Chapter 21: Real Memories
He was left in his room for a long time, which was unusual, but he didn't complain. Sleep was a luxury in this place. When he wasn't being poked prodded or tested on, he hardly ate and just wanted to sleep. Especially when he didn't dream. His dreams were always twisted in some way, so when he woke up he wasn't sure what was real or not, what was implanted and what was truth. And he hated it, he always woke with a pounding headache and a sick feeling in his gut and a tightness in his chest. Every time he was ripped from his bed, it was with a little less hope. It had been so long and there was no light at the end of this tunnel, none that he could see anyway. Janson was getting more desperate, and was becoming more aggressive.
He rolled his aching body over and fell back asleep. This time though his mind had wandered back to Alex. Ever since Teresa had slipped him that message in the interrogation room yesterday, all he could think about was her...and tried to figure out what he felt or thought about her. His exhausted mind slipped into memories.
He looked down at her nervous face, looking for his reassurance. She had a few cuts and scrapes, a bruise on her cheek bone, but she was still the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He stepped forward, so he was standing in between her legs, "I'll be right here." he smiled at her.
Dr. Prior nodded at him. "Okay Alex, this will sting. And I'm sorry in advance."
She took a deep breath and hissed when the medical device touched her back. She grabbed a handful of Minho's t shirt and leaned her head onto his broad, strong chest. His stomach clenched when she gasped and hissed in pain. She let out a whimper. Minho cupped the back of her head, and held her. He couldn't take the pain away, but he could hold her...he could be there for her.
The exam room from the Waystation faded, and turned into the cafeteria.
Minho had seen her walk towards the cafeteria line, she didn't see them at the very back.
"Guys I'll be right back. Alex is here!" He hopped up and wove through the tables, as he got closer, he could hear her snapping at the guy behind her. He saw the guy step closer into her personal space.
"I said I'm fine. Back off." She snarled, her fist clenching around her butter knife.
Oh shuck...she's gonna stab him!
The guy slid closer again "Oh come on, sweetheart. I can-"
"Dude. She said back off." Minho snarled at the guy.
"Minho!" Alex smiled brightly, as she turned to see him. He wrapped his big muscular arm around her waist, his hand clamped on her hip, pulling her in close, claiming her.
He looked down, and she looked up at him with her bright beautiful hazel eyes. She raised up onto her tip toes and kissed him in a long slow kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth, for good measure. He hummed quietly, kissing her back, loving the sweet taste of her lips, his hand slid down to her backside for a moment. He smirked a little when he felt her inhale sharply. Then she lowered back down, he felt the cold emptiness when she lowered down, he wanted more. They both looked at the guy standing there with his mouth open, looking back and forth between them.
"Like I bloody said, slint head. I have my own friends and if I need anyone 'showing me the ropes', it will be him" Alex nodded at Minho, "My beefy delicious cake of a boyfriend."
Boyfriend...I love that word.
Minho didn't smile, his face stone cold, glaring at the guy trying to hit on his girlfriend. He removed his arm from Alex's waist and crossed them across his chest, making his muscles bulge out of his tight black t shirt. He shifted his stance so he was slightly in front of Alex.
She's totally checking me out again.
The creepy guy gulped and slunk backwards to where ever he came from. Minho turned to look at her, "You okay?" he asked, gently, his hard expression melted into one of concern and care.
Alex smiled, "Babe, you know I can handle creeps like him. I'm fine, but that protective boyfriend mode was hot."
"Oh I know you can, but maybe punching his ugly sleezy face or stabbing him," he gestured to the knife still clenched in her hand, "on our first day isn't exactly a good first impression."
"True. But where's the fun in that?" She twirled the knife in her hand, smirking at him.
He smirked at her, "Also, babe, I'm always hot. I knew you were checking me out."
"That, my Love, is truth." She pointed her knife at him, with a smirk, and batted her eyelashes. "Can't lie with scientific facts." She nodded grabbing a sandwich
He just chuckled, "Now come on my beautiful feisty ball of sunshine. We weren't the only maze!"
"Yes, clearly.." Alex said drily, rolling her eyes.
Minho walked between the tables back towards the Gladers. He noticed eyes following them, it didn't bother him at all, he knew he looked good, and his girlfriend was shucken hot. But when he heard one guy whistled and say something about her ass, Minho whipped around. He spotted the slint head and glared, narrowing his eyes and growling his hands clenching into fists. The guy he visibly shrunk. He knew he could be intimidating and scary when he wanted to be. When he knew the jerk wasn't going to do anything more he turned back to Alex. She was already smirking at him.
"That was hot." Alex whispered to him as he placed a possessive hand on her lower back.
He smirked down at her.
He blinked and they were standing in a bathroom.
He had his arms wrapped around her, he was staring into her eyes, he saw all her self doubt and it hurt him, he wished she could see herself through his eyes.
"Are..are you...sure-" She started but he cut her off with a quick kiss. He could hear her breath hitch. He gently broke the kiss off and looked her dead in the eye.
"Alex. I will repeat myself until the day I die- and that better be a shuckin long time by the way- I. Love. You. All of you. Everything about you. Always. Only you!"
She looked at the ground and spoke quietly, blinking rapidly.
"...some of those other girls without-"
Minho interrupted her by lifting her chin and kissing her again, a little more roughly.
"I don't want them. I want you. I don't love them. I love you. I love this" he kissed the scar on her temple from the box. "And this one" he kissed the almost healed cut on the other side of her head from their escape from the Grievers.
"And this one too" he kissed her neck, where Chris's knife sliced.
"And this one" He brushed his lips on the bite mark scar. His heart was starting to beat faster. His lips were tingling.
"And all of these" He kissed each thin white line on her shoulders and collarbone. He knelt down and moved her arms that were wrapped around herself, "And especially these" he whispered, his voice was rough, he wasn't sure if he could talk much longer. His chest felt like it was going to explode. He looked up at her.
He saw her eyes were full of tears, but he smiled up at her. She really was beautiful, not just physically.
She IS beautiful, but her strength and resolve, her determination, her kindness and compassion...shuck her skin is so soft ...
He kept leaving little soft kisses over her stomach; kissing each claw mark and knife cut left by a monster. Kissing everything better, he hoped. He could feel her shivering when he left a kiss. He loved that he could make her feel good. He could feel his face heating up. When he glanced up her face also had a pink ting across her cheeks. He rose back to his feet.
"There. I kissed them all better," He voice had taken on that gravely rumble. He knew she loved that voice, but truth be told, he had no control over it. Times like this he could hardly get words out, she literally took his breath away. He ran his hand from her shoulder, up her neck and into her soft silky red hair.
"I love you shuck face" She whispered he could hear how her voice wobbled. "Thank you make me and whole."
He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, he was gazing into her eyes, when she raised up and closed the gap between them. He kissed her back hungrily. That's all he wanted, was to kiss her like this forever and never stop. They kissed until they had to break for air. His eyes fluttered open. He could feel the tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach, and a burning in his chest. He loved her so much. He wanted to feel the electricity her lips left, the heat and desire that burned inside him, all because of her. He watched her blush, and look slyly up at him.
Shuck me I want her!
He bent forwards to kiss her, but she was beside him all of a sudden, and they were standing in a warehouse.
"Come on. Follow me." She started walking back through the chained up screaming cranks. The Gladers didn't move. The girl got to the door and looked over her shoulder,
"Unless you want to stay here with them." She indicated to the monsters.
"I'm willing to take my chances." Alex muttered.
Minho snorted, "for real."
I ain't no freakin' dog.
However Thomas followed, which meant the rest of the Gladers followed. He could hear Alex grumbing. Minho squeezed her hand amd the two reluctantly followed at the back.
The girl pushed open a big sliding door, into a big warehouse.
"Well shuck me." Alex breathed, her head turning back and forth.
"Love to." Minho whispered back.
Alex rolled her eyes, but Minho saw her face flush in a very deep blush. And he smiled satisfied, he could still make her blush like that.
The warehouse faded and they were again standing in a bathroom, this one however was small and dingy. They were inside Marcus's club, on the top floor.
Minho stood up and held a hand out to help her up. Alex slowly reached a trembling hand up, Minho pulled her up. Once she was standing they were only a few inches away. She was looking up at him, her eyes looked so broken and lost, it ripped his heart apart. It made him angry that people would do anything like that to another person. He smiled gently down at her, she was still beautiful. He was still head over heels for her.
He could see the emotional tempest behind her brown and green eyes, he squeezed her hand gently, "Alex. I love you. And I always will. No matter what."
"How can you be so sure?" Alex questioned.
"Because I'm Minho." He simply said, "And your Alex."
He shrugged his shoulders. He closed his eyes for a second. He was tired of running, he was tired of being scared. He was just plain shucken exhausted. But he had Alex. She was alive when he thought his world came crashing down with those buildings. He had her back.
He opened his eyes and looked at her beaten and bruised face. Her eyes jumped back and forth between his, searching, begging for reassurance and love. He slowly and cautiously reached a hand up towards her cheek, he wanted to touch her so bad... he froze when he saw she had stiffened, her jaw clenched, her pupils dilated in fear. He didn't move. It took a little for Alex to slowly relax her jaw. He waited patiently for her to relax the rest of her body, he didn't rush her.
He wanted to hug her and kiss her, but he wasn't going to push it. She had enough guys pushing and using her...he needed to show her what love, respect and consent was again. When her eyes went back to their normal size did he gently brush a thump over her bruised cheekbone, wiping a stray tear. He was scared to hurt her or have her flinch away, so he hardly touched, but enough to feel her warm soft skin. She didn't take her scared hazel eyes off his.
"Sunshine, before the maze we fought for each other. You risked everything to take WICKED down, to get us out. Then we found each other in the maze. We found our way back to each other when we were stripped of our shucken memories. That, to me, means we're shucken soul mates. I love you for who you are. I'm not going to abandon you because you were forced to go through hell. You're a badass with a kind heart for others. You woke up and the first thing you did was worry about Chloe! You're strong and determined. You stand up for others, and for what's right. You always try to do the right thing even if it means you get hurt along the way. What's thrown into your path makes you stronger, smarter, more determined.. Also I love how you get mouthy when you're nervous or scared. Alex...all those things make up who you are. You're beautiful, inside and out. I'll be right beside you the whole time, I'll help you heal, sunshine. You mean so much to me."
Alex took a shuddering breath and slowly and cautiously leaned her head into his chest. She could probably hear his heart, it was beating loud in his own ears. His heart beat that helped calm her down when she was scared, and seemed to help her come out of her anxiety...the heart she somehow shucken restarted. He missed having her head on his chest, her beautiful red hair sprawled over him. She clenched his shirt in her hands and let a quiet whimper out.
"Don't ever leave me! Please! Don't ever do it again!" He cupped the back of her head, and gently pulled her trembling body close with his other arm, and held her tight. He was so thankful she was alive and back in his arms. He closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment.
"Never again."
He still had her in his strong arms, but the bathroom was gone, they were standing outside in the arm night air.
Minho's heart broke with each sob, cry and scream that came from Alex. He had zero idea what she had gone through. Waking up trapped under a building, being alone in dark tunnels with gone cranks, shooting an allie point blank. And the shucked klunk at the club. He didn't want to make it worse and ask exactly what happened, but how he found her, her minimal clothing ripped and dishevelled her body beaten his imagination was enough. It filled him with a pure burning hatred. How could anyone ever do something like that? Then the anger was washed away by such a deep sorrow it physically hurt. Alex had to endure that. Alone. For who knows how long.
He hugged her a little tighter as he vowed to show her how to trust again, to know how much she meant to him.
He felt her body shaking, all he could do was hold her. He rubbed her back and held her head to his chest, letting her spill everything out. Once her screams and sobs turned into hiccups did he dare speak.
"You're safe now Alex. You had to do so much on your own. You're so strong...and I'm proud of you. My badass warrior Queen." He whispered into her hair.
He felt the tension in her body slowly relax, her fists hadn't let go of his shirt though. Her breathing got slower, he heard her whisper so quietly, he had to strain to hear.
"Minho, will you stay with me?" She sounded so small and scared, so vulnerable.
"Always." He whispered. "I'll keep you safe until my last breath."
He felt her fall asleep.
Minho woke up with a start, he was covered in sweat, but with a smile on his face. Those dreams or memories weren't shiny or jerky, they were real. WICKED was no where near them during those times, well except that Cafeteria...and the bathroom.
If they have cameras in the bathroom....uhg
He knew it deep down, he knew they were real. He was positive they were real. If not ..well, he'd hold onto them tight anyways, they made him feel happy and safe. He closed his eyes again, trying to recall what she looked like. It had been so long. He could almost hear her actual laugh.
His door banged open ripping Minho from his happy thoughts, four guards stormed in, ripping the blankets from him, two guys grabbed his arms and he was hulled up and out of bed. He was held firmly between the two of them. They had grim looks, and didn't look him in the eye.
One of those
Janson came sauntering in.
"What do you want, you ugly sewer rat?" Minho mumbled, then snorted.
Pretty sure Alex called him that.
Janson didn't say anything, but Minho saw him clench his jaw. He stepped up to Minho and threw a fist into Minho's face. His head whipped sideways. He could feel his mouth full with blood. He looked back to Janson and spat the blood at him.
"Your friends were spotted just outside the walls yesterday." Janson sneered, he paused waiting for Minho's reaction.
His eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything, his face didn't give anything away. He knew he couldn't let them know Teresa warned him. They would definitely hurt her. Janson smirked at him.
"Don't get your hopes up Subject A7" he emphasized the subject part. "They are as good as dead! Now...we have some fun planned for today!"
Janson spun on his heel and left the room, the guards pulling Minho behind. They were half way down the hall when Janson's walkie talkie buzzed. He picked it up.
"What?" He snapped. "I'm busy."
"Sir. She was spotted on the grounds, heading towards the North side. Cameras picked her up..umm taking out Wesley and moving on towards the Garage. We lost sight of her, and the Gratty from Parking gate B won't answer. She may have breached the building already. We still don't have eyes!" The voice crackled.
"Dammit!" He screamed.
He spun around and glared at Minho like it was his fault. A small laugh escaped Minho's exhausted body. Janson didn't like that and punched him again. Minho groaned. His body was so sore already. Physical aggression sucks when your body and mind have been tormented for 7 months. But it was still funny.
Alex.. one small girl makes this man so pissed. I'm pretty sure she said she would take WICKED down, she wanted to destroy them. Come on Ninja assassin!
Minho's head was heavy and sore, so it dropped, but he smiled to himself.
Those memories are true...she's coming for me...
There was a weird feeling in his chest. It was small...but it was a change from the despair and confusion he usually felt.
Janson called Ava and informed her of the situation. Janson turned and stormed down the hall, the guards pulling Minho. They meet with Ava at the elevator. Where they whispered quietly to each other. They were heading to level 3.
Shuck! Not three! Please not three!
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