Chapter 2: Adrenaline Junky
Alex had her helmet on, her black leather jacket she found in a raid a few months ago, riding full speed down the highway on a black motorcycle she had claimed as hers; another thing she had found in the raid, just abandoned in a garage.
Jorge surprisingly knew how it worked and used to ride. He taught her how to after Alex begged him. She loved those afternoons with Jorge. He didn't pry, didn't take her snappy sarcastic remarks personally, and could keep up with her sass. He cared about her, but he didn't smother her. And Alex appreciated that. He allowed her to be who she was. When she crossed a line he called her on it and left it at that, didn't chastise or scold her like a child. Jorge treated her like an equal and Alex viewed him as one of three adults she respected and trusted. Captain Ronin and Dr Prior being the others.
Riding was an adrenaline rush for Alex. In the Maze running was her escape, now it was riding. It made her feel free, and feeling free made her feel safe. And safe is something she never felt anymore.
WICKED's attack haunted her, every night she could hear Minho screaming. She blamed herself. If only she was faster, if she knew how to use her strength, if she hadn't hesitated watching the electricity jump around her body. Almost every night Chris's crank form would invade her nightmares; clawing, hurting, touching, ripping her clothes. Her own crank self would then show up after she was bloody bruised and used, and would laugh, telling Alex she was worthless and remind her of all her failours.
If she rode fast enough, she could out run her fears and demons. Right?
She revved her bike engine and took a turn faster than she ever had before. She could feel the angry hopeless tears threatening to fall, she felt the burning prickling. She ground her teeth and growled. She refused to cry. She hadn't cried since the early morning on the mountain ledge after They took Minho. Her face was heating up, her lungs were burning.
No. Don't do this now. Keep it together, shuck face.
Thomas had shown Alex the map and where they were going the night before. They were headed to a small town half a day's ride through the mountains. They were to get there before their target, get set up and then intercept the trucks.
A voice crackled in her helmet. "Alex! Slow the shuck down! You're going to get yourself killed! And I'm going to stand at your funeral and laugh!" Thomas scolded in her ear.
Alex smiled and revved her engine again.
"Challenge accepted, Tommy."
"Dammit Alex! That wasn't a challenge! You shuck adrenaline junkie!" He yelled in her ear.
"I said: challenge accepted, shuck face!" Alex replied.
"When you crash and die in a fiery explosion I'm going to stand at your funeral and tell you 'I told you so'!" he cried exasperated.
Alex took another turn so sharp she was only a few inches from the asphalt, and whispered into her com, "Promise Tommy?"
She could hear another exasperated sigh, and Harriet laughing in the background.
Alex was the first to arrive at their rondevu point. She got herself ready while she waited for the rest of the team. She pulled out her knives one by one and double checked them, twirling each in her hands. She pulled her hand gun out, ejected the magazine, made sure it was good and put it back together, and double checked her backpack. She saw the trucks finally pull up. And the little personal Berg they hijacked last month, overhead. Brenda, Newt, Kenzie and Finn climbed out.
Kenzie and Finn were siblings. They had rescued them about four months ago, along with about 20 other children. During a raid, The Right Arm had stopped a few WICKED trucks full of supplies. When they were checking the backs, Alex swung open the last truck's cover and found that WICKED had all 20 kids gagged and bound.
Kenzie was 17 and Finn was 15, they were in a settlement of about 50 people, many of the children already orphaned. WICKED had come storming into their little village in the mountain, killing the adults and taking the children. Kenzie was the oldest of the children, she was kept alive because she was immune.
It was the same story when they rescued Raegan. She was the youngest child WICKED having taken only about four years old. The Power Squad had intercepted a truck full of medical supplies and found a truck loaded with kids; all of gagged and tide and beaten. Alex had killed every WICKED guard with the truck; wthout blinking, with no regrets. Vince had flipped out when they got back. Alex screamed back at him. Her uncontrollable rage exploded seeing that WICKED was rounding up more kids again. Vince shut up when he saw Alex carrying the little Raegan to see Dr Prior and Amy.
**Detailed story if finding little Miss Raegan in Indulgence, Chapters are called Power Squad 1, 2, 3. **
Kenzie and Finn were both good with guns, fast learners, and quick thinkers. Finn got along with Newt, Fry and Tommy. He was quiet, but always had your back, especially in a fight, and had a back for hot wiring vehicles and a need for speed; so Jorge took him under his tutelage of being a vehicle transport operator. Brenda and Alex became as close as sisters with Kenzie, forming the Power Squad Sisters. She was a blond little firecracker. Her temper was short, and she was a mouthy sarcastic little thing; and Alex loved it.
The girls swung their guns over their shoulders. Determined looks on their faces. Last mission went a little sideways, but no one was lost. Captain came away with a graze from a bullet. In the end, it was considered a win. Brenda tossed the bow and arrows at Alex.
"Change of plans. Newt and Finn will cover the girls. Vince and I will be the only eyes on the ground." Captain Ronin informed Alex as he stomped over. Alex just nodded.
"Let's get going." Vince called, "everyone knows their part? Everyone's coms working? Alex?" He gave her a pointed look, "somehow your com never works."
Alex shrugged. "Not my fault the equipment is faulty."
She caught Brenda's eye who smirked at her from behind Vince's back. Alex walked straight down the street. Vince rolled his eyes and followed.
"Would you get over here to the shadows and at least try to be stealthy?"
"Vince. Have any of our plans gone according to your plan? Have they all succeeded? Okay. Then stop." Alex snapped.
"You are the reason nothing goes according to plan!" Vince shit back.
Alex kept walking, but she glanced over her shoulder, "I'd agree with you, Vincent, but then we'd both be wrong!"
She heard Brenda and Kenzie snort and a hand slapping another hand, and she heard Newt mumble something under his breath.
Vince opened his mouth to respond, but Ronin put a huge hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Vince shut his mouth with a huff. The rest of the walk was quiet. The group came to an old abandoned warehouse at the edge of town. Alex turned to the group.
"Anyone want to give a pep talk?" Newt asked.
"Ya. Be careful. Don't die." Alex said dryly, for old times sake, remembering Minho saying that right before they ran into the maze for the last time.
"Great. We're all bloody inspired." Newt said sadly, giving Alex a half hearted smile.
Alex's face didn't change from the emotionless stone mask she always wore.
He sighed, "come on Kenz, we better find a bloody hiding spot up top."
Newt followed Kenzie one direction and Finn went with Brenda in the other to set up and wait for the trucks. Alex knew Jorge, Thomas and Harriet had air support if snippers weren't enough, but it had never come to that. Vince had gone back down the street to be the eyes. Captain waited behind the warehouse door, for his cue. Alex on the other hand waited in the middle of the street, all alone.
She pulled her hooded cowl up, throwing her face into shadow. She pulled her black bandana mask up, and she stood covered in black. She had acquired a new black hip holster, it carried her pistol and a few of her knives. Her small tight fighting black backpack was buckled over her tight long sleeved top. Alex pulled on her leather guards, making sure they were tight, and then pulled an arrow out of her quiver.
Alex stood alone in the middle of an abandoned street in front of an abandoned warehouse at the edge of an abandoned town. Their mission team found in previous missions this tactic unnerved WICKED employees the most.
Alex stood, still as a shadow of death and smiled vindictively, awaiting her next victims.
**Kenzie aesthetic**
**Finn aesthetic**
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