paused, "We can make it." He was eyeing Newt, who had doubled over coughing. Alex scrambled to her feet and rushed to his side. He gave up and sat down with the help of Alex.
"Newt, how are you feeling?" Minho asked, as he crouched in front of him, helping him unzip his jacked. Alex could see his eyes were still dilated, but seemed to steady when he was doing something. In this case, helping Newt with his jacket.
"Terrible." He wheezed, his breathing was ragged. "It's good to see you though."
Newt managed a weak smile. Minho patted his shoulder. Alex watched as he went to talk with Thomas. She focused back on Newt and his breathing, but she could hear what they were saying.
"Hey. How long has he been like this?" Minho asked, crossing his arms, and nodding his head towards Newt, who had started coughing again.
"He'll be okay." Thomas said, trying to reassure everyone, "We just gotta get to Brenda. She's got the serum, and that will hold him until Jorge and Finn get back here with Dr Prior."
Alex's head whipped towards Thomas. "Dr Prior is coming? Jorge got a hold of him? He's bringing everything? He has the proto type we were working on? Where are they?" She bombarded Thomas.
"You've been hanging out with Thomas for too long... all those questions!" Minho teased. Alex smiled at him.
It's crazy how his mind flips back and forth. But I guess it's whatever triggers a memory that's been messed with.
"Come on, let's go." Thomas said, rolling his eyes at Minho.
"Hey, Newt. Come on, bud." Thomas came over to him and gently helped him up.
"We gotta get you up. Let's go." Alex added as she helped heave Newt to his feet.
Together Alex and Thomas put an arm over their shoulders and followed Gally, Minho behind them.
"Why you helping us, Gally?" Minho called and he sounded a bit confused still, "I put a spear through your chest."
"Yeah." Gally shrugged, "Nobody's perfect, man."
"Touche shank." Minho grinned.
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