Chapter 18: Tunnels
Alex reached the bottom of the ladder, hopped off the last rung with a small splash of dark water. She looked up and could only see a small circle of light above her. She was glad Kenzie gave her a flashlight. She clicked it on and took in her surroundings. It was a tunnel, with damp brick walls, an inch or two of dark water on the ground. And it was cold, smelt of mold and rusty pipes. There was only one way to go, so without a backwards glance, she headed off down the sewer tunnel. While she walked she pulled her hood up. And pulled the sleeves of her hoodie and jacket down. Being alone in a dark dank tunnel reminded Alex of being alone in the Underneath back in the Scorch. It made her shiver. Being alone never bothered her anymore. But being in tight spaces, with smells that reminded her of her time alone, made her heart beat just a little faster. She pulled the knife Kenzie gave her out and spun it nervously in her hand.
Alex glanced behind her, she kept getting a creepy feeling. Just like in the Underneath tunnels.
I can't be followed now..Gally and his men use this all the time. If it was full of cranks, they wouldn't have built a permanent ladder you shuck faced idiot! Get a bloody grip on yourself!
There was a tiny splash behind her. Alex jumped and gasped, spinning around. Flashlight and knife held up ready to use. Her little beam of light swung back and forth. There was nothing but moldy damp brick walls and water. Just as Alex was ready to turn around there was another tiny splash. Alex's heart jumped into her throat, making it hard to swallow. Her hands gripped tighter, knuckles turning white. And her palms started to sweat. Her legs felt like jello and her feet were frozen. She hadn't felt this scared since back in the tunnels when she heard the light bulbs breaking and the echoing footsteps. Except this time it was splashes. She knew she was being followed.
Coming down here was a stupid idea! Why did I let Brenda and Kenzie talk me into this? I can't...I can't.... I need him. I need him with me! I can't...I can' this!
Every time her brain said she couldn't, her lungs stopped working. Her body wasn't responding, it wasn't working. There was another tiny splash. Alex tried to stifle a cry. She was going to fail at rescuing Minho and Tes because she was going to die in these tunnels, like she should have back in the Scorch. Her chest hurt. And her stomach felt sick. She was going to die in a dark tunnel and never get to see a sunset on the beach. Her head felt dizzy, black spots danced at the edge of her vision. She dropped the flashlight into the puddle at her feet, and stumbled backwards. Her back hit the damp wall, and she slid down into a crouch. She pressed her head to her knees and her hands to her head. Her lungs had forgotten how to work and her chest felt like it was on fire. She tried to cry, but nothing would come out. Her voice was choked by her hyperventilating lungs. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, she needed something to ground herself, something to anchors herself back to reality.
""Then don't say anything. patient with me." Alex whispered, another tear slipped through her lashes.
Minho reached up and gently wiped it away and left his hand cupping her check with his now bandaged knuckles. Alex had stiffened when he first reached up. She eventually slowly leaned into his touch. His hand was warm and gentle. She closed her eyes, enjoying a physical touch that wasn't greedy for more or hurting. She felt little butterflies in her tummy. She let out a small quiet sigh.
She reached her shaking hands up and hesitantly put them up around the back of his neck, sliding them up into his hair. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Alex's heart was racing, her breathing tried to come in shallow gasps, but Minho's steady breathing helped anchor her mind. Her fight or flight slowly calmed down. He gave her something to focus on. She closed her eyes again, focusing on her breathing until it came back in steady slow breaths. She felt Minho's other hand cup the other cheek, and his forehead gently came to rest on hers, she stiffened for a second, her breath caught in her throat. When he didn't move anymore she relaxed into his touch again.
Her tensed shoulders finally sagged. She could feel his breath fanning her face, and the warmth radiating off his body. She slowly smiled, despite her fight or flight trying to take over again. She finally tilted her head, and slowly and timidly brushed her lips on his. It was quick and barley there. Nevertheless, his eyes shot open, she saw the familiar warm coffee eyes, dancing all over her face. She smiled shyly up at him. An actually genuine smile.
She slowly pulled him back for another kiss. He was still hesitant and extremely gentle with her; his hands hadn't moved from her checks and that made her feel safe, loved, cherished and respected. "I love you shuck face." She whispered. She smiled into a third gentle kiss. "Thank you Minho. I trust you." she murmured, his lips still pressed to hers.
"I love you too shuck face" he muttered right back.
He slid a hand from her check into her hair, he slid off the hood of the truck, and finally wrapped her up into a tight proper hug, she slipped her hands from his hair and wrapped them around his shoulders, fistfuls of his shirt held tight in her hands. She squeezed him like she would lose him, again. She held him close, burying her face in his neck. He held her close, wrapping one arm around her waist lifting her off the ground for a moment. His other arm was wrapped around her back, his hand buried in her hair. They stood and clung to each other.
The damn inside Alex finally broke, she had shoved her emotions down, letting anger slip out. All the other feelings finally exploded in a sob. She felt safe enough to be vulnerable. Alex's knees gave out, Minho slowly lowered down onto the grass, holding her tight as she cried. Big sobs made her body shake and shiver. All the fear and terror, the physical pain inflicted on her, all the shame and disgust, the relief of being found, the regret of Zach...everything came out in loud gut wrenching sobs and cries and screams. Minho sat on the grass, slowly rocking side to side, Alex in his lap. He let her cry until she had nothing left, she was hiccupping and taking shuddering breaths when he finally spoke.
"You're safe now Alex. You had to do so much on your own. You're so strong...I'm proud of you. My badass warrior Queen." He whispered into her hair.
Her body was exhausted. Her mind and heart were also exhausted. She could feel her eyelids closing. "Minho..will you stay with me?"
Alex let out a sob into her knees
What a lie. Stay with me? Always? Really? He was ripped away the next day. Why would I remember that now? In this dark awful place?
"Good that!" He replied happily, as Alex laid her head back down on his shoulder. "Okay, here's a deep question!" He paused for a dramatic effect, kissed the top of her head and then continued, "favorite dinasour?"
"What? My... favorite what?" Alex asked, confused.
Minho cocked his eye brow at her, folding his large arms across his chest, challenging her. "You heard me Shanket! What's your favorite dinasour?"
"Umm. Well, never really thought about it before. I'd say... probably a pterodactyl. Cuz they can fly." Alex answered, with a nod. "Yes. I'm gonna go with Pterodactyl. You?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow at him.
"Troodon! Definitely. Because it can run freakin' shucken fast!" Minho said without hesitation.
Alex laughed, she laughed until her stomach hurt and tears ran down her face. Minho watched her amused.
She gasped for air, rubbing her sore cheeks she looked up at him, "is this what the deep brooding super serious Keeper of the Runners thought about while you ran the maze?"
He grinned down at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Had to keep my bored mind busy somehow." He shrugged. "The ridiculous things I could ask you or talk about!"
Alex bit her lip trying hard not to giggle, "Lay it on me big guy. Give me a taste of what went on up there while you ran."
He cocked his eyebrows are at, " asked for it! Ok so we have a WATERmelon..." Alex nodded apprehensively, having no idea where this was going. His forehead creased thinking. "Why don't we have a fire melon, an air melon and earth melon...making up the Ellemelons!?" He asked dramatically. He sat looking at her expectantly.
Alex looked back at him blankly. It took her a full minute to process what he just said, and then she fell backwards laughing. She laughed so hard, tears leaked down her cheeks, she had cramps and she couldn't breath. Minho chuckled along with her. She snorted a few times trying to catch her breath. It took some time, but she finally caught her breath. She lay on her back, chest heaving, a huge goofy smile on her face.
"Minho...You have one extraordinary mind. And its good thing your pretty." She wheezed.
He smirked down at her. "Shuck right I'm pretty!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her back up. He placed his hand back on her thigh and she lay her head back on his shoulder, giggling still.
They both sighed in contentment. Sitting in a warm comfortable silence.
Tears continued to fall down her face, which was still pressed into her knees. Her chest was heaving, but for an entirely different reason. She wasn't scared of dying alone in a dark creepy tunnel, she was terrified of not being able to see Minho again, of losing him to WICKED. She wanted everything they talked about, a home and getting married and a family. She wanted to go on a date for cheeseburgers and sunsets. She wanted to sit with him and just laugh. She just wanted him back!
She couldn't control the giddiness, the feeling of finally being safe. Being free. She could actually breathe. She could dream.
She flung herself into Minho's arms. He toppled backwards, with a deep laugh, right from his gut.
"Whoa there Sunshine! Maybe not tackling me by the edge of a cliff!"
He wrapped her up in his arms, Alex laughed as he rolled them away from the cliff edge.
He stopped them and he hovered over her, in a push up position, his arms locked, all the muscle in his arms and shoulders defined.
"Hmm. Now where were we?" He gave her one helluva roguish smile. Just that smirk made Alex blush. He bent his arms and kissed her lips quickly, pushing back up. She smiled shyly up at him. He did it again. And kept doing it, the kisses were quick, gently barely there brushes of his lips , but he was just showing off now, doing push ups overtop of her. She hummed.
"We were here. Where I feel safe." Alex whispered.
She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, and smiled. She wrapped her hands around his waist and pulled him closer, he bent his arms, still hovering over her, all his muscles tense. She slowly kissed him. She could feel his arms tremble when she brushed her lips against his. He slowly lowered onto the ground, beside her, and pulled her close, so their chests touched and their faces were only a few centimeters from each other.
She ran her fingers through his thick soft hair. She pulled his head, closing the gap and kissed him. The self doubting abusive voice of the crank had gone silent. Alex loved Minho. And Minho loved Alex. That's all that mattered at the moment.
Why? Why am I doing this to myself?! Why are we remembering this now? I can't do this! I can't! Please stop! I can't do this!
Her body was shaking and her sobs were loud and heart wrenching. She wasn't panicking anymore, but she was definitely not in control anymore. She sobbed for a long time. Wrapped in her own arms, remembering all the times Minho had wrapped her up in his arms, making her feel safe and loved. She needed those arms back. She could remember the hugs and sweet kisses, but she was forgetting what they felt like. She couldn't really remember what his lips tasted like. Or what his soft warm callused hands felt like on her cheeks. She needed him back. Alex was drowning and Minho was her only hope. Her body ran out of tears. Her breathing went from ragged and shuttering to heavy and broken, slowing down. Slowly regaining control over herself. She finally lifted her head out of her hands. Leaning her head back against the damp wall.
The flashlight was facing the other way, casting shadows onto the wall. There was a tiny little squeak. Alex's head whipped to the side. Sniffing the flashlight was a tiny little mouse. When Alex had moved her head it squeaked and scurried away, causing a little splash.
You shuck faced baby. You had a panic attack because of a shucken bloody mouse! Some badass Ace you are.
Alex shook her head, angry and embarrassed with herself. Her heart hurt, that slow twisting knife was still there, it was a constant ache. If she didn't get Minho soon, it would end up killing her. She hated feeling anything. Everyone kept telling her she needed to be around, that other people needed her, wanted her around. But...she got scared into an attack from a little mouse. All she was good for was hurting other people. Feeling anything but numb indifference was awful.
"That's right sweetheart. All you're good for is getting your hands bloody. Your a murder, lire, thief. No one actually likes being around you because that smart ass mouth." The Crank voice whispered to her.
Alex grabbed the knife off the floor, having had droped it when she sank to her knees. Without thinking anymore she pulled the sleeve of her jacket and sweater up and took the knife to her arm again and again and again. The Crank voice cackled loud in her head. It wasn't until she felt the sting of pain and the red dripping slowly down her wrist did she remember her promise to Newt and Sonya and Jorge.
You shucken idiot!
She broke another promise.
"See. I told you. Promise breaker...and blood on your hands, this time it was only yours. Who's will it be next?" The voice whispered.
"SHUT UP!" Alex screamed, "NO!"
Alex gasped from the pain in her arm along with the pain in her heart.
If I died now, who's gonna get Minho? If I died here on the floor now, Newt and Tommy will find me on their way back...and who is going to kill Ava and Rat Man? I still have WICKED to destroy!
The voice cackled at her.
"No! Your not real! Shut up!" Alex whispered. Violently shaking her head, trying to shake the voice away.
She was bleeding profusely and had nothing to stop it. She ripped a strip of her t shirt and did her best. Alex stood up, wiped the stubborn tears away. Picked up the flashlight and her knife. Having a mental breakdown gave her the clarity she needed; Alex knew now she NEEDED him, she was on a mission to find Minho. And if she died trying, she didn't care. She would find him. She was certain.
Alex came to the end of the tunnel, it was a couple feet drop to the tracks below. looks like train tracks.
She looked both ways, she felt something rumbling, the walls were shaking.
The shuck?
Alex didn't move, waiting, eyes wide. A train came flying around the corner blasting its horn. It was only a few inches from Alex's hiding place. If she was caught in those tracks then she was squished Griever food.
Ok, Gally is smart, and he wouldn't just take them down here to be run over by a train, there has to be another exit. But where.
The train finally passed. She poked her head back out looking both ways. One way, the way the train had come was dark. The other way, the way it was going...
If the train is going in that direction, then there must be a train stop or Station that way...or a maintenance best bet is that direction.
Alex could feel the rumblings again, she shrank back into her tunnel. That was about 3-4 minutes total between those trains. To make sure Alex stayed in her spot waiting, and counting.
Yep. 3 and a half minutes between trains. That doesn't give me a lot of exploring time...but I can't just sit here. Sooooo....ready....
The train was passing by
The train was almost gone. She got up into a crouch, shoved her flashlight into her pocket, she had her knife in her pants pocket and her gun in her belt. The train passed.
She jumped out of the tunnel, counting down the time until the next train. She sprinted, as fast as she could. Running on a train track was difficult, if you weren't careful the uneven planks would make you trip, which she did. Alex's foot got caught and she went down hard, slamming her head into the mettle track. Alex scrambled to her feet and kept going, her head fuzzy. She smacked it hard, she could feel something warm trickle down into her eyebrow. Wiping it away, she kept her eyes open for anything that would resemble an exit. Behind her she heard the blare of a horn.
Shuck! Where is this bloody excited?!
Just up ahead, she saw a little ladder. It led up to a doorway in the wall.
She pushed her legs even harder. The train horn blasting. The loud thundering of the train was now behind her and the lights from the front car were blasting her back. She needed to make it or she was going to be run over. The vibrations of the train on the tracks made it harder to run. Only a few more feet. The horn blasted again, yelling at her to move. The train was just about on top of her. She reached out a hand and lunged with everything left in her legs, she wrapped her arms around the rungs of the ladder and held on, flattening herself as best she could. The one time Alex was grateful she was small. She hung on as the train flew past her at break neck speed. It was so close to her she could feel the tip of her long ponytail smack the train. The wind from the train ripped at her clothes trying to pull her away. Alex held on tighter, trying to push her head as close to the wall as possible.
The train finally passed. Alex scrambled up the ladder and sat inside the tunnel entrance for a moment, catching her breath. She leaned her head against the brick wall, closed her eyes and laughed. She laughed so loud and long tears ran down her face. She really was twisted and deranged. Once she was back in control and her breathing was regulated, she stood up. Realizing she didn't have her flashlight or gun anymore.
Shuck sakes. They must have fallen when I tripped. Shuck it! At least I still have a knife or two.. well here I go, storm WICKED with a tiny knife.... wouldn't be the dumbest idea you came up with...remember that time you and Tommy stormed that one WICKED truck during a raid and realized none of you had took out the driver with a rock! And your hoodie string. Mental high five Alex. That was some nice improv skills. Captain was impressed.
Alex followed the tunnel. This one has lights and didn't seem so dark and damp...probably because this was a maintenance entrance. She came to another door. She turned the handle slowly and pushed the door open just a crack. She peered through the crack, and what she saw made her jaw drop. Alex pushed the door a little bit more, getting a better view. There were so many people. But unlike all the people she had encountered so far these people were clean! They looked healthy, not starved or fighting for their lives. There were people in business suits carrying computer bags chatting away on cell phones. Women in pressed business clothes with a coffee in hand, young adults. But what really made Alex gasp was all the buildings with bright light up signs and screens with advertisements. Everything from the latest fashion to coffee to the signs of the Flair and what to do if you suspect you have it. Alex was watching one screen from the crack in the door when she did a double take. There on the screen was a picture of her, and it flashed to Tommy's face. Underneath their pictures in big red letters "wanted. If seen, contact WICKED immediately."
Well ...they didn't even get my good side.
She watched for a few more minutes.
Well you aren't going to find Minho here. Move your arse Shuck face.
She slipped from the door, as discreetly as possible.
Totally thomased the door! Hah.
Alex leaned against the closed door for a second. Looking both ways. She recognized the giant towering building in the center of the was hard to miss. Especially with the giant letters WICKED along the side of the building. Alex snorted.
They're that dumb they had to label their building? They all forget what the name of their company was or where they worked? Ha. Idiots.
Alex set off towards WICKED alone, and only armed with a few small knives. But she was determined to bring them down, and nothing was going to stop her.
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