Chapter 26: Trust Me
Teresa and Felix were sitting in chairs facing the rest. Teresa still couldn't believe her eyes.
"I still can't believe you're alive Gally! I watched Minho throw a spear into your chest!"
Gally chucked, he was sitting backwards on his chair.
"Yeah... I'm a medical mericle. And uhh, Teresa's I'm sorry..for uh trying to sacrifice you. Like..I don't even know how to make that up to you." He apologized awkwardly.
"Gally. It's in the past. We all did things we aren't proud of. And me, more than most understand, it wasn't you." She smiled gently at him, she reached out and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. Gally's shoulders visibly relaxed after that.
"Okay, now you need to explain. And why is this guy with you? He works for WICKED. We should just kill him and be done. How do we know he didn't kill Alex and trick you?" He narrowed his eyes at Felix, picking up a scalpel, Felix's eyes flicked to Thomas, and the Frypan, who seemed kind and accepting of him.
Gally stood up, picked up his chair and slammed it down right in front of Felix, "why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not going to save you!"
Thomas rolled his eyes and stepped forward, slapping Gally in the back of the head, "Dude. Chill!"
Felix raised his hands in self defense, "I come in peace and with messages from Alex. Okay? Listen before making a rash decision!" He said quickly, eyeing the scalpel in Gally's hand. Everyone froze again. Thomas took the scale out of Gally's hands and put it back on the table.
"Okay, these are straight from Alex herself, so don't shoot the messenger."
He closed his eyes and punch the bridge of his nose. Teresa giggled. Felix peeked an eye open at her, he narrowed his eyes and glared at her. But the corners of his lip twitched into a smile, making his brown eyes warm.
"Oh you think this is funny, do ya Tessa? You were there too, maybe YOU should hand out these messages?!" His tone was light teasing.
Teresa laughed, "nope." She popped her p. "Alex specifically told YOU these messages. They already trust me." She smiled slyly at him.
He sighed, "Fine. Tommy none of your plans ever work out and were better to just wing it and if he doesn't promise to stand at my funeral and say 'I told ya so', or we can't be friends anymore."
Thomas's eyes went wide, he opened his mouth, blinked a few times and then closed it.
"Newt," Felix looked around the room until he found Newt leaning against the back wall, "She said: I know his anger isn't his fault and it's ok, I forgive him and love him. He's just CRANKy. She really emphasized the cranky thing...I guess that's supposed to mean something..."
Newt's eyes went wide as well, his face went pale. He grabbed at his forearm. His eyes went glassy, and he looked down at his feet.
"And uhhh, Tell Kenzie and Brenda my Squad Sisters: The best part of my day was all the fuckery to be had and the TOMfoolery."
He heard a small sharp gasp.
"She really emphasized the tom part of tomfoolery." He shrugged. He opened his mouth again to say something, but closed it and frowned.
"Okay, remember this is from Alex and NOT from me! Brenda is shucken ugly, like something I drew with my left hand. Kenzie needs that...shuck..?"
Fix glanced at Teresa, "shuck?" He asked again. Teresa giggled and nodded with a huge grin. He sighed.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
Teresa laughed at him again and nodded. Felix rolled his eyes and shook his head, his cheeks turning pink again.
"Kenzie, she said that shuck head checked, it's not just unmedicated ADHD."
Brenda and Kenzie both threw their heads back and laughed Thomas and Gally cracked a smile too. Felix rubbed his temples, his eyes closed.
"Jorge, mi Papi?....she still expects a tiara for the most shucked life. Gally, it's good to see him, he's still got ugly eyebrows and I'll high five anyone in the face for him. Oh, and tell him she ain't okay. And tell Finn he's cute, and he's her gourmet bacon in this shucked world..- she says the word shuck alot!- Oh! Uh.. Frypan! She loves you, and can you still has to keep those things safe for...? Or something like that." He rushed the rest out, trying to remember her word vomit.
He opened his eyes and looked around the room. Everyone sat or stood with their mouths open, looking at him in disbelief. There was an awkward silence for a moment. Teresa reached over and gave his hand a squeeze. She went to let go, but he held on tighter.
" you believe me? I ran into her when she was sneaking in. I got her up to floor three and we ran into Tessa..."
"Wait, we don't even know your name!" Newt said, his eyebrows knit together.
"Oh. Ya, Sorry. Felix." Felix shrugged.
It was silent again. Felix started growing uncomfortable with the silence.
"Wait...Felix? As in Captain Ronin, Squad one? Felix, as in Alex squad partner, Felix?" Said an accented voice from the back. He heard a chair scrap and a middle aged man walked forward.
"No way!" Felix breathed, his eyes wide, "JORGE? When she said Jorge I didn't know she meant you JORGE!" He sprung from his chair, letting Teresa's hand go and ran towards the man, who had his arms open. They hugged and Jorge patted his back.
"Remember Brenda?" Jorge pulled away and pointed to Brenda at the back who waved with a huge smile.
"WHAT?? HOW ARE YOU GUYS STILL ALIVE?! THIS IS CRAZY! Everyone said you died in the escape attempt!" Felix yelped an even bigger smile on his face.
"Long story ya dork! One we don't have time for right now." Brenda laughed. "It was nice to watch you squirm in the hot seat!"
"Well, that bloody settles it. Alex, Jorge and Brenda know Felix, so...Felix welcome to this shucked up group of shanks. And Thanks for getting Tes here. I'm Newt." Newt said, pushing off the wall, and walking over with his hand held out. Felix shook it.
"Alex's brother." Newt nodded. His face dropped the kind smile into a frown, "What happened? Why did you leave Alex alone?" Newt demanded.
Felix sagged, and looked at the ground, he ran a hand through his curly blond hair. Teresa stood up and walked over, she placed a hand on his back, but looked at Newt.
"Newt. I needed help getting out. Felix made it look like I was being escorted, I couldn't leave alone. I have that chip still....and we need to get it out fast! If they find out I'm not in the building they will use it and I can only fight it for a few minutes. So please. Newt. Alex chose to go after Minho. She also knew she probably wouldn't make it alone, so we are here to get you, fill you in. We need to go get them!"
Newt sighed, "she is so shucken stubborn!"
Teresa smiled, "yes. Yes she-" she stopped talking abruptly. Her body went stiff, and her neck muscles strained.
"No!" She gasped. Her eyes were wide in terror, her body jerked backwards.
"They. Know!" She gasped. "! NOW!" Teresa twitched, her arms started to flail, she smacked Felix. Thomas, having seen this before on the mountain ledge, knew she was being controlled. He jumped forward, and tried to grab her. She stumbled to the table and got a hold of a knife laying on top of a bunch of papers.
Teresa spun around holding the knife, "I can't let you do that." Her voice came out robotic and unnatural.
Thomas and Felix lunged towards her, she was knocked to the ground. Kenzie leapt forward as well, grabbing hold of Teresa's knife arm. The boys had her body pinned down, but she fought back, and she wasn't going down without a fight. Gally had run from the room. They struggled with Teresa. Gally came charging back in with something in his hand.
"I can't let you do this." Teresa repeated.
Gally slid to a stop beside the struggling group and jabbed the syringe into Teresa. He winced as he did, "I'm sorry!"
As the drugs took hold she smiled at Felix and whispered "thank you." She went limp, out cold. The group fell away panting.
"Okay, we obviously need that chip out." Thomas said, panting.
"Obviously." Finn said, rolling his eyes.
Brenda piped up, she turned to Gally, "The med bay would be?"
Gally led the group to their Med area. It wasn't much, but it was clean. Felix laid an unconscious Teresa on the table. With the help of a doctor who defected from WICKED, who's name was Hans, they made quick work of the chip, it wasn't deep, and it took only a few minutes to extract.
Hans turned to the rest of the group, "anyone who was part of WICKED, you all need yours removed."
One by one he removed the boy's chips. There was no need to knock them out like Teresa, they didn't wig out and try to hurt anyone. Just a little numbing cream and it was out.
While Teresa slept the medicine off the rest of the group went back to their meeting room, to plan how to get inside.
" had said earlier you had a way in." Thomas said, leaning on the table they stood around, papers and maps scattered.
"I said I had a way in. I didn't say you were gonna like it.... And I didn't know Teresa was being controlled. I thought she was genuinely working for WICKED. But. We can still use her!"
"No. There's gotta be another way!" Thomas said, shaking his head.
"Like what? You've seen the building. She is our only way in." Gally retorted, throwing a hand in the air.
"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas hesitated, rubbing his forehead.
"You have no idea what she's been through. She'll help." Felix said, crossing his arms, "so will I. They don't know I've defected. I can help."
"Are we sure we can trust you?" Kenzie asked, pointing her knife at Felix. "You just showed up, sure you talked to Alex, knew a few things about us. Sure Teresa seems to really like you...sure Jorge and Brenda and Cap know and trust you...." she narrowed her eyes.
Fix huffed and threw his hands in the air. Brenda chuckled.
"I like her." Gally said, pointing at her, but talking to the main group. Kenzie's face flushed pink, but she smirked back at him and winked.
"What's going on?" Newt asked quietly, he was leaning on the table, shaking his head, "What, are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt? Hmm?"
"She's not my girlfriend, but ya, Newt! She just left them, and glitched out here trying to stab us because she was under their control! Ya I'm worried about her! Aren't you?" Thomas asked, looking at Newt in surprise.
"...Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?" Newt stood up straight, his shoulders tense and his hands balled into fists.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Thomas asked, glancing at the rest of the group, seeing if they knew what was going on. Everyone was glancing around, unsure what was happening. They heard him accusing Alex of something very similar earlier.
"Uhh ya Newt, we knew WICKED had them both..." Thomas answered, his forehead was wrinkled and his eyebrows were scrunched together.
"She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place!" Newt yelled at Thomas, venom behind his words. "Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back. And what? You don't want to because of her? Because you care about her, don't you, can't put her in harm's way, but the rest of us are fine? Just admit it!"
"Newt! He's missing because they weren't in the same train car!" Thomas tried to defend, he took a step back.
"NO! HE'S MISSING BECAUSE SHE CALLED WICKED!" Newt screamed at Thomas who was backing up. The rest of the group were standing around frozen.
Felix leaned over to Frypan who was closest, and whispered "He's not making any sense!" Frypan just nodded, confusion on his face.
"ADMIT IT TOMMY!" Newt had grabbed Thomas's jacket and pushed him into the wall.
"Don't lie to me!" Newt screamed in his face and pushed him back into the wall, "DON'T.LIE.TO ME!"
"Newt?" A small timid voice came from the doorway. All heads rotated in that direction. Teresa was standing there, her eyes big and glassy with unshed tears. "You think I did that on my own? You think I wanted to betray all my family, to those horrible people?"
"Sorry." Newt said as he let go of Thomas and backed up, his eyes wide, he ran a shaking hand through his hair, he looked around, everyone was staring at him with their mouths open. "I'm sorry." He mumbled again and backed up.
Jorge was the only one who didn't look surprised. Alex was right, he's cranking out, and fast. He needed to call Dr Prior as soon as he could. Newt met his gaze and Jorge looked at him with concern. Newt blinked and fled from the room.
Teresa was still standing in the doorway, blinking tears away. Frypan walked over and gave her a big hug, she hugged him back.
"You know he doesn't mean any of that, right She-Bean? He's been snapping a lot lately. He said some pretty nasty things to Alex before she left without telling anyone," he glanced at Brenda and Kenzie who smiled and shrugged, "but his best friend and now sister are stuck at WICKED. He's not doing so well."
Teresa sniffed, she looked around the group, "you guys don't think I did that on purpose right?" Everyone shook their heads. They all believed her, they had seen it.
"I hate what they do and how they do it! Ya sure I would love to save the human race! Sure, everyone would! But you have no idea how they are doing it now! They...they used me for months, to strap him down..." her voice cracked, "I tried to fight it, I did! They used me to strap him down and sometimes they MADE me inject him with...with..I don't even know what!"
She stifled a sob. Her dainty hands balled into fists and she shrugged off Frypan walking further into the room, fire in her eyes.
"THEY USED ME TO TORTURE HIM! they could use him to destroy Alex!"
She doubled over and cried. Felix was the first to react he crouched down beside her and pulled her into a hug.
"I think we all need a break. Meet back in 15." Gally stated.
"I'll go make us some hot chocolate...Finn, wanna come?" Frypan said. Everyone parted ways to do their own thing.
Thomas headed outside after Newt. He found him sitting on the roof, his feet hanging over the edge. He was fiddling with something in his hands. He didn't look up when Thomas stopped a little ways away, but Newt addressed him.
"Sorry about that. Back there." He sighed, "I guess I can't hide this anymore." He said quietly. He pushed up his jacket sleeve, revealing a few red angry looking claw marks on his forearm. And big black veins creeping up his arm.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Thomas asked, his heart breaking.
"Didn't think it would make any difference." He shrugged, pulling the sleeve down. "All I know is that WICKED must have put me in that maze for a bloody reason. Maybe it was literally just so they could shucken tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me and Winston." He said bitterly.
"You know we can still fix this, Newt. Okay? We can....Alex and Dr Prior were working on something, a cure...or medicine to slow it or something" Thomas said hopefully.
"Don't worry about me." Newt said quietly. "This is about Minho....and now Alex. They need us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save them, that we can get them out of there, then we have to take that. No matter what the cost!" Newt said firmly. "Alex has been through hell, and I said some horrible things ..I need to apologize...I need to!"
"Okay. I hear you. Let's go get them!"
Thomas hesitated, "uh Newt, there's something else..."
"Ya Tommy? What is it?"
"Well umm...I know we've had like.. something..and I care about you..I really do, I just umm.." he trailed off.
Newt smiled at him, understanding what he was trying to get at
"It's all right Tommy. You'll always be part of my life. I'm greatful for everything, and the time we had. But I understand. I do!" He held up a hand to stop Thomas interupting.
"Please Tommy...please. Don't make it harder on yourself. I understand what your not saying. Now go get your girl. And let's go get Minho and Alex." Newt said firmly.
Thomas got up and helped Newt to his feet, clapped his good arm in his and pulled him into a hug.
The group was all sitting around the table.
"Okay. Back to business. Teresa." Gally took charge, he turned to her, "where are they holding Minho?"
"Level three. His cell...or sleeping quarters are down hall 2, the rooms they take him to are on level 3."
"Good." Gally nodded, "what about Alex now?"
Teresa furrowed her brows, trying to think. Felix was biting his lip also thinking. He spoke up first. "They might just keep her in one of their stupid torture rooms. She pissed off Janson so many times ..he hates her with a twisted obsession... so probably down hall 3, same hall you would find Minho's torture room."
Teresa nodded in agreement. Gally ran a hand down his face while Newt sighed sadly. "I knew she would eventually piss off the wrong person, she never knows when to shut her bloody mouth!"
"Ha! Should have seen her on the squad!" Felix muttered.
"I think her mouth wins with us, Suiside Squade Sisters!" Brenda chuckled, high fiving Kenzie, both looked smug.
"Okay, what about the others?" Gally asked, standing up to pace back and forth.
"They are held in sub level 3. Other side of the building. About 40/50 kids." Teresa answered without hesitation.
Gally glanced at Brenda who had gone back to playing cards with Kenzie.
"Ya, we can make that work." Brenda nodded as she lay a card down.
"Easy peasy! Lemon squeeze!" Kenzie added, laying her card down. "Ha! Ace wins!"
"That level is all restricted, you need swipe cards and possible thumb print." Felix said, rubbing his forehead, "but if I come with you, that shouldn't be a problem. I have clearance for that section."
The plan was set, and everyone knew their part
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